View Full Version : California governor debates...anyone watch?

A5 Capo
09-25-2003, 06:48 PM
i watched the california gubernatorial debates last night, even though i live in NY. personally, i thought the entire event was embarassing. we had ariana claiming the governator doesn't know how to treat women, arnold reciprocating with advice to comsume less caffeine, etc, etc. no one could get one word in edgewise without constant interjections by the other candidates. i'm not siding with any party here, but i just wanted to know if anyone else thought it was a sham. i wonder what californians have to say...

09-25-2003, 07:02 PM
The debate was intentionally set up to be just that. That's exactly the reason they used that format (the moderator said as much) and the reason they invited two dead weight candidates on board (Huffington and Camejo). Those two are invited to the majority of debates and existed solely to cause problems for the other candidates (primarily Arnold and McClintlock, but Bustamante as well). As for my review, this is what I wrote today on another thread

Bustamante is a joke. The man has no personality, no plan, and nothing to offer. His only idea is to raise taxes by $8 billion

The green candidate (I've already forgotten his name he's so meaningless) doesn't know anything except that he would tax the rich more. It's all he could say all night.

Huffington is a nothing candidate. Her big complain is George Bush and the war on terror. I don't have any clue what that has to due with California and I don't think she does either.

McClintlock is a perfectly good conservative candidate. He faces two problems though. First, he is completely unelectable. Second, the legislature will fight him tooth and nail just for being conservative.

Arnold was good, not great, but good. He demonstrated some fundamental knowledge, which is important. He had few specifics as to what he would do, but he had some. Arnold came out of this as the #2 guy for the debate, which might be enough to win this thing.

I enjoyed the debate quite a bit. I think it put Arnold in front of the rest of the pack. His performance was good enough to prove he's a credible candidate, which is all he needed to do.

A5 Capo
09-25-2003, 07:14 PM
i agree with you. aside from making waves, huffington was a form of security to prevent too many people from getting offended by something said--her voice (and personality) is just so shrill and irritating that most people MUST have had their tv's on mute. all joking aside, i, too, think arnold did a great job. i heard him criticized on the radio for making snide remarks like "three strikes and you're out," but if i were in his place with a constant stream of mud-slinging, i'd make some pretty obnoxious comments. the think that bothers me, however, is that the moderator had such poor crowd control, not to mention candidate control, that the event was allowed to escalate into such a juvenile cat fight. it seemed as if the debate was more for tv station ratings than for honest reporting of politics directly from those running.

09-25-2003, 07:40 PM
I laughed when cruz said I know we messed up and we did all the easy things for the past 6 years. Seriously though, the man thinks people will vote for him cause he's trying to be honest just before election. He is a lying sleezy politician who I trust about as far as I can throw him. And I can't throw his jelly beaned butt more then 1 foot. Huffington was so annoying. Who does she think she is. Everytime she got a question she fell off topic to yell at arnold which only made him look better. Or to slander president bush. She was so stupid that she couldn't even stay on topic. Both republicans did a good debate job. I like arnold the best though cause he is not a politician. Everyone thinks that you have to be a politician to run a government job but arnold is a very smart man. He has great aide's and knowledgeable staff to help him out. He's got my vote!

Were taking California BACK!

09-26-2003, 01:50 AM
Arnold and Arianna Both Annoyed the hell outa me.
personally i didnt really see any intelligence on the part of Arnold, he didnt give any specifics at all and just side stepped questions ...and Arianna Just throw blame at everyone.

I think Mclintlock( i dont support his idea's ..but he is a very smart man ) and Bustamante where the smartest Candidates. they both had planes.
If you have seen the our debt , you realize that there is two ways of getting out of it, Raising taxes or cutting programs ...there is no way around it.
and both had plans, while Arnold and Arianna really dont.

09-26-2003, 05:51 AM
Bustamante will destroy California, utterly destoy it. And McClintlock is unelectable. The only choice California really has is Arnold. He's smart, he's surronded by good people, and he has a genuine love for California and will put forth the best effort possible.

I think Arnold going after Arianna was a double edged sword. One one hand he had to do it otherwise she would have run riot over the debate. On the other hand by going back at her he looked a little petty and he gave credibility to her.

09-26-2003, 12:16 PM
kinda off topic, whats the porn star's name? i need to write something about candidates

09-26-2003, 01:18 PM
Ablino ... how do you think he will destroy the state when you live in Jersey?

the part that really turned me off About Arnold, he said he wanted to model this state after Texas.
and i being a Texan for most of my life ( lived there till 3 years ago) i love texas with all my heart. But i remember the schools being pretty much crap, and the roads not the best at all. almost anywhere ive been in California its been better. this wasnt a small City either , it was El Paso Texas with will over 650,000 people there.

09-26-2003, 01:44 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nastymag
Ablino ... how do you think he will destroy the state when you live in Jersey?

Why do i have to live in California to know that $8 billion in tax increases AND a state law regulating the price of gasoline is going to destroy the state?

Think about it, if there is a price cap on how much companies can charge for gas they just won't sell it there, supply will go down and it won't meet demand. He'll artifically recreate the gas shortages of the 70's. And the tax increases will soak an already over taxed people and chase out even more businesses.

the part that really turned me off About Arnold, he said he wanted to model this state after Texas.
and i being a Texan for most of my life ( lived there till 3 years ago) i love texas with all my heart. But i remember the schools being pretty much crap, and the roads not the best at all. almost anywhere ive been in California its been better. this wasnt a small City either , it was El Paso Texas with will over 650,000 people there.

He was talking about the worker compensation laws when he mentioned Texas, with have nothing to do with schools or roads.

09-26-2003, 02:18 PM
he was also talking about the infastructure.

and to tell you the truth, we arent really that taxed( im not saying i like looking at what they take out every check of mine). But we are 19th in the country in overall taxes.

and with the population California has the Gas Companys would never! leave california, if you have seen how much prices change around here it would scare you.

one week its 1.90 then the next its 2.40.
then again in my area they know that they can jack up the prices and we will still pay them.

09-26-2003, 02:36 PM
Calfornia's state income tax rate is 9%. Only Montana is higher.

And yes the gas companies would leave California. What people don't seem to get is the concept of a global price. In order to change the price of gasoline it needs to happen a global level. Why would I see my gas in California at a capped rate when I sell it to Texas (or anywhere else) at the market price? A price control doesn't work, or has anyone forgotten about the blackouts caused in California in part because of price controls?

09-26-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by nastymag
Ablino ... how do you think he will destroy the state when you live in Jersey?

You got a problem with Jersey?

Hey we might be messed up, but we are not stupid. As stupid as our Governor is, he is not openly chasing all of the employers out of the state! Davis is chasing your biggest employers away. California's ultra liberal employer mandates are forcing companies out of the state in droves.

We still make stuff here in Jersey. Like trouble for fools like you who bust on our state!:p

09-26-2003, 04:59 PM
i wasnt saying Jersey bad at all ...so dont call me a fool.

i was just saying , he is in Jersey, and i am in California.

and i said OVERALL we are 19th in taxes.

09-26-2003, 05:22 PM
Bustamonte just wants to raise taxes. His tough love plan will tax alcohol! =(

09-26-2003, 05:56 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nastymag
i wasnt saying Jersey bad at all ...so dont call me a fool.

He was kidding, check the smile

i was just saying , he is in Jersey, and i am in California.

But why does it matter? Fundamental economics are the same everywhere, not just on the east coast. I can still read a stat sheet from Newark, even if I'm not in San Francisco

and i said OVERALL we are 19th in taxes.

What does that even mean?

That per capita you're 19th in revenue? That your rates are 19th? That net gross revenue is 19th? What?

You have the third highest income tax in the United States. If that's not over taxes then what is?

09-26-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by LittleKrems
kinda off topic, whats the porn star's name? i need to write something about candidates
Her name is Mary "Carey" Cook.

Personally I think I'm gonna vote no on the Recall for the fact that we elected this guy into office last election. He may be doing dumb things but this recall is just adding onto the circus that is the california gov't. I vote no on the recall and elect someone else next election.

09-26-2003, 08:15 PM
yeah ... recalling a governor isnt going to set the best precedent. specialy when it costs the state over 100 million dollars.

Albinote i cant remember the figures off the top of my head.

it was property tax, Sales tax, income tax and a bunch of other bundled together. im going to try to find them.