View Full Version : micro e on the blink.....again

09-26-2003, 07:08 PM
hey, my damn micro emag is still not working, even after replacing my on/off pin with a standard micro emag pin. for some reason, the solenoid will not go down all the way when i pull the trigger, but usually, after i pull the trigger several times, it goes down the rest of the way, and shoots. then when i switch it to manual, i cannot push the sear pin in enought with the trigger to shoot the gun. also, every few shots, the bolt sticks just ahead of the feed tube, and wont allow the gun to shoot until i push it back. this is REALLY frustrating, and i got this gun broken, which is even more annoying, so if anyone has any clue what i am talking about, then please provide some assistance. thanks!!

09-28-2003, 10:53 AM
Take the body off the gun. Put the valve in the body without the bolt spring. Hold it in place by putting the feild strip screw in the back. Check the positioning of the on/off, the valve, and the forward movement of the bolt itself.

Does the manual and electronic trigger work freely in the frame without the body and valve attached?

09-28-2003, 05:20 PM
well, i have noticed that the valve seems to be twisted just a bit, like where there are two little nicthes on either side of the valve, they are separate by like a mm. could this have any affect on the gun?

10-01-2003, 04:29 PM
No, those two marks are just to get the valve lined up to start. The back will move a tiny bit during use. Don't worry about it.

The alignment I'm talking about is everything inside the body.

Did you measure the length of the micro emag pin. Its supposed to be ~0.675" long. If it is too long, it won't fire properly.

10-01-2003, 05:14 PM
yea, i just replaced the on/off pin with one that i ordered strait from proteam products, so that isnt the probelem, but yet, it seems like it could be. since the sear pin doesnt seem to be coming out enough for me to shoot the gun in manual. i dont have a clue, and have not gotten any farther, if anybody knows what my guns problem is, please post!!:(

10-02-2003, 08:43 AM
Do you have a level 10 bolt? If so, put in the shortest spring and remove all shims. Check your carrier o-ring to make sure its not too snug on the bolt stem. Oil the carrier o-ring well. Turn up the velocity adjuster until it fires.

I'm just searching here but, does your micro have the spacer between the body and the grip frame?

10-02-2003, 03:05 PM
yea, it does have the spacer, im trying what you said right now, but im still not sure if it is really the bolt that is causing all the trouble. :(