View Full Version : Help Me

09-27-2003, 12:19 AM
I just bought a used minimag...i go to plug in the co2 tank, and it starts to leak, i cnat raelly tell where its leaking from...any suggestions

im me:

09-27-2003, 12:53 AM
If you can't tell where it's leaking from, we can't help you.

Does it stop leaking when you pull and hold the trigger?

Does it leak between where the two parts of the valve come together?

Does it leak out the back?

09-27-2003, 02:04 AM
it leaks out of the back...like inside the body right near the end of the silver piece in teh back. there is no pressure on teh trigger, so yes , it still leaks when i hold teh trigger.

09-27-2003, 02:45 AM
disassemble the whole marker
look for oring breaks
usually a leak from the valve(the back hole) is the velocity is turned on too high
just check the rings and clean the marker for any dirt particles

09-27-2003, 11:47 PM
ok, i cleaned everything, and pinpointed the leak...its the hose that goes from the regulator, to teh valve.

right now its all stainless lines...what parts will i need to replace everything...
and wehat site can i get it all from for the cheapest.

09-28-2003, 12:16 AM
Is it in the middle of the hose or at the fitting?

09-28-2003, 09:43 AM
If its in the middle of the hose you need to replace the whole hose. Your best bet for that is a shop, as you can find exactly what size fits best. If its at the fitting you just need to take the hose out, clean up any teflon tape or whatever on the threads. Make sure nothing is stripped, then put it back on with preferably some loctite (I forget what type, but not the kind that doesn't let it unscrew its actually a phnumatic line sealent that won't lock the threads 541 somthing like that), or some teflon tape if you must, just make sure none of it is going to get pushed into the gun.