View Full Version : Asking for help from Pball Community.

09-27-2003, 03:07 AM
Im launching my website in a month or so... Its going to be strictly for newbiesand newbie help and a entry point to the public for paintball. So site is called Whatispaintball.com (not working anymore cause im looking for new host) Im looking for anybody who would like to help out in any way they can, Pictures, articles (mainly stuff on what is paintball, on paintball, about paintball, and stuff showing the sport side of it) This site is gonna basicaly highly promote paintball in a positive way. Sorry to the mods if im spamming this in a wrong way. But i intend for this solely to make paintball positive image to the media, i already have some help from others in the industry. Just looking for as much help as possible. Post here if you can help :D (Mods if dont want this delete with my apologies, this is as well is last you will see mention in forums openly of this site)

Contact me at [email protected] add me to msn ([email protected]) or icq 6348226 if you are interested in helping me out making paintball more known and using this site as a public focus point for promoting paintball.
Would also be eventualy be looking for help from those who would not mind promoting in their local city, asking surveys (what the public knows and doesnt know and would like to know of paintball) etc