View Full Version : New drum pad!

09-27-2003, 08:19 PM
I've gone through my share of drum pads today, i have 2 others that aren't shown, and I never intended on buying another. But today at gc, I couldn't resist. On the bottem, there's a metal plate. In between the metal and the rubber, there are little bb's. The result is the sound of a kevlar head, except very, very quite. I've played on it all day....it's like my ears can't accept the fact that that sound should be 20x louder.

(These are 2 of the other pads that I have....The bottem one developed a rip the other day.)

09-27-2003, 08:19 PM

09-27-2003, 08:20 PM

09-27-2003, 08:21 PM

09-27-2003, 08:28 PM
Yay, a fellow Ao drummer!
Heres my kit!
My Drums:
MMX Ocean Sparkle w/ satain HW
10*8 12*10 14*12 22*18 (virgin w/4in hole at 4 oclock)
14*3.5 Brass Free Floater
Cymbals: Sabian AA's and AAX's
Electonics:Yamaha DTXPress Modual
2 pads 1 foot pedal

09-27-2003, 08:28 PM

09-27-2003, 08:29 PM
last one

09-27-2003, 08:41 PM


I've got to give my comments. It looks like you could be do for a new snare drum. And that tilt is insane.....how can you stand it? Now the good....That's the hottest ocean sparkle that I've ever seen. This is mine, but I currently didn't have all of my cymbals at home. I'm too lazy to go take new pics, but now there's AA effects kit, and a 18 AAX crash too. I also have a cowbell clamped on to my bass rim, and I'm borrowing a tamborine from a friend to see if I like it. Next step is probably new heads, I really like the Evans coated G2's, and they're 50% off I believe at gc. Should I keep the pearl resonence heads and just buy new batters, or do a complete swap? I've already got pinstripes on my snare....pinstripes are all that I'll ever use for my snare.

09-27-2003, 11:27 PM
I would do a complete swap, also why do you think I am do for a new snare, its one of the best snares pearl makes and I love it!, my sanre angle id not as extream as it looks in the pic, and I like it that way all drummers have there different prf, how do you think travis barker plays his damn toms, i think his set up is just retarded!