View Full Version : sear pin stuck

09-28-2003, 03:49 PM
OK here it goes. Yesterday replaced all the orings in my classic valve with the ones from a parts kit because i had a problem with my gun coughing. After i replaced them, i tested it out and it worked fine. Today when i tried to play with it, the sear pin(thing that pushes the trigger back i'm not sure if it is called the sear pin) would stick back after i pulled the trigger. I noticed that it only did this after not shooting for about 20 seconds or longer. If i shot out a string with it, the trigger returned fine. but if i shot one and waited a few seconds and shot again the pin stuck back. then i just have to wait for it to pop back out again. could anyone please help me fix this problem?

09-28-2003, 03:55 PM
Have you checked to see if it is bent or getting caught on anything?

10-02-2003, 09:06 AM
Check your level 10 setup, especially the carrier size. You may be experiencing bolt stick due to a carrier that is too small.