View Full Version : God did not want me to play Paintball today!

09-28-2003, 04:00 PM
What a day!

Played at On-Target today with my F-I-L, Big'n Slo and RickEZ10.

Everything went wrong. I had a great day playing, but ugh! First game was great. On Desert Storm Big'nSlo and I worked the right tape and bunkered 7-8 people in the enemy castle. Then it all started to happen.

X-Mag blows a new AGD detent out of the Warp feed. Balls break in the warp hose! :(

No big deal, I'll go to the R/T. ASA is bad and cuts the O-Ring. Big'nSlo takes it apart for me. He has a spare ASA. My braided hose will not come loose!:(

No big deal, I go to my new cocker. I have one of the refs check the timing. He fixes it. Go to chrono and I chop a ball. :(

At this point I am thinking that someone upstairs doen't want me to play. Put down the cocker and use my buddy Paul's impulse. The hopper falls out and will not fit back in, it is too loose and keeps falling out!:(

That's it. Go back to the X-Mag with the Vert breech and finish the day. Still had lots of eliminations, But I'll let Big'nSlo brag about our prowess later!:)

Now I need to go to NPS for: Angel Detents, New ASA, New Drop(R/T), to get cocker timed. Ugh!:(

09-28-2003, 04:03 PM
That sucks… I have had days like that, not with paintball equipment but other stuff. Makes you just want to crawl back in bed and start all over……..

But it does make you appreciate the days that go like clockwork though. ;)

09-28-2003, 04:44 PM
wow that sucks

09-28-2003, 05:03 PM
gah, God didn't have a chance to stop me from playing today. My parents got me first :(

09-28-2003, 05:06 PM
I played last weekend with a few friends. On my friends cocker the reg leaked and was frozen together, so we couldn't fix it. My friend's BKO was getting one hopper per 68/3000 fill, and his backup rebel broke. My other friends cocker had a broken 3 way. But my mag worked flawlessly the entire day. thanks AGD!

09-28-2003, 05:07 PM
Hey deadeye, have you ever been to manhunt at atco raceway? You should stop by sometime.

09-28-2003, 05:25 PM
1. haha cocker person
2. get more o rings...
3. omg something happened to an x-mag nnnnOOOOOOOO!!!
4. lol stupid impulse...
5. woohoo r/t
6. its ok to vert an x
7. haha cocker person

that what you get when you mix up gun companies...mags clash the cockers, and the impulse is a copy righting biotch...

i like tictacs
09-28-2003, 05:28 PM
My cocker never gives me troubles :D

09-28-2003, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Woogie12
Hey deadeye, have you ever been to manhunt at atco raceway? You should stop by sometime. 3

When are they ever open? Do they allow BYOP? Maybe we will go there next time.

09-28-2003, 05:54 PM
Scott: wow that stinks!!! Sorry to hear about your day. :(

I've seen Manhunt, it's right before the entrance to the raceway. I don't know if they even have speedball though. I think it's strictly woodsball. I don't even think they have a building. Might just be a trailer. Kind of hard to tell at 110mph. LOL! :p

50 cal
09-28-2003, 05:55 PM
Everyone will have a day like that sooner or later.
It blows, but it happens.

09-28-2003, 05:58 PM
Before you get more agd detents, I would talk to Kileaukid, his magnetic detents are unstoppable!!!

09-28-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by SprayingMango
Scott: wow that stinks!!! Sorry to hear about your day. :(

I've seen Manhunt, it's right before the entrance to the raceway. I don't know if they even have speedball though. I think it's strictly woodsball. I don't even think they have a building. Might just be a trailer. Kind of hard to tell at 110mph. LOL! :p


Wish you could have joined us. We really kicked but! There were over 60 walk-ons today! So after lunch they ran a mini-scenario game. We won of course!;) I actually had a barrel tag and two point blank bunkers in that game! I looped behind the yellow teams line and came up behind two of them. They turned and told me to watch the back. I said fine, and when they turned around I bunkered them! :D

09-28-2003, 07:54 PM
My friend's BKO was getting one hopper per 68/3000 fill with my BKO i get the same issue, his problem is that he's using a 850 psi output tank and the reg plunger spring isn't strong enough or somthing

09-28-2003, 07:57 PM
Ahh, the classic day of "suckage"

I had a similar day, my rt is double firing, going full auto, leaking out of every hole. So, no big deal, I'll use my shocker, it wont fire, just puffs of air and the bolt wont move. I have no idea how to trouble shoot shockers, so I'll use my olllllllld piranha, it wont go above 180. So yeah, I played with a piranha, eggy, nitro tank, no foregrip, and a jj ceramic at 180 fps. Best time I ever had:rolleyes:

09-28-2003, 08:21 PM
lol my friend had a piranha, he had a bad day too. One time a while back we were waiting to crono in the staging area. Out of about 50 people in line, no one was wearing goggles. So my friend is holding the gun, pointing it at the ground, and out of the blue it starts shooting at over 10 rounds persecond, sending paintballs, woodchips, and dirt flying everywhere! No one came close to being shot, luckily. Apparently one of the skrews on the gripframe fell out and somehow the bolt assembly "ran away". We taped the frame back on with blue arm-band tape because we couldnt find a replacement skrew.
Later on the way home, his N2 tank's burst disk randomly exploded, making a loud noise, startling me, and almost swirving the car off the road.
Twice in one day I was almost maimed by equipment failure.

09-28-2003, 08:33 PM
last weekend.... saturday night i was at a friends party
I got tackled somhow and my knee bent wrong

the next day we planned to make a trip to woodland paintball.... we never made it, it ended up being me sleeping on the couch all day

Big'n slo
09-28-2003, 09:21 PM
Bragging rights!!!!! :D

It was a great day for me, I made sure deadeye got no where near my equipment :p

Our little group did tear things up quite a bit. The best was the last game, cockin and rockin the PGP baby!! Had two eliminations and a bunker with 7 rounds of paint!

09-28-2003, 09:22 PM
JEEZ! I remember at NJ NPPL we had a Timmy pulled for bounce( at the chrono station), the teammates IR3 being used by someone else, our spare e-cocker get pulled for bounce(also at the chrono), then our other cocker not have a beaver tail on hand(before game), and then finally my mag which had a leak(trying to change the asa real fast), then FINALLY a working impulse, and a working Matrix. Whew. That sucks man, I didnt even play today....due to the team cancelling practice, but it was because of wacky Jersey weather thats all. You and Big should REALLY come down to Del Hobbies Paintball, its all Airball, so if you like to play that you guys will feel right at home. Otherwise I might come down one day and meet you guys somewhere, I ref like all over NJ, lol.

09-28-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by skife
with my BKO i get the same issue, his problem is that he's using a 850 psi output tank and the reg plunger spring isn't strong enough or somthing

Im the friend who owns the bko. I use a 450psi output tank.

by the way, 2k3 BKOs dont have problems with 850psi output tanks only the old 2k2.

the problem with the gas cunsumption is because of badly tuned regs. Im still learning how to get the things to work perfectly...

...Wish I owned a mag...

09-28-2003, 11:15 PM
hey BKO guys-

if you got the "older" BKO's then you pretty much CANT put in more than 500 psi because otherwise you sorta blow out the reg. but since you're using 450psi, did you take the reg apart?? if you did, chances are likely that you stuck something back together the wrong way :o

you should get both regs tuned 99% properly or else your gun will probably chew up air.

also, shooting blanks uses up WAAAAAYYYY more air than with balls!! just to let you know ;)

and, make sure there are NO leaks on the gun :o

for more help, probably more accurate to hehe, go to http://www.pbnation.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=130 and post or look around for an answer to your problem :)

Nick O time
09-28-2003, 11:22 PM
let me guess you were waring something with Dye on it. whenever i wear any Dye clothing i have horrible days, i won't even start to explain what happens there is just too much bad stuff to talk about it. it has happened to me and my team captain and now we only wear JT.

09-29-2003, 04:05 AM
That's ok.

I played 2 games today before being utterly disgusted with the cheating. I didn't even bother with the players, the ref, or the field owner, I checked out and went home. It's ok, my investment in the day was 200 balls and entry fee, but I'd like my $25 back still.

If yer gonna cheat, at least have the decency to do it WELL. Sheesh. Anyhow, yeah. I think that Sunday was like the ultimae "Suck day" for paintball. I don't think I've talked to anyone who had a good day Sunday...

Anyhow, yeah. Umm... At least Sam's is next weekend. That ought to be good. :)


Big'n slo
09-29-2003, 09:53 AM
I've never played at Manhunt but have stopped in.
They do have a Sup-air field

They also have a mock up town, I think that'd be fun.

The only problem is their hours, 9 to 4 on Sat.and Sun. But if there is a track event they have to close so its always a gambel...

Manhunt PB (http://www.manhuntgames.com/01_fields/01_fields_01.html)

I'm also pretty sure its FPO...

I'm also up for a trip to Del Hobbies, wherever that is?

09-29-2003, 11:26 AM
Ihad one of those days. Let me telll you about it. I went to my local indoor feild all stoked about playing. Well first of all nobody shows up so its just me and my buddy. Then My Egg 2 wont fit my gun so I tape it. Also the lid to my egg is broken so i take that. When im playing im braking balls like mad because the paint I bought at a store was realy old. Then my hopper falls of and breaks ball in it. Im sitin here on my hands and knees talking to my hopper. Im saying WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU. YOU **** ******* *****. CURSE BRASS EAGLE AND ITS VEIWLOADERS. YOU GOD FORSAKEN THING, GO BACK TO WICH YOU CAME FORM YOU LITTLE DEVIL. Then i start to reson with it saying alright heres the deal buddy, You dont start shaping up and you'll see your but out the door. Well the egg starts to cop and attitude withme so i booted it out to someone that has the money and time to deal with it. I guess he didnt think I had it in me to doit. Now i dont know what the feild owner is thinkin if he heard me but i didnt care. That egg got what was commin to it. Now me and my new revolution with the x board are better off without the egg. Well theres my story and that had to be my worst day playing paintball

09-29-2003, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by afrankart
Before you get more agd detents, I would talk to Kileaukid, his magnetic detents are unstoppable!!! AYE! I agree! It might be a little bit more expensive but well worth it. So did blowing out the detent directly lead to the broken paint in the warp hose?

09-29-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
Bragging rights!!!!! :D

It was a great day for me, I made sure deadeye got no where near my equipment :p

Our little group did tear things up quite a bit. The best was the last game, cockin and rockin the PGP baby!! Had two eliminations and a bunker with 7 rounds of paint!

Damn, I wish I stayed for that last game. But my father-in-law had to leave to get home to Maryland.

We really did rock it didn't we Jeff!:D I am up for manhunter or dell next time. I'll PM you next time we go out, or you PM me when you want to go!

I was wearing my AO Jersey;)

Big'n slo
09-29-2003, 01:20 PM
Yeah you missed a fun one. You'll have to talk to Rick and Paul to find out which one I went one on one with!

I ended up playing against them for the last game. My team had to defend a fort which they had to bring their flag into. Anthony and I were covering the left side of the fort. I had 3/4 of a hopper in my Hyper when I saw someone moving down the tape. I jumped up about 25 feet away with small scrub between us, we were both dancing and unloading on each other for a good ten seconds. I can't say if I hit him or not but two bounced off my side (which left a nice welt) before I dove back for cover with an empty gun.

Thats when I broke out the PGP :D

Edit: Also got some nice welts in the middle of my back and on my neck from those early friendly fire games :mad: :eek: :p

09-29-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by gibby
AYE! I agree! It might be a little bit more expensive but well worth it. So did blowing out the detent directly lead to the broken paint in the warp hose?

Yes it did. As Big'nSlo could tell you I have a very fast trigger finger. :D The X-Mag is good, but even it can't shoot 4 paintballs at once!;) So it blew! Will the dentents blow out on kileua's? I lost the little balls from the detents?

I got the story from Rick! You did get him! The friendly fire was our hero's reward!;)

09-29-2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
I've never played at Manhunt but have stopped in.
They do have a Sup-air field

They also have a mock up town, I think that'd be fun.

The only problem is their hours, 9 to 4 on Sat.and Sun. But if there is a track event they have to close so its always a gambel...

Manhunt PB (http://www.manhuntgames.com/01_fields/01_fields_01.html)

I'm also pretty sure its FPO...

I'm also up for a trip to Del Hobbies, wherever that is?

Manhunt isnt that gerat. There fields are small and its expensive. I'm up for a trip to Del Hobbies :)

Big'n slo
09-29-2003, 02:34 PM
Hope I didn't hit him too many times, it was a pretty crazy exchange of fire.

Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
...Now I need to go to NPS for: Angel Detents, New ASA, New Drop(R/T), to get cocker timed. Ugh!:(

1DE just get an on/off instead of an asa and drop for the RT. Your drop was drilled and tapped to work with your asa but its originally setup for a slide-on dovetail.

09-29-2003, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
1DE just get an on/off instead of an asa and drop for the RT. Your drop was drilled and tapped to work with your asa but its originally setup for a slide-on dovetail.
Thanks for the info. I will!!

Hey Everyone:

Big'n Slo RULES!!!!


09-29-2003, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Will the dentents blow out on kileua's? I lost the little balls from the detents?
No, the detents on Kila's are bullet shaped rather than small balls. I haven't had any problems and I've yet to hear anyone else having problems blowing them out. And since the detent is rebuildable, if you happen to destroy the bullet shaped detent, you can just order that without having to buy a whole new detent. :)

09-29-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by wobbles82
JEEZ! I remember at NJ NPPL we had a Timmy pulled for bounce( at the chrono station), the teammates IR3 being used by someone else, our spare e-cocker get pulled for bounce(also at the chrono), then our other cocker not have a beaver tail on hand(before game), and then finally my mag which had a leak(trying to change the asa real fast), then FINALLY a working impulse, and a working Matrix. Whew. That sucks man, I didnt even play today....due to the team cancelling practice, but it was because of wacky Jersey weather thats all. You and Big should REALLY come down to Del Hobbies Paintball, its all Airball, so if you like to play that you guys will feel right at home. Otherwise I might come down one day and meet you guys somewhere, I ref like all over NJ, lol.

Who do you play for?