View Full Version : cant' fix my lx barrel leak!!!

09-28-2003, 06:27 PM
my setup

.5 carrier
3 shims
short spring
= a small barrel leak

.5 carrier
2 shims
shrot spring
=barrel leak

1.0 carrier
3 shims
short spring
= bigger barrel leak

it pissed me off the whole tourny today

09-28-2003, 06:29 PM
TAKE the shims OUT!;) :D

09-28-2003, 06:44 PM
no dice:( eevn with 1 shim

edit: crap i think i had the 1.0 let me go recheck again

09-28-2003, 06:59 PM
tunaman's saying that you might have to take all your
shims out.

my LX works without shims.

09-29-2003, 06:02 AM
yea i no i check to see fi it worked with no shims and with 1, but i think i left the 1.0 carrier in so i will try it with the .5

09-29-2003, 08:28 AM
does the leak change when you push on the bolt with an allen wrench, finger, squeegee etc? if it does then it sounds like you need to change carrier orings and start the carrier fitting process over again. orings will vary in size and it sounds like your oring is on the large size. if it doesnt change when you push on the bolt then go with 0 shims and see what happens.

09-29-2003, 02:10 PM
uhh fi i push on the barrel the leak will stop(when barrel is in) so i need to start with the highest carrier and go down till it leaks then go up one?

what abotu shims during this process?

09-29-2003, 02:24 PM
switch to a new oring. start out with the 2.5 carrier and see how the bolt fits when you put it together. the bolt should slide rather easily. if it doesnt then keep going with bigger carriers until you feel like it slides easily. then gas it up and see if it leaks and if the leak changes when you push on the bolt. if it leaks then you need a smaller carrier if it doesnt leak then go to a bigger carrier until you get one that leaks. once you find the largest one that leaks, then go back to the last one that didnt leak. go fire several hundred times to break in the oring. as the oring breaks in it will probably start leaking. when it does then go to the next smaller carrier to stop the leak. start with 0 shims. get it working w/out any then you can add more after you get it working. personally, i have 2 shims in and i use the middle spring (red or cut) but i know that tunaman uses the shortest spring in all his guns and he knows them a lot better than i do so use your own judgement. the longer the spring then the softer it will be on paint.

09-29-2003, 02:30 PM
r u sure i have to chaneg my o-ring i jsut broke this one in!

09-29-2003, 02:42 PM
arent you on the .5 carrier?
if you are and its leaking then you have no choice, unless you have a 0-lines 0-dot carrier, but i dont think my kit came with a 0. i think .5 is the smallest. if it is then you dont have a choice.

09-29-2003, 02:51 PM
There is a 0 carrier.

If you can push on the barrel to make it stop leaking, then you have an out of round barrel. Try different barrels, preferably ones with larger bore sizes and try that.

Remove all of the shims and test it that way.

Keep reducing the carrier size by half a size with the SAME o-ring until it stops leaking.

If the o-ring doesn't change pitch when you push on the bolt, then it's a problem with the black o-ring around the carrier.

09-29-2003, 03:08 PM
i fixed it!
0 carrier no shims short spring:D

09-29-2003, 05:42 PM
;) :D