View Full Version : my first tourny

09-29-2003, 06:18 AM
i went up to ym first tourny at skirmish young gunz,
all my other team mates have played before so i was the "newb" on the team. We did farely well.
there were 28 teams and seperated into four divisions not based on skills. We had the toughest division out of them. We missed the semi's by a max of a game.
There was thsi gay rule, first guy shot out goes back to the dead zone, refs wipe him and he's back in and has to find posistion.

Before we played a saw an insane move. a guy was at the 50 ran grapped the flag(centerflag) and dove over the snake, it was great.

overall we placed 8th out of 28 teams which wasn't that bad

but i had the tiem of my life, i am goign to get a job today so i will have cash and get to go to another tourny
i learned alot too

09-29-2003, 01:05 PM
good keep playing and join the GPL www.globalpaintballleague.com

09-29-2003, 01:17 PM
I just got back from my 20th or so tourney :) I will make a thread on it later, but wtf is up with that gayzor rule?? Thats ridiculous! I mean damn, what seems logical for me would be to try and make a ludicrous move off the break, mabe straight to the flag, if you get shot, who cares? Go back in...

Tony D.
09-29-2003, 01:31 PM
What a homo rule, I would have got the flag off the break, ran down field to bunker somebody, when I got lit up just went back in. Maybe it was to even up the scoring or something.

09-29-2003, 02:05 PM
it was cuz of the young guns thing
5 min games now to 10 minutes

09-29-2003, 06:07 PM
Crap I wish my team had that rule in our young guns tourny....although we did have the 10 min deal, which I hated b/c it lead to me nearly emptying my harness/tank as a back man each time cause everyone was playing defensively.

09-29-2003, 06:15 PM
We played with that rule in the Pandemonium 10 man, which was in my opinion the crappiest tourney I've ever played.

Bad reffing, VERY questionable calls on games, but fun.

I just don't like getting cheated.

But yeah, join GPL, Barno and Cyndi run a good event

09-29-2003, 06:47 PM
and syntax what abotu hurricane paint i mean come on i really dont' appreciate paint that takes off my anno!

09-29-2003, 06:49 PM
Played in my first tourny Sunday (Yesterday)
It was supposed to be 3 man young guns, but it ended up being:

8 Teams, 4 young guns, 4 Amature.

Round robin with all 8 teams, double head games... OUCH.

We took 4th out of the young guns, and dead last over all. Sportsmanship award though, and free entry into a tourny next weekend, we arnt going, the team thats hosting it was a bunch of whiny people :)

First time for all 3 of us. I was front man, I was last man alive 90% of the time... doesnt sound quite right to me.

EDIT: Ive been playing for 4 years as well, and still first tourny :(
Next tourny Im finding new teamates :)
I had a blast!!! ( Got to show off my chord v2 body as well )

09-29-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
and syntax what abotu hurricane paint i mean come on i really dont' appreciate paint that takes off my anno!

Has it actually taken off your anno? We've shot cases upon cases at people and never had this problem. I had some leftover paint on my gun for about 3 days and no problems either, and we practice with Hurricane as well.

09-29-2003, 08:07 PM
all i have to say, is aren't tourney's fun?

09-29-2003, 08:08 PM
first tourney played saturday, Sept.27
Ground Zero, South Carolina.

it was a three man, open-class tournament. 9 teams showed up. round robin style with 2 5min sets per game. meaning, every game, you play one set then switch sides and do another set. it got exhausting after a while.

we had an Amateur guy on the team, but he hadnt slept for 3 days, so it was pretty much up to us 3 novice guys with 1 tournament total under our belts, to rock the place.

we started off good, keeping up at 2nd place. but for some reason, we started dwindling down after the 4th game. the tournament never really finished officialy since it started raining and teams started whining.

we ended up in 5th.

i almost broke my leg trying to jump over a wingnut bunker. if you've ever seen one, its almost 4 feet high ( i think)it's not an easy feat to accomplish. i cleared it twice with all my gear on. but for some reason, i wasnt able to during that one game. i ended up spraining my knee and wiping out pretty bad in front of the crowd and being on the sick and injured list for at least a month or so.

we had fun on our first tourney together.
we learned a lot. we figured out how each other works,
especially under pressure.
we met a lot of cool people and had war stories to tell.
in my case, a limp and scraped knees.

cant wait to do it again.

09-29-2003, 09:20 PM
going in my first tourny october 11th. Ill post how we TEAM PIE REVOLUTION does.

09-30-2003, 06:07 AM
yes it was absoulutely the most fun i've ever had in paintball

syntax well idk but have you seen the angel that got it, it was either hurricane or tornado(i think the other kind)
or mayeb it was a bad batch, who knows