View Full Version : Why do people even waste time with eyes? AKA tourney report

09-29-2003, 12:26 PM
So... I just spent some time taking pics at a tourney (The parks and rec one in KC).

First I was SHOCKED at seeing about 8 or so guns with warps on them! I talked to the people and every single one was like "it just makes me such a small target on a sup-air field". Which I concured.

There was even an Xmag there and a few others had mags.

Still the majority was was Timmys, Impulses, Cockers/E-Cockers, and Angels.

What was funny as hell is how many people had paint pouring out of the holes in their barrels. Thats funny - I thought all these fancy eyes were supposed to stop chopping! I heard one guy walk off "man, paints just oozing out of my eye cover!#$%@!"

Granted - I guess the paint was a brittle shell - and some was due to halos/eggos going down. But I just find it funny how bad everyone had it. I cant say if the mags faired worse/better as I didnt see them in action much. But considering these guns were tops in the line its just funny how many were oozing bythe end of the day.

09-29-2003, 12:29 PM
Sounds like very bad paint to me. Eyes don't stop the crap stuff just falling apart in your barrels and hoppers.

09-29-2003, 12:34 PM
maybe they had simulate mode on :)

09-29-2003, 12:45 PM
heh....wooo...go XMAG AND WARP!!

09-29-2003, 01:20 PM
ya, I was there...the kickn paint SUCKED. We placed ok, but you didnt watch the 5. The reffing was the WORST I have ever seen, I mean, RIDICULOUS. They were even talking bad about players as they left the field etc...3 teams left midday and made it clear they were leaving because of the reffing. One ref even called one of my mates a little punk, and smarted off to him after telling the ref he was getting shot a lot walking off the field...well I let the ref have it verbally, but anywho...Our sister team is even dropping there sponsorship with kickn because of there refs, and the way they were treated. I g2g for now, movie time, but I will let everyone know how it went.

Jack & Coke
09-29-2003, 01:34 PM
In 2 years, I have NEVER chopped a ball in my GZ.

The eye's in my GZ work perfectly. Even while raking the trigger like you've seen in my videos.

09-29-2003, 01:42 PM
ok, heres a little more before I have to go...Team whirlwind. We met them at the hotel (same hotel as us) and damn, they were awesome. They didnt make finals, which sucks because I personally thought they were one of the best teams out there. INSANE teamwork they had. When I first knocked on there hotel door (I saw there jerseys so decided to go chat) they have this huge beer can tower. There are all these empty boxes of 24 beers...it was so funny. Someone knocked it over though. Great bunch of guys, mabe we will meet again. Another example of the reffing, they refused us points for 1 kill because they said it wasnt enough to bother with. Sigh.

Our game against Vicious was interesting...Was going great, then ended up being 2v3. Me and cody on 3 that is. Well, one guy bunkers cody, and I shoot him and he leaves. Another guy comes to bunker me, and I see his shadow, come out and shoot him. I got him first, but it was so close I dont care, but anyways, he comes and then shoots me. Bad part is is that when he drew his fun up, the barrel went under my mask a little and shot my mouth. I was bleeding out my nose and lip, and my lip swelled up lol. It SUCKEDZORED. First time I was pissed about being shot it hurt so bad.

Later on, I lost my ball detent, and vicious gave me a new one to keep for free. Nice buncha guys. A guy offered to even let me use his backup angel because I lost my angel ball detent. So ya, great teams, again, refs can eat my balls. There was one nice ref out there, who agreed with us when we said the others sucked, but he was the chrono ref, go figgure. It was funny when he picked us to chrono off the field. He tells me, "Wow. Nice angel. I want you to chrono because its a sweet gun, and I want you (points to guy on my team with a tribal twister) because I dont know what the hell kinda gun that is."

Anyways, my ride is here, I will tell MORE later. (is that possible?)

09-29-2003, 02:16 PM
Well the paint was thier XXX - which is the brittle shell - which EVERYONE asked for last tourny. They said next time they will bring two types so players can pick.

I dunno about the refs - they seemed fine on the 7man - but who knows.

I DID here about you squid! You were talked about the next day that some vicious player just tore up. Way to hang in there!

There were some GOOD teams there for 7man. I think Vicious was getting coaching from Jeremy Salm - and I know one of the guys works with/for shocktech. And I belived Vicious is tight with Warped sportz up north.

I talked to some whirl wind guys -one of them had the xmag.

Actually everyone seemed cool - I did see some tempers flair - but it was between teams who often play each other or scrimmaged - so some rivalry there.

But i was impressed with the level of play on the 7man - some kick butt moves on the field! I hope I got some good pics!

Sorry I missed u squid - i was super busy that day and had an NRA dinner that night - so maybe next time!

09-29-2003, 06:33 PM
Hm, Kinda weird, I use Kick'n XXX Nasty ball all the time and thats some of the best paint I have used, I dont chop with it and it shoots great... for me anyway.

09-29-2003, 09:39 PM
hey webby i dont know if you were there or not but the one in KC at hodge park that chris put up. well it had some really crappy paint. just say that i could not use my halo B because it would break in the hopper. so i had to use a 12v. man i did not think i heard so many hissses out of my mag. nick1shot was there also.

09-29-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
Well the paint was thier XXX - which is the brittle shell - which EVERYONE asked for last tourny. They said next time they will bring two types so players can pick.

I dunno about the refs - they seemed fine on the 7man - but who knows.

I DID here about you squid! You were talked about the next day that some vicious player just tore up. Way to hang in there!

There were some GOOD teams there for 7man. I think Vicious was getting coaching from Jeremy Salm - and I know one of the guys works with/for shocktech. And I belived Vicious is tight with Warped sportz up north.

I talked to some whirl wind guys -one of them had the xmag.

Actually everyone seemed cool - I did see some tempers flair - but it was between teams who often play each other or scrimmaged - so some rivalry there.

But i was impressed with the level of play on the 7man - some kick butt moves on the field! I hope I got some good pics!

Sorry I missed u squid - i was super busy that day and had an NRA dinner that night - so maybe next time! Coaching from salm? so THATS how they beat us! Snipers in the woods :D Just kidding of course. Im surprised anybody remembered/said anything about me getting shot in the mouth. I feel special now! I didnt know the whirlwind guys had an X? I talked to all of them for a while, messed with one of there angels, a nasty, but never knew they had an X...gargle. I wish they didnt live so far away from us, or I would like to practice with em sometimes, or something. Truely the best bunch of guys I have ever met at a tourney.

Did they change up the fields for the 7-man? They seemed fairly small for 5, but man, I couldnt imagine playing them for 7 man. You hear of Hillbilly Justice being there? They are our sister team.

One game we collectively went through 26 pods and our hoppers, which isnt TO much, but damn, for 4 minutes of about 2cases of paint, the other team couldnt do a THING. It was one of the more fun games I played.

A guy got about a 1 1/2 foot DEEP scratch on the hood of his dodge from one of Kickn's canopies blowing across it as well...major ouch for him.

I do feel slightly bad I was referred to as "tore up" Technically I shot him first :D Anyways, other than the reffing, a VERY enjoyable event. I even won Jawwbraker II.