View Full Version : Any opinions on the Halo TSA?

09-30-2003, 01:45 PM
Hey, I was thinkin bout getting one but I havent researched it yet. Should I just go ahead and get a Halo B, or are the TSA's just as good? Keep in mind I have done NO research yet. Thanks in advance

09-30-2003, 03:02 PM
i havnt used a TSA, but its obviously not anywhere near the Halo B. Theyre completely different classes. If you wanna go with the agitated (read...dont need a really fast hopper) i would go with an Empire reloader. If you need force feed, then the Halo is the way to go.

09-30-2003, 05:36 PM
TSA's aren't bad for what they are. They are basically a revvy except it's activated by sound and the paddle spins both directions depending on the tilt of the hopper. It feeds fairly decent. The LCD versions are way better then the LED versions though.