View Full Version : Ultimate Mag!!

Drizzt Do'Urden
10-01-2003, 04:46 PM

I have got bacicaly a stock automag classic. the only upgrade it has on it is i think an expansion chamber, a 16 in. die boomstick (automag threads) and i just bot a niiiceeee used proteus 2 mask. i am looking for every ones opnion about how to upgrade my gun into the "Ultimate Mag". Go for speed, go for accuracey, go for looks, or make the ultimate one that incorperates all. Just assume that there is no price limit! I appericate all your time in reading this, Thanks!


When I turn 18 in like 10 days i will sign up for my very own merchant account for my website (www.pbcentral.itcstore.com), and when it gets up and running i will be able to start advertising it(and accually get some pb stuff for it!!). so I think i will do some prolimonary contests. The person who e-mails me the coolest Picture of their mag will get a major discount on a few purchases there when it gets up and running! E-mail them to [email protected]

10-01-2003, 05:00 PM
You will definently want nitro, and it sounds as if money isn't too much of an issue, so if you do that, than you won't really need the ex chamber, but I guess it will be a nice fore grip. If you can afford it, get an X-Valve, Intelliframe or Y Frame, a ULE trigger kit, and a nice drop. you'll need a good loader to keep up with it-I've heard the empire sound activated chip for the revy's are great. Thats what I would do, if I had the $$$...................

Oh, if you want looks, get a ULE body from the AGD store, that would be sweet, and adnodize the front piece on your boomy to match.

10-01-2003, 06:01 PM
i would sell it and get one custom built by tumaman. Or go with a used Emag for not much more.......

10-01-2003, 06:13 PM

first off, welcome to AO.

upgrades now adays are limitless

ule bodies
ule trigger
ule grips
ule foregrips
level 10
rogue rail (coming soon)
new AGD rails (coming soon)

oh the goodness.

i think if I were you, the first upgrade I would save up for would be the xvalve. aluminum valve with the level 10 anti-chop system already installed.

customization of your mag is up to you. im sure everyone here will leave you tons of ideas, only you can apply them.

sent pics of my marker to your email address, let me know what you think.

10-02-2003, 08:28 AM
I also sent you pics. Mine is setup with the following:
Ule Body
Intelli (soon to be y-grip)
Ultra Light Trigger
CP rail drop and foregrip w/ vert adaptor
Omega Rail
Dynaflow adjustable tank
12" Dye Ultralight with .688 and .690 backs
Smoke Halo B

This is about as much as you can upgrade a mag and still keep it totally mechanical. It's fast, light and dead sexy:D

Drizzt Do'Urden
10-03-2003, 04:01 PM
So with all of my "resurch" into the mag accesory line up, this is the begining of the sweetest setup for a non-electric automag classic. I just need your guys help smoothing out the bumps. Feel free to change the order, add, remove, modify or comment on the list. All your responses will be appreaciated, thanks!:D

Drizzt Do'Urden
10-03-2003, 04:03 PM
Heres the list:

Paintball checklist

O 1. Protieus mask $80
O 2. Contacts
O 3. 68/3000 Dave at army surplus is about $125 w/ dye rhino tank cover $23
O 4. x-valve (or Rt valve.what’s the difference?which ones better?)w/ lev 10 $300-325
O 5. y-frame grip w/blade trigger if possible $120
O 6. ULE body $145
O 7. 16” Full freak kit $300
O 8. Barrel plug or barrel condom
O 9. ULE trigger $50
O 10. ULE trigger pull kit $47
O 11. Drop forward (psycho ballistic bullet medium drop with on/off? $39)
O 12. Halo B hopper w/internal light kit (when it comes out) $114
O 13. ULE grips??? (What is this?)
O 14. ULE forgrips??? (what is this?)(Benchmark?)
O 15. What would be the coolest looking rail?
O 16. Would I need any type of macro line? $29-$35
O 17. How about a regulator?
O 18. 4-pod+1tank pack or just an empire 4 pack
O 19. Gloves
O 20. Ghillie suit
O 21. Custom camo paint job

10-03-2003, 07:12 PM
my dream mag...

-omega rail
-chord body v2 which you could get custom annoed since they come raw (or ule if you don't like the looks of the chord)
-x valve
-ult trigger kit
-new foregrip (whatever style you want, lighter than the x chamber)
-a nice drop depending on what size tank you use (if you're buying a tank I would go with a 68/45 or 45/45 flatline)
-empire 10 piece or scepter barrel kit

The colors all depend on what you prefer, I like of red, or my plan eventually is to build a mag with a black x valve, thena chome body and barrel back with a black tip (I figure that'd look pretty cool). Unfortunatly I have fairly limited finances seeing as how I am 15 and just looking for a real job (mowin laws is getting boring :rolleyes: ) so I can't build this mag and take any pictures of it. Anywho, that's all I can think of right now. I'm not a big fan of warps but if you are then you could get a warp ule and a warp feed.

Oh and to answer some of your questions, as I put in my list I like the omega rail the most then again there aren't that many custom rails out right now to choose from. And secondly as I said for the tank I would get a 4.5k tank instead of a 3k tank because you get a lot more shots out of it.