View Full Version : Never seen a Warp Feed on one of these before...

10-02-2003, 02:42 PM
Found this fine looking piece of machinery at http://www.rustyspaintballgear.com

Pretty cool! :D

10-02-2003, 02:43 PM
Another viewpoint...

10-02-2003, 02:47 PM
Only 2,700 bucks.

10-02-2003, 02:57 PM
Now why would they make that fancy holder for a revy. Make the entire box feed into a revy neck and carry about 1000 balls in there.

10-02-2003, 02:58 PM
true that

10-02-2003, 03:03 PM
Could also do a much nicer job by enclosing the warp in the box and feeding the gun through the side.

10-02-2003, 04:57 PM
2700 for a SPYDER!! COme on, all that fancy packaging can't be worth that much extra.

10-02-2003, 05:07 PM
um, how do you reload:confused:

Evil Bob
10-02-2003, 06:20 PM
You reload the Revy inside the ammo can.

Shame they didn't do something cool with the ammo can and make it the actual loader instead of nesting a revy inside it.

-Evil Bob

10-02-2003, 06:25 PM
yea i know you reload the revy, but what do you take it out and stick in another one because you can't flip the lid. i think they should just dump balls in there.

10-02-2003, 07:16 PM
Why not make them with good guns...not spyders...

10-03-2003, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by tony3
Why not make them with good guns...not spyders...

Honestly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using Syder internals. :rolleyes:

10-03-2003, 09:37 AM
This is the kind of stuff that makes people think I'm some military special ops wanna be whenever I tell them I play paintball. Everyone always says how paintball promotes violence and makes people want to kill each other and that kina crap doesnt help.

10-03-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob
This is the kind of stuff that makes people think I'm some military special ops wanna be whenever I tell them I play paintball. Everyone always says how paintball promotes violence and makes people want to kill each other and that kina crap doesnt help.

News Flash!! In paintball we use guns. We shoot things at people. We cause welts, bruises, and sometimes bleeding. Someone somewhere is ALWAYS going to think paintball promotes something bad, whether it be violence or whatever else.

Something (paintball, bunny rabbits, or whatever) is always going to be offensive to someone. I for one am not going to worry about it. If I had the cashola, and was going to do a lot of scenarios, I'd buy one of those, Spyder internals or not. :)

10-03-2003, 11:37 AM
Ya but it just makes the image so much worse. You are right though gunga, it just bugs me.

10-03-2003, 12:07 PM
ok now how does it get air?

10-03-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Gunga

News Flash!! In paintball we use guns. We shoot things at people. We cause welts, bruises, and sometimes bleeding. Someone somewhere is ALWAYS going to think paintball promotes something bad, whether it be violence or whatever else.

Something (paintball, bunny rabbits, or whatever) is always going to be offensive to someone. I for one am not going to worry about it. If I had the cashola, and was going to do a lot of scenarios, I'd buy one of those, Spyder internals or not. :)



Wc Keep
10-03-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Gunga

News Flash!! In paintball we use guns. We shoot things at people. We cause welts, bruises, and sometimes bleeding. Someone somewhere is ALWAYS going to think paintball promotes something bad, whether it be violence or whatever else.

Something (paintball, bunny rabbits, or whatever) is always going to be offensive to someone. I for one am not going to worry about it. If I had the cashola, and was going to do a lot of scenarios, I'd buy one of those, Spyder internals or not. :)

actually its called a marker.

10-03-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

actually its called a marker.

gun ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gn)
1. A weapon consisting of a metal tube from which a projectile is fired at high velocity into a relatively flat trajectory.
2. A cannon with a long barrel and a relatively low angle of fire.
3. A portable firearm, such as a rifle or revolver.
4. A device resembling a firearm or cannon, as in its ability to project something, such as grease, under pressure or at great speed.
5. A discharge of a firearm or cannon as a signal or salute.
6. One, such as a hunter, who carries or uses a gun.
7. The throttle of an engine, as of an automobile.

Two out of the definitions of the word seem to fit.

Marker or gun, the different is just how you want to sound. Its all just a matter of political correctness and argueing. In the end, people will see it how they want to see it, if they want to call it a gun, you can scream marker all you want, but to them its still a gun.

Oh, and by the way, ever notice its AirGUN Designs, not AirMarker Designs?

10-03-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Thordic

Oh, and by the way, ever notice its AirGUN Designs, not AirMarker Designs?

10-03-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by FreshmanBob
This is the kind of stuff that makes people think I'm some military special ops wanna be whenever I tell them I play paintball. Everyone always says how paintball promotes violence and makes people want to kill each other and that kina crap doesnt help.

Bob, those people are closeminded fools who would rather walk through life with the blinders on than actually take a chance and see life for what it really is.

I know, my father is one of them. I'm a 30 year old father of my own and my father thinks that paintball is just a bunch of renecks and hillbillies and neo-nazis running around the woods. Never mind that I live on Long Island in NY. During my time plaing paintball I have never seen an actual fist fight and have only rarely seen a few arguments. I've seen much, much, much worse on my local basketball court.

People who see this need to under stand that Rusty, who I have purchased from in the past, is a tremendous business man and a fantastic fabricator and a general really nice guy to boot. Rusty found a niche market and totally cornered it. He sells paint markers for classic battle re-enactments (which never seems to get people as upset as paintball but that's a rant for another thread), and I believe he also sold a few units to LE agencies to assist in real-life training exercises.

I applaude Rust for his fine work and craftsmanship and his refusal to be one of the herd. I love my game, police it well and consider myself an ambassdor for the sport. I love talking about it and getting people informed. You should too.

10-03-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Gunga

News Flash!! In paintball we use guns. We shoot things at people. We cause welts, bruises, and sometimes bleeding. Someone somewhere is ALWAYS going to think paintball promotes something bad, whether it be violence or whatever else.

Something (paintball, bunny rabbits, or whatever) is always going to be offensive to someone. I for one am not going to worry about it. If I had the cashola, and was going to do a lot of scenarios, I'd buy one of those, Spyder internals or not. :)

You are absolutely right Gunga, and to be quite honest I find myself on the fence about this issue. I realise that they are guns but prefer to call them markers. Why? Becuase of public opinion. In all honesty, which sounds worse?:

Two youths were caught running around town today with two loaded paintball guns.


Two youths were caught running around town today with two loaded paintball markers.

Of course the second one would sound less ominous than the first simply because the word gun was omitted from the sentence. I'm a card carrying member of the NRA and when I tell people such you should see the stares that I get. Like I'm about to go postal and pull a Rambo on them.

Gunga, a person is smart, intelligent and rational. People are sheep and when they see something they do not like the first thing they say is "That's BAAA-AAA-AAAD!" Most people these days are also of the mind that if you change the name of the symptom you somehow change the actual symptom. Hopefully I do not have to explain what crap that is.

Let me ask you something Gunga. Do you know what "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome" is?

It's SHELL SHOCK. At least, that's what they are calling it today. SHELL SHOCK. Just saying it has a viseral impact. SHELL SHOCK. It's essentially a condition where a person has seen so much that their nervous system is frayed and just about stretched to the breaking point. Shell Shock is what it was called when my grandfather was in World War 2. 2 syllabyles, 2 words, significant impact.

Now we have "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome" 10 syllaybles, a hyphen, five words. And you are almost asleep by the time you finish saying it. It is a sterile, daed, empty and useless description. And, I'm willing to bet that if we still called it SHELL SHOCK all the vets who came home from Vietnam would have gotten the help they needed. (I'll be sending you your royalty check shortly Mr. Carlin.)

My point is that as a community we need to be sure that we put our best image foward and if that means using their own rules against them, then so be it. I hate "PC" as much as the next person but I am more han willing to use it against those who have irrational negativity towards this sport regardless of how much I try to explain to them.