View Full Version : Disappointed

10-02-2003, 04:00 PM
Well first off i understand that the people at agd are busy and that make sweat guns. I sent my X-mag in 7 weeks ago because the trigger frame actually cracked around the trigger returned magnets. They said wasn't covered under warranty and i had to pay $175, which sucked but really wasn't the main problem... First off they never even contacted me when they got and had figured out what was wrong with it, i had to call them to get the ball moving. they said they were having a new batch sent out to be anoded that day and it would two till its back. well almost four weeks later i call and they said that they forgot to do my grip so it will be another 2-3 weeks.

Well i think that kind of poor customer service. why do we give tham all our info if they are not going to call. I still would have been diappointed if they called to tell me what was going on but now i'm pretty mad because i'm going to my second tourney where i don't have my gun.

As i said b4 i realize they have a lot to do but a simple call only takes a few minutes. So i think they need to work on that. :mad:

10-02-2003, 04:10 PM
That stinks dude. You are a much more patient and forgiving person then I am :)

10-02-2003, 04:13 PM
My question is what the hell did you do to crack the frame? And please don't tell me you threw it.

10-02-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by whopper72
Well first off i understand that the people at agd are busy and that make sweat guns. I sent my X-mag in 7 weeks ago because the trigger frame actually cracked around the trigger returned magnets. They said wasn't covered under warranty and i had to pay $175, which sucked but really wasn't the main problem... First off they never even contacted me when they got and had figured out what was wrong with it, i had to call them to get the ball moving. they said they were having a new batch sent out to be anoded that day and it would two till its back. well almost four weeks later i call and they said that they forgot to do my grip so it will be another 2-3 weeks.

Well i think that kind of poor customer service. why do we give tham all our info if they are not going to call. I still would have been diappointed if they called to tell me what was going on but now i'm pretty mad because i'm going to my second tourney where i don't have my gun.

As i said b4 i realize they have a lot to do but a simple call only takes a few minutes. So i think they need to work on that. :mad:

What would have that call mattered? You would still be disappointed.... First of all, how did the frame crack like that? I would never have settled for anything but a free replacement if it was not my fault. .....

10-02-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Skoad
when your gun cracks in half see what happens.

depends on who you buy it from, probally replaced under warrenty.

I would like to know what AGD's reason was for not covering the damamge?

10-02-2003, 04:43 PM
wow. that sucks.

now, like Muzikman said, how the hell did you break it? Obviously it didn't happen because of magical elves, but what happened?

10-02-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

depends on who you buy it from, probally replaced under warrenty.

I would like to know what AGD's reason was for not covering the damamge?

I recall from his original thread on this that they were not covering it because it is the only one that it has happend to so far...

10-02-2003, 05:24 PM
The previous owner of the gun had removed the stock trigger and put in a blade trigger. The grub screw on top of the trigger (in the stock trigger, there is a magnet there) put a dent in the gripframe right where the magnets reside and eventually punched through. The aluminum there is very thin and is not meant to take any punishment.

Aftermarket trigger causes damage to gripframe = no warranty coverage.

10-02-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
If so, thats pretty weak reasoning. So essentially, because his was the only one to break that way, it must be his fault? I can't really pass judgement, as Im only going by that blurb, but if its true I would be a lot more unhappy than that guy is.

Well see we are only getting HIS story, so you have no way in knowing how accurate that reason is... let me go to his thread about this to make sure i got that right...

Originally posted by whopper72
i have no picture i don't even have the gun right noe air gun has it. The un has about 60k shots on it, but i first notices the ring being worn in the body( just above the trigger below the eye) around 30k sots. I thought it was just the anodizing coming off but then it cracked. It actually cracked in a perfect circle around the return magnets.

Agd said it was the first one they have seen do that so they can't warranty it i need to pay $175 for the new fraom and wait for 3-4 weeks

10-02-2003, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Gunga
The previous owner of the gun had removed the stock trigger and put in a blade trigger. The grub screw on top of the trigger (in the stock trigger, there is a magnet there) put a dent in the gripframe right where the magnets reside and eventually punched through. The aluminum there is very thin and is not meant to take any punishment.

Thank you! That completely makes sense and explains it so well!

The way it came off was that the crack just was random and nothing caused it...

10-02-2003, 05:30 PM
Resonable explanation.

10-02-2003, 05:49 PM
steelrat, i see you finally got your name right. And it sucks that they missed you on the anno, but now you have learned your lesson not to install non agd aftermarket parts on mags

10-02-2003, 11:11 PM
well i realize that the tl63 isn't an agd factory trigger. i have seen it on all the sfl and i ve seen it on 4 other e-mags and none of them have a problem. I never even put on on my gun the previous owner had one and only put 2300 shots on it and then switched it back. The frame didn't crack until 60,000 shots later.

10-02-2003, 11:25 PM
Yes, my name has been changed. Took a rather large bribe to a certain moderator.

How did AGD know that there was a TL 63 on there at one time?

10-03-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by whopper72
well i realize that the tl63 isn't an agd factory trigger. i have seen it on all the sfl and i ve seen it on 4 other e-mags and none of them have a problem. I never even put on on my gun the previous owner had one and only put 2300 shots on it and then switched it back. The frame didn't crack until 60,000 shots later.

Did you have the blade trigger on for that 60k shots? I am just saying that AGD came out and said that it can be used but they dont recommend it hence why they dont make one for it. Despite noone ever running into this problem, it was caused by a part that is not supported by AGD and since its what caused the damage that part of anything warranty would cover is void.... Just because noone has had a problem with it doesnt mean its safe to use

10-03-2003, 07:36 AM
I guess I can understand the denial of warrenty service, however we are not talking about a cheap little gun here. From my perspective it would be hard to swallow 1400 bucks only to break a 150 dollar part and be told to pay for it.


Wc Keep
10-03-2003, 07:57 AM
gtrsi you have a problem with the xmag. just leave the gun alone. had the kid had an emag and had the same thing happen you would not have been all over it like you are now. and if it was an emag that this happened to agd would have charged the same thing. so leave the xmag alone.

10-03-2003, 08:43 AM
The crack, and lack of warrantee coverage is one thing, but it seems no one is responding to the 7 week wait time. I think everyone would be equally upset if they were without their Xmag for almost two months. Regardless of who's "fault" it is, You'd think AGD would still be more sensitive to the kid. Its not like he sent in a broken cocker and demanded attention.

10-03-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
no one is responding to the 7 week wait time.
it takes a long time to do one of those fantastic annos like in the last batch

10-03-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Its not like he sent in a broken cocker and demanded attention.

You mean a cocker?

You don't need to say broken and cocker in the same sentence, it's redundant :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-03-2003, 09:57 AM
it wouldnt be 7-weeks if AGD sold 'standard' colors and could stock grip frames in colors. it wouldnt be y weeks if he wanted a black frame. He wants his color, which is not standard. AGD has been using different anno people, and so they have to give it to the right one. Yes, 7 weeks is long, i know, id hate to lose her for that long, but its not terrible

10-03-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
it wouldnt be 7-weeks if AGD sold 'standard' colors and could stock grip frames in colors. He wants his color, which is not standard.

Originally posted by whopper72
well almost four weeks later i call and they said that they forgot to do my grip so it will be another 2-3 weeks.

eh kev, did you miss that part?

10-03-2003, 10:19 AM
ok it comes down to the blade i din't use broke the frame which i understand it voids the warranty, fine. I pay for the part to be annoed and they say that will take 2 weeks not the best news but i can deal with it. but to forget to do something for a paying customer, is not something that is good busness. Say the mechanic changes your oil and simply forgets to tighten the drain bolt, well there goes you engine. so isn't it then the companys resposibility to compensate the customer for their mistake.

(Side NoTe) Agd euro has an optional blade trigger for their x-mags, what kind is and can an american get one?


10-03-2003, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by whopper72
Say the mechanic changes your oil and simply forgets to tighten the drain bolt, well there goes you engine. so isn't it then the companys resposibility to compensate the customer for their mistake.

Well I dont see that as being comparible... your grip is still getting done and there is no lost engine involved... Well not engine but you still have your xmag and you are still getting the grip frame.

Welcome to the world of business... every once in a while things happen like a forgotten grip frame to go out for anno. It just sucks to be on the recieving end. There is no business that is perfect like you seem to describe :) even the almighty AIRGUN DESIGNS can make mistakes here and there.... :)

10-03-2003, 11:31 AM
yeah the loss of an engine is a little over exagerated. And i know s*** happens and its sucks when your on the recieving end. I'm just upset beacause i miss my gun, i've been stuck playing with a GZ, an angel, and a cocker, alld good gun just no my Xmag.

Really got use to blades using those guns. so does Any one know if there are any plans or designs for an AGD produced blade trigger that won't void the warranty?

10-03-2003, 12:10 PM
Better scenario, the previous owner installs a cold air intake from a cheap company or one the company says could damage their pistons because dirt gets in it, goes to the engine, and rips up the air intake valves to the pistons, the previous owner of a car uses it, wears the pistons and intakes, you buy it, and the wear causes the pistons to break and engine to go. The company is in no way obligated to do it, it is entirely between you and the previous owner, especially since they had a post regarding aftermarket parts and even that one specifically. So you are liable for that one.

The wait is another case, if AGD couldn't send it in the first batch due to color availability, that makes sense and maybe they worded it wrong. If they forgot to send it and could have and said they would, that's bad customer service. That's like a mechanic saying he would order a part the next day and not including it in the order, and then say "oh well, tough luck, come back next week when the next order goes out." I'd call for elaboration but if AGD screwed up, they should consider dropping the price of the anno for you as a good will gesture. IF they did this is the key, but talk to them.

Buying used is cheaper, but this is exactly why you need to be careful. Best of luck.

10-03-2003, 12:11 PM
I love that. Poor you; only have a GZ, Angel and Cocker to play with. :eek: :( :D

10-03-2003, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by whopper72
yeah the loss of an engine is a little over exagerated. And i know s*** happens and its sucks when your on the recieving end. I'm just upset beacause i miss my gun, i've been stuck playing with a GZ, an angel, and a cocker, alld good gun just no my Xmag.

Really got use to blades using those guns. so does Any one know if there are any plans or designs for an AGD produced blade trigger that won't void the warranty?

I just hope i'm not coming off all on AGD's side because I have been in your situation a couple times before for various things (not paintball related )

I would just be happy that everything is going to be taken car of eventually.... AGD not getting it out on the right anno batch is bad on their part, should have given you call like was mentioned but just be happy it will be done soon enough :)

10-03-2003, 03:47 PM
Also, be happy they told you the truth..."yeah we screwed up and forgot to send the part out". Is better than, "yeah man, it came back from the ano and it was all screwed up, we are going to send another out" mean while they are sitting there looking at the raw, unanoed grip frame they forgot to send ;).

10-03-2003, 09:47 PM
guys if you will recall, this same thing had happened to me, now whopper, you took the very expensive route, and well, you screwed your self. What you shoulda done, was take a aluminum dowel, and cut it down, and file it, till it is thin. then you jb weld it in there and let it set, there you go, fixes everything. I did the same thing and i repaired it the way i described above. and it worked perfectly

10-03-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
gtrsi you have a problem with the xmag. just leave the gun alone. had the kid had an emag and had the same thing happen you would not have been all over it like you are now. and if it was an emag that this happened to agd would have charged the same thing. so leave the xmag alone.

sorry your wrong becuase it is my opinion. 8+ month wait and 1.5k later I expect alittle chop chop and extra special treatment.

Yea I guess I do have a problem with the gun.


10-04-2003, 07:29 AM
If you remember I once had a problem with AGD with poor customer service before (Micromag RT) but it was a total misunderstanding and in time AGD made up for it big time and it was settled without any hard feelings, actually it totaly renewed everything I believed in AGD before. So I completely understand what your going through Whopper but I am just suggesting to be a little patient. Like you said and I say, they are a very busy company and need time to give quilty service and quality products such as the X-Mag. I think they will work out your problem, they have excellent customer service and they are only human, and this is from someone who had the same problem with a phone call;)