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10-02-2003, 10:03 PM
ok in my massive insanity ive been scheming up a paintball mortar/artillery cannnon. Im starting a paintball club here at Hanover College and alot of the guys ive talked to seem to be, unlik me, scenario buffs. So here is what ive got drawn up for this thing

1. air leaves tank to the reg
2. reg regulates air to 300-500psi something like it
3. air moves into the chamber (pvc) somehow
4. this is the confusing part, i cant seem to make a trigger mechanism design, i would like to avoid ball valves unless i absolutely have to
5 the air is released behind a pvc BOLt that holds the grenado, the bolt never leaves the barrel as the barrel end is tappered just enough to prevent it from flying out.
7. you use the handle which goes through the barrel and is attached to the bolt to pull the bolt back.

i prolly need somesort of air tight seal or something i dunno

10-02-2003, 10:14 PM

good info on air cannons

10-03-2003, 08:05 AM
if you plan on useing it in a scenario you need to read the general scenario rules of play to see what is allowed. about the only thing that allowed in sceanrio games is the launching of those pocket nerf vortex footballs. launching a gernade at someone could knock their mask off. ill look later and give ya a link to the specs that need to be met for the bigger scenario promoters. more info can also be found at the MXS site: www.mxsportz.com

10-03-2003, 12:18 PM
You know it's a lot of BS about the mask thing - otherwise they wouldn't allow the squadbusters either. The average guy can wing a basball at 60+mph - so do you mean to tell me that a THROWN granade couldn't do the same thing?

This insurance crap has gotten way out of control. Back in the '89 time frame scenario games had REAL helicopter - now they're pieces of rope - geez....

10-03-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Kellen_p8nt

4. this is the confusing part, i cant seem to make a trigger mechanism design, i would like to avoid ball valves unless i absolutely have to

Here's a link to exactly the valve you need (plus lots of other launcher parts). This site also has LOTS of ideas and info on launchers. He sells complete set-ups but if you look through his site and links you should be able to get enough info to do it yourself. I've gotten parts from this guy and he is very helpful with good prices and HIGH quality parts (can you tell I like this guys stuff?).

5 the air is released behind a pvc BOLt that holds the grenado, the bolt never leaves the barrel as the barrel end is tappered just enough to prevent it from flying out.

There's really no need for a bolt (the force involved in the method you suggested would break the barrel anyway). Just load your round (nerf rocket or a bunch of paintballs) down the barrel and push it to the bottom with a ram-rod of some sort.

10-03-2003, 02:49 PM
Use a sprinkler valve
Solinoid runs on like three nine volts