View Full Version : I'm a clueless Automag noober

10-03-2003, 07:35 PM
I just bought three markers today, two gifts and one for me, which was the Automag. I think it's classic. Anyway, I air it up with CO2 and go to fire it, and it gets maybe 5 or 7 shots off before gas just goes out the barrel almost like the bolt was stuck forword. Sometimes it would just do that for a real small amount of time, then after taking one or two more shots, it would just stay open. When I hold down the trigger, the leaking seems to stop, but the trigger doesn't travel the full distance when it leaks like that, just a little bit. I read something somewhere about little metal rings that can fix bolt sticks, if my bolt is sticking. I think I have some of those, maybe 5, all different colors. They came in a little box for spare parts. Anyway, I'd like this thing to work and I dunno how to troubleshot and fix a Automag, so any help would be appreciated...

10-04-2003, 01:50 AM
It might be a worn bolt spring.
Those spacers (metal rings) are all a differant size. The size should be stamped on it.
Degas the gun
Remove the field strip screw (back screw)
Take out the valve
Bolt pulls right off
The brass piece all the way in front unscrewes
Under that is your spacer (I forget if you need longer or shorter for bolt stick, longer I think)
Under that is your PT o-ring, make sure that stays in there :)

10-04-2003, 06:09 PM
i'm no pro, but it could be the CO2 causing the problem. I tried to run my first mag on CO2 and after about 5-6 shots it froze the valve. Just something to consider.

10-06-2003, 01:01 PM
I'd check the powertube spacers first. If the gun is consistently leaking while at rest or after firing a shot, then use a shorter spacer.

GA Devil
10-06-2003, 01:34 PM
If your running co2 (which isnt recommended for a mag) it needs to be an anti syphin tank really. Alot of people run co2 on them but it does cause alot of valve freezing without anti syphin. Best bet if thats what your problem is, is to try to find an affordable nitro tank or anti syphin. When you have your problem is the valve ice cold? If so thats it.

10-06-2003, 01:52 PM
People seem to forget that the Mag ran on CO2 for YEARS without problems.