View Full Version : balls breaking in barrel

10-03-2003, 11:42 PM
i have a E-MAG with level ten and that new shot buffering 3.0 softwear in it and when i shoot fast the balls break in the barrel. i have a .690 dye ultralite.i was thinking its because when i rip on it they hit in the barrel, does anyone think that is it?can anyone help me with this problem? :mad:

10-03-2003, 11:43 PM
barrel breaks will happen occasionanly with almost every gun. But if you still have the twist lock barrel system a new nubbin may help.

10-03-2003, 11:50 PM
i have a ule body with cocker threads. and i broke one in the barrel every game i played today, i broke every time i ripped on it and the gun is brand new only 6000 shots on it. i was getting so mad:mad:

10-03-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by rmmatt153
i have a ule body with cocker threads. and i broke one in the barrel every game i played today, i broke every time i ripped on it and the gun is brand new only 6000 shots on it. i was getting so mad:mad:

barrel match the paint size?

10-03-2003, 11:56 PM
What kind of paint? How old was it? how was it cared for?

10-04-2003, 12:01 AM
the paint was brand new it was pmi premium. the paint is .689 but everyone at the field i played at as well as work at ( www.ccpaintball.com )countryclub paintball said to get that size barrel and it should be fine.

10-04-2003, 12:09 AM
Are you shooting in emode, hybrid or manual???

When you say you broke one ball per game, how many were you shooting per game? There is a big difference in 1 ball break in 200 balls and 1 ball break in 1200 balls...

If you shoot the gun at a medium-fast pace, can you empty the hopper?

Given your statement in the above posts, with what % certainty do you feel that if you never ripped on it, that it wouldn't break balls?

Do you hear the cycling of the valve and the LX at work? Does the gun seem to use the LX a lot or does it seem to all ways fire 1 ball per valve cycle?

I shoot pmi premium at one of my local fields, with an emag and LX. It seems to be fairly consistant paint, and shoot fine out of barrels in the .689 area. I might have 1 break every 1000 shots, but no more than that...

10-04-2003, 12:10 AM
what kind of loader? what kind of barrel is it?

10-04-2003, 12:15 AM
i played about 7 games today and only shot about a 1/2 a hopper to a hopper a game and broke about 1-2 balls a game in the barrel not in the breach in the barrel. the level ten i working. i have a evolution II feeding the gun. i have a dye 14in ultralight .690. can anyone help

10-04-2003, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by rmmatt153
i played about 7 games today and only shot about a 1/2 a hopper to a hopper a game and broke about 1-2 balls a game in the barrel not in the breach in the barrel. the level ten i working. i have a evolution II feeding the gun. i have a dye 14in ultralight .690. can anyone help

Honestly there shouldn't be a problem man... i would have to blame it on the barrel not really being 690 or bad apint

10-04-2003, 12:18 AM
befor i got the gun i hardly broke a ball in the barrel i think its just from me shooting it fast and they are hitting in the barrel but i dont know

10-04-2003, 12:19 AM
I dont see how that would happen :) your not THAT fast :)

If you think they are hitting in the barrel you could be double feeding or something... might want to replace your detent or try adjusting it a little by loosening it up or tightning it down a bit who knows

10-04-2003, 12:22 AM
oh trust me i can shoot it really really fast and with that new shot buffing 3.0 softwear it really helps. if i new how to put videos on here i would show you how fast i can shoot you would be suprised. if i didnt have lx i would be skrewed

10-04-2003, 12:23 AM
how fast is "ripping on it" ??? 6bps,10 bps, ???

Two things that come to mind are:

is there a foamy on the end of the bolt?

The ball detente might be in just a hair too far...

You shouldn't be breaking that many balls. Have you tried not ripping on it to see how many balls you can shoot without breaking one? Just as a test...

Also, what mode are you shooting in? Manual, E-mode???

10-04-2003, 12:29 AM
its set at about 15 or more a sec and im ripping fast. im on E when i play but its only when i really shot it and there is always that time you shoot really fast in a game. yes there is a foam pieace at the end of the bolt when i shoot normal it doesnt break. ill try some stuff like changing the barrel messing with the detent and stuff. thanks guys

10-04-2003, 08:21 AM
This may sound stupid, but we have a Freak front on our team that if one guy shoots it it is a blender and all the rest of us it works great. We all shoot emags or xmags also. We ound a couple of burrs in it and smoothed them out, and it is the only barrel we have the problem with.

Now if you load your paint in your hopper and leave it siting around in the sun, it will weaken the shell on some of the paint, especially the one in the neck of the hopper. I had a similiar problem like yours and that was what was causing it. I know when not using the marker and have paint loaded cover it with a towel to block the direct sunlight or set it down in the shade.

Hope this helps man.

Chris Geiger

10-04-2003, 10:38 AM
I dont know why your balls are breaking, everything seems to be correct really

but I can guarantee the balls arent hitting each other in the barrel :)
Think about it, if one ball is going (lets just say) 300 fps when it is shot, and continues that velocity as it moves through the barrel, and say the next ball is released .05 seconds later... the balls will always be .05 seconds apart. I understand the speed reduces as it goes through the barrel, slightly, but so does EVERY ball, so they will never hit each other (unless of some extreme circumstance when its <b>outside</b> the barrel, but that would have to be like something crazy)

10-04-2003, 10:55 AM
rmmatt153, may i ask how you can shoot REALLY fast and only use one hopper a game? i think your fibbing!

the egg tops out at 17bps and we have ALL seen an emag shoot at 25 Balls per sec. Reason i say this is because if Anything you would have chuffs or chops which it seams like you arnt because you have Not said a thing about that.

And if you think about it, the retro valve is really consistant... and would never have that much shoot down/up to make the balls hit inside the barrel

Barrel brakes hmmm.. try a diffrent Barrel

also i dont think you have 3.0 lol

10-04-2003, 11:17 AM
thanks baja boy for your help and yes i do have the soft wear in my gun tom kaye gave it to me him self. he gave it to me and my friend kieth to try it out and see how we like it and have people at the field we work at countryclub paintball ( www.ccpaintball.com ) try it out and see what they think of it. if u dont believe me thats fine all i know is that i have it. thanks for everyones help

10-04-2003, 04:43 PM
bajaboy tom did give them software... as far as i know

Was supposed to give it to a bunch of people today but the gods didn't want us to have it :(

10-04-2003, 05:26 PM
i didn't read all the really big posts but i didn't see anyone ask this before...

did you make sure the paint was really .689? sounds like you used less than a case of paint so maybe you had an old case or something....maybe it got hot and swelled...

10-05-2003, 01:04 AM
well thats what I was saying but who knows