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View Full Version : Should they?

10-04-2003, 10:00 AM
Maybe they won't do it now, or next month, or even next year. But AGD must be hearing of the requests every now and again by the fans of the Sydarm! People asking "Are you going to remake this?" or "You guys should market the Sydarm again!" e-mails and comments.

What do you guys think? Would you like to see AGD remake and remarket the Sydarm to the general public? I'm specifically making this thread in the Scenario forum for one big reason. Scenario ballers are of course the largest chunk of players who buy pistols! Maybe it's been done but I haven't seen Miami Effect or Ironmen playing with a Core ZX, have you?

Scenario and Big Game ballers are of course going to end up being the targeted audience for marketing, just like the Tac-One AGD is now pumping out. You won't see AGD Pride playing with it! (yeah, watch them NOW play with one to make me look retarded).

So what do you guys think? Would you like a Sydarm, or do you think it won't be a big seller so don't bother?

10-04-2003, 10:18 AM
I think it would be great, but yet again the market who is going to buy one isnt going to be large enough and it would be a waste of money for AGD. But I would love to see it released again I would buy one just to have it and mess around with!

10-04-2003, 11:00 AM
Yeah, that's what I'm curious on as well. If the market will be large enough that people would flock to a new Sydarm, be it 250 or 300 bucks. Despite the current market having Zeus, Zeus 2, Core ZX, PT-Anything (they all are junk) pistols in the range of 120-150.

I bet there'd be a good demand myself. But honestly I really can't even think if there would be enough demand to warrent Sydarm cost when Core ZX is just over 100. I know some would like myself. But me wanting one Sydarm isn't enough demand for AGD to re-release!

Lawrence TB Wright
10-04-2003, 02:52 PM
One of the biggest issues facing the SYDARM release to the public is liquid CO2. The SYDARM has several o-rings in place that constant air will either wear out or blow out. I know Tom is looking at working ona few things and I know another company is looking refurbing quite a few of these and selling. Stay tuned and be patient, there will be something to fill the void.

10-04-2003, 03:42 PM
why couldnt they make one with a classic vavle in it more like a mini mag?

10-04-2003, 05:09 PM
Personally, I say take all those classic valve Trade-ins and re-make a regulator body. Keep the same piston and all that. Just the thick metal housing that screws onto the front valve/bolt part.

With this have it instead mount with a side knob, or still a knob on the bottom like stock (the field strip pin). But instead of the side air inlet.... have a piercer. A 12gram piercer right in the grip frame, with of course 12g housing there too.

A redesigned grip frame and maybe even sear all together would be necessary but nothing that couldn't be done after some "simple" CAD work. If I had one of those programs instead of Microsoft Paint I'd personally be trying to design it right now and hand it over to Tommy Boy.

10-05-2003, 01:05 AM
well ive asked this question many times as well. i just bought a sydarm for scenario ball. it served me very well last weekend at vipers t-zone. i would love if tom would make some for us. i know 3 on my team would buy one in a heart beat. hell i want another one now. so my vote is yea...remake em and sell em....heck while your at it make a esydarm or just call it an E-arm...and elctro 8 shot pistol...how cool would that be!!!

10-05-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by judster
an elctro 8 shot pistol...how cool would that be!!!

Hee hee... If we ever meet up at an event somewhere, I'll have to show you the Zeus Cannon.

Nothing like a handful of full-auto goodness sitting in your holster... :D

'Course, reloading sucks. The clip empties in approximately a second. I haven't figured out if that's a drawback or an advantage yet... :D


10-05-2003, 09:17 PM
I would like to see a newer version of the Sydarm geered to scenario use.

Basicly redesign it to quick change 12 grams and standard under rail mount, and I think Tk has another winner on their hands.

10-05-2003, 09:26 PM
Damn nwo that you mentioned it... now im flooded with ideas on how to make this happen using current ULE parts and minimal newly designed parts.

10-05-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by edweird
now im flooded with ideas on how to make this happen using current ULE parts and minimal newly designed parts.
Kinda what I thought of while reading this. How about using a ULE body and making the 10 round feed so it can screw in the top. What about a quick changer on the side like a Palmers Sideline Stabilizer? Wouldn't be good for left handed holsters tho:confused:

10-05-2003, 10:13 PM
I personally have never owned a pistol because the ones available now simply suck. On top of that they come from companies with poor support (compared to AGD.) and redesign it every year or 2 and then its hard to find parts for its earlier version. I have tried getting a sydarm for 2-3 years, but only saw them going for like $500 +. I would love to see the sydarm re-released/improved. There new tac-one looks very sweet. If they redesign it with stuff like that in mind it would be perfect. I want a pistol that I can maintain on my own, is very reliable, and has parts avaible online from the mfg., thats an AGD sydarm if I ever thought of one. So I pay a one shot of $300-$400 dollars and can maintain it for 10 years. That sure beats buying the newest blow-back pistol ever-year with crappy workmanship at best. I think if someone evaluates there desire for a pistol paying more up front won't matter they would last and last and last. Why not buy a squall? Its fugly and its custom built. Throw getting parts out the window, and I hope you like waiting 6 months to get it. Its a little bigger to, and holters are'nt easy to find for them. So for now I'll just wait, and hope it happens.


Meph - I totally agree with the 12 gram in the frame, it would be mucho sweet, but then the price would go up. Maybe a modular system that would allow you to convert to a full-on gun with some part changes? The air-source thing poses a harder problem then. I'm sure if AGD does it they will do it right.

10-05-2003, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by z-zero
Why not buy a squall? Its fugly...
I guess there's no accounting for taste... :)

Originally posted by z-zero
...and its custom built.
Which happens to be a plus for people who want a quality marker...

Originally posted by z-zero
Throw getting parts out the window,
The point is, you will never need to "get parts". Anything you could add on to a Squall would just make it worse. And have you tried to find Sydarm parts lately?

Originally posted by z-zero
and I hope you like waiting 6 months to get it.
Yeah, well, that's custom work for you; no way to get around it. How long did you say you've been waiting to find a Sydarm? :)

I think there would be a big market out there for a new Sydarm, too, don't get me wrong. I'd like to see them re-released too. Heck, I'm sure the wizards at AGD could solve the liquid CO2 problem somehow... (Hey, they licked the "'Mags chop" and "You can't lighten a 'Mag's trigger" stuff, didn't they?)

Until then, I'll keep my "cheap blowbacks" handy, thank you. (Incidentally, I've never had a major problem with my Zeus; they're really not as worthless as you seem to think. Just make sure you buy a model with a proven track record.)


10-06-2003, 02:23 AM

yeah that is sorta what i had in mind as well.

basicly a top tube with 12 gram QD on the rear that screws in in place of the feed neck.

Oh and a frontloading 10rnd tube thing that has a springloaded ratcheting beltdrive. Basicly impossible to describe until I draw up protos

10-06-2003, 09:21 AM
I guess there's no accounting for taste...

A bunch of brass tubes stuck together just does'nt impress me. I can't look at it and think mmmmmmm eye-candy. Just my opinion.

Which happens to be a plus for people who want a quality marker...

Having a custome marker does'nt automatically denote it as quality. There are many quality production guns out there. I'm not saying the squall is bad, just not for me.

The point is, you will never need to "get parts". Anything you could add on to a Squall would just make it worse. And have you tried to find Sydarm parts lately?

I'm not talking about upgrades, just being able to service my marker from natural wear without sending it to california. As for sydarm parts, if they re-release it it won't be a problem now will it? or did I miss the point of the thread?

Until then, I'll keep my "cheap blowbacks" handy, thank you. (Incidentally, I've never had a major problem with my Zeus; they're really not as worthless as you seem to think.

I never said they were worthless, they have there place, they must they sell very well. I just want more from my pistol then the average guy I guess. I used most of the PT series and a zues and a sidekick. Seems they don't keep parts easily avaible for the older models. If I buy a pistol I want to buy ONE, so the squall comes narurally to mind but..... I just want something that will last as long as my Mag without needing to send it to california for repair. I'm sure the squall is a nice pistol but I think its over-priced, same reason I don't have a sydarm yet, people want to much money for them used.

These are just my opinions. If you own a squall I would like you to share some of your expiences with it, that would be cool. PM me or start a neew thread.


Wes Janson
10-30-2003, 08:00 PM
Mr. Kaye? Tom? Tk? Any input here? Pretty please? ;)

Big'n slo
10-30-2003, 08:19 PM
I'm all for a re-release!!

but until then the ghetto syd will be in production

next up, in-grip 12 gram :D

Wes Janson
10-30-2003, 09:29 PM
They still make those, you know. It's called the Automag. :P

11-11-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
I'm all for a re-release!!

but until then the ghetto syd will be in production

next up, in-grip 12 gram :D


That's almost exactly what I'd planned for mine (however, I never was able to make/have made the parts I need). Is it just the one clip on the side, or is there another on the other side too?

Wes Janson
11-12-2003, 12:02 AM
Wait a sec...the internals are basically identical to that of a mag, right? So why doesn't AGD just sell a kit to convert a classic 68 to a Sydarm? or am I missing something here?

11-14-2003, 02:12 PM
Because of how the airsource connects. There isn't an external hose, it was all internal produced with the Sydarm.

Though personally I'd rather see it with regular mag valves and an external hose. So Tom could use the already existing AIR valves (aka the ones people trade in to the GO X-VALVE program). And so there's no proprietary O-rings or seals! (hint)

But ah well, time will tell. I just wonder honestly if there would be enough demand. Though a Tac-One look to it instead of the current Sydarm look would be better I think, help sales.

11-14-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Timmee


That's almost exactly what I'd planned for mine (however, I never was able to make/have made the parts I need). Is it just the one clip on the side, or is there another on the other side too?

Too bad you couldn't atach the ASA underneath the rail where the normal for-grip would go. That would be sweet.

11-15-2003, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by MidnightRider
Too bad you couldn't atach the ASA underneath the rail where the normal for-grip would go. That would be sweet.

Oooh! That's a good idea! Mount a horizontal 12-gram changer under the barrel with a stainless hardline back to the valve...

Completely holsterable, no internal mods... I like it! And the air line itself should provide some expansion space to help keep the liquid CO2 problems down.

Hmm. I know I've got an old 'Mag body around here somewhere... :cool:


11-15-2003, 11:12 PM
Glad you liked the idea. If I had the money I would gladly pay somebody to modify a body to change from a powerfeed to a horizontal feed. Then all I would have to do is add the front ASA and the new body and wha-la. Instant "Sydarm".:D