View Full Version : Would any bottle be able to screw into a maxflow reg?

10-04-2003, 05:53 PM
Say if I took the reg off my PMI Crossfire tank, would the bottle then be able to screw into a maxflow reg?

10-04-2003, 05:54 PM
well i dont see why not...

10-04-2003, 05:55 PM
other than the fact that you shouldn't do it , but have an airsmith or w/e do it :)

10-04-2003, 05:56 PM
Thats what I was thinking but being how ghey smart parts is they probablly made there own threads.. So has anyone actually done it?

Also.. Say I bought this reg http://actionvillage.com/031-4320.html could I do the bottle thing again?

I really just want to know because I am sick of screw in tanks lol.

10-04-2003, 05:59 PM
well, you can just get an on/off adapter/df

but it would be stupid to have bottles with different threads...

thats like making foregrip regs with different threads: it'd be totaly ratawded

Edit: i meant foregrip regs

10-04-2003, 06:01 PM
So your saying they probablly didn't do this?

And remember it is smart parts.. They have different threads on there shocker/impulse, lol like wth who puts different threads on BOTH markers you make

10-04-2003, 06:04 PM
shocker and imp have different threads???

if so, sp should be burned

any reg should fit on any bottle

"all bottles are made the same way, just different materials. its only the reg that is different on each tank"

thats what my local shop owner says, so i'd take his word for it. but if you really really wanna make sure, you could wait till someone says that "no, sp isn't that gay to make diff threads on their reg"

10-04-2003, 06:06 PM
maybe.. If im lucky my friend will let me try it on his lol. I just want to know forsure so that if I do get a maxflow reg im not sititng there feelin lonely wihtout a bottle ;)

10-04-2003, 06:07 PM
lol that'd suck more than a vaccum to have a reg and no bottle to stick it on lol:D

10-04-2003, 06:08 PM
lol.. Ya my friends threads just got nasstilly demolished on his 3A sscrew in tank from my crap duckbill.. It's fixed and will screw in now but meh.. I hate screw in tanks lol.

Spartan X
10-04-2003, 08:54 PM
I love screw in tanks...

10-04-2003, 10:48 PM
I am a little unclear on what you are talking about. If I am not mistaken a Max-Flo has left hand thread not right so you cannot just screw a bottle into it. As for the threading in the bottle. Unless Smart Parts contracts with one of the bottle manufacturers, and there are actually only a few, then it will have the same threading as all the others. I suspect that Smart Parts would not do this as it would ad considerable expense with no gain.

If you really want to know, find out who makes Smart Parts bottles, ie:Luxfer, Catalina, etc, and contact them directly.

10-05-2003, 12:22 AM

thx guys.. Ya I was talking about taking the reg off so it was just the bottle and screwing that into a maxflow reg. I wanted to know because my friend is planning on getting an impy and he wanted to know if he could just take the reg off his current tank and then just screw the plain bottle into the horrizontal maxflow.

10-05-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by kutter
I am a little unclear on what you are talking about. If I am not mistaken a Max-Flo has left hand thread not right so you cannot just screw a bottle into it. As for the threading in the bottle. Unless Smart Parts contracts with one of the bottle manufacturers, and there are actually only a few, then it will have the same threading as all the others. I suspect that Smart Parts would not do this as it would ad considerable expense with no gain.

If you really want to know, find out who makes Smart Parts bottles, ie:Luxfer, Catalina, etc, and contact them directly.

The lefty thread maxflo's are the old ones, from like 99. They had an adapter thing (sorta like the arm part of an armageddon, that had a big on/off knob, and different threads that would screw into the maxflo reg.

The new style maxflo's (cool colored ones), old style (uglier black ones, long and short cap), and the new ones that are supposed to come out soon will all share threads with any other paintball tank. As big as SP is they can't make their own bottles, and thank god cuz if they did some poor balla's would be dead now. Anyhow, yes, you can take a strap wrench around the bottle and a wrench around a square or hex part of the reg, and get em apart no problem. You have to worry about putting it back together with not enough or too much force, so I'd suggest asking your local pro shop to do it so you don't have any chance of killing yourself, and they're liable if they damage the tank or reg threads.

The end

10-05-2003, 12:37 AM
Thanks :D