View Full Version : And for its formal introduction to AO: "Famine" The 3rd Horseman of the Apocalypse

Kaiser Bob
10-05-2003, 01:55 AM
Well, I was planning on indroducing my xmag to everyone, but I keep forgetting so without further ado, here it is! If i had ordered an Xmag I probably would have gone for some fade, but I really like the all black scheme now. All I need is a black tank cover to match. Im going to wait till I get ahold of 3.0 before i take videos, but they are on the way! :)

10-05-2003, 02:12 AM

you have to leave the EMR tank ring on there forever.

Kaiser Bob
10-05-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by datapimp69

you have to leave the EMR tank ring on there forever.

That goes without question... or at least until hydro time, they will probably remove it. all i know is they better not screw up shatners signature on the bottle when they do it.

EDIT: A little explanation on the name choice. Well for one, until the Xmag ive never had a paintball gun worthy of naming, besides 'piece of crap' maybe. Anyway I noticed Blazingace's cool names for his guns, and it got me to thinking about some names. Shatner is a horse freak, so at first I was going to name it Black Beauty, but it didnt have quite enough edge, so I remembered from good old sunday school about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and how badass they were and Famine the 3rd horse is black... Death is pale, so the Trix can be Death, now i just need a chrome and red gun to complete the collection. Perhaps an empire timmy, they are red arent they? :) Also Famine works quite well for the Xmag becuase its purchase and use makes me poor!

10-05-2003, 02:21 AM
wtf.... how did u get ur hands on an Xmag?

Kaiser Bob
10-05-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
wtf.... how did u get ur hands on an Xmag?

Whoa you are behind the times arent you? :)

Creative Mayhem
10-05-2003, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
wtf.... how did u get ur hands on an Xmag?

He bought from the charity auction at SPPLAT2. Damn Bob, i still can't believe what you paid for it. :eek: Oh well, it went to charity... :D

10-05-2003, 07:17 AM
Yes, at the end of Shatnerball II: The Failed Revenge of Tom they had both giveaways and auctions. I remember Kaiser paid between a but over MSRP and An Ungodly Amount. Something along there.

But all went to a charitable cause. I won something in the auction too but now I can't seem to find it. Ah well. My desk is a complete bloody mess.

Kaiser Bob
10-05-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Yes, at the end of Shatnerball II: The Failed Revenge of Tom they had both giveaways and auctions. I remember Kaiser paid between a but over MSRP and An Ungodly Amount. Something along there.

But all went to a charitable cause. I won something in the auction too but now I can't seem to find it. Ah well. My desk is a complete bloody mess.

Thats a very good way of putting it. (How much I paid)