View Full Version : halos

10-05-2003, 10:29 AM
you think it's worth paying $40 for a rip drive and the new z software?

10-05-2003, 10:56 AM
How often do you plan on running out of bateries? Z software is proly a good idea... but I dono about the rip.. how long do you have from the low bat warning till it keels over? I think the prob is that you are sooooo screwed if the bat does die on you.. its not like a revo where you can shake it and make the balls drop. Hmmmmmm.... gonna have to think about that.

Load SM5
10-05-2003, 11:13 AM
The new software is nice and speaking from someone who's HALO konked out in mid tourney the rip drive is handy. If you have to use it once, it's paid for the $10 upgrade.

10-05-2003, 11:39 AM
i think i might just go ahead and do this... so odyssey better stop coming out with upgrades.. i mean t/e came out like 4 months ago? and i didn't even use my te yet lol

Creative Mayhem
10-05-2003, 11:44 AM
I got my HALO upgraded at IAO. I didn't get the Z software(they came out with that after i upgraded, grrrr) i have the TE software, what it does, i have no clue...lol What I do know is the RIP drive is soo worth it... My halo hasnt konked out(knocks on wood)during a game, buy it has jammed up due to my overfilling before the game started :( Let me just say, that if I didnt have the RIP, the bunkering that was on the way would have been FUGLY:eek: The added bonus for the RIP is you can back off some of the pressure on the ball stack between games. Hope it helps.

10-05-2003, 01:50 PM
I just did the Z-code test and I do have the new software. I like the idea behind the ripdrive and I was glad I paid the extra $25 to have it installed on my Halo from the factory. I don't ever want to have to worry about a jam, dead batteries and being able to take tension off the ball stack when I'm finished for the day is nice too....

btw, how did you get a price of $40 for the software upgrade and Rip Drive. The Rip Drive installation is $30 with shipping; where does the other $10 come from? I know if you just wanted the software it's $15 for the software upgrade and shipping back to you but if you're already having it sent in for the Rip Drive I don't think they'd charge you another $10 just to flash your firmware...if they are...well...what can I say?

10-05-2003, 04:34 PM
well i was looking at the site.. and it said that it is $40 even for rip drive and new z... it was there last package deal on one of there pages

10-05-2003, 04:39 PM
that's lame..10 bucks to flash the board..jeez...I'd call them to cofirm...

10-09-2003, 12:09 PM
if you guys don't know what the software does are you sure you want to change it? alot of the people that upgraded to the TE software complained about it slowing down feed rate to be softer on the paintballs(which is why i never sent in mine). Supposedly the Z software corrects this, but I don't know that its better than what the Halo B's came with originally.

10-09-2003, 12:20 PM
The rip drive is definitely a good idea and definitely worth the purchase. Chris, from odyssey, suggests that you practice using the rip drive during games to be better prepared if your batteries happen to really die on you. :)

10-09-2003, 01:04 PM
well speaking from experience...... i played woods ball on sunday with my emag with my halo. i bought a fresh pair of rechargable panasonic batteries. for some reason the battery didnt get charged. i was pretty muched screwed when the halo didnt feed. i think the rip drive is a really good idea when you need a few shots to win a game.especially when your out numbered bout 5 to 1 and your shooting air from a marker than can shoot 16 bps. anyways thats my $.02

10-09-2003, 01:16 PM
:rolleyes: Jeez! What does the new Z software do? I'm so behind on my loader/alphabet lingo. Whats next, the Double D revvy? Holds more paint than your little sister's loader? :D

10-09-2003, 01:22 PM
The Z software is supposed to be a bit more battery efficient and when the board sences a jam it will try to clear itself 3 times before shutting off. The shutting off is so you don't jack up your motor.

This better be the damn last upgrade I mean they've already reached the end of the alphabet. STOP IT ODDYSEY! You're making me spend more money ya bastards!

But the Halo does rock.....

10-09-2003, 10:52 PM
Dirty I think its a whole new board not just a flash..