View Full Version : train trouble (possibly school trouble)

10-05-2003, 02:39 PM
On friday I had a day off from school. My friends and I decided to go into Boston cuz we had nothing else to do. So we walk around Boston, and end up in Fanuel Hall. We all buy lotsa stuff from the joke shop there, but we all end up using it on the way back to the train station. We take the 4:15 from South Station in Boston and planned to get off in South Weymouth (about a 30 min ride most of the time). We are walking down the train and find a seat all the way at the other end (the train was already moving, about 15 mins into the ride). we pile into the seats and all of a sudden hear a little smashing noise when the last kid gets into the seat. It was the last stink bomb, going off in my friends pocket because it squished against the seat. It starts to get worse and worse as the ride goes on, so me and my friends get up and he stays there by himself for some reason. we reach braintree (a stop b4 south weymouth) and they try to say that they are waiting for a spot at the platform. this was pretty suspicious to us becuase we were already at the station. The conductor lady walks up to us with a security guard and counts us then says "off the train right now" the security gaurds bring us all out and sit us down on a bench there. then he says "what the <B>*POOF*</B> happened" we explain to him how it was an accident and he understands and is sorta mad at the stupid ppl on the train. but then, to top it all off, all 900 ppl on the train have to evacuate it and go onto a different train. that whole process took about 15 mins. Now about halfway through the evacuating process, a real stern lookin guard comes up to us and flips out his notebook. he actually turned out to be a pretty nice guy and also understood it was an accident. 5 of us stayed pretty calm, but then 6th was flippin out. he was like oh no i wont be able to ride the train ne more and this and that and stuff. so they finish taking our names down, my friend calls him mom to come pick us up. but this is the clincher, one of the security guards asks us what school we are from. panicking, the 6th kid goes WERE FROM BC HIGH pretty quickly. we had no idea how deep that would get us in. so over my friends house, we keep talkin about it, keep worryin about it and stuff. but we all decided nothing would happen. just today, im talkin to another friend from bc high (boston college high school) and he is like dude were u guys on the train on friday? it turns out it ended up in the local newspaper. they didnt say our names, just that we went to bc high and where we were from. what worrys me the most is, our school is extremely strict and we might face suspension, but only one person did something. we had nothing to do with that stink bomb goin off, but we still might get in trouble. ? because the security gaurds on the train didnt even seem to care they were actually mad at the ppl who complained and how they had to do all this. so right now im worryin a ton and wondering what will happen tommorow and stuff. do ne of u think all 6 of us will get punished for something one person did accidently?

<B>*Warning: No Cussing.*</B> -Miscue

10-05-2003, 02:48 PM
One question:

Why would your school care what you did on a public train on a non-school day?

Chill. It made the paper because some reporter's husband was on the train probably.

10-05-2003, 03:20 PM
well the MBTA came to the school and gave us a talk about dont do stuff but i guess ur right