View Full Version : When does a girl stop being polite and start being interested in you...

10-05-2003, 03:23 PM
I swore I would never write one of these :rolleyes: Oh well.

Some of you know my story about my summer. Those of you who don't, here's a summary: fell in love with a girl over the summer but it wouldn't have worked long term (different religons). But it kinda hurt, more than I thought it would. Haven't been on a date since the middle of August. But I've been feeling a little bit better lately and have been thinking about getting out.

Well, I had to go to this field trip for my Middle East history class. Not as bad as it sounds but still kinda boring. I took the Metro down (Metro is the subway system in Washington D.C.). On the way down I noticed this girl thats in my class. I didn't think much of it till we got to the stop. We kinda bumped into each other and she recognized me. So we walked into together. The musuem was somewhat interesting. Stuck around aafterwards to look at the exhibits and stuff.

Well, I end up in a room with the girl (who's name is Allison)and start to chat with her. She asks if I wanna go (we got on at the same stop). So I say sure, and after a couple minutes we go. We talk on the way to the Metro and while waiting for the train. When the train arrives she sits next to me for the ride back (up until that point i figured she was just being polite). We talk some on the way home and then part at the parking lot.

So my question is: Do think she was being nice? Or was she somewhat interested with me? Before this summer I would haven't cared but after that I just feel hesitant. I gusee I just don't want to gett hurt. Again.

Suggestions? Inspirational pep talks? :D

10-05-2003, 03:28 PM
forget her.. move on... when they are finished playing around they'll make "serious" claims about their intensions...

10-05-2003, 03:41 PM
um, idk it sounds like she is kind of. see if she wants to do something with you again and if she looks like she really is interested when you talk to her(like looking at you when you talk and not looking at other places) and all that then she is probably interested:cool:

10-05-2003, 05:10 PM
Gee, thanks Heat, that will take him far.....

Just be yourself, like you were at the museums. When you put on airs, or try to act cool or different than what you are, you become very transparent. All girls can see through that crap. Granted, some girls want to be seen with the "bad boy", but that usually ends up on "Cops" :)

Ask her out again, to see some more of DC. Many of the Smithsonians are really cool, with the REAL stuff to see, that you'll be learning about in school. Most of us Americans don't have such a great oppotunity.

A movie, with no pushiness from you, and maybe a pizza after/before, can break a lot of ice. Just don't think you have to be someone that she'll like, just be you.

10-05-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
um, idk it sounds like she is kind of. see if she wants to do something with you again and if she looks like she really is interested when you talk to her(like looking at you when you talk and not looking at other places) and all that then she is probably interested:cool:

I agree with him. It sounds like she is interested. Good luck.

10-05-2003, 05:58 PM
to_keep_it_short_she_seems_interested_so_GO_FOR_IT _and_ehen_in_these_situations_think_of_that_quote_ that_says_'you_miss_100percent_of_the_shots_you_do nt_take'

10-05-2003, 07:27 PM

10-05-2003, 07:39 PM
I like that quote Joker

Keep hanging out with her, but with nothing in mind. However, dont be obvlivious, that would just discourage anything that might be happening.

10-05-2003, 07:40 PM
he's working on it... lol puHAHAHAHAHA

if you think shes intersted in you and you like her .. go for it man! good luck with what you decide

10-05-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer

"he's working on it... lol puHAHAHAHAHA"



10-05-2003, 07:50 PM
or just press tab everytime.

10-05-2003, 08:30 PM
or just copy a space, then hit CTRL+V to paste it in between words

10-06-2003, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by Army
Gee, thanks Heat, that will take him far.....

Just be yourself, like you were at the museums. When you put on airs, or try to act cool or different than what you are, you become very transparent. All girls can see through that crap. Granted, some girls want to be seen with the "bad boy", but that usually ends up on "Cops" :)

Ask her out again, to see some more of DC. Many of the Smithsonians are really cool, with the REAL stuff to see, that you'll be learning about in school. Most of us Americans don't have such a great oppotunity.

A movie, with no pushiness from you, and maybe a pizza after/before, can break a lot of ice. Just don't think you have to be someone that she'll like, just be you.

sorry...but I can't stand women antics....

10-06-2003, 07:06 AM
Jeez Joker, do want AO to have a collection in order for you to get a new keyboard? :D:D:D

Anyway, thanks for the advice guys. Unfortunately I won't see her till thursday. Normally the class is Tues. and Thur. but I won't be there Thurs. I have a physical with the Marine Corps. Wish me luck (in both arenas :D )

10-06-2003, 07:38 AM
Bunker Her!

Seriously, enjor Middle Eastern History, that's a very interesting subject. I took that and Arabic (which was a disaster of epic educational proportions) and found both to be worth the study.

Back to the chick. She seems interseted in you to at least some degree. Try making a time for the two of you to go back the museum again. That's pretty neutral and subtle, and feel her out then (metephorically, not physically)

10-06-2003, 08:01 AM
i think she was just being polite/courteuos, since you both had to the do the same project. from what i got from your description of the project it doesn't seem like something you both were looking forward to doing, so why bear it alone when you can have some company to help you get through it.

10-06-2003, 10:31 AM
It was a class field trip but we both came in together (late) but I see your point graycie. Thanks for the input. Nice to have a woman's opinion.

10-06-2003, 10:39 AM
Worst thing you can do is assume there's something there to begin with. She could have been friendly with you as some people have said. However, don't let that discourage you from making a new friend. Next time you see her, ask her if she's free sometime to do whatever. Call her up, talk to her, treat her out. Keep it at the friendship level and see where that takes you.

Especially since you're trying to get over things with that other girl. Don't make the mistake of thinking this new one will replace the other one. It takes time to get over things and it takes time to build a relationship.

For me, relationships is like gambling. You win some, and you lose some. But with every hand dealt, learn from it. It'll make you a better player(no pun intended). ;)