View Full Version : Daddy, make the hurtng stop....... My weekend got bunkered story

10-06-2003, 07:25 AM
So this weekend I was reffing both Saturday and Sunday (long story how I got talked into that). Sunday I had a pretty good crew, 40 guys from Newark that were all friends and really good guys. Whenever I judge I always get shot up more then the players, because I keep myself right in the action so I can see what's going on and be ready to intercede if something requires immediate attention.

Well, on the last game of the day I was crouched behind 3 guys behind a structure. I was about 6 feet behind them in basically an umpire stance (staying low enough to be out of anyone's fire that was behind me). I catch of the corner of my eye a guy from the other team moving in on the three guys I'm behind. He rolls of the wall of the structure, sticks his gun out from behind the wall and blind fires about half a dozen shots into me. I start to yell at him for blind firing and before I get the words out of my mouth he takes a few steps out from behind the structure and fires at me a few more times before realizing I'm the ref. Then he bolts and gets out of field of vision.

Total elapsed time from first shot to him being completely out of sight, no more then a few seconds.

I'm got bruises on my arms that look like I was bit by the monkey in Outbreak.

10-06-2003, 07:43 AM
Sweet, an Outbreak monkey reference!

10-06-2003, 07:47 AM
No blindfiring? Your field has a rule against that?! Anyways...MY turn for a bunkering story...probably nothing compared to some here, but damn. The tourney in Kansas City this month was the location. Im sitting there in this beercan, then bam, some crazy guy on vicious comes running at me (I could see his shadow) and I pop out and shoot him. Very close, so it wasnt really playing in, and he keeps going, and when he comes around his barrel goes under my mask, and pops me in the mouth. Im bleeding out my mouth, my nose, and I have a swollen lip half the day. Good times, Good times.

10-06-2003, 07:49 AM
ouch newt.

you dont wear a yellow/orange ref jersey, or orange reflective jacket thing when you ref that clearly identifies you? or were you, and maybe this fella did it on purpose.

what was the end result? take him back to the woodshed and put him over your knee?

10-06-2003, 07:49 AM
squid i think most field have a rule against it.
challenge park
country club

well most in illinois anyway

10-06-2003, 07:53 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by joey d
you dont wear a yellow/orange ref jersey, or orange reflective jacket thing when you ref that clearly identifies you? or were you, and maybe this fella did it on purpose.

Not only do I wear the orange Ref Jersey but I wear yellow view force ref goggles. I suspect it was an accident since the guy did a double take when he realized who he hit and ran away.

what was the end result? take him back to the woodshed and put him over your knee?

It was the last game, so I took everyone back and sent them home. My guys kept remarking how I get hit more then any other ref they've ever seen. They liked that I'm always in the thick of things and never ref from the side.

My wife doesn't like it as much. When she saw my bruises she thought I got in a fist fight with the entire UFC lineup.

10-06-2003, 07:58 AM
And Squid, we don't allow blindfiring because it's dangereous. If you don't know where the ball is going then you can't shoot in a safe manner. You wouldn't know that you're too close, or that you're overshooting, or hitting someone that's already out, or any number of other things you shouldn't be doing.

10-06-2003, 08:00 AM
yea, blindfiring is a definite no-no at the fields around here. that may get you thrown off just as quick as lifting your mask on the field.

10-06-2003, 08:12 AM
the story about the barrel being under your face mask is just scary......thats just too close!!!!!

and i sounds like if he would have been any closer,who is to say the barrel might have wedged itself under your goggles, bye bye eye.... i mean "my god"

if any body every shot me like that i am afraid it would turn out bad, there is just no reason to shot somebody that f'n close

i would have to insert my gun up there rear end...

and thats just my 2 cents

10-06-2003, 08:21 AM
reffing sucks, plain and simple. unless you have reffed before, people don't appreciate what you have to go through.

10-06-2003, 08:35 AM
the Rudy football tryout theme plays in the background.....

10-06-2003, 09:27 AM
I REALLY hate reffing tournements, because I try to be the ref that actually checks players and doesnt just stand there. End result is a lot of welts.

10-06-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
And Squid, we don't allow blindfiring because it's dangereous. If you don't know where the ball is going then you can't shoot in a safe manner. You wouldn't know that you're too close, or that you're overshooting, or hitting someone that's already out, or any number of other things you shouldn't be doing.

or that your blasting a ref... (i found that out from experience lol i can still see the welt on my wrist some days)

10-06-2003, 02:33 PM
Every field I've been to doesn't allow blindfiring.

10-06-2003, 03:08 PM
Never heard of a field that doesnt enforce blindfiring

10-06-2003, 03:37 PM
Blindfiring is a big no no in all of the fields around here. As for my bunkering story, yesterday playing some team I went to bunker my mirror..and he wasnt there. So, after my back player corrects his call, I go and bunker two guys in the same bunker. On their side of the field, I shoot out their back player, and go for the mid. Well, as I begin to start shooting at him, I realize..my Evo2 is making a loud noise..and I have 6 second delay on my eye..no..oh god no..no paint. So I grab a pod out of my pack, and start running. Some say it was the craziest thing they have ever seen, as I ran from their flag station, to the 50, to about the 40, and tried to reload, but got hit in the pack in the process, too bad I guess, lol. Eventually the guy got torn down by like 5 teammates, all in all it was funny. As for reffing stories..the worst is when you go to the 50 shootout scene, and get in a fight of who got shot first, and then they continue to bunker each other, and then somebody else comes up..jeez.no respect, lol.

10-06-2003, 07:24 PM
Bump! Big ups and props for reffs! I reff too, and it is a thankless job. Its awsome you get into the action and see the situation develop, myself likewise.

10-06-2003, 08:14 PM
Poor Newt, next time bring a little PGP pistol, so if someone decides to try that again u will be prepared:D

10-07-2003, 10:47 AM
I took some nice bunker shots this spring. We were playing a three man tournament. I made it to the middle 50. I had a guy pinned in his bunker when he tried to advance and didn't know I was there. I actually hit him but didn't get any breaks. Both my two back players were in corner pop cans cross firing the field. They both got taken out at the same time and left without saying "hit!". A player from the opposite team then proceded to come around my back and let me have it with 5 shots from about 2 feet away. It drove me forward into the dirt and hurt like a son of a gun. You could hear my shouts of pain and surprise all over the arena. It was a nice move but I wish he had hit my pack or at least let off the trigger a bit.

Another kind of funny story is when a bunch of us were playing pickup speedball. There were also a group of kids that wanted to play. Since it was open ball, the more the merrier. Of course, you know what inexperienced kids do on the break. They (three of them) stayed in the first bunker near the start. I had to stay there off the break as well because I couldn't run due to a bad knee injury earlier in the season. The bunker was too small for all of us so after the initial burst of fire, I assessed the situation and decided I could make it forward to a bunker about 20ft ahead of the one we were in. I told the kids where I was going and to not shoot me as I moved forward. They acknowledged and I took off running as fast as my limp would allow. I didn't get 4 steps out of the bunker when one of the kids sticks his gun up over the top of the bunker and blind fires down the field. He made a perfect shot right to the back of my head. I was bent forward to keep low and my balance was off because of my limp, so the impact caused me to do a nice sprawl forward into the dirt. I know the refs quite well and they were all rolling around laughing uncontrollably. It was quite funny and is still brought up in conversation at the field.

10-07-2003, 03:38 PM
Last time I played in Utah one of the fields had a rule saying you could blind fire. I was like WTF. Then again gun hits didn't count either. I had a huge target *warped Minimag with 14" barrel* so I'd use it like a shield and the refs would just laugh. All of my group + the refs thought it was a ridiculious rule to not enforce. I did however get accused of it because I was shooting through a hole on a wood pallet. Little did they know but I could look down my barrel and see the guy. Oh well. Either way that was the last time I went there.