View Full Version : tko mag

10-07-2003, 08:35 PM
im looking to buy a tko automag off pbgear and i was jus wondering if any of you guys had bought that package and what you thought of it when you got it. o yea and what would be a better upgrade for it (after i get hpa)a drop or a barrel?. o yea an what kind of barrel comes on it stock? thnks dudes

10-07-2003, 09:06 PM
It's not that bad of a package. You can get a better deal buying used, but if that's not your thing, the TKO package is a good deal.

Major Ho
10-07-2003, 09:30 PM
My friend just bought one off PBgear. Its pretty nice. Pretty good bang for your buck. It came wiht all the fittings and stuff so it was pretty much ready to go out of the box.
But do me a favor and check out this thread
TKO mag link (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=104756&highlight=TKO)
He jumped right into the game and left immediately after. PM me? Ill hook you up

10-08-2003, 03:46 AM
have you checked your local stores too? they might be able to get you a better deal. and I'd say go with the powerfeed one. instead of getting a drop or a barrel, i'd recommend a motorized hopper.

10-08-2003, 07:17 AM
I started out with the TKO 'mag also and it was a great path.

I'd definitely recommend the powerfeed version.

The barrel I recieved with mine was the stock RT Pro barrel, which is pretty darn good. But they will typically put any barrel on it that they have an excess stock of. I've seen older All American's, J&J ceramics and the RT Pro barrel. All of them are good and would suit you just fine.

Perhaps someone can clarify, but are the newer classic mags coming with the level 10 installed? If so, specifically request that when you order your marker. If they are not, then I would make that your first upgrade after you HPA.

An inexpensive drop would probably be next in line, and then finally, an Intelliframe.

If you have the money now, I'd suggest checking the markers forsale forums, because you could probably pick up one with all this already installed for just a little more than you're going to pay for the TKO.

Good Luck!
