View Full Version : Help me win argument

10-07-2003, 09:14 PM
I am 15, play pball on a team and we are having a practice against an amateur team 1 hour from where i live i was offered to get a ride with them but my mom wont let me because she doesnt "know them, she doesnt know thier driving habits, she doesnt know if they drink or smoke pot"

anyone have any arguments... she has seen all of them @ the shop...

10-07-2003, 09:22 PM
I'm with your Mom on this one.

10-07-2003, 09:26 PM
That's frustrating... I see your Mom's point though.

Is that the your only ride to the field? or can your Mom take you?

If she won't/can't take you, that is your argument...

But still. Your Mom is just looking out for your safety.

10-07-2003, 09:39 PM
Just say you'll take the city bus, then go look up some newspaper articles about child rapists and insane people useing public transportation...

10-07-2003, 09:47 PM
Dude my mom is the same way. Even with friends of mine that she doesnt really know. I mean I know them just fine, goto school with them hang out all that stuff but she doesnt trust anybody. Its really stupid.

10-07-2003, 10:23 PM
thats what all the little kiddies say until the big old boogie monster gets them....

really though, your moms right

10-07-2003, 10:29 PM
i'll get in any car that takes me to the field :) wear your seatbelt and pretend you're invincible.

10-07-2003, 10:31 PM
WHAT??? I just went back and reread that, I thought he meant he was getting a ride w/ strangers. But his own team??? Yall are saying he doesnt know anything about his teammates? If you cant trust your teammates who can you trust?? Im have to disagree with everyone here, he should be able to ride with his own teammates.

That is crazy man. All I can say do what my mom makes me do. Invite them all over one day and intoduce them to your mom. Kinda gay but thats the only way I ever get to do stuff. Or introduce your mom to them all at the field(better idea than my 1st :) ). Thats about all I can think of.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
10-07-2003, 10:35 PM
i agree with the previous post. for a moment i thought it was with strangers but this is with your own teammates.

introduce em all to ur mom :D

10-07-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Rather
Im not sayig that he doenst know his own teammates. I'm saying I don't think he knows how safe of drivers they are. Even the most responsible people can be crazy drivers. And I know first hand crazy drivers aren't fun to ride with unless you have fotball pads on and a clean pair of boxers handy...

If they are safe drivers and you know that as a fact, then just let your mom get to know them. Everyone hates it, but its the only way for you to get a ride to that practive skirmish isnt it?


10-07-2003, 11:01 PM
Wait, is he getting a ride with his teammates, or the ammature team he's going to be practicing with?

Either way, I say go for it. It's fun meating strangers with guns and getting into their car.

10-07-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Grasshopper

Either way, I say go for it. It's fun meating strangers with guns and getting into their car.

shhhhh your gonna get some lil kid raped, and then his parents are gonna sue AO. LOL :D. jeez stupid peeople. :p

10-07-2003, 11:13 PM
Tell her to take the teet out of your mouth and let you chew on some grown up food.

If theses guys drink, smoke pot and don't signal before turning then I guess they won't make it to your house to pick you up because they will be dead already!

10-07-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Nachos
Tell her to take the teet out of your mouth and let you chew on some grown up food.

If theses guys drink, smoke pot and don't signal before turning then I guess they won't make it to your house to pick you up because they will be dead already!

you can drive and smoke pot at the same time..........or so ive been told ;)

10-08-2003, 06:16 AM
yeah didnt you see that one commerical at the the fast food drive through...duh

10-08-2003, 06:59 AM
It sounds like the guys on the other team offered you a ride - well how is the rest of your team getting there? I can't imagine that you are going to fit both teams and all their gear in one or two cars, right? If that was the plan, then it's definately not safe.

I moved to the city a few years ago where it was impractical to bring my car, so I know how bad it sucks to be at the mercy of others for a ride, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm 34, live 800 miles away from my mom, and I wouldn't get in a car with guys I don't know that well.

10-08-2003, 08:17 AM
Dude go with what your Mom (we say Mum but hey) says. She ultimately knows best. Listen are you gonna wait till theres a knife at yo throat b4 you say "damn my mom was right"?? There are some bad folk out there and at 15 you may or may not be a good judge of character like she may be. In anycase at 15 you ain't gonna be able to do sh*t against someone who really wants your wallett/a$$/sneakers.

Be safe dude.

10-08-2003, 08:25 AM
What are the ages of your team mates? Being a father of teens myself, I can say without a doubt that I would not let my kids get rides from their friends who are also teenagers and travel an hour away unsupervised. And there are many reasons for this.

But to prevent an uprising from folks, I will not get into any of the reasons why… but responsible parents know.

10-08-2003, 08:43 AM
dont want to sound like a broken record, but your mom is right. it is very hard for a parent to let their child go somewhere, where they dont know the people or they have never been. i have a 16yr old player on my team. im order for him to go to an out of state scenario games, i give his mother every bit of information i have. from the itenarry of events, to my address, driver license number, ss number, my parents name and number. most of all i make sure his mom has evry resource to get ahold of me. i even have her write a note authorizing me or my wife to allow medical treatment if need be. having 2 young children of my own i know if they are going somewhere i want all the info i can get on teh person/place before i even think about leting them go. it sucks for the children, but in the world we live in, i would rather have a pissed off kid then a dead/missing one. if these guys are your teammates they need to get to know your mom. talk to her about being a team mom, not only does it ease her worrieing but it also keeps you safe. just my thoughts....

10-08-2003, 03:27 PM
there will be 2 per car and this is just concerning my teams transportation (6 of us including me) 3 = 16-17 2 = 19, 23

10-08-2003, 03:28 PM
oh and its not strangers ive been playing with these guys for quite awhile now... i hang out with them @ the shop all of the time... the guy i would be riding with doesnt drink period... she has seen all of them before... my dad doesnt care my mom does.... if ya need any more info tell me

EDIT: yes i have ridden with them before to local burger king and ****... they ARE good drivers but i dont want to relay that information to my mom and risk further problems.

10-08-2003, 03:29 PM
make her go with you

10-08-2003, 03:40 PM
When I was 16, my parents were very super protective about my friends and me doing any driving. But they saw how responsible my friends and I were with driving, and that we took it pretty seriously. They even let me drive from Chicago to Madison by myself when I was 17. :eek: Looking back, I don't know why they let me!!! :D

There's something called foot-in-the-door or something like that. Basically, you start with baby steps and eventually huge freaking leaps can happen. But it all starts with baby steps.

Ask your mom if you guys can drive to the movies. Drive to McD for lunch and then to the library to study (she won't believe that one though). Stoopid simple stuff. Soon enough, you'll be going to practices!

10-08-2003, 05:00 PM
Just say youll walk, and get a ride from them down the street. I agree with your mom, but I also agree with doing what you want to do. She cant stop you from smoking pot, or drinking, or whatever. I think she needs to learn this now. When parents arent around, kids do what they want anyway. My advise, go around her, and make sure you dont get caught! In the end, she needs to learn she cant stop you. If you let this continue, she will try to control your life even when your 20, trust me, I know.

10-08-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
WHAT??? I just went back and reread that, I thought he meant he was getting a ride w/ strangers. But his own team??? Yall are saying he doesnt know anything about his teammates? If you cant trust your teammates who can you trust?? Im have to disagree with everyone here, he should be able to ride with his own teammates.

That is crazy man. All I can say do what my mom makes me do. Invite them all over one day and intoduce them to your mom. Kinda gay but thats the only way I ever get to do stuff. Or introduce your mom to them all at the field(better idea than my 1st :) ). Thats about all I can think of.

I don't know, half of the ballers I know smoke a lot of weed, even in the morning before practice. If it was a ride to church, I'd say she's crazy. But she apparently understands paintball more than you think

10-08-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Just say youll walk, and get a ride from them down the street. I agree with your mom, but I also agree with doing what you want to do. She cant stop you from soking pot, or drinking, or whatever. I think she needs to learn this now. When parents arent around, kids do what they want anyway. My advise, go around her. IN the end, she needs to learn she cant stop you./ If you let this continue, she will try to control your life even when your 20, trust me, I know.
No offense but you are dead wrong in your way of thinking. Parents may not be able to STOP their kids from doing many of the things you mentioned (when out of their control), but they can sure as heck hold them accountable for those actions and dispense some serious discipline. And we can also make darn sure you are NOT out of either our control or the control of another adult (be it school, or whatever).

Try pushing the limits in MY household…. LOL I will show just how much control I really have…. LOLROF

And I advise NOT taking the advise given in that post….. it is a good way to lose any trust you may have earned already.

But hey, what do I know… right? ;)

10-08-2003, 05:25 PM
Ok, were not talking about a moral problem here. Yeah, I know alot of players that smoke weed too, but still, its wrong to say that that is wrong. It's a question of nationality. The United States and several other countries don't allow weed because they can't tax it. Thats why it's illegal. I'm not saying it's right though either. I also don't smoke it, because I like a clear head when playing. To tell you the truth, paintball is the reason I don't (and my girlfriend) but I like my mental state. I dont feel it needs altered (alcohol has no place either). But you really cant call it wrong to smoke it. Many other countries feel it's perfectly fine to.

Anyway, I'll stick by what I said earlier. I think parents are too protective. The people here dont know what kind of a neighborhood, or area you live in. Around here, there really isnt any danger of being kidnapped, or whatever, so I wouldnt have to worry. But around your place, I dont know. Parents dont want to let go until you have to literally pry their fingers out of your life with a crow bar. Tell her it's time you start making decisions like an adult, so you can learn to make the right ones yourself. Parents just dont know when to let go. I know my mom always said that when I start acting like an adult, she will treat me like one. It's by saying that, that I dont want to. I think if you treat your kids like one, they will learn to act accordingly.

10-08-2003, 05:28 PM
I'm 16, and I don't drive... but my parents WANT me to get rides from my friends, because its easier for them. They trust that I can judge the character of people by now.

I'm getting my license very soon though... wheeeeee

10-08-2003, 05:34 PM
My household this, and my household that... You need to learn that your kids WILL do what ever they want, when they want. You think they are going to school? I know I, or quite a few other kids who could/did skip alot. Their parents didn't know any better. Its time to put more trust in them, and less iron grip on their lives. Now that my parents have let up, they trust me now. I find that letting them down, is worse than any kind of punishment they could offer. When I was a kid, sure I was affraid of being spanked, and whatever, but I also knew they couldnt kill me, and that is what made me continue to do what ever I wanted. I may not have done so much while they were around, but when they were gone, it was MY RULES. Your kids are the same, and they will never admit it.

I just got done being a kid,(in age, never in spirit)and I know that my parents put a death lock on me. I'm not saying dont get info on where they will be, or whatever, but still, dont nag, and dont constantly ask questions. Just ask where they are going, what they will be doing, and tell them to have a good time. I would say that offerning consequences is a good thing, just tell them, that if you catch them, or you find that they are drinking/smoking blah blah blah, that they will be in trouble. Let them make the right decision.

10-08-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
My household this, and my household that... You need to learn that your kids WILL do what ever they want, when they want. You think they are going to school? I know I, or quite a few other kids who could/did skip alot. Their parents didn't know any better. Its time to put more trust in them, and less iron grip on their lives. Now that my parents have let up, they trust me now. I find that letting them down, is worse than any kind of punishment they could offer. When I was a kid, sure I was affraid of being spanked, and whatever, but I also knew they couldnt kill me, and that is what made me continue to do what ever I wanted. I may not have done so much while they were around, but when they were gone, it was MY RULES. Your kids are the same, and they will never admit it.

I just got done being a kid,(in age, never in spirit)and I know that my parents put a death lock on me. I'm not saying dont get info on where they will be, or whatever, but still, dont nag, and dont constantly ask questions. Just ask where they are going, what they will be doing, and tell them to have a good time. I would say that offerning consequences is a good thing, just tell them, that if you catch them, or you find that they are drinking/smoking blah blah blah, that they will be in trouble. Let them make the right decision.
I don’t think you are saying much different than I was…. aside from your opinion on how little control parents have.

You also state one contradiction after another… how you do what you want, disobey both rules and LAWS, but then say it is time to put MORE trust in kids? LOL

I think you also confuse having the ABILITY to control every aspect of a child’s life, and doing so. I don’t run my house with an iron fist. I do however, have rules and serious consequences for breaking them.

I will also ask as many questions as I feel I need to. And when YOU become a parent, I sure as heck hope you figure this out. And guess what? I even LET my kids do things from time to time that are against the rules, and let them think I don’t know they did it. LOL Kids think they pull so much over on their parents, but sorry to say, quite often they didn’t pull anything over.

WE were kids, but you have never been a parent. And that simple fact will cloud how you see situations. And you can’t ever honestly say that we don’t understand…. We were there… remember?

I will also say that your situation is not a basis to judge all parent/child relationships on. Heck, I have 4 kids and each one has a slightly different relationship with me and their mother. Each child is different and handles situations differently.

And I think when you are trying to raise your child/children, feed them, clothe them, pay for their medical bills, be personally responsible for their actions, etc. etc. etc. you will think a bit differently about things than you do at this point. I have no doubt however, that you will say you will not… but again, I have seen it all before. And we would most likely sit back over a cup of coffee and laugh about all this in 15-20 years (if it were to be brought up). ;)

10-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
She cant stop you from smoking pot, or drinking, or whatever. I think she needs to learn this now. When parents arent around, kids do what they want anyway. My advise, go around her, and make sure you dont get caught! In the end, she needs to learn she cant stop you.

No, a mom can't stop a kid from drinking or smoking pot, but she has an obligation to try. She can also do other things, like reporting her kid as a runaway, denying him permission for a license when it's time to drive, and the list goes on and on. Oh, and as far as her learning this, um, obviously you are under the impression that parents are born at 35 years old and have never been kids themselves. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
If you let this continue, she will try to control your life even when your 20, trust me, I know.

Unfortunately, chronological age does not guarantee that one behaves like an adult, and imo your post clearly illustrates that fact. Almost every parent cares deeply about their children, and will keep parenting as long as it is necessary...don't knock it...when you're an adult going through a tragedy or tought situation, it's good to have a parent to turn to for help and advice.

My suggestion would be to talk honestly with your mom about this stuff - find out what will earn her trust with your teammates. Maybe it's something as simple as meeting their parents, and that doesn't seem too unreasonable to me.

10-08-2003, 06:32 PM
Unfortunately I cannot help you because of your age.

When I turned 16 my parents did not want me to ride with friends, they knew my driving habits, they knew I was a safe driver in their eyes, etc. In fact, I can only vaguely recall one time when my friend drove and thats cause... well it was just better that he drove and not me.

Tell your mom as long as you have a better car then all your friends then you will drive :), its that simple.

10-08-2003, 07:21 PM
My dad has this thing....he knows I do stuff I shouldnt do, and expects me to make the righ decisions myself(most of the time I do). So he usually lets me go and do as I please to an extent. The only catch is that when I get caught I get the a'beatin of my life. Now that can work out 2 ways, 1 learn your lesson so you wont get beat, or 2, learn to not get caught.

But Ive noticed my junior year(right now) especially I have matured a great dea. I used to smoke weed, but it killed my motivation, I almost failed 10th grade and I blame it on weed. So when I came to that conclusion I stopped. My grades have greatly improved(3.43gpa). Now I still have fun and party and do stuff thats illegal. But I learn my lessons when I have to. I get sick taking something, I dont take it again. Once you mature you'll start making smarter decisions.

Its all about maturity level, the more mature you are, the more respect and trust you will gain from your parents. Do the mature thing, get your mom introduced to them so she can build up trust with them. After she finally agrees to it, if she does she'll start to trust you more and you wont have this problem again. If that doesnt work just wait till you get your liscense. :rolleyes:

10-08-2003, 07:29 PM
Truth is, we were all raised a little differently, and believe me Shartly, you cannot possible run your household like my mother did. She nagged to no end, wouldnt let me do anything, never trusted me, and was always asking the same stupid questions. I simply dont want my children to grow up like that. I want them to feel that I trust them.
InexactMelissa, youre right, I dont act like an adult, because I've decided it isnt worth getting old. Your only as old as you feel, and personally, I'd like to feel young forever. My brother-in-law told me that he grew up once, and he decided he'd rather regress. I don't like taking life too seriously. I like to have fun. But still, I'll tell people to do what they want. In the end, your parents dont have anything to say about it, because they cant really stop you. Truth, isnt it? And I said what your parents know about. Not a whole lot of parents know thier kids (the ones that do) smoke weed. It's the same with sex. Schools are finally taking the right appoach, giving condoms, and saying "Be safe" instead of saying "dont do it". Thats what your kids are leaning in school Shartly. Still think their safe in there?

Shartly, you can only punish what you know about. Your kids as well as every other kid on the planet will do what they want. They are doing things right now you dont know about. I guess I get that mentality from my dad. He let me play Doom when it came out, even Wolfenstein, while my mom wouldnt ever let me. He'd tell me when she got home, and to turn off the computer, so she wouldnt find out. He knew I could handle the content. All I'm saying, trust your kids more. I've see all this before, parents saying you'll think different when your a parent. Do you really want to control their lives? Get one of your own.

Ths is all just my opinion, I'm sure I'll feel a little differently when I have kids. But I will always believe that trust is better than a nag session ever 5 seconds about THE SAME THING. Whle yes, there are alot of people out there doing things that are bad for them, most kids are good kids. Kids like me, who never touched drugs, or drank, or smoked, just want to be left alone. Leaving them do what htey want instills trust, dont you think?

10-08-2003, 08:43 PM
How does your mom actually control you? She sicks the dad on you right? Well, if he's on your side, walk out the door and do what you want. I'm 15 and thats pretty much what I do. Although, my mom wouldn't really care who I was getting a ride out to the field with since once you get to the field there's a LOT of adults there.

10-08-2003, 08:56 PM
and when you start driving your mom not gonna let you drive out of a 5 mile radius? lol

i make fun of this kid for that all the time

10-09-2003, 07:17 AM
WarpedRT#2, I agree with you that kids will always do what they want to do, and that parents will always push when it comes to their kids. The point that I am trying to make is that it is better to have your parents pushing with you rather than against you.

In this particular case, what happens if he disobeys his mom, gets a ride with the kids, and then gets caught? I can imagine a mom saying "those kids must obviously be a bad influence on you. You're not allowed to associate with them anymore" and there you go...he's cut off from his team.

Every action and decision has it's consequences. In general, it's our job in life to weigh our choices against their potential consequences and choose wisely...not just in the short term, but in the long term as well. Don't you think it would be a better idea for him to work on getting his mom on his side and build her trust so he doesn't have to go through this every time it comes up?

While in the short term, it may be embarassing to have to introduce Mom to the teammates and/or their parents, in the long term it may mean that the question about getting a ride to the field is solved, and also provide a stepping stone for bigger things in the future - a field a little farther away, or a tourny that requires an overnight stay.
Maybe another teammate has a similar problem with his folks, but now that Mom is on his side, she can help smooth things over with the other kids parents.

It's not always easy, but the best results come when you can follow the rules AND get what you want.

10-09-2003, 08:44 AM
~WarpedRT#2~ you sound like I did when I was 15, but then I realised how immature I was and grew up. Maybe your Mom treated you like that ...... because of the way you are!! Hey, now theres a thought. And I can't believe you condone (spell) smoking pot and driving as if its cool? Man you need help. I'm 26 and I only realised that my parents were looking out for me when I was in pubity (like you still obviously are) even though your chronological age probably doesn't back this up, because I was young and I could easily get hurt. Yes I took cars and yes I did drugs but it was the actions of my parents nagging and locking me in my room and stuff that saved my life I think.

It does feel unfair that you could do all this stuff if only you were let loose but what if you got hurt/injured/put in jail/killed/raped etc... would your parents be able to put up with the guilt? Probably not, but hey the world only revolves around you right?

to the original postee......don't take the advice of this person. Listen to those who can think for others.

10-09-2003, 09:45 AM
Bolter, you know what? I'm not even going to bother telling tyou to reread my posts, because I know you wont do. I said "I'm not saying it's right though either." To us, the US, it isnt right, but to many other countries, it's perfectly fine. You dont seem to realize there is a world outside of the United States. I bet you look down on people who do moke pot, dont you? Do you really think youre better than they are?

You see, if my parents caught me getting a ride from people they told me not to ride with, i'd tell them, that nothing has happened so far, we get to the field, and back alive, and I obviously dont smell like smoke. Then I'd offer to let them drug test me, and if it came up negative, my parents would realize they were wrong. Hence what I said "Truth is, we were all raised a little differently" hence, my parents would actually understand this. My parents are not the same as your parents. Get it?

BTW, when did I ever say "yeah man, go smoke pot while youre driving!" I didnt. Also, I'm far past puberty, but you wouldnt know that because you didnt read my posts, or you didnt read carfully. Read before posting.

Look at what robertjuric said. He stated that he woke himself up. Those lessons you learned the hard way are the ones that stay with you. I'll tell you that when my parents lock me in my room(never actually locked, but made me stay in there) It only made me hate them. It didn't teach me a lesson, it made me think of better ways to not get caught. I understand the need to punish, but not like that. The school systems (like stated before) are on my side, and beginning to realize they were wrong. They now safe "be safe" instead of "NO" and if Marijuana gets legalized in the US(far, far off) they will change their stand again. They will say "Use in moderation, and stay home" instead of "It's evil". It's not a moral question.

10-09-2003, 10:43 AM
warped warped warped, I'm not out to make enemies here I just think that respecting your parents knowledge and wisdom is a far better option than hating them for trying to help.

You dont seem to realize there is a world outside of the United States. I bet you look down on people who do moke pot, dont you? Do you really think youre better than they are?

I'm from England. Did YOU not read that? I do smoke pot, everyday (thats not a brag its an addiction) thats the extreme last of my worries!! By all accounts my former life as a walking chemist has been forced to change by my parents. THEY SAVED ME AND MY LIFE. But hey what do they know? They are just trying to stop our fun!!


pubity (like you still obviously are) even though your chronological age probably doesn't back this up,

I will explain. This...means....you...are....immature...not....a.. ..teenager....

Hey I know man, why don't you move out of home while you still know everything. See how far you get with that attitude.

Look this is a thread that is supposed to be helping out a baller who needs to get around. Lets give him....positive advice, rather than turning him against his parents.

10-09-2003, 01:53 PM
No, his parents are going to turn him agains them. Not me.
Puberty doesnt mean "teenager" look it up.
Lastly, There are reasons I dont move out. I cant yet. I'm still in college, and I cant afford a place of my own.
Wait, you said you DO smoke pot? So that means your parents failed, right? If youre still doing it, they were a real good influence:rolleyes:

Still, I'll stand by my original statement. Dont get caught.

10-09-2003, 06:23 PM
and the award for longest posts in one thread goes to... OH, its the "Help me win argument" thread. anyway, i know how it is, that is the same thing my mom said when my team wanted to go somewhere 4 hours away. oh yea, and warped rt, people at my school cant skip, the school sends postcards to the parents to make sure they know that thier kid was not in school, which suck balls.

10-09-2003, 07:28 PM
Postcards!?! On the day I moved out of my mother's house, I presented her with 2 years worth of suspension notices that were mailed to my house, which I had intercepted and hidden under my mattress.

But, as for the matter at hand, may I offer some insight being a mother now myself: I would guess that your mom has the biggest problem with the fact that one of your teammates is 23. I know I would. Back in my day (and your mom's) a 23 year old hanging with highschool kids was either looking for sex or such a loser that he had to buy younger kids beer to get people to like him. Times are much much different now, and especially in paintball where we don't have school teams or office/community leagues to loosly divide us into age groups as is the case with sports like basketball or baseball. Your mom may not understand that...maybe show her a magazine that has some bios of pro teams with big age ranges; get her involved with the pb community; introduce her to the owner/manager of your local field. Again, introduce her to the parents of a teammate that is closer to your own age and arrange to ride with him.

Most importantly, please remember that it is easier to gain someone's trust than it is to regain trust that has been lost. You have a lot of years of living at home ahead of you: bide your time, work to earn that trust, and don't risk losing what you've worked so hard for.

10-10-2003, 02:57 AM
Most importantly, please remember that it is easier to gain someone's trust than it is to regain trust that has been lost. You have a lot of years of living at home ahead of you: bide your time, work to earn that trust, and don't risk losing what you've worked so hard for.

there you go warped...its not just me saying it.
So to the author of this thread, trust your parents, treat them with respect and they will give it back. If you don't and sneak around you will find it hard.

10-10-2003, 12:23 PM
Folks, it is improper to apply certain lessons you have learned about your own family to other families.

Without actually being there and being a part of this young man's family, you have NO IDEA of what is going on. It's kind of like "Hey man, your dad seems really cool!" "That's because you're not there to see him get drunk and beat all of us." You just have flat out no idea as to the (sometimes rather complex) inner workings of a family.

You can offer maybe a little gentle advice or words of encouragement, but that's it. Attempting to impose your own specific conclusion derived from your own very specific upbringing is... stretching it.

This argument shouldn't be for us to win or lose for you, bud.

10-10-2003, 12:44 PM
Goatboys right, we really cant tell him what to do. We were all raised by different standards, and dfferent people. To Shartly, I didn't mean to offend you, I just feel very strongly about my point of view.
Poscards? wow, that does suck. My school calls my house when I'm not there. I just turn off the answering machine. For the author of the thread, I have a friend who has it possibly a million times worse than you do, so dont feel bad.

p.s. I have a cat and I call myself her daddy. Does that count?:D

10-10-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
To Shartly, I didn't mean to offend you, I just feel very strongly about my point of view.

I was not offended.

10-10-2003, 02:32 PM
Drinking and Driving is the Surest bet if you want to get to the end of your trip in the shortest amount of time.

of course, your mom might not want to hear that, and will smack you around a bit.


Tell me though, why does this have to be an argument with your parents? It either happens, or it does not happen. Consider the best way for your parents to feel safe, not debate with them or try to rationalize the situation.

Why not bite the bullet, let your parents talk to the people and parents involved? Find out who is responsible for the trip, get to know the risks involved... or are there things you don't want them to know...?

10-10-2003, 05:17 PM
Ok, since this is now a "how to raise your children thread" and no longer "any good argument that i could present to my mom thread" lets leave it at the former because the latter has been solved.

10-10-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy
Folks, it is improper to apply certain lessons you have learned about your own family to other families.

Without actually being there and being a part of this young man's family, you have NO IDEA of what is going on. It's kind of like "Hey man, your dad seems really cool!" "That's because you're not there to see him get drunk and beat all of us." You just have flat out no idea as to the (sometimes rather complex) inner workings of a family.

You can offer maybe a little gentle advice or words of encouragement, but that's it. Attempting to impose your own specific conclusion derived from your own very specific upbringing is... stretching it.

This argument shouldn't be for us to win or lose for you, bud.

ok i admit i worded the title of the thread poorly, it should have been doesn anyone know anything i could point out to better my case.

10-10-2003, 09:53 PM
Let us know how it turns out, and try not to get in trouble.

10-13-2003, 01:59 AM
yeah just try to be safe and let us know..

04-09-2004, 04:22 AM
my mum don't know you that well bolter ( good job too :D ) but she lets me travel anywhere with you

EDIT: the good job too part was only a joke

04-09-2004, 01:47 PM
Kids do what they want.
Parents try to do whats best.

Okay to your question. Or maybe to my question. Does she have a reason not to trust your judgment? Does she have a reason not to trust her own? (She has talked to them before right). You only live once and cant put your life on hold just to be super safe. Between the 2 of you, you should have to have a pretty good idea of the type of people you are talking about.

04-09-2004, 06:31 PM
hey im 16, sure i can get a ride with friends, but my parents dont like it

i understand their point...
my friends smoke and drink ( i dont ), i know that i could die anytime i'm in their cars. young drivers drive pretty bad, too fast, too late on brakes, too slow reaction etc

its all the reasons moms and dads wont let you get rides with friends. i respect their reasoning, but i'm easily tempted

really no way to argue against it. unless you show that your friends are good drivers, not decent but good

04-09-2004, 06:44 PM
Hey guys,I think he figured it out.......6 MONTHS AGO. ;)

04-10-2004, 12:44 AM
He probably has his license by now...