View Full Version : speedball --- dont like it

10-08-2003, 03:48 PM
When I first played paintball most of the "kids" playing now were infants or just in preschool. I remember the days when paintball was all about simulated combat. Good people having fun in the woods shooting it out wearing camo and making skilled moves and judgements. When honesty, good decision making and a straight shot actually meant something. We all looked like something out of the movie FULL METAL JACKET. While I am NOT BASHING people who like speedball I find it to be not in the original spirit of the game. I guess that if I were one of the big paintball companys I would want all these kids shooting as much paint as possible and spending all their parents $$$ as fast as they can empty the hoppers. Some of these guys look more like circus clowns with all that yellow and red coloring. Spending my day in the hot sun on a dirt field shooting at inflatible barriers waiting for the "luck" to hit a player looks more like a cartoon than a sport. I just dont get it. it seems to be more a contest of who can empty their hopper the fastest and carry the most paint. While I'm sure diehard speedballers will disagree, there just isn't as much skill involved as there is luck. Of course some "team" skill is required in speedball as it is in woods play and surley some teams are better than others. Speedball is of course the brain child of the big companies to get this "sport" of speedball on TV and to make even more money. And like most americans a lot fell for it. Like I said if speedball is your thing than good for you, no matter what type you play its good for all of us to get more people into the sport. However wearing a bright yellow or blue dye jersey DOES NOT make you a better player, just more visible. :) And YES I did try it, did very well too, but it just isnt what true paintball should be, for me anyway.

10-08-2003, 03:58 PM
speedball is Nothing about luck.. infact if you play it torny level, you will take more time scouting the field then the game itself

10-08-2003, 04:00 PM
Please ignore his ignorance.No one should be biased about diffrent styles of play.It takes as much skill to take someone out on the speedball field as in the woods.I play both styles and love them both.Have you ever played speedball im guessing not.Try it once and see how u like it.

When i'm playing speedball i love the adrenline of 20 balls flying over my head and trying to ge threw a wall of paint.

When im playing woodsball I feel the adrenaline of staying quite trying to take over the other guys base.

Both styles are great try speedball once and see how u like it

10-08-2003, 04:01 PM
you have a few good points, but you obviously arent grasping the idea of speedball. yeah, you empty your hopper, but why? too keep the other guy down in his bunker so your teammate can execute a flank. i believe the higher levels of speedball has FAR more teamwork than any type of woodsball. speedball is all about executing very specific moves, plays even. that is what its about. one wrong move, one inch of your "brightly colored" jersey exposed, your out, and your whole team may lose because of that elbow you had sticking out.

it is WAY more than luck. luck is nailing that guy whos foot was hanging out in a couple quick shots. is shooting 15bps in your firing lane and nailing a guy running full speed to the 50 while having 3 other guys laying paint on you just as fast luck? i dont think so. and SOME teamwork? why do you think most people HATE recball? because speedball is ALL teamwork, and its not very fun playing with people who dont match your style and communicate with you and do their own thing.

you should look more into speedball before you make judgements like that, because you are dead wrong. im not a diehard speedball player, and i totally agree on you with the use of overly "flamboyant" clothing used to make people think one is a better player than they are. i actually play more woodsball than i do speedball, basically because its cheaper and from my experiences far, far, far easier.

10-08-2003, 04:13 PM
Some good points, and very true, some are off...... I myself dont play speedball, nor do I want to. But I wouldnt say speedball is mostly luck, come on oldschooler .... BRAK had a good point about woodsball, people often do their own thing and no teamwork is involved, can be very frustrating. I play woodsball with 2-4 longtime friends and we work as a team, often WAYYY outnumberd, but I find that the most challenging, even if its 25 guys doing their own thing against us we do well. A lot of the younger guys could learn something about WORKING AS A TEAM by watching speedball and apply it to woodsball. I dont think you were trying to bash speedball per se' but some may view your thread as such..... if it isnt for you thats cool, it isnt my thing either.... but ease up just a tad and youll be OK.

Good point about the colored clothing though, man i love it when im in the woods and the other team has players who wear yellow and white, I can see em a mile away......

10-08-2003, 04:25 PM
You know whats the worst thing about what is going to happen with this thread? Its going to turn into a war. Give it up and live like this.

Just play ball.

Its all paintball. Some like woods some like speedball a lot of people like them both. I appreciate the right for someone to voice their opinion and respect their opinion, but jeez. Can we give this whole woods vs speedball a break.

Play the game. Play the one you love to play and one day I hope to meet you in the middle.

10-08-2003, 04:36 PM
I have given the same type of thoughts. For some reason over the past two years or so I have lost interest in playing. I have recently started to wonder if it was because of the huge explosion of speedball and the lack of woods ball. I have also wondered if it was the additudes of the people currently playing. Which ever the reason, I can honestly say I had more fun in the early/mid 90's playing woods ball every Saturday and Sunday then I do now when I might play once every few months.

10-08-2003, 04:37 PM
I agree with Dualist. Just play. Whatever your personal preference is, jsut play.

Yes, most peoples version of speedball is to empty your hopper as fast as possible, but other people have a different style of play. I dont shoot real fast,(atleast I didnt unitl I got an Angel) But there is alot of stategy in speedball. movement and firing must be executed almost perfectly to ensure a win.

Woodsball on the otherhand is playing against not only just another person, but their mind as well. I've sat less than 20 feet way from someone (red tank cover and all) oin the wood, almost directly in front of him,a nd it took me more than an hour of slow, steady movement to actually get around behind him. He just layed there, staring off into the woods never even knew I was there. If that doesnt get your heart pumping, nothing will.

Two different games, for different people. It's all paintball.

10-08-2003, 04:47 PM
just an observation I have made over along period of time... I have noticed that all people who make fun of speedball or say that it is stupid all have below 20 posts this doesnt mean anything is specific. But an inference can be made that their newbs and most newb want to be (snipers) or just like woodsball and not speedball. I have also noticed from working at my course the people who play speedball their first time and light everybody up like it and come back to the course and they play lots of speedball and then end up entering our tournaments. However when I see a newb get lit up on the speedball field they ussaly say its gay and barrely come back if at all or just play woods alot. My first time playing I played speedball with advice from a skilled player who was reffing, and he told me to bunker people as well as move so I did so and I bunkered everyone off the break. Now I love speedball like most people and I enter lots of tournies. So I am an example of on of these types of people. This one guy I know some people on here may know who I am talking about, but is your on sernaio and woods guy and will ony play speedball if everyone has pumps. He said the first time he played speedball he got shot off the break. Now he is only woodsball guy. I think I have illistrated why people may have different opinions about this. I know one is not better than the other neccisarly and it is all preference. I think that all of the advanced speedball players may agree with my theroy but hay it just a theroy.

P.S. oh yeah I noticed people that started paintball when it was only in the woods and they were all ready old and now they like woods and speedball about the same or woods more.

10-08-2003, 05:32 PM
I love all these reflective post by "oldschoolers" who gripe n' gripe about how great the game "used to be". About how all of them posessed supreme skills that dwarf players on the field today and "they could do [blah blah blah blah] with just their trusty Nelspot while wearing their lovable tiger stripes". Get over yourself, seriously. The sport has grown and expanded in a so many different directions since the time "you played the game" and your going to have to except that 'cause its not going to regress, only progress. If you just cant handle the changes then theres always golf. I'm sorry we all are'nt sneaking around the woods playing soldier with pumps looking like a bunch of militia rednecks, theres always scenario games. I didnt "fall" for speedball, I like it. So do alot of others. No one wants to hear your griping just because your mad that speedball is more marketable, popular, and is the standardized tournement format across the nation.

10-08-2003, 05:35 PM
I prefer woodsball over speedball actually, but I'll be a monkeys uncle if I said I didn't enjoy speedball. I just like paintball and will play it whereever I should roam

10-08-2003, 05:45 PM
MY GOD...i cant believe someone described speedball as pure luck...Trust me there is TONS of teamwork involved in speedball. I would say just as much if not more than woodsball . I am a back man and so you go ahead and tell my front men that are tucked behind a tiny bunker that we dont need teamwork and they can do it all by themselves. How do you think those front guys find out where the other team is? DUR, its me shouting commands and letting those guys know where the other team is. I like to play woodsball every once in a while but the thing that turns me away is that most of the people that play woodsball generally have a horable outlook on speedball.

10-08-2003, 06:03 PM
Actually... and I will say first of all that I really really enjoy paintball - both woods and speed.

My Rookie 3-man tournament team and I play woodsball on Sunday mornings, Sundays PM is speedball. When playing in the woods we take our standard positions - me in front, one midman, and one backman. You would be surprised how much the game changes when you use Speedball tactics in the woods, we do this often. I am often picked into a woods team with the words "he shoots A LOT of paint".

I guess this is it, woodsball requires more patience to play conventionally, patience i have but seldom use with the lure of the speedball field. I shoot a lot of paint, I love the rush of the combat more than the rush of strategy, but can easily see the lure of the woods.

BTW - my next marker (if not an e-mag) is going to be an illusion pump, so its not all about throwing paint.

10-08-2003, 06:04 PM
What I have noticed (I started playing in 1986) is that speedball is a subset of woodsball. You loose some of the game. You really can't move like you can in woodsball. Stealth is gone. It really has turned into mostly a game of elimination. There are two basic skills required in speedball. That ability to not get hit and the ability to hit someone else. Sure, there are other skills that come into play every now and then, but the better you are at those two the better speedball player you are.

10-08-2003, 06:08 PM
Most all the articles I've read in magazines have sad differently because to most people speedball requires more skill and coordination for a team to win. This is because more often in speedball than in rec ball you see teams with specific moves and plays with particular bunkers. Not to mention that not only does it actually take skill not just luck to hit a good opposing player in speedball, but it also takes skill to not get yourself hit when wearing bright colors and hiding behind a bunker often just about 20 feet or so away from your enemy. It also involves more athletecism (is that how you spell it? oh well) and agility to run around at such close range and not get shot. Of course this is all my opinion, I just played speedball myself for the second time in my life last weekend because I'm joining a team with my friends and I love it.

10-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Speedball is not the brain child of paintball companies.

I started playing in 1987 with my National Survival Game Splatmaster and even then we played Speedball.

It was 1 game of "Jungle Ball" and one quick game of "Speedball" where we played on a field next to the jungle field made up of pallets, spools and barrels.

10-08-2003, 06:22 PM
I think anyone who thinks one form of paintball takes more “skills” and more “athleticism” than another are just fooling themselves.

There are all levels of skill and athleticism in EVERY form of paintball… period. Each type of game requires a different set of skills, or places more emphasis on one skill over another, but they ALL require skill to be GOOD. And that is what it comes down to. Are you a good player or not?

Because you play one form of paintball it does not mean you are a better player than someone who plays another form. And I think we all have seen good and bad players in all forms of paintball. That is like trying to argue which takes more skill and athleticism, football or soccer? They are different, and require different skills and different types of athleticism.

Everything else is just chest puffing to try to make yourselves think you are playing a “harder” game, and thus are “better” players with more “skills”. And this goes for BOTH sides. ;)

Just enjoy the game for crying out loud... LOL YOU ALL SUCK!!!!!! ;):p

10-08-2003, 06:25 PM
I dont get this kinda thing...you know what our brightly colored "clown" jerseys blend into? The brightly colored airball bunkers! ZING!

10-08-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I dont get this kinda thing...you know what our brightly colored "clown" jerseys blend into? The brightly colored airball bunkers! ZING!
Oh shut up Bozo! ;)

10-08-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I dont get this kinda thing...you know what our brightly colored "clown" jerseys blend into? The brightly colored airball bunkers! ZING!

That's a really good point, pro players on speed ball fields are indeed wearing "cammo" because it is designed to blend in with the field and it does. If trees were yellow and red and all those colors that sup air bunkers are, then you would look pretty darn goofy wearing a green jeresey... and that was just my opinion about the two types of paintball, theres no need to bash it and I'm certainly not claling myself a better player because I said I've played speed ball twice and rec ball a million times...

10-08-2003, 06:30 PM
Not to mention the fact thatt speedball is more of a specialization. Everyone has a role as their primary. Backplayers have a very specific role. The front players do too. And while everyone can double up and play other roles, they usually aren't as good.

I love both styles of play. But, for 2 different reasons. In woodsball I get to creep around and play a (generally) slower paced game. I can enjoy the strategy of performing a flanking maneuver. It's also a great equalizer. I played back home in Hawaii several times. It seems that everyone has a pump over there. And while in a toe-to-toe fire fight I had the upper hand (playing with my shocker) most times it was about stealth and movement rather than ROF.

In speedball it's about that rush. I can play, get shot out off the break and be cool about it, 'cause I'll be back in play in less than 10 mins. Speedball is ALL about teamwork. I'll tap their 40 bunker so that my front player can move. I watch out for my front man and he has to trust me. (Can't say that I've had to trust someone like that in woodsball.) Speedball is seeing that lane of paint and just sliiiding under it into your bunker. Speedball is mostly about ROF, but without a solid communication the team is going to be in a world of hurt against one that does communicate.

I love both styles and would hate to give up either. Same reason why I love Rec AND Tourney play/practice. Each offers different styles of play. *Variety, the spice of life*

10-08-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Oh shut up Bozo! ;) ahahahahah...I literally lol'ed at that one...not sure one. I guess its the subtle humor? Or was that subtle? Ahh!

EDIT: I would like to throw out that I DO play occasional rec ball, as I am not bashing it in this thread, or that "ads with legs" thread.

10-08-2003, 06:45 PM
woodsball --- dont like it

Nuff said.

10-08-2003, 06:57 PM
paintball is paintball and i like paintball.

10-08-2003, 06:58 PM
I would also like to add that speedball has gotten paintball to where it is now. All my friends that dont play think paintball is a hick sport until I tell them about speedball, and then they come to our course and then keep coming and they help the sport grow. From my knowedge I know x-ball will be espn and the olyimpics. I never saw these things when woodsball was popular. I guess I am trying to say that if there was not speed ball there probally would not be enough interest to have this fourm or pb nation. I you wnat to kill the sport by not telling people about speedball thats ok, but not helping your sport grow. I know some people that like woods more and thats ok but when they tell people about paintball they tell them about speedball to get them exicted and then they come play and then the sport grows and ect.. So basicly woods started the sport but then it died a little and then speed ball revived it and now look where we are today, on espn. I know the old timers that are probally goiing to say that woods was on espn once and thats my point woods was good to get the sport going but now we need speedball to keep it going and the speedball will have many things on espn, noit just one like woods in 1994 had.

10-08-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by shartley
I think anyone who thinks one form of paintball takes more “skills” and more “athleticism” than another are just fooling themselves.

that is why i see half of players at any feild grossly overweight. Sad thing is its mostly kids.:rolleyes:

on topic
I played in the woods back in the day, once I became confortable with all the shots being fired in speedball I fell in love.

BTW, play a real game of 5v5 speedball. Trust me 10 players laying down 20bps on a small feild will change your mind about "skill" invovled for speedball.


10-08-2003, 07:45 PM
I love woods ball and it is what got me started and interested in paintball in the 80's. As my skill improved, I became more agressive and actually play a very speedball like game, even in the woods. Speedball for all intensive purposes, just gives you a field with different types of bunkers (not trees) and has sides that are both the same. Even though, its still nice to get out to a nice woods field and assault a fort or something.

Paintball is good, no matter how or where it is played.

10-08-2003, 07:47 PM
ha im an old timer in a way, im just not that old...26
1st game was in the woods with a pump at age 14
i have to say i like both, and will play anything as long as i am getting to play. I used to like woods ball more than speed ball, "manly because the cost of paint" but i'll have to say my heart gets to pumping a little more in speedball!!!!

nothing like getting lit up 12 times at once while runing across the 50 just to see if you can mak it aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

but man, walking into somebody dug into a hole in the bushes 2ft away isn't any better "owned"

I love it all and as long as the sport continues to move foward and "paint gets cheaper" i'll be playin where ever it may be..

ps spelling

10-08-2003, 08:20 PM
Speedball is a refined form of paintball. Woodsball has not to my knowledge been refined yet. I think it would be a blast to have a woodsball tournament series that could consolidate the rules. It would provide a highly competitive platform for people who enjoy the woods style of play!
As far as I am concerned, be it woodsball or speedball, it is all recball because it is what I do in my spare time for fun!

10-08-2003, 09:16 PM
Not going to argue, or state my pov.

Just lets talk about luck.

First off on a speedball field you can see everything. Everything is wide open, and for the most part where you shoot hits. You know where most of the people are, as well as the fact that where your throwing paint its going to go.

In the woods, explain to me what natural barriers are in your line of fire (at all the times as well)?

Oh yeah, brush, brush, brush, twigs, oh and brush.

You get the point? Im no mathematician but the odds of hitting someone in the woods are much less than on a speedball field, now thats luck.

I have been playing paintball since I was about 9-10, so roughly 7-8 years. Except I evolved with the sport as with many others. Opinions are opinions, but straight out ignorance is just retarded.

PS: Woods is stupid, blah blah blah blah.

10-08-2003, 09:28 PM
Mmmmmm, speedball... http://www.pc342.com/smile/drool.gif Mmmmm, villiage... http://www.pc342.com/smile/drool.gif Mmmmmm, bushball.... http://www.pc342.com/smile/drool.gif Mmmmm, chronorange.... http://www.pc342.com/smile/drool.gif

Stock, pump, semi, bush, speedball, LOVE IT ALL! :D

10-08-2003, 09:58 PM
After I got into speedball I lost all interest into woodsball. It felt more like I was involved in a sport rather then some hick who likes to play with toy guns in the woods, that and the fact that speedball is a rush beyond comparison.

10-08-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502
After I got into speedball I lost all interest into woodsball. It felt more like I was involved in a sport rather then some hick who likes to play with toy guns in the woods, that and the fact that speedball is a rush beyond comparison.


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
10-08-2003, 10:55 PM
i've played speedball, hyperball, woodsball, etc. i played it all.

speedball - easy to hit someone and easier to bunker people

hyperball - fun to crawl into the tubes lol. easy to hit people and easy to bunker

woodsball (rec, woods, whatever you wanna call it) - harder to hit someone, harder to bunker someone, but fun and realistic.

i like all types of fields. it just depends on the situation. if there were like 50 guys i'd wanna go woods. if it's a small amount i'd rather go speed or hyperball.

50 cal
10-09-2003, 02:07 AM
I started in '87, I loved playing in the woods. But the game has progressed. I like playing speedball just as much now.
If you can't adapt, you get left behind.

We still play woods ball every now and again.

10-09-2003, 02:32 AM
Oldschooler, Welcome to AO. Wow your first post, and your already trying to start a flame war, nice try...but that kinda stuff tends to get snuffed pretty quick here on AO. Your gonna have to find some extra strength troll bait to get most of us goin'!

Anyway back on topic. I belive the majority of us here started out woodsballing, I did. In the end the result is usually the same in the end, you get your dose of adrenaline. I do feel sorry though, for the folks who cant enjoy both type of paintball.

10-09-2003, 05:14 AM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*

First off on a speedball field you can see everything. Everything is wide open, and for the most part where you shoot hits. You know where most of the people are, as well as the fact that where your throwing paint its going to go.

In the woods, explain to me what natural barriers are in your line of fire (at all the times as well)?

considering most woods fields, people make bunkers in them. i've yet to see a single woods field that is PURELY woods. i've also yet to see where natural barriers were in the way at all times. when they are, you move, and shoot from a different angle

Oh yeah, brush, brush, brush, twigs, oh and brush.
and bunkers.

You get the point? Im no mathematician but the odds of hitting someone in the woods are much less than on a speedball field, now thats luck.
no, i dont see the point.
its luck if you sit there and shoot. you get.. closer, to be able to make the shot. of course you know that, but if you think a PLACE where you play paintball determines whether or not if you hit someone is luck or not. ok..
shooting up in the air at someone thats about 200 feet away, is luck. we know that paintball doesn't have the distance in the woods, plus the tree lims, so we can't do those long balls, thus we get closer. it makes it harder. yes. its all luck?
if anything, you have to do more work to get those shots

I have been playing paintball since I was about 9-10, so roughly 7-8 years. Except I evolved with the sport as with many others. Opinions are opinions, but straight out ignorance is just retarded.
and stating that woods ball is all luck and you only have twigs and brushs to hide behind, and that its 'luck' isn't?
i dare you to go playing a scenario, a nice long 24hour one, if you think woods ball is still luck after that, your missing something ;)

10-09-2003, 09:55 AM
Oh yeah, I just thought of something, Alot of speedball games now use pumps. Hows that for strategy?

Still, I understand your point, I dont understand the rule of flag hanging in the sence that you might actually have a chance at hanging the flag without getting the entire other team out? If your running by the other team to hang the flag, why not just shoot them? Or why even have a flag? If you have to shoot everone in order to get the hang anyway, whats the point in having to hang it? Why not just straight elimination?

Woods isnt luck, that for sure, but neither is speedball. I guess it's the way YOU play. if your a back player, yes, you depend a little on luck. You job is to throw paint. Sure you are trying to achive your goals, like keeping someone down, or hitting off the break, but still, when you toss paint at a bunker, you arent hitting the bunker, you are shooting beside the bunker. to do that takes a little skill, and you have to guess at when the perons will come out. THat is luck. It's a little of both.

10-09-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by oldschooler
Good people having fun in the woods shooting it out wearing camo and making skilled moves and judgements.

While I am NOT BASHING people who like speedball I find it to be not in the original spirit of the game.

Spending my day in the hot sun on a dirt field shooting at inflatible barriers waiting for the "luck" to hit a player looks more like a cartoon than a sport. I just dont get it.

While I'm sure diehard speedballers will disagree, there just isn't as much skill involved as there is luck.

Speedball is of course the brain child of the big companies to get this "sport" of speedball on TV and to make even more money. And like most americans a lot fell for it. Like
Ok, its your opinion, so take this as mine. I'm not flaming you. Waiting 10 minutes in the woods, just to see an opponent 40 yards out doesn't seem to require much "skilled movement" to me. I once flanked a guy for 1/2 hour on a 2 mile loop. Thats not skill, its idiocy.

Lots of sports have progressed from their origin. It doesnt make it any less in the spirit of the game. Look at football. When was the last time an entire franchise consisted of only 12 guys. Do you think they had "special teams" when football started? The goal post used to be on the goal line for pete's sake!!!

Speedball games are generally 5 to 10 mins long at best. Its the 5 mile hike to the deadbox in a woodball game thats rediculous. With all those branches blocking your shot it takes more luck just to get a ball that doesnt break 20 feet out in front of you. Most people dont get that "filling lanes" and shooting lots of paint is a tactic. Its not the only part of the game, or the only way to get a hit. Try snap shooting with me. You wouldnt have a chance.

I didn't "fall" for speedball, because some promoter pushed it on me. I progressed towards it. My team played independantly in the woods for about 8 months. We got sick of the long walks, the infrequency of action, and the wasted shots that never even made it to the other team. The last few games we played in the woods we were about 30 yards apart, and there were barely any obstructions. We shot the piss outta each other, and the game lasted about 4 minutes. When we finally played a speedball game, it felt like we were waiting for that type of game play for a long time.

I'm not saying speedball is better. I'm just backing it up compared to your arguments. It takes skill to play either set up. It wouldnt be fair for me to sit here and say otherwise. Both variations are a ligitmate side to the sport.

Wc Keep
10-09-2003, 12:06 PM
i agree with what jedi said. i started playing woodsball. i hated every minute of it. i hate having to look for someone in a bush. i hate how every shot i take will break on something else before reaching my target. i usually have to shoot a few shots off first to clear the lane before i can actually hit the guy and by that time he has shot me using the lane i created.

10-09-2003, 12:40 PM
I think we clearly see that both woods ball and speed ball take unique skills unto each game, and also have some skills in common.

It comes down to what type of game each player likes to play… and nothing more.

10-09-2003, 12:52 PM
Haha! You're hilarious Keep. Yes ladies and gentleman, that is me in the woods.:o

10-09-2003, 12:55 PM
Haha! You're hilarious Keep. Yes ladies and gentleman, that is me in the woods.

Wow, didn't expect to see that one :D

10-09-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502
After I got into speedball I lost all interest into woodsball. It felt more like I was involved in a sport rather then some hick who likes to play with toy guns in the woods, that and the fact that speedball is a rush beyond comparison.

ROFLMAO... your tones are as condesending as the original poster and equally as short sighted...

Different Strokes for Different Folks. Just because your opinion is different doesn't mean one is right and one is wrong...

And btw NTN4502, by your own description you are also "some hick who likes to play with toy guns". You just choose not to do it in the woods...

10-09-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

Wow, didn't expect to see that one :D

Yeah, he button hooked me with that one. Musta left it laying around somewhere. :eek:

*Note to self, erase all wood ball evidence*

10-09-2003, 01:21 PM
*Note to self, erase all wood ball evidence*

too late, I've already made flyers with that pic and have distributed them across the nation


and to contribute to this thread: I'm all about speedball. I'm not going to go into why I think it's "better" than woodsball. It's all a matter of preference. Just play the game, no need for petty comparisons.

10-09-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa

too late, I've already made flyers with that pic and have distributed them across the nation



10-09-2003, 01:35 PM
Although there have been more than a few petty comments in this thread, we can still have a civil "debate" on what different types of paintball game are (can't we? ;) ). I believe I kept mine civil. Any of you "speedballers" disagree with what I said?

Debate is good. petty name calling isn't. I know many of you are up for a good debate. Besides, it's kinda slow in here lately. ;)

Wc Keep
10-09-2003, 01:37 PM
sorry jedi had to do it.

thees one more but there is a sexy rt pro in it so we wont post it.

10-09-2003, 02:16 PM
i play speedball in my Camo and don't care...heh...The thing is, guns have to be made differently for the two. As in, you won't be using a Flatline in speedball, unless well...you're a back player...But still. I think speedball is a good PRACTICE, using obstacles for cover and the such, but towns and forest courses are easily the best. Especially Armageddon at www.challengepark.com...That is so insane...-.-

10-09-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by rikkter

considering most woods fields, people make bunkers in them. i've yet to see a single woods field that is PURELY woods. i've also yet to see where natural barriers were in the way at all times. when they are, you move, and shoot from a different angle

and bunkers.

no, i dont see the point.
its luck if you sit there and shoot. you get.. closer, to be able to make the shot. of course you know that, but if you think a PLACE where you play paintball determines whether or not if you hit someone is luck or not. ok..
shooting up in the air at someone thats about 200 feet away, is luck. we know that paintball doesn't have the distance in the woods, plus the tree lims, so we can't do those long balls, thus we get closer. it makes it harder. yes. its all luck?
if anything, you have to do more work to get those shots

and stating that woods ball is all luck and you only have twigs and brushs to hide behind, and that its 'luck' isn't?
i dare you to go playing a scenario, a nice long 24hour one, if you think woods ball is still luck after that, your missing something ;)

Your obviously don't read well, or just didn't understand me clearly.

...Im only assuming that because you aren't grasping the view of woods ball, but in comparison to speedball. Im talking about REAL woods ball though. Obviously in friggin woods ball theres bunkers, I never said there wasn't. Just there is plenty of brush, twigs, tree branches, etc. etc. etc. Something is at all times in your path of fire. You try to defend the fact that it isnt luck but the odds are there and are common sense so im not even going to get into that. I played scenarios, personally I think they are really gay (no other word I can think for it); As they just are too cheesey for me. 24-hours... sounds like fun :(. I still like woodsball, but with me personally I only can play so much till the point where I get boored. Honestly, I shoot way, WAY more paint in woods than on speedball. Reguardless of whether you want to deny the fact that there is not natural brush in the way of your firing path to ruin the path of your balls, but there is no doubt its not there.

Anyway, like I said I like woodsball, but I get more of an adrenaline rush from speedball, sup'air, hyperball etc. But if im in a chill mode, I'll always be up for a good woodsball game. Just like with alot of stuff with paintball, or anything in general, its user-choice.

If you like it, that's good for you, if you don't whatever floats your boat.


10-09-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by *ArKfEaR*

Your obviously don't read well, or just didn't understand me clearly.

...Im only assuming that because you aren't grasping the view of woods ball, but in comparison to speedball. Im talking about REAL woods ball though. Obviously in friggin woods ball theres bunkers, I never said there wasn't. Just there is plenty of brush, twigs, tree branches, etc. etc. etc. Something is at all times in your path of fire. You try to defend the fact that it isnt luck but the odds are there and are common sense so im not even going to get into that. I played scenarios, personally I think they are really gay (no other word I can think for it); As they just are too cheesey for me. 24-hours... sounds like fun :(. I still like woodsball, but with me personally I only can play so much till the point where I get boored. Honestly, I shoot way, WAY more paint in woods than on speedball. Reguardless of whether you want to deny the fact that there is not natural brush in the way of your firing path to ruin the path of your balls, but there is no doubt its not there.

Anyway, like I said I like woodsball, but I get more of an adrenaline rush from speedball, sup'air, hyperball etc. But if im in a chill mode, I'll always be up for a good woodsball game. Just like with alot of stuff with paintball, or anything in general, its user-choice.

If you like it, that's good for you, if you don't whatever floats your boat.


i understood you perfectly, i never said you DID say any of that. you just made it sound like it was ALL woods balls.
i dont know anyone that plays REAL woods ball as you say without some sort of bunkers
yes. things are in your lane of fire, so you move to where there isn't. there is plenty of open spaces in fields, and thats common sense also
i do see however, where you'd think woodsball would get boring afterawhile. for me tho, it doesn't, its paintball,
speedball is a very fast pace game, and it does give me that adrenaline rush. but theres just that thing where you sneak around and jsut shoot someone from behind, then realize you sneaked into the middle of two groups. it makes it more interesting than speedball to me.
i do like both of the concepts tho.
my whole point was that woods isn't luck, if you hit a twig, mvoe or try to shoot in a different angle or position

10-09-2003, 05:35 PM
Speedball is the home of spray and pray you point your barrel at there area and just pop pop pop as many balls as possible. And since not all of us are pros the speedball games we tend to play in at walk ons are full of spoiled kids with $600+ guns that they just walk spray and pray all game. In the woods kids like that get out so fast because there team shoots them for being to loud. In the woods the OGs come out to play and are on equal terms your equipment matters less your BPS matters less. Nowadays its all about the fastest guns. In those woods a person with a SMG-60 could own a guy with an Angel4 or an Xmag if hes quite. Makes it equal for everyone and atleast I find my adrenaline pumping more in the woods when i see a Nme walking at me sneaking and creaping as i line up my shot and hopes he doesnt see me. It feels alot better to 1 hit someone with your matte black not to shiny rental than to unload 3 hoppers of paint at someones direction with your shiny chrome loudass marker. Some people have quite dull guns for speedball but still its all spray and pray when you break it down. You practice moves and plays and manuevers in speedball and thats just wrong. You play it checkers. You wait for a spot to open to you can pull Flank #3 or Manuever #2 that you guys practice all the time. In the woods you have no idea whats coming at you from where or who. Before a speedball game you'll know who play front who plays mid who palys back and that they all are wearing the same jerseys. Looking good is half of speedball the other half is SPRAYING and PRAYING.

::end rant::

10-09-2003, 05:48 PM
It sounds like you have something against bright colored jerseys and spending more money to play. I will have to agree with almost everybody on here, speedball is a team sport. If you don't communicate, you're screwed. If you don't execute correctly, you're screwed. The list goes on and on. I still play woodsball sometimes, just for fun(because I do happen to enjoy lighting up the rednecks that make fun of my tourni gear, even though it is almost all black. They think that because they are wearing 20 bucks worth of camo from the Army surplus store they are a Marine sniper and will dominate all. I love proving them wrong) and will move for 10 minutes without seeing anybody and all of a sudden you notice some guy hiding behind a tree that doesn't notice you and you shoot him. Woo. Speedball is the evolution of the sport. While woodsball will probably always be around the number of people playing regularly is constatly droping. You can be one of the few and the proud I suppose. I think that the reason most people perfer speedball is because humans are competative in nature. People love to compete and love to win. People also love being in your face, talking smack, and for some reason feeling like they are about to explode from a mixture of adreniline(sp), sprinting, ripping away on their guns, and seeing the look of pure disapointment on their opponents face right after they just got whooped. Speedball has all of these things that people love so much. Games are in your face, fast paced, you get to see first hand your opponents shame. It is simply great. Playing woodsball on a 3 acre plot of land is long, drawn out, slow, and by the time you find your way back to the staging area your opponents have already had the time to recompose themselves. Speedball is simply more fun, especially for the age of the average paintball. Young, cocky kids want to get out their and rip things to hell, not lay around in the leaves.

xadamx <3 speedball

10-09-2003, 05:49 PM
I just want to say that who ever thinks it is easy to hit someone on a speedball field plays against bad people because a good enemy won't make it so easy. In speedball you have to use skills such as playing tight and snap shooting which requires good aim. In rec ball you sit there lobing paint through bushes that a guy is lying down in.

And for Zimbo, of spraying and praying and looking good are the two parts of speedball, where do that parts you mentioned about making and practicing plays (which make it much more like a sport than pretending your in a war and crawling around in shrubs :rolleyes: ) fit in?

10-09-2003, 05:56 PM
Than i guess the game will be failling apart. Cocky kids yelling i nailed yo ***! just because his parents bought him that angel he was whining about. Sure its fast paced but so is woodsball if you play with more than 4 people on a 3 acre plot. Anyone can play woodsball and its cheaper. If you want to be good at it it requires more common sense than paint. you can go out there with a hopper and finish without needing to refill. Accuracy by volume is not evolution its just stupidity. If you want to pull a manuever when you see an opening and youve been practing that specific manuever all month go play checkers. If you want to run sprint jump and be cocky join the track team im sure theyd love to have you. If you want to play with the people that brought the game to the public and with the people that grew up when paintball was growing up you go hide in the woods. Granted at some point someone left the woods because they couldnt take the boring waiting and silence. But than again this is the ADD/Baby boomer offspring generation so i guess you have an excuse to not want to lie around for the kill and just spray and pray all damn day with that *** marker youre parents bought you because you have the attention span of a fruit fly.

once you can hold your focus for more than 20 minutes ill see you in the woods

10-09-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by xadamx
I...will move for 10 minutes without seeing anybody and all of a sudden you notice some guy hiding behind a tree that doesn't notice you and you shoot him...Playing woodsball on a 3 acre plot of land is long, drawn out, slow, and by the time you find your way back to the staging area your opponents have already had the time to recompose themselves.

This seems common among those who do not like woodsball. If that were the way it was played I would have to agree. However, that's not what I am use to. The woods ball games I am use to are a target rich environment that has a lot more room to maneuver. ;)

10-09-2003, 06:04 PM
When I play 3 or 5 man speedball I rarely have to refill my hopper, and can't think of a time I've used more than one pod and in a game with like 8 or more people I might use a pod more often but not much more than that. And if I was playing a recball game with 8 or more people in it I would use just as much paint. Not to mention that in a game where say it is 4 on 4 on just 2 acres, that means 1/4 of an acre for each person to be crawling in so either it is gonna be slow paced, or your trying to be a "paintball sniper" which does not exist.

And you actually made a very good point. Patient people do enjoy woodsball much more, and in all seriousness even though I don't think its related I do have ADHD, and I enjoy 3 man speedball because within like a minute or less the game is over, you shot like half your hopper or maybe your whole hopper off and you just pour another pod in and start up with a whole new game. As I said I don't think that is related to my ADHD because in rec ball you can find stuff to shoot at plenty quick if you want to, I guess its just not my bag... baby.

10-09-2003, 06:05 PM
OLDSKOOL is so dead on. Speedball is and was all about the benjamin$$$. nothing else. granted, it forced technology to catch up to the mag thats been cycling 20+ bps for over a decade, but the "thrill of the hunt" has been replaced by glitz and glam. everyone wants to be rocky or play for the assassins and have jerseys that match their guns. WHY? cause APG told them too, that's why. it's sad, but i'm not listenin' to any of that. i'm gonna dedicate my life to keeping the real spirit of paintball alive.


President: MCC Scenario Paintball Club
Captain: MCC Coagulators

site: members.aol.com/dorikingtst/pcmain.htm

Sponsored by:Lonewolf Paintball

10-09-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by iownamag
And for Zimbo, of spraying and praying and looking good are the two parts of speedball, where do that parts you mentioned about making and practicing plays (which make it much more like a sport than pretending your in a war and crawling around in shrubs :rolleyes: ) fit in?

Paintball isnt a sport. if you want to create and practice plays go play checkers. Play the game the way it was intended.

Originally posted by hitech
This seems common among those who do not like woodsball. If that were the way it was played I would have to agree. However, that's not what I am use to. The woods ball games I am use to are a target rich environment that has a lot more room to maneuver.

this guy knows how its done. stealth and surpise are alot harder to work on than getting low and well (this is funny) SNaP shooting


Spray N Pray

10-09-2003, 06:15 PM
I think that people (yes, like you) who don't think of paintball as a sport are blocking is progress. Considering that paintball (in speedball form) is being played in stadiums and broadcast on more and more tv stations now not only is it a sport, but obviously the majority of the people think so. And is spraying and praying really any worse than hiding and preying? IMO atleast speedballers have the balls to duke it out with someone and not just snipe them from a bush.

10-09-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Paintchucker

And btw NTN4502, by your own description you are also "some hick who likes to play with toy guns". You just choose not to do it in the woods...

You must have missed the sarcasim, believe you me I know the roots of the sport, but Im one to choose the title of extreme sport over fake military combat. Its just personal prefrence....but I for one like to change the gerneral public's conception of the sport

10-09-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by ntn4502

...but Im one to choose the title of extreme sport over fake military combat...

well put man... well put. key words: "sport" vs. "fake" "combat"

10-09-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by iownamag
IMO atleast speedballers have the balls to duke it out with someone and not just snipe them from a bush.
Well sure if you put it that way atleast we dont have to spray and pray in order to get someone out. atleast we have less arrogant punk kids atleast when we get out we dont get all pissed and start swearing atleast we use accuracy by accuracy and not accuracy by volume. Atleast we know how to wait and use the element of surprise instead banging away with your chromed out machine gun. Atleast we will end up with more money because we dont need to Trick Out! our machine gun. Atleast we have patience. atleast thats what i think

Originally posted by iownamag
I think that people (yes, like you) who don't think of paintball as a sport are blocking is progress.

Sport = Activity created for the sole purpose of competition. Paintball was originally a way of marking cows. Skiing was originally a form of transpornation track and field is mainly just running. Swimming was a mode of transportation Baseball was created for sport, same goes for rugby soccer football. Im not completely sure about Hockey. I tihnk the word you were looking for is Competition.

10-09-2003, 07:33 PM
i find it so funny how u woodsball people are all saying how woods is the root of the sport and how it was originally played and all that other crap. well then i guess u think football players should still play with thin leather helmets like they used to back in the day? or hockey players not wearing masks at all? heck i guess all sports are bad according to you all since they technically are not played how they used to be played. accept change and stop whining about flashy guns and money and how kids get guns from their parents. becuz u know damn well u would like it if u parents would have bought u an angel. u need to stop hating on other people and what other people do and worry about your OWN self. and as for speedball being luck and like checkers and spray and pray? dude all i have to say i guarantee ill kill u in my "spray and pray game." oh and i guess stock class players who play speedball spray and pray to right? if u like being all camoed up and acting out military tactics, then go join the army or something mr. commando.

this is not meant for the people who play woods and arent babies. this is intended for the ignorant *******s.

10-09-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by BuNkErEd89
i find it so funny how u woodsball people are all saying how woods is the root of the sport and how it was originally played and all that other crap. well then i guess u think football players should still play with thin leather helmets like they used to back in the day? or hockey players not wearing masks at all? heck i guess all sports are bad according to you all since they technically are not played how they used to be played. accept change and stop whining about flashy guns and money and how kids get guns from their parents. becuz u know damn well u would like it if u parents would have bought u an angel. u need to stop hating on other people and what other people do and worry about your OWN self. and as for speedball being luck and like checkers and spray and pray? dude all i have to say i guarantee ill kill u in my "spray and pray game." oh and i guess stock class players who play speedball spray and pray to right? if u like being all camoed up and acting out military tactics, then go join the army or something mr. commando.

this is not meant for the people who play woods and dont diss speedball
spoken like a true 14 year old. If you actually read what i wrote itd be saying that the field is the thing that should change. Sure i have electro guns but than again youre an idiot. A football helmet is the equivalent of a paintball mask That is protective gear. Its good that that evolves. The paintball field has changed to cater to the unfocused and one that are low on patience. its hard for stock players to spray and pray seeing as to how they must rock there gun forward after every shot. And im sure you would KILL me if we played speedball because i dont have an electro and your parents bought you an angel LCD for your 12th birthday because all those kids at the field had one! Maybe you should spend more time on reading comprehension before you show your head once more in these forums. Now anyone have something intelligent to say?

10-09-2003, 07:43 PM
hmmm actually i dont have an electro. i had a spyder and now have a mag that i bought...i love your assumptions. and as for the football thing, yes i realize that wasnt a good comparison.

10-09-2003, 07:52 PM
u should either accept change, join the army, or just have your opinion and not flame others because they differ.

10-09-2003, 08:49 PM
Yea dude people's parents don't buy them angels, unless of course its just the kids you hang out with. Yes, I have an emag which is not cheap, but I started with a stock classic standard feed mag and worked my way up mowing lawns!

And btw, paintball wasn't invented to mark cows! markers were invented to mark cows maybe, but the "competition" of people shooting eachother with them started with the military using them for training. And as bunkered said, you go tape your feet to a piece of wood and slide down a hill in the snow. Then I'll go play woodsball :) . I'm not really that against woodsball though I play that too, but I am recently moving over to speedball and am loving it. Change is good, progress is even better.

10-09-2003, 08:51 PM
alright stop whining. you guys sound like a bunch of 7 year old kids arguing about wat form of tag is better. and dude i am not gonna get mad but chill out with teh grossly overweight stuff because someday day some kid that is over weight is going to come up to you and put you in ur place.

10-09-2003, 09:06 PM
I play about once a month, maybe twice if Im lucky with a group of 5 of us. We don't care if its speedball, woods, a 'mix' of the two (sparse trees, bunkers, etc) just as long as we're playing paintball having fun.

When it's speedball we have alot of fun working together. We all know what our job is and we all do it reasonably well. We win our fair share of games.

When its woodsball\recball whatever you want to call it, our group of 5 will stick together but at the same time we like to help out the people who haven't played mcuh before. More than once we've given a younger player a flag with the hope that they'll keep coming back so we have more people to compete with and against.

In the end, for me, its boils down to wanting to have fun with my friends playing paintball. The only time I really really hate any kind of paintball is when we get a bad ref who would rather talk with people in the dead zone instead of watching the game. To me there is nothing worse than one of our games being ruined by a bad ref. I guess thats off topic but well a bad ref\cheaters is the only thing that can ruin a day of paintball for me.

10-09-2003, 09:12 PM
I’m not as “old school” as some, but I did start playing years before Speed Ball came about. I played tournaments in “woods ball” format, and I gotta say it sucked compared to Speedball.

For starters you drive 100 miles to the tournament then have to hike your gear to the field. Then you would have to hike back and forth all day to the different fields to play. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t dislike it at the time because I didn’t have anything to compare it to.

Now days you can drive right to the field, unload your gear at the picnic table and you’re in business. The tournaments are more organized and seem to run smoother. If you’re real lucky you get to play on a nice turf field.

Am I saying one game is better than another, no way man, I just happen to like fast pace, in your face paintball. I don’t enjoy humping my gear and air tanks back and forth to the field. But, if it’s a matter of playing paintball or not, my butt is humping my gear as far as I need to.

In my opinion I think Speedball takes a different type of skill and is more difficult in comparison, which is why I enjoy it more. In the woods you have more angles to take advantage of, which tends to make it easier. (IMO) Or, maybe it just "seems" easier because I have more experience in woods ball. What ever the case, I enjoy Speedball the most.

Both are Paintball, enjoy them both for what they ARE and not for what their not, it’s all good! Everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes, but to say one is better than another is silly………

10-09-2003, 09:39 PM
Im sick of all these so called adults, who cant use proper grammar mind you (zimbo), whos only basis for argument is stating that younger kids parents pay for all of there stuff. Thats not only ignorant, but stupid. Zimbo, none of your points are valid in woodsball defense, so why dont you just give up? Your just making yourself look more unintelligent, especially when you poke fun at younger people.

EDIT: I own an LCD and paid for it myself. Judging by your other posts, its a better marker than yours, but apparently it sucks as well as my playing ability because your not only older, but my parents HAD to have bought it for me. Chuckle.

10-09-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by iownamag
And btw, paintball wasn't invented to mark cows! markers were invented to mark cows maybe, but the "competition" of people shooting eachother with them started with the military using them for training. And as bunkered said, you go tape your feet to a piece of wood and slide down a hill in the snow. Then I'll go play woodsball :) . I'm not really that against woodsball though I play that too, but I am recently moving over to speedball and am loving it. Change is good, progress is even better.

What im saying is that when it was invented it wasnt for sport. Skiing for example when it was originally invented in the mountains of the alps and whatnot was just for transportation. 1 ski and 1 big pole it later evolved and it now a 2planking 2 sticking race/freestyle competition but it was originally invented for something other than sport. Ill use a well known example. Baseball was invented to be a game/competition. It was made to do that so its a sport. track and field is if you take it back to the oldn days just running and jumping and throwing. Javelins were used for hunting everyone jumps (they just work on ther style for greater distance) and everyone runs at one point or another. Paintball if you could call it that back in the day was for marking trees and cows. At some point someone said lets shoot each other or something like that but it came from the original idea of marking things. Soccer = sport Football = sport Rugby = sport
Fishing = not a sport Riflery = Not a sport Swimming = not a sport. if You need anymore clarafication just yell

10-09-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Im sick of all these so called adults, who cant use proper grammar mind you (zimbo), whos only basis for argument is stating that younger kids parents pay for all of there stuff. Thats not only ignorant, but stupid. Zimbo, none of your points are valid in woodsball defense, so why dont you just give up? Your just making yourself look more unintelligent, especially when you poke fun at younger people.

EDIT: I own an LCD and paid for it myself. Judging by your other posts, its a better marker than yours, but apparently it sucks as well as my playing ability because your not only older, but my parents HAD to have bought it for me. Chuckle.

OW MAN! im gonna go cry myself to sleep!:rolleyes:

10-09-2003, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo

OW MAN! im gonna go cry myself to sleep!:rolleyes: See what I mean? You no longer even have a basis for argument...Or do you? :rolleyes:

edit: Does ANYBODY have any basis for argument, now that I think of it? What more can be said? Woodsball players like woodsball, and speedball players like speedball. Granted, I primarily play speedball, but playing sniper is fun every once in a while :) However, why is it that the rec ballers are the ones who seem to be whining, excluding the few people who dont know how to use a keyboard basically saying woodsball is teh sux?

Grade A Daga
10-09-2003, 09:49 PM
As long as your playin and having fun its all good. You shouldn't really give a sh*t where you are playing unless you really have a preference. That is what it comes down to, personal preference. So plz stop b*tchin people out for sh*t they like. Thanks...

10-09-2003, 09:50 PM
couldnt u have came up with a better response? ur at a loss for words since u know u just got owned. oh wait, im 14, therefore i couldnt possibly be making sense in this post. sorry...hmm now wheres my mom so i can ask her if she will buy me an angel.

10-09-2003, 10:07 PM
Since this argument tends to be young vs. old I should have noted that I’m an old dude. cough cough 36.

10-09-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by luke
Since this argument tends to be young vs. old I should have noted that I’m an old dude. cough cough 36. Lol! Good point...So, whos side are YOU on ;)

10-09-2003, 10:40 PM
In my area, both game types are equally available. I see both types of play as esential to the sport. Both are different and neither are going away. But in a way speedball just takes paintball to the next level, TV, which is not an option for woodsball. I think that speedball takes more athleticism and teamwork, it is a simple straightforward game that is easy to understand and fast moving. It has all the things players need to have fun and compete and all the things spectators want. The fact that the industry is continually redefining the game by changing styles and performance of equipment means that speedball and paintball in general will likely continue to change forever, the only bad thing in my opinion about paintball.

10-10-2003, 01:35 AM
Who cares what Zimbo and other "old schoolers" think about speedball or us as younger players and our reasons for liking it. What does his opinion, or any other alienated player with a moist eye for the grand ole' days of 92', even matter. If they cant move along with the changing direction of the game then they get left behind, period. Many of that sect of oldschool players have made the transition quite nicley, and others, as evidenced by this whole thread, have not. Whatever gripes these grumpy old men have do not even matter. They dont impact the game, new players, or the industry at all. They're a non issue.

There is nothing wrong with woodsball but the paintball industry is a buisness. Higher performing markers MAKE MONEY, using a speedball field to better showcase player/team skills in a shorter, more exiting game format helps draw in new players and MAKE MONEY. The industry and players both benefit from all this money making. Thats how all sports work, their mneymaking industries. And yes paintball is a sport. It was admitedly a less refined game when you probably began playing. However, if the changes and skyrocketing growth of the industry have'nt clued you into anything, as well as the immense influence of the tournement level teams on that industry, paintball has become a sport.

All those activities you equated paintball with, like fishing, swimming, and riflery as not being sports- well maybe you could'nt comprehend it but those events have nothing in common with paintball, their not team competitions wich is the core of speedball. Paintball, as played on speedball field, is a TEAM COMPETITION were teams actually use crazy things like closley cordinated movements and plays,with each individual in their respective positions using their individual skills to work with the team as a whole to achieve victory. Wow, this sounds remarkeably like other sports like football, baseball, etc. Oh and if you "need any more clarification just yell", I can use smaller words.

Of course you would get smoked in a speedball game against competent opponents, even if you were totin' an angel. It wouldnt matter what you were packin', you obviously have'nt been able to make the tactical ,and probably physical, leap it requires to win in a very fast paced, very competitive speedball game. It definetly aint two guys in camo sittin' in bushes listenin' to the wind through the trees.If you cant hack it fine, just dont cry about it.

10-10-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Lol! Good point...So, whos side are YOU on ;)

Hummm, is this a trick question. :D

10-10-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by luke
I'm an old dude. cough cough 36.

Son, your just a baby! ;) :p

10-10-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Konigballer
...the grand ole' days of 92', even matter...

Whatever gripes these grumpy old men have do not even matter. They dont impact the game, new players, or the industry at all. They're a non issue...

It wouldnt matter what you were packin', you obviously have'nt been able to make the tactical ,and probably physical, leap it requires to win in a very fast paced, very competitive speedball game.

First, 1992 is NOT the grand ole days of paintball. It is the start of the new days of paintball. Now 1986, that is the ole days. ;) :p

Second , I do matter. I am an issue. ;)

Third, Even though I'm old enough to be some of your fathers (and might just be ;) ), I had no trouble with the speed of game. I'm still fast enough to keep up. My first time splaying speedball I played front. :p

10-10-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Konigballer
Who cares what Zimbo and other "old schoolers" think about speedball or us as younger players and our reasons for liking it. What does his opinion, or any other alienated player with a moist eye for the grand ole' days of 92', even matter. If they cant move along with the changing direction of the game then they get left behind, period. Many of that sect of oldschool players have made the transition quite nicley, and others, as evidenced by this whole thread, have not. Whatever gripes these grumpy old men have do not even matter. They dont impact the game, new players, or the industry at all. They're a non issue.

There is nothing wrong with woodsball but the paintball industry is a buisness. Higher performing markers MAKE MONEY, using a speedball field to better showcase player/team skills in a shorter, more exiting game format helps draw in new players and MAKE MONEY. The industry and players both benefit from all this money making. Thats how all sports work, their mneymaking industries. And yes paintball is a sport. It was admitedly a less refined game when you probably began playing. However, if the changes and skyrocketing growth of the industry have'nt clued you into anything, as well as the immense influence of the tournement level teams on that industry, paintball has become a sport.

All those activities you equated paintball with, like fishing, swimming, and riflery as not being sports- well maybe you could'nt comprehend it but those events have nothing in common with paintball, their not team competitions wich is the core of speedball. Paintball, as played on speedball field, is a TEAM COMPETITION were teams actually use crazy things like closley cordinated movements and plays,with each individual in their respective positions using their individual skills to work with the team as a whole to achieve victory. Wow, this sounds remarkeably like other sports like football, baseball, etc. Oh and if you "need any more clarification just yell", I can use smaller words.

Of course you would get smoked in a speedball game against competent opponents, even if you were totin' an angel. It wouldnt matter what you were packin', you obviously have'nt been able to make the tactical ,and probably physical, leap it requires to win in a very fast paced, very competitive speedball game. It definetly aint two guys in camo sittin' in bushes listenin' to the wind through the trees.If you cant hack it fine, just dont cry about it.
Sounds like someone doesn’t know that woodsball finances a good many paintball companies, and woodsball/rec ball is the backbone of paintball.

Sounds like someone does not know that even young players can be slow and out of shape.. and older players can still be better players and in better shape than some younger players. It has nothing to do with the type of game the player engages in.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know that paintball was not started by, nor most paintball companies owned by, younger folks.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know that teamwork is not only found in speedball, but in all forms of paintball… if you are expecting to WIN.

Sounds like someone doesn’t know that woodsball/rec ball is not JUST two guys in camo sitting in bushes listening to the wind through trees, but uses many skills which include movement, concealment, teamwork, shooting, and more.

Watch out how wide you want to paint with that very broad brush….. it only makes it look like you don’t know much of anything.. but sure have a lot of misconceptions. ;)

10-10-2003, 11:14 AM
Sounds like someone doesn't know that Zimbo characterized woodsball as not needing running or jumping.

Sounds like someone doesn't know that Zimbo also scoffed at the idea of tactics and has said the if you want tactics play checkers (although personally I think chess would have been a better analogy).

Sounds like someone doesn't realize that the response was designed to counter Zimbo's own definition of woodsball :D ;)

10-10-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
Sounds like someone doesn't know that Zimbo characterized woodsball as not needing running or jumping.

Sounds like someone doesn't know that Zimbo also scoffed at the idea of tactics and has said the if you want tactics play checkers (although personally I think chess would have been a better analogy).

Sounds like someone doesn't realize that the response was designed to counter Zimbo's own definition of woodsball :D ;)
I know all three of those… but when countering an argument or ignorant statement or idea, it is a good idea to not do so with the same. ;)

10-10-2003, 12:16 PM
sounds like this thread has gone from 0-pointless in 3.5 pages :rolleyes:

10-10-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
sounds like this thread has gone from 0-pointless in 3.5 pages :rolleyes:
LOL I will not argue with that. ;)

10-10-2003, 12:35 PM
you've obviously never played in the woods, so your argument is biased, as well as most of you others. to think woodsball dosn't incorporate team work is assinine. to think there's no sportsmanship in woodsball is rediculous. to think more people in the paintball community play and enjoy speedball is just plain wrong.

the fact of the matter is speedball was a Marketing Ploy invented in SoCal to sell more paint that took off, like grunge rock and britney spears. older, wiser people who were there when it began see this and don't buy into (it was considered a joke at first). impressionable kids that like to look cool, and read APG swallow it whole without chewing (along with what kinds of shoes to wear and movies to see).

Fake Combat: Most Sports that put two teams head to head with their "goal" at opposite ends stems from simulated warefare (football, hockey, soccer, checkers).

Speedball contains no elements woods ball lack (fire fights are just as intense just further between), however, speedball strips away most of the intricacies that make woodsball what it is.

Speedballers Cheat and the refs allow it (no not all of 'em). I've seen it so many times it made me despise speedball. yeah people wipe hits in the woods (not if their in my club, they'll get ousted). but there's no excuse for it when money/prizes/sponsorship is on the line and spectators abound. it's like a footballer being tackled, the ref looking the other way, and him getting up and scoring a touchdown while all the fans BOO. that's what's truly keeping paintball out of the public domain.


10-10-2003, 12:54 PM
I dunnoe man. The last scenario I played there was more wiping going on then at a diarrhea convention.:p

10-10-2003, 02:23 PM
I always like the "Most Dangerous Game" aspect of paintball. I got into paintball to hunt my friends (and hapless n00bs) in the woods, through marshes, in forts etc.. Don't get me wrong, speedball is great, but I prefer woodsball, capture the fort, hyperball, etc.. Something about blow up pikachus and carrots just dont do it for me. And I HATE getting shot 10 times before I can yell out.

I think my point is that as long as fields still actively run woods fields, as well as other non Speedball type fields i'll be happy. But don't tell me that since paintball has "evolved" into a sport that I should shut up and shoot 3 cases a day while hiding behind a blow up snack chip.

On a related note, I see the same type of behavior when i'm playing Counter-Strike. If your not down for fast paced, team oriented play, then you must be a "n00b". I think its really retarded that people one either side of the spectrum, whether tourny or rec, ridicule the others for either not being "hardcore" enough, or for being too "hardcore". Just shut up and play!

10-10-2003, 02:26 PM
Ive been playing for at least 7 years now and I never noticed much unsportsmanlike conduct or wiping until speedball tournys came around.

10-10-2003, 02:38 PM
I didnt like it the first time. I really didnt

Then I absolutely loved it, try to give it time. And act quick, that made all the difference for me, acting quick and not waiting.

10-10-2003, 03:05 PM
Paintball hasn't quite always been the way it is (or appears to be). It started out somewhat differently from this false image that certain parties would try to tout as being the dominant form.

What we are currently witnessing is a backlash against a backlash against what I guess is the original recball.

Somewhere along the way, someone didn't like the concept of all these guys skulking around in camo in the woods. Somewhere along the way, someone figured out they could make a lot of money off these paintballers.

So the money came in, against the backdrop of a society where "attention deficit disorder" has become a household term, and certain games switched to this new paintball format. This new format is designed to be easier on the eyes, more direct-action oriented, and last but not least, suck as much money as possible out of your wallet. This certain subset of players wanted it this way, and the people looking to make the money wanted it this way too.

Now, this certain subset of paintball players, if nothing else, has a very strong will. They want to believe that they truly represent what is paintball; that they are the creme de la creme. With every exhortation, they make it known who they are, and whom they look down upon, and if you're not part of the circle, then you have no voice -- no RIGHT. If you get into a disagreement with these guys, you have to cough up the credentials. Not by logic, not by math, not by common sense, will you win any sort of argument with these guys. Your only way out is to know the "secret handshake."

I don't really want to get any further into this specific point, other than to say that I think there seems to be enough of a backlash against all this stuff to be... noticeable. I think we may be approaching another cycle. I dunno.

Oops, hit the submit instead of preview.

Anyways, in the past, I've hated both woods ball and speedball. Weird, huh? My favorite has been sort of an urban type field with little mock houses. I've since become somewhat less picky about fields now; there's only one field type I really dislike now -- a field type I can only describe as "mounds o' mulch". I've settled into both woods ball and airball, the latter of which I now treat as kind of a limited variant of urban, considering actually getting into a mock house was a deathtrap, so they might as well be large inflatable houses. I don't really see any different "skill" level involved between both games. They can both be as competetive as you make them out to be.

10-10-2003, 03:40 PM
Speedball is the ultimate game for any paintballer. Almost anyone can play rec ball or woods ball but it takes a true athlete to play speedball. They are still fine in my book, but there is very little teamwork in rec or woodsball. You are not always playing with the same people and not everyone has a certain job to do in a certain amount of time. As for comments of unsportmanlike conduct and wipping that is all about the person playing. I mean look at basketball for an example. Back in the day it was all jump shots and there was no slam dunks, 180, windmills jams, or any other fancy plays. But now the players are more athletic and more creative they can make amazing moves and the sport has now progressed in things like streetball and slam ball. This is just like paintball, it might have started with rec and woodsball, but as the people got better and the guns faster speedball became the game of the new paintball world. I still enjoy playing rec and woodsball now and then when I feel like pretending I am the terminator, but it does not compare to the teamwork that applies and the rush I get. They is very little teamwork in rec/woodsball unless you get lucky and are playing with a friend or a trusting person, but how many times do you play with people and they do nothing but look out for their own ASSets. People also need to realize that speedball is making the sport grow and they need to grow with it or will be left behind, soon woodsball will be a dinosaur. If you want to play woodsball try hunting, they are more tatics their or join the army for the teamwork cause in reality woodsball is just a game not a sport like speedball.

10-10-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by blakdragon21
Speedball is the ultimate game for any paintballer. Almost anyone can play rec ball or woods ball but it takes a true athlete to play speedball. They are still fine in my book, but there is very little teamwork in rec or woodsball. You are not always playing with the same people and not everyone has a certain job to do in a certain amount of time. As for comments of unsportmanlike conduct and wipping that is all about the person playing. I mean look at basketball for an example. Back in the day it was all jump shots and there was no slam dunks, 180, windmills jams, or any other fancy plays. But now the players are more athletic and more creative they can make amazing moves and the sport has now progressed in things like streetball and slam ball. This is just like paintball, it might have started with rec and woodsball, but as the people got better and the guns faster speedball became the game of the new paintball world. I still enjoy playing rec and woodsball now and then when I feel like pretending I am the terminator, but it does not compare to the teamwork that applies and the rush I get. They is very little teamwork in rec/woodsball unless you get lucky and are playing with a friend or a trusting person, but how many times do you play with people and they do nothing but look out for their own ASSets. People also need to realize that speedball is making the sport grow and they need to grow with it or will be left behind, soon woodsball will be a dinosaur. If you want to play woodsball try hunting, they are more tatics their or join the army for the teamwork cause in reality woodsball is just a game not a sport like speedball.
LOLROF Now THAT is funny! :D


10-10-2003, 04:23 PM
OK, someone help me out here. Is there a smilie somewhere that shows a guy burying his face in his hands and sobbing?

Originally posted by shartley

LOLROF Now THAT is funny! :D


10-10-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by trxtr
the fact of the matter is speedball was a Marketing Ploy invented in SoCal to sell more paint that took off, like grunge rock and britney spears. older, wiser people who were there when it began see this and don't buy into (it was considered a joke at first). impressionable kids that like to look cool, and read APG swallow it whole without chewing (along with what kinds of shoes to wear and movies to see).

Speedballers Cheat and the refs allow it (no not all of 'em). I've seen it so many times it made me despise speedball. yeah people wipe hits in the woods (not if their in my club, they'll get ousted). but there's no excuse for it when money/prizes/sponsorship is on the line and spectators abound. it's like a footballer being tackled, the ref looking the other way, and him getting up and scoring a touchdown while all the fans BOO. that's what's truly keeping paintball out of the public domain.

Words can't describe how blatantly stupid and insulting those two paragraphs were (to woods and speedball players).

10-10-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by GoatBoy
OK, someone help me out here. Is there a smilie somewhere that shows a guy burying his face in his hands and sobbing?

I wish there were..... You should have seen my post before I reduced it to one small sentence and a couple emoticons. ;)

10-10-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Grade A Daga
As long as your playin and having fun its all good. You shouldn't really give a sh*t where you are playing unless you really have a preference. That is what it comes down to, personal preference. So plz stop b*tchin people out for sh*t they like. Thanks...

how2havefun when newbies be SnPing and than taunting you after they get lucky or their teamy hits you. OR they always talking **** or those people who actually think paintball is a sport or those people who have never played a quality woods game or those peop...........

10-10-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo

What im saying is that when it was invented it wasnt for sport. Skiing for example when it was originally invented in the mountains of the alps and whatnot was just for transportation. 1 ski and 1 big pole it later evolved and it now a 2planking 2 sticking race/freestyle competition but it was originally invented for something other than sport. Ill use a well known example. Baseball was invented to be a game/competition. It was made to do that so its a sport. track and field is if you take it back to the oldn days just running and jumping and throwing. Javelins were used for hunting everyone jumps (they just work on ther style for greater distance) and everyone runs at one point or another. Paintball if you could call it that back in the day was for marking trees and cows. At some point someone said lets shoot each other or something like that but it came from the original idea of marking things. Soccer = sport Football = sport Rugby = sport
Fishing = not a sport Riflery = Not a sport Swimming = not a sport. if You need anymore clarafication just yell

fishing= is a sport! swimming= is a sport (it's in the olympics for crying out loud!) you're an idiot.

10-10-2003, 05:15 PM
Don't get mad at Me cause you are fat, old, out of shape, slow, can't communicate, or any other reason you can't play the athletic sport of speedball, Get mad at god, he's the one that made you that way not me.

10-10-2003, 05:19 PM
insulting and stupid...
yeah, if insulting and stupid is seeing personally how it went down in the past 12 years,thus, knowing what i'm talking about. if you have a rebutal, state your case. but lame little comments with out factual based support is rather juvenile.IMHO


10-10-2003, 05:35 PM
Well, according to your post, the smarter players who don't buy into hype only play woodsball. I have played woodsball quite a few times, but I prefer speedball. Is it not at all possible that some people may find speedball more fun? Maybe some of us dislike playing in the woods. That in no way means we're "buying into the hype". And last time I checked, APG was one of the last magazines that actually still heavily promotes woods play.

On the cheating issue, I've seen just as much if not even more in woods play then I have on my local speedball fields. It's a lot easier to wipe in the woods, and I see people take advantage of it all the time.

Your football example is a little flawed. What you said is more like a player running down the field, getting lit up, then bunkering two people on the opposing team. I very rarely see this. All sports have cheaters, live with it. It may suck, but there's not much you can do to change it.

Speedball contains no elements woods ball lack (fire fights are just as intense just further between), however, speedball strips away most of the intricacies that make woodsball what it is.
I also find this funny. Speedball and woods both contain plenty of elements the other does not possess. When was the last time back players filled up lanes on the break in a woods game? Oh that's right, never. In general, speedball games do have more intense "firefights". I'm sure this doesn't have to explained to anyone who's played both (this in no way makes it a superior game though). Both require careful planning for a team to be successful. Anyone who has played tournaments knows the critical importance of walking the field and carefully planning out the game before it's played. Woodsball also requires strategy.

10-10-2003, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by blakdragon21
Don't get mad at Me cause you are fat, old, out of shape, slow, can't communicate, or any other reason you can't play the athletic sport of speedball, Get mad at god, he's the one that made you that way not me.

Removed by Moderator Just because its in the Olympics doesnt make it a sport. Its still a competition. I honestly dont see how you could not comprehend what a sport is. Is it that tough of a concept:confused:? DURRRRRRRR speedball be a sport because it involves running! DURRRRR Fishing is a sport because alot of peopel do it! DURRRRRRR Running is a sport because its in the olympics. Sometimes i question how stupid people can get. All i really need is a message from you and i feel MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCHHHHHH smarter. Thanks for that boost

10-10-2003, 05:52 PM
This is a little of topic, but at first you say fishing is not a sport, then you say it is. And when you say it is you say that because a lot of people do it... :rolleyes: . A lot of people kill other people, is that a sport? Of course not just like crawling around in bushes and pretending to kill people is not a sport either. And why the h*ll did you quote blackdragon when it seemed like you were talking to me... :confused: . And last of all, I'm an ignorant stupid Christian person? Oh yea I must be, and I see that must be why my parents buy me angels! I guess you are a smart wholesome Jew boy then. And are you still saying that speedball isn't a sport? Because it quite clearly is. People play it on organized teams in tournaments or just for fun. There are standardized rules. It is played and a standardized playing field where two teams compete. If that is not a sport than wtf is? Please tell us stupid Christians what the definition of sport is.

trxtr- how can you turn down someones arguement because they do not use "factual" support when it's all a matter of their f*cking opinion! I am definatley having a flame war with Zimbo, but neither of use have ever said that we are wrong about which type of paintball is better. We've just wound up b*tching eachother out about random crap, lol.

10-10-2003, 05:56 PM
1. No, there's still alot woodsball players that buy into hype too
2. Fair enough, you prefer speedball
3. APG has been on a downward spiral for years (content wise)
4. Yes, cheaters are every where. personally, as i stated, i don't tolerate and i play with honarable people, but the point is, if speedball "the sport" is going to be promoted as paintballs' public face, it needs to clean up it's act.. BIG TIME
5. i think my example illustrates my point rather well.
6. "It may suck, but there's not much you can do to change it." that's a very sorry attitude to have.
7. ever heard of hyper ball?
8. yeah, everything requires some degree of strategy

10-10-2003, 06:12 PM
It was just a joke, no need to get your panties in a bunch. Learn how to spell too Zimpo or use spell check, or better yet sell all your pb gear, cause obviously you don't know what you are talking about and can't play and use the money to go to college. Fishing is a sport cause a lot of people do it????? Good point. lol. Give anyone a gun and they can play woodsball, just as if you gave anyone a basketball they could put the ball in the basket, but that does not mean that they can play the sport of basketball, that takes teamwork, skill, practice and everything else that involves being on a team and playing a sport. Get my point???

And also everyone is entitled to thier own opinion even if it is wrong like all people who don't like speedball. :)

10-10-2003, 06:25 PM
It is pointless to argue this anymore. Its takes just as much skill to play woodsball as it does it play speedball. More people know more about speedball because of the crap that APG shoves down your throat. You're entitled to your opinion. Im entitled to mine. I know mines right, you know yours is right. I hate speedball because of the arrogant players. You wont hear about arrogant woodsballers cause its not heavily reported about in magazines and well you cant/wont hear someone talking trash on a woodsball field. THat alone makes it more enjoyable for me. And yes at times a reccer and a OG can be on equal grounds on the woods and that makes it so much better for everyone. Woodsball is actions and reactions. Speedball is manuever and counter manuever. One is practiced and performed the other is improvised and played.

10-10-2003, 06:48 PM
Ok here is what I heard a rec baller saying in the staging area to his buddy "I can't believe that b*tch with the Angel! He thinks he's all good because he can shoot so fast, why the hell did he have to shoot me so many goddamn times when I offered him sourrender?" And first of all, the kid came in to the guys bunker when the guy was getting a paint check! (note the recballers disregard for common rules) and second the pussy got shot two times! boo friggin hoo. And as far as I'm concerned Zimbo, you are that guy. I would just like to make one thing clear, everyone is entitled to my opinion. :)

10-10-2003, 07:14 PM
I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree. I agree with both sides on the content quality of APG but what can you do:(

10-10-2003, 07:27 PM
No Flamming! cphilip

10-10-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by iownamag
Ok here is what I heard a rec baller saying in the staging area to his buddy "I can't believe that b*tch with the Angel! He thinks he's all good because he can shoot so fast, why the hell did he have to shoot me so many goddamn times when I offered him sourrender?" And first of all, the kid came in to the guys bunker when the guy was getting a paint check! (note the recballers disregard for common rules) and second the pussy got shot two times! boo friggin hoo. And as far as I'm concerned Zimbo, you are that guy. I would just like to make one thing clear, everyone is entitled to my opinion. :)
Newbie Please. There is a difference between rec ballers pros kids with pumps kids with electros kids with semis woodsballers and speedballers. There is also a difference between retards and me. i know the rules i play by those rules still doesn't cut down on the numbers of *** holes that play. Winnings dont brag, Braggers suck dick.

10-10-2003, 08:36 PM
why do I have a feeling this thread is going to be closed...

Grade A Daga
10-10-2003, 09:03 PM
I know why its beacause all this Curse filter aviodance warning - cphilip is pointless

10-11-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
I dunnoe man. The last scenario I played there was more wiping going on then at a diarrhea convention.:p

I love it!

10-11-2003, 10:25 PM
Well, somebodies going to get banned purty soon.

Sport - physical activity engaged in for pleasure

Has nothing to do with competition or teams or whatever. Tennis is a one person sport, while marching bands (yes, it is a sport) are a group sport. Yes, there are elements of competition, but that is besides the point of the meaning.

I dunnoe man. The last scenario I played there was more wiping going on then at a diarrhea convention.

They have conventions for that?

10-12-2003, 12:40 AM
anyone think we hurt oldschooler's feelings? ;) :D lol. if you look, i dont think he has replied since his first post which started teh thread lol :eek: :D

10-12-2003, 03:51 AM
Marek, I dont think anyone but a band nerd would call being in a marching band a sport....

10-12-2003, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Konigballer
Marek, I dont think anyone but a band nerd would call being in a marching band a sport....

No, Music Educators like myself would also call it a sport, as it is a physical activity with the intent of enjoyment. That is the definition, and it does fall under the meaning.

It was more of a point of clarification towards the person who said that paintball was not a sport.

10-12-2003, 12:42 PM
^^^^thats just sad man^^^^

Do you say that so the large kids can say yeah i play a SPORT! what sport? uhhhh marching band:( . thats to funny many major props on that joke

**Edit** Marek you must think cheerleading bass fishing skydiving sleeping masochism and murder are sports than, Because its an activity people enjoy! how about watching TV and playing pocket pool? Chasing old ladies down the street or throwing rocks at cop cars? all those can be fun activities so i guess they must be sports to.:rolleyes:

10-12-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo
^^^^thats just sad man^^^^

Do you say that so the large kids can say yeah i play a SPORT! what sport? uhhhh marching band:( . thats to funny many major props on that joke

**Edit** Marek you must think cheerleading bass fishing skydiving sleeping masochism and murder are sports than, Because its an activity people enjoy! how about watching TV and playing pocket pool? Chasing old ladies down the street or throwing rocks at cop cars? all those can be fun activities so i guess they must be sports to.:rolleyes:

^^^^^^ that's just a sad little boy, emphasis on the boy

I am going to be as nice as possible, so listen up son.

Large kids DO play paintball, which is considered a sport. Offensive lines are usually made up of these "Large Kids," which if you know anything protect the quaterback. Sumo wrestling, which is also a sport, is made up of really large kids. I could continue, but I think this is enough for you to get the point.

Cheerleading is a sport. If you do not think so, then you are really off. Bass fishing is a sport. So if fly fishing for that matter. These are things that require physical activity and done for enjoyment.

Sleeping requires no physical exertion. Well, maybe you while you release fluids on your matress, but not most people. We overcome that problem around the first few years of our lives.

Let's try and read before posting. I clearly stated in both replies that it is a PHYSICAL activity you engage in for enjoyment. Let's try to think before we post, it would save people from looking ignorant.

10-12-2003, 01:17 PM
you speedball haters must admit, paintball would not be ANYWHERE near as big and popular as it is today without speedball. if speedball had never been created, we would still be known as those crazy war hawks fighting wars against eachother in the woods. :D :rolleyes: ;) :p :D

10-12-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Marek

^^^^^^ that's just a sad little boy, emphasis on the boy

I am going to be as nice as possible, so listen up son.

Large kids DO play paintball, which is considered a sport. Offensive lines are usually made up of these "Large Kids," which if you know anything protect the quaterback. Sumo wrestling, which is also a sport, is made up of really large kids. I could continue, but I think this is enough for you to get the point.

Cheerleading is a sport. If you do not think so, then you are really off. Bass fishing is a sport. So if fly fishing for that matter. These are things that require physical activity and done for enjoyment.

Sleeping requires no physical exertion. Well, maybe you while you release fluids on your matress, but not most people. We overcome that problem around the first few years of our lives.

Let's try and read before posting. I clearly stated in both replies that it is a PHYSICAL activity you engage in for enjoyment. Let's try to think before we post, it would save people from looking ignorant.

well most if not all people move around in there sleep and well some people find murder to be fun and well stabbing someone requires some arm movement. Masochism requires some physical movement to. Lets see suicide is a sport so is armed robbery, streaking can be a sport and so it mollesting children. Marek could you be anymore wrong?

10-12-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo
well most if not all people move around in there sleep and well some people find murder to be fun and well stabbing someone requires some arm movement. Masochism requires some physical movement to. Lets see suicide is a sport so is armed robbery, streaking can be a sport and so it mollesting children. Marek could you be anymore wrong?

Oh what, no comment about the big kids reply?

Well, on to the other mess. Sleeping, well, you are not physically exerting yourself, so nope sorry.

Masochism is a sexual perversion. Come to think of it, almost all the things that you mentioned are perversions of some sort. I wonder why is that? I sure that means something; for you to mention 4 horrible perversions of man. I would honestly go seek help if these things remind you of pleasure. I am sure that that is not right, since most people would agree that what you mentioned is both digusting and demented.

Well, save armed robbery, which, if you think about it is not for pleasure but really a way to get rich quick. Think about it sport.

10-12-2003, 06:02 PM
can you say, FLAMEFEST!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: ;) :D this thread is gettin ghey, especially the one who started it

10-12-2003, 06:28 PM
All marek is saying is that all these things, cheerleading, bass fishing, wrestling and paintball are sports. They require SKILL and take physical exurtion.

And just so you know

sport ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)

Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively.
A particular form of this activity.
An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively.
An active pastime; recreation.

straight from dictionary.com

Your name isn't webster is it? Cause if it isn't then you've been wrong for a few pages now.

10-12-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by blakdragon21
Speedball is the ultimate game for any paintballer. Almost anyone can play rec ball or woods ball but it takes a true athlete to play speedball. They are still fine in my book, but there is very little teamwork in rec or woodsball.

Funny... I play speedball and I don't come close to considering myself an athlete. BTW - I do play on a low-level local tournament team. I play a sport - when I did martial arts I did not consider myself an athlete. I am not in the shape that a "true" athlete is - many of the people who play speedball are not. It does not take a true athlete to play speedball, and playing speedball does not make you a true athlete. I will not defend this statement against those that play with no other source of income besides there playing - as it does not hold. There are many athletes that play speedball, there are many non-athletes that do as well.

Even for most of us that play competitively, the competition is more about the thrill of the game than the money on the line. Winning is nice, but I do not depend on it. The difference is when I play scenario style games, and normally walk away without knowing the score, this is for fun. Anyways... those of you/us that play speedball cannot look down on those that play woodsball... many of them are very very good. Woodsball does require a skill set not found in arena ball, arena ball does require a skill set that is not found in woodsball. Many of these skills do overlap though. BTW, I play both woods and arena ball... I find both exciting though, given a choice, play arena ball.

10-12-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Marek

Oh what, no comment about the big kids reply?

Well, on to the other mess. Sleeping, well, you are not physically exerting yourself, so nope sorry.

Masochism is a sexual perversion. Come to think of it, almost all the things that you mentioned are perversions of some sort. I wonder why is that? I sure that means something; for you to mention 4 horrible perversions of man. I would honestly go seek help if these things remind you of pleasure. I am sure that that is not right, since most people would agree that what you mentioned is both digusting and demented.

Well, save armed robbery, which, if you think about it is not for pleasure but really a way to get rich quick. Think about it sport.

Perversion or not they are all sports. So i guess ill be joining the USAmurder Association once it starts up. this is gonne be sweet just imagine tham showing people getting hunted down and killed for FUN! on ESPN! Wow what a sport thats gonne be! think its gonna make it to the olympics? Yeah probably before bass fishing and playing in the marching band do! Wow I didnt know that theft was a sport! Almost everything is a sport if you enjoy it! So i guess for some kids going to school is a sport. Sweet man! When the cops question me for beating someone with a baseball bat ill just say What a guy cant play a sport without getting arrested? damn whats the world coming to Marek i just wanna play sports! **End sarcasm**

So if we push Mareks Pro-nonathletic person definition of sport we're left with an activity that was invented for the sole purpose of competing. So since that makes more sense than letting murder be a sport i tihnk we should stick with mine. Nothing is wrong with Paintball being a recreactional activity. Sure its got a professional circuit but than again so does track and field and bass fishing. If we're gonna use Mareks defenition So does armed robbery and theft. Its called americas most wanted where they give a top10 of americas most wanted. Its a competition! a race to #1!

10-12-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo

Perversion or not they are all sports. So i guess ill be joining the USAmurder Association once it starts up. this is gonne be sweet just imagine tham showing people getting hunted down and killed for FUN! on ESPN! Wow what a sport thats gonne be! think its gonna make it to the olympics? Yeah probably before bass fishing and playing in the marching band do! Wow I didnt know that theft was a sport! Almost everything is a sport if you enjoy it! So i guess for some kids going to school is a sport. Sweet man! When the cops question me for beating someone with a baseball bat ill just say What a guy cant play a sport without getting arrested? damn whats the world coming to Marek i just wanna play sports! **End sarcasm**

So if we push Mareks Pro-nonathletic person definition of sport we're left with an activity that was invented for the sole purpose of competing. So since that makes more sense than letting murder be a sport i tihnk we should stick with mine. Nothing is wrong with Paintball being a recreactional activity. Sure its got a professional circuit but than again so does track and field and bass fishing. If we're gonna use Mareks defenition So does armed robbery and theft. Its called americas most wanted where they give a top10 of americas most wanted. Its a competition! a race to #1!

Not only my definition sport, but also Merriam-Webster's definition. I guess they are wrong too huh? What do they know, right?

10-12-2003, 07:15 PM
So just say it Murder is a sport

M-W gives and old *** definition of sport. Either agree that Murder is a sport or disagree. If you disagree the whole definition and you are wrong. So i guess you have 2 choices. Be a sick bastard or be wrong. Either way its going into my sig.

10-12-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by blakdragon21
Speedball is the ultimate game for any paintballer. Almost anyone can play rec ball or woods ball but it takes a true athlete to play speedball. They are still fine in my book, but there is very little teamwork in rec or woodsball. You are not always playing with the same people and not everyone has a certain job to do in a certain amount of time.

Funny, but last time I looked, the same applied to speedball. Yesterday I played woodsball and we kept the same teams all day. There was more teamwork in those games on both sides than there was when I played speedball.

Point is that no style of play, whether speedball or woods ball, necessarilly promotes teamwork in and of itself. I've seen teamwork in speedball AND in woodsball. I've also seen ZERO teamwork in speedball AND in woodsball.

It takes a TEAM to have teamwork, and you can have a woodsball team as easilly as you can have a speedball team.

Oh, and athelete, hmm, maybe, but I doubt it. Just because paintball is a sport (and quite a great one at that) does not make every paintball player an athelete, at least, not in my book. Then again, my definitions don't ALWAYS come from a dictionary.

10-12-2003, 07:51 PM
looks like we got a "who can write teh best essay on what is/ isnt a sport and why speedball does/doesnt suck"

10-12-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo
So just say it Murder is a sport

M-W gives and old *** definition of sport. Either agree that Murder is a sport or disagree. If you disagree the whole definition and you are wrong. So i guess you have 2 choices. Be a sick bastard or be wrong. Either way its going into my sig.

Listen, I'm sure that you enjoy twisting words and semantics and all that good stuff, but what you are saying is beyond that.

Murder is not something to joke around about. It is something that is demented and wrong and very rarely justifiable. If you, or anyone for that matter find murder enjoyable and pleasureable, then you are one sick minded person. That should answer your question.

Now, you strike me as a person that is small in mind and opinion. Raping a small child is a gross obstruction of life, yet you parade it around like a toy for your amusement. People's lives are affected by events such as these, but you jest in it for a stupid argument on meanings and words. If you don't think that cheerleaders are athletes, then fine. Don't drag autrocities of man into this like it's a cute anecdote. What you mentioned are crimes against people's lives, and are only thought of pleasure by a few sad pathetic people. For whatever reason, they enjoy the pain of others. You are a sad pathetic person who would try anything to try and win an argument. Put it in your sig. Frame it, I don't care, but I do not wish to debate with a person like yourself. You are beneath me and others here on levels which you have no understanding on. Continue to write, but you disgust me for speaking lightly on so many things that are far from that.

10-12-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by JT2002
looks like we got a "who can write teh best essay on what is/ isnt a sport and why speedball does/doesnt suck"

Not anymore. Murder and rape is not something that is funny. I'm out of this mess.

10-12-2003, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Marek

Listen, I'm sure that you enjoy twisting words and semantics and all that good stuff, but what you are saying is beyond that.

Murder is not something to joke around about. It is something that is demented and wrong and very rarely justifiable. If you, or anyone for that matter find murder enjoyable and pleasureable, then you are one sick minded person. That should answer your question.

Now, you strike me as a person that is small in mind and opinion. Raping a small child is a gross obstruction of life, yet you parade it around like a toy for your amusement. People's lives are affected by events such as these, but you jest in it for a stupid argument on meanings and words. If you don't think that cheerleaders are athletes, then fine. Don't drag autrocities of man into this like it's a cute anecdote. What you mentioned are crimes against people's lives, and are only thought of pleasure by a few sad pathetic people. For whatever reason, they enjoy the pain of others. You are a sad pathetic person who would try anything to try and win an argument. Put it in your sig. Frame it, I don't care, but I do not wish to debate with a person like yourself. You are beneath me and others here on levels which you have no understanding on. Continue to write, but you disgust me for speaking lightly on so many things that are far from that.

Ok so i must be a sick twister person because you assume i enjoy murdering people and raping little boys. Anyway....

So youre not gonna answer. super. So i guess this is over because you cannot answer a simple yes/no question to support what you say. This could cause problems later in life.Lifes full of hard choices. This isnt one of them. And by the way im not twisting your words. Im taking the most literal definition possible. So answer or dont. Either way you lose.

Class Dismissed

10-12-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi
sounds like this thread has gone from 0-pointless in 3.5 pages :rolleyes:

what page are we on now? wow this is bad.

phil, scue? you guys out there? close this thing fast.


10-12-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

what page are we on now? wow this is bad.

phil, scue? you guys out there? close this thing fast.


Why close it?

Merak wont admit he's wrong so we can close it once he answers my question

10-12-2003, 08:22 PM
Boy did this one go off the deep end.

Zimbo, sometimes there is not a yes or no answer to a crazy question. For instance "are you still beating your wife?". And your avoidance of the curse filter gets you a warning. I not going to tolerate any more of this talk. Get back to the original post issue or I close this and start the spankins.

10-12-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Zimbo

Why close it?

Merak wont admit he's wrong so we can close it once he answers my question

No one has to answer anything if they do not want to. Leave it alone.

TO EVERYONE. If I see anymore flamming or curse filter triggering/avoidance I am going to issue bans. No arguments and no more warnings.

This thread is wether or not you like Speedball. Not about anything else. And I think we all can understand why one would like one of them over the other. Fortunately we have choices. And we all share the same common ground of paintball. No need to get ugly about it. Or go off into all this other crap. Stick to the subject and quit the personal attacks.

10-12-2003, 09:46 PM
There's always a lot of flaming and baseless opinions around this subject, the somewhat-anonymous internet just fans it and brings out the immaturity in people.

It's not really an issue of "which is better" or "which should be forced out", it's a matter of respect between the two ends of the game. On the whole, more people play recball than organized events. Recball isn't exclusively woods, though it might be a slight majority. Most fields are small-time operations and have both. Mock towns, jungle villages, and expansive inflatable courses are time-consuming and expensive to construct, so usually fields just have a couple of roped-off wooded areas, one inflated course, and a couple of spools or pallet set-ups. No elaborate D-Day or Castle Conquest, no IAO or Super 7 facility. On any given weekend, you'll see a kid with an Orracle or GZ Timi and Dye jersey, a 30-something guy in BDUs with a nice E-Mag or Cocker, a newb in old jeans with a Rebel Extreme, and a fat 50 year old with an A-5 waiting for a chance to break out the ghille. A general mish-mosh made up of all the paintball sterotypes, all there to have a good time, and at some point of the day, any one of them can make or break a game. That is the overwhelming bulk and future of paintball, not X-Ball, not Naughty Dogs, not paintball tanks, not Moist Donut. THAT is reality.

Most of the arguments I've seen about woods vs. speedball aren't about reality. It's about image. Are we a legitimate sport or militia wanna-bes? Are we in-your-face ultimate athletes or playing cops and robbers? Does it matter? Are our egos so fragile that our good time solely depends on what others think of us? If you're a 16 yr old Amateur A hopeful, decked out in a jersey and toting a tricked-out Impulse, talking smack and tearing up teams on the Sup Air field, why feel threatened because someone else is playing in the woods with a ghille and a flatline Tippy? If you're a 40 yr old scenario player going to a 48-hour scenario game for some woods-skulking with your Armotech setup, does it really affect you that someone in Las Vegas is setting up a X-ball scoreboard and blowing up bunkers?

No, it doesn't. So why should it matter on a paintball forum? Why does everyone have to validate their game by demanding everyone else conform to their idea of what paintball "should" be? For every person that plays paintball like you do, there's four that don't. Every style of play, whether it's stock class, scenario, NPPL, milsim, pump, or X-ball, is a minority when compared against the rest. There's absolutely no reason they can't all coexist, and they don't diminish each other.

10-13-2003, 12:24 AM
"and knowing is half the battle..."

10-13-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass

Funny, but last time I looked, the same applied to speedball. Yesterday I played woodsball and we kept the same teams all day. There was more teamwork in those games on both sides than there was when I played speedball.

hah, that just goes to show.... you people who hate/dislike speedball in comparison to recball do so because you (bad word, is this a curse filter thingy you talked about? I hope not) at it! If your team wasn't using teamwork on the speedball field than I'd bet you got whomped.

10-13-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by TequilaMockingbird
There's absolutely no reason they can't all coexist, and they don't diminish each other.

Wow, I read through all 5 pages of this thread to get to TequilaMockingbird making the point that was building in my mind. (And rather well written as well.)

I play paintball.

'nuff said. :D

10-13-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by iownamag

hah, that just goes to show.... you people who hate/dislike speedball in comparison to recball do so because you (bad word, is this a curse filter thingy you talked about? I hope not) at it! If your team wasn't using teamwork on the speedball field than I'd bet you got whomped.

Read the rest of what I posted. My point was NOT whether or not I like speedball (personally, I hate it), but that teamwork is NOT inherent in ANY of the styles of play. k?

thing is that the majority of speedball players are walk-ons, NOT teams. SAME THING in woodsball. You only have teamwork if everyone on that team decides to work together towards the common goal of the victory. No style of play can FORCE that cooperation on anyone.

10-13-2003, 05:49 PM
Marek left :(