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10-08-2003, 09:26 PM
lol i thought it was funny

Paintball originated approximately sixteen years ago in the vast forests of North America. Lumberjacks began marking trees due to be felled with paintball pellets fired from marker guns. These lumberjacks soon realised that it was a lot more fun to shoot at each other and the game of paintball was born.

what you think?

10-08-2003, 09:29 PM
Basicly that is it...
It's been about 22 year now (not 16) and the guys wer enot lumberjacks, but yest the balls and guns were for marking cattle and trees. The first game was played in NH in I think it was 1981.

10-08-2003, 09:30 PM
i think that was one of the versions
the other was like marking cows for the slaughter

10-08-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by SIGSays
lol i thought it was funny

Paintball originated approximately sixteen years ago in the vast forests of North America. Lumberjacks began marking trees due to be felled with paintball pellets fired from marker guns. These lumberjacks soon realised that it was a lot more fun to shoot at each other and the game of paintball was born.

what you think?

I thought they were using cow markers... I mean, they were used on both cows and trees...

10-08-2003, 09:38 PM
I wanna play with the paint and gun that can knock down trees:D

10-08-2003, 09:39 PM
lol.. i think it means it marked the trees that would be later knocked out

10-08-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Army
I wanna play with the paint and gun that can knock down trees:D


SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
10-08-2003, 09:47 PM
lol i want to see what guns they used to mark the trees and cows.

10-08-2003, 10:23 PM
man they go out shoot some trees or cows or whatever it was. then theyd be like well hell why dont we just shoot each other

Kaiser Bob
10-08-2003, 10:26 PM
Werent they Nelspot 007's that they used?

10-08-2003, 10:35 PM
It first started with sling shots and berries, some kids played a game where they wore shop goggles and white t-shirts and flung berries at eachother with sling shots. A form of tag and hide and go seek...

Then someone decided to play the same game but use the Nel-Spot 007 marker that was used for marking trees and cattle, it had real paint in them.

The first gun made for the sport was the National Survival Game Splatmaster.

10-08-2003, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Nachos
It first started with sling shots and berries, some kids played a game where they wore shop goggles and white t-shirts and flung berries at eachother with sling shots. A form of tag and hide and go seek...

Then someone decided to play the same game but use the Nel-Spot 007 marker that was used for marking trees and cattle, it had real paint in them.

The first gun made for the sport was the National Survival Game Splatmaster. Not exactly...

10-08-2003, 10:56 PM
..and then AGD stopped making nail guns, instead they made paintball guns...


10-08-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Not exactly...

Yeah, exactly, kid. I read the whole story in Action Pursuit Games magazine in like issue 10.

10-08-2003, 11:59 PM
Nacho Nacho Nacho......

Here, read this, then find me the berries:D


10-09-2003, 06:12 AM
Nah, paintball started more then a 100 years ago in Salem. They used paintball guns to mark witches. If the paint came off you were a witch and they BURNED YOU!

10-09-2003, 07:04 AM
haha, hell yeah. burn the wipers! haha, thats so funny.

10-09-2003, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Nachos

Yeah, exactly, kid. I read the whole story in Action Pursuit Games magazine in like issue 10. Kid eh? How old are you? Like my age, around 16? Sigh...get your facts straight anyways...You find one other resource that states that some kids stumbled onto it by playing with slingshots...Oh ya, I forgot, these "kids" that you speak of were the ONLY people that ever shot each other with slingshots anyways :rolleyes: The entire bit about slingshots and berries is irrelivant to the rest of it.

EDIT: Why would you trust APG anyways? ;)

10-09-2003, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Army
I wanna play with the paint and gun that can knock down trees:D
I'm on Army's team:D

10-09-2003, 08:58 AM
go on army.....kick him in the n....berries.

10-09-2003, 09:34 AM
charlie nelson of nelson forestry made the first paintballs out of wax with wooden moulds, to come up with a better way of marking trees.

Knowing bored workers, yah, they might have shot each other a time or two.

Whether or not they made a game out of it is a matter of conjecture.

Will Wood
10-09-2003, 09:56 AM
My dad used to use these "markers." He was into forestry, and would go mark the trees. There was a backtype thing full of paint, and then a hose going to a gun, where it would just shoot out paint.

I think.. it's been a while since he's told me about it. I'll ask him tonight.

10-09-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
lol i want to see what guns they used to mark the trees and cows.

NelSpot 007, only paint available was from nelson and it was indelible.

Can't wipe when you need turpentine to get the paint off!:D

10-09-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Kid eh? How old are you? Like my age, around 16?

No, 25 and I started playing in 1987, how long have you been playing?

Maybe theses "kids" weren't the only ones flinging berries at eachother in the woods but it is still the same sport we play today, tag and hide and go seek, well not so much hide with all speedball type games.

10-09-2003, 12:04 PM
Okay it was markers used to mark trees and cattle. The tree markers (Park Rangers not lumber jacks) started shooting at each other first. Then a man named, Bob Gurnsey who happened across Rangers shooting each other (who by the way was involved in the first ever organized game of paintball) took the unnamed markers to a company which financed the development of the Nelspot 007 and back then we played using indellible paint that costed a lot of money for each shot hurt like hell and was oil based and never came out of your clothes. And the game was called The National Survival Game. The people who ran The NSG started the spread of paintball across the US. Yes I am older, but I am not old.

10-09-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Nachos

No, 25 and I started playing in 1987, how long have you been playing?

Maybe theses "kids" weren't the only ones flinging berries at eachother in the woods but it is still the same sport we play today, tag and hide and go seek, well not so much hide with all speedball type games. Ive been playing long enough to know how the sport started, and probably playt more than you :rolleyes: I hate people like you. OooO! Im older than you, so that means
I know more about the sport, and must be better than you!

10-09-2003, 01:27 PM
YOu got your history wrong.

Gurnsey and some friends discussed the game BEFORE they knew of paint markers. They wanted to stalk each other, but needed a way to make it fun. a friend George Butler saw paintball guns (NAMED the Nelspot 007) in a farm catalogue. The Nelspot was already named by nelson paint. Origionally Nelson went to Crossman for a gun that would fire these new encapsulated paints he made, and they made the Crossman/Nelspot 707. It was a market failure. This gun is the first paintball gun. Next Nelson went to Daisy, who made the Nelspot 007, which is what Gurnsey and pals saw in the magazine. They did not see people playing in the forests of appalachia. They did not wander the earth searching for a manly sport fit for the gods. They saw them in a magazine.

secondly, Will Wood, your father might have used something different, as they were not backpack loaded. He might have had a paintgun that ran off a compressed gas, and shot liquid paint out of a nozzle, like an industrial paint spray. The origional Nelspots weren't much different from the last runs, however paint came in metal cigar tubes, and threaded into the gun. 10 balls. CO2 12 grams in the handle.

It started with Charlie Nelson making the balls, which were a marginal success, and the players in New Hampshire: Lionel Atwill, Ken Barrett, Bob Carlson, Joe Drindon, Charles Gaines, Jerome Gary, Bob Gurnsey, Bob Jones, Hayes Noel, Carl Sandquist, Ronnie Simkins and Ritchie White.

Thank you Durty Dan for posting their names.

As I said, anything more than that is conjecture.

10-09-2003, 01:29 PM
As an aside, though we haven't seen Nelspots advertised for paintball in probably ten years, they remained in production longer than that. I have a friend who is a forest ranger, and he told me he was still seeing them advertised in forestry journals into the late 1990's.

They used them for surveys, to keep track of counts when measuring forest density.

10-09-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Jeffy-CanCon
As an aside, though we haven't seen Nelspots advertised for paintball in probably ten years, they remained in production longer than that. I have a friend who is a forest ranger, and he told me he was still seeing them advertised in forestry journals into the late 1990's.

They used them for surveys, to keep track of counts when measuring forest density.

In fact, Nelson still retains parts and services for nelspots, including seals, pins, pump handles to replace that knobby bolt... I didn't know they still made them that late though.

10-09-2003, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by thei3ug
YOu got your history wrong.

Gurnsey and some friends discussed the game BEFORE they knew of paint markers. They wanted to stalk each other, but needed a way to make it fun. a friend George Butler saw paintball guns (NAMED the Nelspot 007) in a farm catalogue. The Nelspot was already named by nelson paint. Origionally Nelson went to Crossman for a gun that would fire these new encapsulated paints he made, and they made the Crossman/Nelspot 707. It was a market failure. This gun is the first paintball gun. Next Nelson went to Daisy, who made the Nelspot 007, which is what Gurnsey and pals saw in the magazine. They did not see people playing in the forests of appalachia. They did not wander the earth searching for a manly sport fit for the gods. They saw them in a magazine.

Sorry, I stand corrected, it has been about 10 years since I even thought about the history I just wrote what I remembered. Thank you for the edit.

10-09-2003, 02:41 PM
i'm a geek.

Evil Bob
10-09-2003, 04:22 PM
George Butler saw a Nelspot in a farm catalogue.

The Nelspot 007 was invented by James C Hale, he was issued a patent for it on Jan 29th, 1974 (U.S. patent 3,788,298). Unfortunately, full text is not available on this patent, so I'm unable to look up the related patent number for the paintball itself that Charles Nelson created. Searching the patent database is troublesome considering it only goes back as far as 1975 and the paintball itself predates the Nelspot patent date as it was created to fire the paintball that Charles had invented.

-Evil Bob

10-09-2003, 04:27 PM
Anyone remember Gotcha guns? Me and my bro would chase each other around the neighborhood with those things. Then we found pball 5 years later and the rest is history.

10-09-2003, 04:33 PM
Yep..I remember Gatcha guns. Before that we used BB guns to shoot each other. Eye protection? what was that?:) I still have a nice scar on my arm where a BB inbedded it's self in me and had to have a Dr remove it. Though, this was all around the same time Paintball was coming about (around '82).

10-09-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Yep..I remember Gatcha guns. Before that we used BB guns to shoot each other. Eye protection? what was that?:) I still have a nice scar on my arm where a BB inbedded it's self in me and had to have a Dr remove it. Though, this was all around the same time Paintball was coming about (around '82).

Me too, we used to play 1 pump bb wars all over the farms. Of course there was always one jerk who would pump more than once. Eye protection = sunglasses.

10-09-2003, 05:53 PM

What really happened was....

These 2 kids were playing tag out in the woods named Nelson and Gurnsey.Nelson comes up and tags Gurnsey on the arm.Gurnsey is like, "Dude,you totally missed me".Nelson is like," Oh yeah? Take this" and throws a rock in anger which leaves a nasty welt on Gurnseys arm.Both kids were like,"That's so cool,look at those neat colors!Wouldn't it be awesome if we just started welting all the kids around here?" Then they realised that some of the kids in town are bigger than them and would probably kick thier butts for doing so.While saying his prayers that night,Nelson wished for a way he could inflict welts on people from a distance so as to not get beat up everyday.In the middle of the night,2 tall men dressed in black on black suits visited him in his room.One of them handed him a strange device,and said "it is time".Nelson was in awe,he said "How can I thank you for this gift?" he was told no thanks are necessary,just freely pass this knowledge on to others.He said "Ok,but I don't even know who you guys are"."I am Kaye"said one and in a flash of light they were gone.
They next day Nelson ran to Gurnseys house to show him what he was given.They fiddled with it for a little while when all of a sudden,somethng came from the device in great speed and hit Nelson on the arm."OWWWWWEEEEEE" he screamed.After a minute a large welt appeared.The 2 boys were amazed and ran off to "play".They went into town to shoot people but before they had a chance,a large man stopped them and asked what the device was.When they told him,he swiped it saying that they were to young for such a thing and walked off.They called him names and yelled at him.He turned around and said "I should spank you boys for being such smart alecs",they replied"Well that thing is part of our new game".He just chuckled and turned away.They boys could hear him murmmering
under his breath,"Smart *** kids,what kinds of game need Parts,....parts.....hhmmmm,smart parts...funny."
Time went by and one day,Gurnsey went out to get the newspaper for his father and what did he see on the back page!! It was an ad for a new game called "National Survival,see if you can survive a blow from this gun,fun for everyone.PatPend SmartParts.At first the boys were very angry,they tried to tell everyone that the new gun and game really belonged to them but no one believe the 2 small boys.Eventually the old man returned and confronted the 2 boys.He said,"I hear you boys are calling me a liar and a thief,I could stomp you into the ground and no one ever find you!Imagine what a shocker it would be to your parents to see you like that!You better be quiet OR ELSE!" He handed them both a new SmartParts gun and said he hopes he doesn't have to come back here again".With an evil look in his eye,he was gone.

The rest is pretty much history....

At least that's how I heard it.


10-09-2003, 09:31 PM
That was a great story, the other guy in black should have been "Palmer" , and the boys should have been playing in "Indian creek".
while were at it the guy should have called them "cocky" and "nothing like angel's".