View Full Version : How many times is over shooting?

10-09-2003, 03:00 PM
At a recent big game A guy came out of some bushes and I shot him five times. Well, he got all mad and flipped me off, so i thought i'd ask how many times would you consider over shooting, assuming they are not standing right in front of you, at least 25 feet away. Less than six is ok with me. If you shoot me 7 or 8 times I'll get a little irritated 9 or more and I'd get mad

10-09-2003, 03:04 PM
well people tend to fire unknowingly in bursts of 2,3,and 4. Everytime i snap shoot i tend to blast off 3 because thats just how my fingers move. I'd say six or more is overshooting just because no one fires at an open target more than 5 times without trying to hurt the person.

10-09-2003, 03:17 PM
Well, technically you only need to be hit once to get out :D Therefore everything over 1 would be overshooting.. but I dont mind overshooting unless its around 5 shots and up(I voted for 4 but I think five is more fair)

10-09-2003, 03:25 PM
I think it depends on the situation and the speed at which the shots were made. 3 shots with a pump could very well be considered overshooting, while 6 or more from a HROF marker could very well be considered not to the excess.

So, for me personally, I consider overshooting as the act itself, not so much how many balls are shot. If you know you have marked the opponent and still fire, even if it is 1 shot, that is overshooting. However, if you are unsure of the “mark” and more balls are “on the way” by the time you ARE sure… that is fine.

Also, when you hit an opponent with extra shots (more than needed to actually mark them, but not on purpose) you should instantly say “Sorry bud.” Or something similar. Let them KNOW that it was unintentional. Many times that will be enough to relieve any anger situations. Being a good sport, from both sides, helps a great deal.

I have never gotten upset at being hit beyond what was needed to simply mark me out. Heck, I have been hit WAY more times than was needed…. But I understand the situations that facilitated that… and it was all good. Heck, sometimes being lit up can be a badge of honor. :D

With all that said, the fields that I know have a 3 ball limit. But honestly, how that is enforced usually depends on the “intent”….

Kaiser Bob
10-09-2003, 03:38 PM
when bunkering, its good to put 2 or 3 on a guy, even though you know 1 will hit, mainly because if someone was bunkering me and i only felt 1 hit, i would turn around and shoot anyway because that 1 may have bounced, whereas if i felt 3, its pretty much certain something broke. However Ive one shotted people when there is a ref right there to pull them, so its all relative

10-09-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Kaiser Bob
mainly because if someone was bunkering me and i only felt 1 hit, i would turn around and shoot anyway because that 1 may have bounced, whereas if i felt 3, its pretty much certain something broke.

This brings up an interesting point. What do you do when YOU are the person being shot? The last time I played in the woods, I flanked a guy and shot 3 times and stopped. Well he sat there for 20 seconds and started to look himself over. So after a pause, I took one more shot straight to his belt and that's when he started to yell obscenities, that he was "out" etc. My point is if you don't start putting your gun up and your barrel condom on, do you deserve some charity time to check yourself or should you opponent feel free to make sure you are out with an additional shot(s)?


i like tictacs
10-09-2003, 04:55 PM
shoot them till you see it break. and/or thheir hand goes up if theyre running

10-09-2003, 05:06 PM
once you hit stop pulling the trigger...anythng over is over....over is over wow...that makes sence...

10-09-2003, 05:24 PM
10 times is about my max before I Get pissed...

EDIT: On a similar note, when I shoot refs, unless they are bad refs, I always yell out sorry ref, and usually do the same for players at the nd of a game, even if it was accidental.

10-09-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by nt2004
I'd say six or more is overshooting just because no one fires at an open target more than 5 times without trying to hurt the person.

*whistles* in the background

i'll paint you like a canvas if you make me mad.. the only time i ever over shot was when this one guy shot me in the back of the head from 2 feet away

Off Center
10-09-2003, 06:12 PM
I said three, but that's assuming everything breaks. I feel that you should know where you're shooting and you should stop as soon as you see a break. If you've got an angle on someone, you know if you're going to hit them or not and if you don't have an angle, they should be able to get out of the way to check themselves and call out.

I usually don't get pissed off about overshooting unless it happens on a consistent basis by the same person.

10-09-2003, 10:01 PM
i think u need a vote that says overshooting whast that. cause if u wine about getting shot 7 times its pretty bad

10-09-2003, 10:09 PM
i voted 6, but if it's a tourney and there's a bunkering situation or ur running into a lane, 10 is about right

if someone trys to turn on me as i bunker them i make sure they get a couple extra in the neck area.......

10-09-2003, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
i think u need a vote that says overshooting whast that. cause if u wine about getting shot 7 times its pretty bad

Kaiser Bob
10-09-2003, 10:34 PM
I dont know what kind of tourney ball you play where 10 shots is necessary for a bunker... very twibbish lack of self control if you let that many balls fly

10-09-2003, 10:50 PM
If i have an easy shot, i will shoot a burst of 3 and look to see his reaction. If he doesnt clearly put his hands up imediatly i will give him at least 1 more burst. I hate it when the rec players take a hit and just sit there and without caring to say 'HIT' and just kinda crawl away. Before they stand up ill shoot them again because to me they look like another confused player.

In a tourney, every situation is different and i think its only overshooting if the target is seriosly injured. All players should be taught how to shoot responsibly, and there should be consecuences for anyone who does otherwise

adam shannon
10-09-2003, 11:02 PM
the ball that hits after they start to walk off.

i shoot till i see a break, you raise your marker, take off your armband, or scream that your out...and im half blind at distance so you better shout loud and get that marker up quick!

10-09-2003, 11:09 PM
last time i played speed ball 5 on 6, everybody was dug in and i got tired of just shooting, so i decided to just run straight out in the open for some action across the 50 screming because we were playing with a few noobs

well bad idea, i was shot probably 14 times, some from close and some from a-far and then 6 more times after calling myself out,,,,it pissed me off at first, the initial pain but after a minute "i thought to myself" hell i knew that was going to happen, and got excited about it and hyped up....

it was like walking out in front of that chain gun arnold uses shewwwwwwwwww

10-09-2003, 11:12 PM
i voted 6

because if someones running at your bunker, and you shoot out 8 balls right at him, hes gonna take a beating. so if he gets hit about 5 or 6 times its tough **** buddy.

but in bunkering... no more than a quick burst. my brother took like 5 or 6 hits... from about 3 feet away. and left 3 nice scars on his arm :eek:

still, shoot til you KNOW they're out ;)

10-09-2003, 11:42 PM
I vote 7 but would have voted more if you had a higher number. A number like a hopper. Cause some people just don't get out when they are hit or suppose to. They will stop and watch the game or something so I will paint them up until they are in the dead box, that also insures no dead mans walk.

10-09-2003, 11:46 PM
Well I play pump so anything over 1 is over shooting to me :)


10-10-2003, 12:29 AM
It depends on your skill level and the skill level of the kid getting shot.

An experienced player shouldn't shoot a newbie more than 3 times unless the balls are bouncing. I personally will pull experienced players for doing this in rec ball.

If the person is evenly matched to your skill level i won't call you on overshooting unless it appears that your are intentionally overshooting the other player. Like if they are screaming "out!" and your still shooting them for example. ;)

10-10-2003, 01:24 AM
I don't consider a bunker move successfull unless I put atleast 15 on them (and 3 or 4 in the head for good measure, Lasoya style).

10-10-2003, 01:34 AM
well anything over 4 is definetely overshooting to me(when bunkering). when it was 1v3(me being the one), my friend comes around my bunker and pops me 4 times in the face! one hit my mask and hte shells like cut my cheek. the next two hit the lower part of my throat(the tracquia, dont know how to spell) which turned out to almost start gushing blood. the last hit my sholder. all i can say is to not shoot someone from the sholders and up when you bunker someone, it could severely hurt em. i never thought about my hit on the throat but when i got home, my mom was worried about it. i guess i could have gotten shot somewhere else on the neck and get a blood clot or somethin that could severely hurt me. its been almost a week and my neck is still in pain(3/4 of ht welt is a scab right now). all i can say is that its the nastiest hit ive gotten yet.

10-10-2003, 05:27 AM
Someone should post that huntington beach avalanche pic. That guy was extremely bonus balled.

10-10-2003, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
I don't consider a bunker move successfull unless I put atleast 15 on them (and 3 or 4 in the head for good measure, Lasoya style).

Concussions are awesome

Wc Keep
10-10-2003, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by kevinkills99

Concussions are awesome

thats a pretty dumb comment cause concussions are not awesome. try having one and see how it feels.

when bunkering a short burst of three is the max you should put. when down field i think that 5-6 is a decent amount.

10-10-2003, 09:51 AM
I usually toss 3-6 balls into someone I have an open shot at.

If he doesn't start moving, though, I will unload my whole hopper on him until he decides that trying to stay in the game with a hit isn't worth it.

I don't believe its possible to overshoot someone who tries to play on. They deserve every ball in your hopper, and most of the ones still in your pack too.

10-10-2003, 10:01 AM
like many of you said its not so much the number its if you know if the persons marked already or not. its impossible to stop your balls once they are it the air.

An extreme example of over shooting is when your teamate has ben hit 4 times already and two refs are right next to him and pulling him out, and a guy from the opposing team is still shooting. with refs arms waving at him to stop he contunues hits each ref at least twice and the player 3 more times. And yet no call

Sir Chopsalot
10-10-2003, 04:04 PM
at one field i go to nobody usually cares unless they have been hit 6+ or so but at another field that i try to stay as far away from as possible (i hate it with a passion) if you hit someone 2 or 3 times refs get up in your face, i seriously hate that field

10-10-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep

thats a pretty dumb comment cause concussions are not awesome. try having one and see how it feels.

when bunkering a short burst of three is the max you should put. when down field i think that 5-6 is a decent amount. Dude, he was kidding...

10-10-2003, 04:36 PM
When I shoot somebody I always shot twice or three times. To make sure the ball breaks.. I hate when the ball bounces =). At our field no one cries about getting shot all up unless it wasn't necessary like the guy is wide open to you and you unload on him.

10-10-2003, 08:24 PM
My rule of thumb is shoot till they leave, then shoot em some more for insurance. I don't let people leave the field with just one hit on them, its too easy to cheat

Mag Master 04
10-11-2003, 12:15 PM
when i go to bunker i shoot 3 shots, just incase of a ball not breaking or bvouncing off, any more than 4 is too much unless there is a big situation going on, most the time i find myself only shooting 1 but making sure it breaks, and i shoot sumwhere where its not gonna hurt too much, like a foot, or leg or sumthin

10-11-2003, 12:35 PM
i shoot until i have to go down while snap shooting, i shoot until i see the ref get him out or he is walking otu with his hands up, i always yell to check wherever i think i hir him, even in woodsball haha

10-11-2003, 04:46 PM
at the field i go to 4 times is overshooting and thats also what i think overshooting is.