View Full Version : What should I go for next on my cocker...

10-10-2003, 05:41 PM
What should I get next..

I have a stock 2k2 cocker with kapp 3 way and rhino lpr... its got a freak with tag tip....
what bolts internals etc are worth looking at? what really makes a difference?

I dont want to dish out the cash for the eblade/worrblade/raceframe.

Major Ho
10-10-2003, 05:45 PM
Do you really wanna spend money on new internals. The difference isnt really noticable.
How do you like your trigger though? Im fairly partial to DYE's single trigger swing. A new frame may make your cocker feel like a whole new gun.
But if you are set on internals, Freeflow has a whole internal kit for $99. Includes everything inside other than the valve jam nut.

10-10-2003, 05:48 PM
i want to make it more efficent.. i just said internals etc to get the idea that i dont want to spend big bucks to mill or anno it. i dont have a problem how it feels, i can rip on it if i get the adrenaline going..
its got a wgp hinge

10-10-2003, 05:51 PM
Honestly, the best thing you can do for efficiency is to buy a Freeflow Tungsten Hammer. The only other upgrade I could see as beneficial right now would be a better inline reg like a Sidewinder. Later on down the road maybe a delrin bolt of some sort, it makes the cycling feel a little smoother.

paint magnet
10-10-2003, 06:39 PM
For effeciency-
new valve, reg, hammer, springs, ram

I'd reccomend a total Freeflow kit as well, it will reduce your cocking pressure in addition to improving effeciency. After that I'd get a new reg (Stabilizer, Gladiator, Sidewinder, Angel Minireg) , ram (Freeflow, Evolution, KAPP, Shocktech), and bolt (Shocktech Supa Fly, JAM Anti-Pinch, Freeflow)

10-10-2003, 07:21 PM
I wouldn't reccomend the Tungsten hammer. Tungsten is denser and stronger than aluminum. This means that it will wear away the body. It is easier to replace a hammer than to replace a body.
I use a Shocktech Phat Hammer and it is great. A heavier hammer is not necessary for efficiency, but in combination with a lighter mainspring, it will lower the gun's cocking pressure which would allow it to pinch paint instead of chopping it in case of a misfeed.
If you are going for efficiency, you will need a spring kit. I suggest the Maddman Spring Kit.
The stock valve is fine and is one of the better valves out there. The Free Flow valve is just a stainless steel copy of the stock valve. If stainless is what you want, get an Orracle valve, it's cheaper.
The stock inline reg is very reliable and it is not necessary to upgrade it. The only problem is that it is difficult to adjust.
For a bolt, get either a Compulsive Edge, AKA Lightning, or Jackal Hi-Speed Bolt. They are all really close in performance and are all high-flowing, which is necessary for efficiency.

10-10-2003, 07:34 PM
Belsales frontend Orracle delron bolt is really nice to.

10-10-2003, 07:37 PM
The front end will not effect efficiency, although Belsales would be an excellent choice.

10-10-2003, 07:41 PM
how much would this stuff run me...

10-10-2003, 07:50 PM
the Orracle Delron bolt is like 20 - 25 bucks. SUPER LIGHT super smooth and im pretty sure it lowers the operating pressure of the gun. i think. dont quote me

10-10-2003, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by mark_426
What should I get next..

A decent sales price so you can buy a Mag!;)

10-10-2003, 08:02 PM
been there done that.. ;)

10-10-2003, 08:11 PM
Im happy w/ my setup, i have all stock internals, a FGP LPR buller 3 way and tuned properly i get over a case out of a 90/4500 psi tank.

10-10-2003, 11:14 PM
How about you sell your guns, and get an Angel? That was your plan, what happened? No bites?

10-11-2003, 12:08 AM
I would go with belsales internals over the freeflow just my opinion and what i run.

10-11-2003, 12:39 AM
u don't need new internals. don't follow the hype, internals are internals. especially hammers... they are all just a heavy piece of metal, the only difference between hammers is the weight of the hammer, and in sweet spotting you have to get a heavier valve spring to compensate for the heavier hammer, nullifying the value of the hammer. from valve to valve I have never seen an increase in efficiency from a stock autococker valve. wgp has been making cockers for a long time, and they really have the design of the valve down. changes to the design only restrict airflow. if you compare a stock valve and a freeflow valve they are pretty much identical.

if you want to lower your cocking pressure, then a lighter bolt (all delrin), smooth ram (sto is nice for mech cockers), and light mainspring coupled with a light valve spring (maddmann kit is great) are your best ways of achieving it. These things will run you about $75 and you will notice a much greater difference than if you spent the same amount of money and got all new internals. (By the way, the bolt really isn't necessary because most bolts run so smooth the weight doesn't generally matter on a mech gun where the fastest you'll go is about 10 BPS with a good trigger finger).

I personally am a big fan of the WGP Hinge + STO 3-way combo. STO 3-ways are pretty cheap on ebay when you can find them, and are my personal favorites.

Oh and if you have the money, buy a nice new inline reg, like the sidewinder. A sidewinder will greatly improve consistency over the chrono. With your new springs and a new inline reg, consistency and efficency will be much better (when the reg is sweet spotted).

Good luck with your cocker and remember: don't buy the hype! (I learned this the hard way)

10-11-2003, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
How about you sell your guns, and get an Angel? That was your plan, what happened? No bites?

What about a brand new in box Speed for $840? :)

10-11-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
How about you sell your guns, and get an Angel? That was your plan, what happened? No bites?

never found one...still looking though... and if falconguy wanted to trade the cocker and mag for it i'd be happy to do so...

10-11-2003, 09:08 PM
maybe someone already said this i didnt read through it all but i say get a new reg for it.

10-11-2003, 09:30 PM
where do you get the tag tip for the freak. I assume you mean theangelguy, in which case I can't find it on the site.

10-11-2003, 09:40 PM
Um..how bout give it to me?:cool:

10-11-2003, 10:22 PM
what i would do is: Sto ram, orracle bolt, then new inline reg. Oh and a new trigger for that frame, but i guess thats personal preference. Ive got a flame trigger in mine, and its amazing.

10-12-2003, 11:06 AM
Come on Falconguy, trade him!!!! Trade him!