View Full Version : my angel

10-10-2003, 05:49 PM
fresh from warped :D

pictures dont do her justice, she is a BEAUTY!

10-10-2003, 05:56 PM
Wow dude I'm not an angel fan that much, but that is pretty sexy. Particularly the anno. It reminds of my friends dad's m3 that has this wicked sexy blue paintjob that I've never seen before. Congratulations.

10-10-2003, 05:57 PM
tight angel. i wish i had one with an ace:( its fun shooting one with a revvy with no batteries. thats when you feel that the 250 is the best money youve spent in a long time:)

paint magnet
10-10-2003, 06:33 PM
I've got the same gun (Apollo milling and everything :) ) and I was thinking about getting this mod for it...

How are you liking it? And would you say its worth the 250?

10-10-2003, 08:13 PM
well i just got it back a few hours ago so i havent played yet. i will let you know after next weekend since i cant play this weekend. i also just got a black clamping rise from skullpaintball on ebay and it is HOT. he has a bunch so if you guys want one, search on ebay for angel rise. i also have some other stuff coming so i will post some more updated pictures later.

10-10-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by MrMag
black clamping rise from skullpaintball on ebay and it is HOT.

i liked the one i bought off him... til Rogue Made a nicer one

10-11-2003, 09:41 AM
lol i would agree cept satin black wouldnt match my gun too well