View Full Version : jake 2.0

10-11-2003, 03:35 PM
A new show Jake 2.0 has paintball in it. It airs wed at 9/8 central on UPN. Anybody know anything about it? It looks pretty stupid, but they are wearing masks.

Evil Bob
10-15-2003, 11:45 PM
I'm watching Jake 2.0 and I'm pretty disappointed with their portrayal of paintball, as I've come to expect from Hollywood these days.

Everyone is standing around with the masks off their faces sitting on top of their heads, not a barrel plug in sight, Jake shoots himself in the foot while everyone has no eye protection.

Jake is out on the field, he lifts his mask to drink some water mid game.

Jake takes out a couple guys with a single shot each using his bionic woman super hearing, all three lift their masks and talk to each other.

My favorite part was the guy with the angel that was shooting real bullets, that was pretty entertaining.

Continuing proof that there is no common sense in Holywood, the stupidity continues...

-Evil Bob