View Full Version : *** Q1.0 EMag/XMag Software ***

10-12-2003, 01:29 AM
I've been working on a project that I've been keeping fairly quiet, and I am at a point where I'm not sure where to go with it and decided to ask AO.

What I have written is similar to the 3.0 software.

Q1.0 beta at the moment has
20ms solenoid dwell
1-20ms debounce
8-26bps ROF
These values are tentative, I will change if I find there
to be reliability issues.

Electronic Safety/Sim Mode
A-Z, 0-9 character set, some special chars
Scrolling Boot Screen which 'can' be customized.
ACE is semi-implemented, I don't have one to test yet.

E-RT Chrono Mode
Shot Counter (I personally don't want one)
LED Display Dimmer Setting
a-z + additional special chars

Currently at 68% total memory usage and trying to figure out what to do with the rest of it. Only about 51% is actual code, the rest is used for storage of the charset and some stuff.

If I add the shot counter, it will pretty much be functionally equivalent to 3.0, with the extra stuff I have in it already.


This shows scrolling boot up and the Electronic Safety/Sim Mode... each shot lights a pixel and the cursor moves so you can tell when you're shooting. It can help you tune settings w/o firing the gun, basically.



I'd like your suggestions on what you'd like this software to do. Also, this is not AGD approved... so you may or may not actually ever see this software. I will not release it w/o an 'ok'.

RobAGD and BlackVCG have been shooting my beta, and seem to feel positive about it.

Any questions as to how it works down to finer details... go for it.

LoadSM5 wanted it to say this... so I delivered. :P

10-12-2003, 01:52 AM
very cool ;)

10-12-2003, 02:01 AM
a ROF meter would be cool for the remaining memory space..hehehe...so we can show the WAS equipped marker people that Mags can shoot like lazers too...that and maybe a game of tetris would be nice..

10-12-2003, 02:16 AM
oh oh i got one.

how about an eletronic AUTO crono mode

you would pick crono from the menu

put the gun over the crono.

pull the trigger.

the gun would then

hold the trigger back
wait 2 sec
hold the trigger back
wait 2 sec

so all you would have to do is pick crono and it would run the routine

10-12-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
a ROF meter would be cool for the remaining memory space..hehehe...so we can show the WAS equipped marker people that Mags can shoot like lazers too...that and maybe a game of tetris would be nice..

I was considering that. I can only speculate as to how large that would be at the moment. My initial thought is that I can keep it relatively small... I'll try to work something out on paper tomorrow morning to have a better idea.

Oh, and I will never again code Tetris. Did it on my TI-92, once is enough... :)

10-12-2003, 02:17 AM
Miscue, I love how you end LoadSM5's request. hehehe

Cocker/e-chrono mode might be fun to have. Heck, BlackVCG can't chrono in mechanical mode.

It seems like a 'fun' code so why not have custom or fun messages? 'KABLOW!' displayed every time you fire. 'DESTROY MODE' or 'FUEGO' when you return from the sim mode.

Highest sustained ROF obtained displayed and saved.

Good stuff Miscue!

10-12-2003, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by datapimp69
oh oh i got one.

how about an eletronic AUTO crono mode

you would pick crono from the menu

put the gun over the crono.

pull the trigger.

the gun would then

hold the trigger back
wait 2 sec
hold the trigger back
wait 2 sec

so all you would have to do is pick crono and it would run the routine

Ha! I was thinking about something like that too. It is basically a 0.5 bps modified full-auto. My first thought was that it is a safety problem. However, I would only allow for inactive auto-chrono mode for about 3-5 seconds... then goes back to semi.

BTW, the discussion we had about how to implement shot buffering and have it work while cycling... if you remember... I thought of a better way to do it, actually... that uses far less code and is much easier to implement. :D

10-12-2003, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by nippinout
Miscue, I love how you end LoadSM5's request. hehehe

Cocker/e-chrono mode might be fun to have. Heck, BlackVCG can't chrono in mechanical mode.

It seems like a 'fun' code so why not have custom or fun messages? 'KABLOW!' displayed every time you fire. 'DESTROY MODE' or 'FUEGO' when you return from the sim mode.

Highest sustained ROF obtained displayed and saved.

Good stuff Miscue!

Dude... I am SO using that Destroy Mode idea. Ha!

10-12-2003, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
a ROF meter would be cool for the remaining memory space..hehehe...so we can show the WAS equipped marker people that Mags can shoot like lazers too...that and maybe a game of tetris would be nice..

Ok, this is how I think I will do it:

Sample 3 balls, display averaged bps.
Push this to the left when the next sample comes in.

So display will look like this:

......20 -> ...20.23 -> 20.23.21 -> 23.21.24 -> 21.24.20

Those numbers will represent ROF of last 9 balls, grouped in 3s.

Sound good? Alternatives?

10-12-2003, 03:10 AM
I know I don't know anything about coding...but..

why not just take the the time between shots and divide by a second to get the bps and tell the system to throw out any number that isn't greater than the current result to show highest achieved bps at any given time...

I've heard this is how Angels do it and is kind of cheater...unless you can average the current amount of balls fired to find the number in real time..

10-12-2003, 03:17 AM
It can be done like that...

Basically count shots over 1 second interval.

10-12-2003, 03:22 AM
I just thought that would be a little bit more idiot proof..I could just imagine some maroon wondering why he keeps getting 3 sets of numbers on his display..

10-12-2003, 03:37 AM
i like the custom startup message, thats pretty slick. it seems to me like the display dimmer is a good way to reduce power consumption when not needed.

doesnt 3.0 include the trigger adjustment feature that allows you to test without putting your ear up to the frame to hear the solenoid click?

and since you have the ability to flash this software in, you could make a little cash if you helped to alleviate some of the rush crowd for the much-anticipated 3.0 release. seems to me like AGD will be up to their necks in e(x)mags awaiting the new software when it gets released.

and, the battery isnt memory-capable, correct? so a battery indicator wouldnt be possible, right?

10-12-2003, 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Schnitzel
i like the custom startup message, thats pretty slick. it seems to me like the display dimmer is a good way to reduce power consumption when not needed.

doesnt 3.0 include the trigger adjustment feature that allows you to test without putting your ear up to the frame to hear the solenoid click?

and since you have the ability to flash this software in, you could make a little cash if you helped to alleviate some of the rush crowd for the much-anticipated 3.0 release. seems to me like AGD will be up to their necks in e(x)mags awaiting the new software when it gets released.

and, the battery isnt memory-capable, correct? so a battery indicator wouldnt be possible, right?

A battery meter... not really. Just low-batt detect like it's always had. I never heard of that 3.0 feature... seems like a hokey way to do a trigger test. :)

I never intended to profit from this. Whatever I come up with, AGD can have if they want it.

10-12-2003, 04:13 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
This shows scrolling boot up and the Electronic Safety/Sim Mode... each shot lights a pixel and the cursor moves so you can tell when you're shooting. It can help you tune settings w/o firing the gun, basically.http://www.automags.org/~Miscue/sidescroll.wmv

thats really what i was talking about.

what would really key me in is the bps counter. ive spent hours pulling as quickly as possible for 10 seconds and then averaging...this would make things a lot easier when i do my finger workout routine.:D

one distant, off-the-wall fantasy would be remote triggering...almost like a claymore remote detonator. can you imagine the surprise when applied in scenario tactics? that would be hillarious.

10-12-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Miscue

Ok, this is how I think I will do it:

Sample 3 balls, display averaged bps.
Push this to the left when the next sample comes in.

So display will look like this:

......20 -> ...20.23 -> 20.23.21 -> 23.21.24 -> 21.24.20

Those numbers will represent ROF of last 9 balls, grouped in 3s.

Sound good? Alternatives?

the top BPS since the gun was turned on

then when you turn it off it clears it

just a simple max ROF calculator

what does tom think of the 20ms dwell? i thought e-mags needed 30ms otherwise it would chew up bolts? or have i just been living in a hole? :rolleyes:

but like on impulses and angels, i want something to flash each time you pull the trigger

maybe just a little 4 pixel dot in the coner or something, or a block on the LED, but it'd be cool to have a light-up firing feature or w/e you wanna call it

10-12-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420

but like on impulses and angels, i want something to flash each time you pull the trigger

maybe just a little 4 pixel dot in the coner or something, or a block on the LED, but it'd be cool to have a light-up firing feature or w/e you wanna call it

The older Emag code had this. I am not sure why they took it out. It was just one pixel on the LED screen.

10-12-2003, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman

The older Emag code had this. I am not sure why they took it out. It was just one pixel on the LED screen.

yeah, they had it on 1.1 software, but now its just the one-pixel flashes each second to signify that its idle or whatever you wanna call it

10-12-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
It can be done like that...

Basically count shots over 1 second interval.

What are you using for basis as a clock?

Or is there an equivalent known number of "ticks" in a 1 second interval for the ATMEL on the Emag board?

10-12-2003, 12:44 PM
4000 instructions @ 4MHz = 1 ms. 1 second = 4,000,000 instructions. There is no clock.

10-12-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420

maybe just a little 4 pixel dot in the coner or something, or a block on the LED, but it'd be cool to have a light-up firing feature or w/e you wanna call it

I could do that. Could have it scroll a message everytime you pull trigger if you wanted (interrupted by trigger pull or menu). How about if I made the screen flicker really quick? Or, a simple dot or block of pixels can do. Trouble is... adding that kind of feature so people who want it like it, and those who don't aren't annoyed by it.

10-12-2003, 01:26 PM
if you do make a bps counter, do it teh clock style like hwo WAS boards have it, dont do it like the angels where it just looks at the space you have inbetween each shot, and spit that out as bps, its not a good reliable system, just make it like WAS, to show only the highest acheived bps, and be reset with a button

10-12-2003, 02:03 PM
I think a nice "BAM" or "POW" or "DESTROY" (a nod to nippinout from above) would be cool to have the LED flash for each trigger pull..hahahahaha..

10-12-2003, 02:04 PM
KITT style trailing LED.

10-12-2003, 02:28 PM
you got the idea miscue!

and i agree with you JT2002, thats what i was describing in my earlier post

but miscue... you still havent answered my question about the solenoid dwell, cause tom said anything below 30ms would chew up bolts like the hyperframe and boo-yah

10-12-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
KITT style trailing LED.

Strange... same ideas keep popping up. Manike suggested this too, and I thought about it.

Features that are least useful I will work on last. But, I could have it light up a pixel block and move back and forth when you pull the trigger... kinda like Knight Rider. That would definitely draw attention...

10-12-2003, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
you got the idea miscue!

and i agree with you JT2002, thats what i was describing in my earlier post

but miscue... you still havent answered my question about the solenoid dwell, cause tom said anything below 30ms would chew up bolts like the hyperframe and boo-yah

I arbitrarily set it to 20 w/o necessarily a reason for it. I will set it to the lowest, reliable setting once I confirm what that actually is.

Ok, seems like a 1 second bps sample with a resettable high score type deal is popular. I'll keep in mind, have other things to work on first.

10-12-2003, 02:46 PM
go miscue!

what about the reverse trigger idea?

fires on the return of the trigger rather than the pull

10-12-2003, 02:48 PM
why teh he!! would u want a trigger to do that?

10-12-2003, 02:51 PM
i think it was miscue or rob, but one of them posted their reverse trigger thingy

that way it would be hella fast in hybrid mode :D

10-12-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
go miscue!

what about the reverse trigger idea?

fires on the return of the trigger rather than the pull


Hehehe. No, it will not be in the software. I mentioned the reverse trigger earlier, but didn't show you.

Oh yeah, this won't be in it either:

10-12-2003, 02:59 PM
f/a sucks

i want reverse trigger!! i'll pay extra for it :D

if the board has enough memory that is ;)

10-12-2003, 03:02 PM
ah..essentially a new school electro version of the old school auto-response trigger frame...so you get a firing cycle on the pull and the release of the trigger..

10-12-2003, 03:05 PM

the regular trigger fires on the pull, and not on the return

with the 'reverse' trigger, you pull it and nothing happens, but when the trigger returns foward, it fires

basically, instead of decting the presence of a magnetic field, the HES detects the absence of a magnetic field

10-12-2003, 03:52 PM
yes..but in Hybrid it would act like an autoresponse...or you could get some crazy mad bounce..

10-12-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
yes..but in Hybrid it would act like an autoresponse...or you could get some crazy mad bounce..

Yup... reverse trigger + hybrid = auto-response.

10-12-2003, 04:37 PM
Would it be possible to get the software to power on/off, basically like a Boo-yah frame(hold done the two buttons in back and it powers off)? That way you don't need a switch OR the yellow pin. :D Also, is the "boot-up screen" customizable enought that we can make our own or do you have to pre-program them?

10-12-2003, 04:41 PM
actually, i think thats one of the best ideas so far. i think it would be a GREAT idea for you to make it like the trix's, where you hold down a button for say 2 secs and the gun turns on. i dont knwo why noone has thought of that so far, but i think that is by far one of the most important things you should consider adding to the board

10-12-2003, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by Remington
Would it be possible to get the software to power on/off, basically like a Boo-yah frame(hold done the two buttons in back and it powers off)? That way you don't need a switch OR the yellow pin. :D Also, is the "boot-up screen" customizable enought that we can make our own or do you have to pre-program them?

It already does that. Push both buttons on back simultaneously and it goes into E-Safe Mode.

You won't be able to do them yourself. But it can be changed by person flashing your board. I may or may not make a utility to make this a simple process... that's one of the last things on my list of 'possible' things.

10-12-2003, 04:48 PM
I/we mean we want the E/X-mag to turn off when you hold the two buttons down, not just go into a safety mode.

Edit: What software version does the E-Safety Mode work in? I can't seem to get my 1.35 software to do that.

10-12-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Remington
I/we mean we want the E/X-mag to turn off when you hold the two buttons down, not just go into a safety mode.

Edit: What software version does the E-Safety Mode work in? I can't seem to get my 1.35 software to do that.

I am fairly certain that this cannot be done with how the board is wired. I'll give it a closer look to see if I missed something, but I don't think I did.

Using the pin, or a switch from Kayle is your best bet if conserving power is your objective.

Only Q1.0 has E-Safety. :P

10-12-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

It already does that. Push both buttons on back simultaneously and it goes into E-Safe Mode.

You won't be able to do them yourself. But it can be changed by person flashing your board. I may or may not make a utility to make this a simple process... that's one of the last things on my list of 'possible' things.

Yes that is what I have always wanted. :)

EDIT: cool, but not what I thought it was. Due away with the on/off switches all together or make one that is like a mag light push button. even the little bendy one on the X-Mag can still be turned on in your gear bag.

10-12-2003, 06:42 PM
I say go for a password option, so if your worried about theft you can have the gun need a password (combination of back buttons) every time you boot it up.

ROF meter would be hella cool too

Ohms Law
10-12-2003, 07:48 PM
Am I the only one who thinks a countdown game clock is usefull?

10-12-2003, 08:04 PM
I think they are useful... but that's why you can get an actual game timer. I have no intention of adding a game timer at the moment.

10-12-2003, 08:16 PM
1-20ms debounce


edit=N/M I cant read

10-12-2003, 08:23 PM
I don't know how easy or how much extra memory it takes up, but a game timer is a definate thing to consider. Lots of people play timed games, and it's a very convenient thing to have one built into your marker.
About the back n' forth pixel.. why not have it go along the bottom row of the display and then across the top on the way back, kind of drawing a rectange. Have it a few pixels long, kinda like the snake game on Nokia phones.

10-12-2003, 08:47 PM
Problem is not having a vibrate on the Emag grip, game timer is pointless. I have never used mine as it's annoying to even try and look at.

10-12-2003, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Muzikman
Problem is not having a vibrate on the Emag grip, game timer is pointless. I have never used mine as it's annoying to even try and look at.

Which is a reason why I don't want to take up space with it, sacrificing some other feature.

10-12-2003, 09:02 PM
Dirty cheater mode. :D

10-12-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
Dirty cheater mode. :D

Quiet you.

10-12-2003, 10:42 PM
I don't have any suggestions, but I just wanted to say that I really like alot of the ideas that everyone is tossing around. Especially the MROF, E-safe, trigger pull light and the startup message. In addition to spinning my warp if it doesn't see paint.

10-13-2003, 01:10 PM
Finally a good use for a LX mag with an eye. use the eye to control the warp! Geinus :-)

10-13-2003, 01:16 PM
Well, the issue with that is... the solenoid and intellifeed wire share the same line and are not independently controlled.

10-13-2003, 01:48 PM
*grins* darn

How about, pulsing the solinoid in 1ms intervals. Not long enough to pop the sear, but probally long enough to acrivate the warp?

10-13-2003, 01:50 PM
It should be able to be done as that is one of the features in the 3.0 software from what Tom said.

10-13-2003, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
I think a nice "BAM" or "POW" or "DESTROY" (a nod to nippinout from above) would be cool to have the LED flash for each trigger pull..hahahahaha..


10-13-2003, 02:11 PM
what does he say is a new feature?

10-13-2003, 02:17 PM
With the 3.0 software on an Xmag the warp will prime if it does not detect a ball in the breech.

10-13-2003, 02:58 PM
I can pulse it for a fraction of a millisecond... that'll work.

10-13-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
4000 instructions @ 4MHz = 1 ms. 1 second = 4,000,000 instructions. There is no clock.

That's what I was hinting at.

Frequency(F) = 4 MHz

Period(T) = 1/F = 2.5ns

So essentially you are going to perform the equivalent of 4,000,000 "no op" instructions (1 every 2.5 ns) in order to calculate out a second. That answers my question.

10-13-2003, 06:32 PM

Ha, you edited your message and my reply made no sense. :)

Well, you could do multiple no-ops if you wanted it to delay w/o doing anything else.

There's a running background cycle counter that can be used like a clock, so you can do things like poll from the trigger while the marker is cycling.

So, basically it works like this:

--If buffered shot or new trigger pull then
----Turn on Solenoid
----Start Cycle Counter
----Begin loop
------Turn Off Solenoid after solenoid dwell has passed
------If shot buffer dwell time exceeded
--------check for new trigger pull and buffer if found
------Exit loop if ROF dwell time has passed
----End Loop
--End if

A 'New' trigger pull means you have to let go of old trigger pull first before the next one is detected. And obviously the shot buffer is cleared after a buffered shot is fired...

This is off the top of my head... I think this is correct. Well either way, this is the general idea of how my code works... so you can see how it is always checking the trigger after debounce expires... regardless of what firing state the marker is in.

10-15-2003, 08:48 PM
BPS Meter - 21% memory still free.


Way it works: Shot counter increments with every trigger pull. Every 1 second, this counter is reset. What is displayed is the maximum number of shots made in a 1 second interval.

10-15-2003, 08:51 PM
sweet. does that reset when u wnat it to? press a button or w/e. now to add soem other stuff

10-15-2003, 08:52 PM
Yeah... push bottom button to reset to 0.

10-15-2003, 09:02 PM
must... have... Q 1.0 SOONER!!!!!!

10-15-2003, 11:38 PM
I just realized something interesting... I actually CAN hit 10bps with my tongue... and this whole time I was just joking about that.

10-15-2003, 11:48 PM
I actually CAN hit 10bps with my tongue...

Now that will reel in the chicks 'Cue!

Evil Bob
10-16-2003, 12:08 AM
then have it count down from 5 to 1 on the left LED block,
then light random pixels.
then scroll "CHUFF CHUFF... HAVE A NICE DAY"

-Evil Bob

10-19-2003, 01:37 PM
so any idea when this project will start rolling out the door?

10-19-2003, 09:06 PM
Urm... the software is near done - it's ready for play with BPS meter and stuff. Just needs minor polishing, waiting for ACE board to come in for testing. I'll do Knight Rider mode after everything else is done. :D

Rob and BlackVCG have it, as they've been helping me out during the process by testing.

Need an ok from AGD before I can give it away... otherwise, I think it could be 'ready' a couple days after I get the ACE. I say 'ready' because it hasn't been thoroughly field tested. So far it's "bug-free," and works perfectly... just has minor things missing.

10-21-2003, 03:25 PM
Have been reading the thread about the version you are playing with. Looks awesome to me. So would it only be available from you, Rob and BlackVCG? I know you are getting approval from AGD, does this mean they would still service the gun and all? Thanks!!

10-21-2003, 03:41 PM
Well, at the moment... I would imagine that my stuff would void warranties w/o a thumbs up. I'm not really in the process of getting 'approval' because I haven't tried to push the matter... everyone has been busy.

My current settings are less conservative than AGD software, but so far it seems to work fine w/o consequence. The 33% shorter solenoid dwell (I think 3.0 still has 30ms dwell) so far has been holding up ok, but I'll increase that the instant I think there is a reliability issue. Otherwise, this shorter dwell will lengthen battery life.

If I put in a shot counter, which I just haven't got to yet... and finish up the ACE stuff once I get one to play with, it will be functionally equivalent to 3.0/3.2 for the most part, with the extra stuff I added.

At worst, I'll continue to use it myself... and maybe the few people I gave it to... and the rest of you can be jealous. :D But I'd rather share it with whoever wants it.

10-21-2003, 04:41 PM
I have already been looking at what you are doing, for over a month. The problem is what you stated with the warp not being independent of solenoid. Yaga has already done this. It is quite easy really. What you want to do is move the ace signal wire up one spot on the burst jumper plug and plug the positive output of the warp signal in the middle burst jumper spot.

This makes the warp signal and solenoid independent, and is quite easy to do. I would post a pic but can't right now. So after that it’s all in the software.

Miscue, shot me an Email if you want a little more info and pics, I can show you what I have been doing. I have been so busy I have not gotten as much as I would like done. So it’s all been put on hold. And the fact that Iam no where I should be in editing .bas files.

P.S. E-safety is a waste of space and time.


10-21-2003, 05:07 PM
Pulsing the solenoid for a fraction of a millisecond does the same thing... without having to move stuff around for the sake of convenience. Post what you have in here, if you'd like... I'm curious. What I have I did in about 10 days, roughly... and it close to a finished product.

10-21-2003, 05:08 PM
darn your lazy, it only moving three plugs, and software...to do it right at least. I don't know if I would trust pulsing. But go ahead and try it. It will also drain your battery faster to.


10-21-2003, 05:12 PM
No it won't... the sitution where you pulse the solenoid is rare to begin with... and powering it for a fraction of a millisecond is negligible draw.

It's not laziness... it's less to change... taking into consideration that this is intended for other guns... not just mine.

10-21-2003, 05:13 PM
I just saw a version of Miscues sofware and it looks pretty cool. In general I am only worried about the shorter dwell time on the solenoid. If the sear comes up and the bolt rides the sear closed it chews up the bolt.
Looks pretty cool though!


10-21-2003, 05:17 PM
Yay! Thanks for response. I'm worried about that too... I just had it set to 20 arbitrarily... out of curiousity. I think I will set it to 30 simply because this has been demonstrated to work fine... and I'm thinking that what battery is saved isn't really important... although a nice thought.

10-21-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
No it won't... the sitution where you pulse the solenoid is rare to begin with... and powering it for a fraction of a millisecond is negligible draw.

It's not laziness... it's less to change... taking into consideration that this is intended for other guns... not just mine.

Ok ok i agree it will be very small. How are you setting it up to spin then if it’s going to be rare? The cycle time should be high, meaning it will look for a paintball is loaded every 1ms. As I see it the software will have to plus every time the emag is fired, due to the fact the paintball is gone(I should say pulse manytimes)? Or are you going to pulse it if only after a set amount of time the ace doesn't see a paintball?

I was reading the tread more, the max rof is cool. I haven't tried to program scrolling yet but I talked with a few people about it and was not sure it would all fit. But obviously it does! kick butt. It’s cool to get a few more ideas.


10-21-2003, 05:44 PM
what if you had little bars that rose as your rate of fire rose? like u start shooting and depending on what bps you are at the bars rise... kinda like a shot feature to let u know u are shooting ... im sure none of u understand but here is a little illustration that may help.

edit, attaching files still doesnt work.

10-21-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by ah137

Ok ok i agree it will be very small. How are you setting it up to spin then if it’s going to be rare? The cycle time should be high, meaning it will look for a paintball is loaded every 1ms. As I see it the software will have to plus every time the emag is fired, due to the fact the paintball is gone(I should say pulse manytimes)? Or are you going to pulse it if only after a set amount of time the ace doesn't see a paintball?

I was reading the tread more, the max rof is cool. I haven't tried to program scrolling yet but I talked with a few people about it and was not sure it would all fit. But obviously it does! kick butt. It’s cool to get a few more ideas.



During normal operation, the solenoid is actuated at the same time that the warp is sent a pulse... as they share the same signal. The purpose of sending a pulse w/o firing it is to prime the warp when a ball is not present... attempting to get the warp to feed a ball in. You only need to do this for a fraction of a millisecond because the warp's circuit board should be able to detect pulses that only last some x number of nanoseconds... and the warp board will spin the wheel for whatever amount of time that its jumpers are set to. Also, a very short pulse will not move the solenoid at all... and draw no extra power worth mentioning. You consolidate your input/output lines, and nothing needs to be changed on the board itself... by using this method of pulsing. I do not 'distrust' this pulsing method, because I know it works w/o having to rely on faith.

So... this priming only happens when a trigger is pulled with no ball in breech... not a common occurance.

Strangely... if I do not add anymore stuff... I have enough memory to add the lowercase alphabet as well. :p

So yes... the speculation that there was not room for a large character set was inaccurate. I wrote it in assembly, instead of using a compiler... which I believe allowed me to pack in everything really tightly and make use of every last byte of memory that I could. My current program (unfinished) is smaller than 3.0... :D I'll probably pack it to the brim eventually. If I don't with features, then an expanded character set.

10-21-2003, 05:59 PM
These are more for fun and really not that serious:

Can the eye report on the LED that a ball is in the breech ready to be fired? (I don't know if the current software does this or if your software does.)


Say, I shoot faster(which I don't) than my hopper can feed cuz I am using one of those "non-revvy" type loaders. Is it possible to count the "non-fired" trigger pulls in a seperate counter. I am guessing this would have to relate to the eye not recognizing a ball in the breech, but the board still recognizing that the trigger was pulled. Basically a skipped shot counter.

Reasoning for this one: I always here people complaining that they are shooting soooo fast that they complain about skipped shots. I just say "Whatever you say buddy." AO people don't complain, but then we could say, "Look, my Mag don't skip shots." ha!

These could be useless in the purpose department, but hey, just some ideas cuz you still have 21% left to go!! :)

10-21-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
what if you had little bars that rose as your rate of fire rose? like u start shooting and depending on what bps you are at the bars rise... kinda like a shot feature to let u know u are shooting ... im sure none of u understand but here is a little illustration that may help.

edit, attaching files still doesnt work.

That's an interesting thought... like a sound level meter, except for your bps.

I think the bps meter how it is... is sufficient - There's some other things I want to put in first, before I start making current features bigger. I wish the chip had 4k instead of 2... then there would be a room for extra creativity. Difficult to make a Swiss Army knife with only ~800 instructions... :)

10-21-2003, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by WarBUCKs
These are more for fun and really not that serious:

Can the eye report on the LED that a ball is in the breech ready to be fired? (I don't know if the current software does this or if your software does.)


Say, I shoot faster(which I don't) than my hopper can feed cuz I am using one of those "non-revvy" type loaders. Is it possible to count the "non-fired" trigger pulls in a seperate counter. I am guessing this would have to relate to the eye not recognizing a ball in the breech, but the board still recognizing that the trigger was pulled. Basically a skipped shot counter.

Reasoning for this one: I always here people complaining that they are shooting soooo fast that they complain about skipped shots. I just say "Whatever you say buddy." AO people don't complain, but then we could say, "Look, my Mag don't skip shots." ha!

These could be useless in the purpose department, but hey, just some ideas cuz you still have 21% left to go!! :)

Ha, well it's down to about 19% now... I forgot what I added. I don't really want to put in a shot counter, let alone a missed shot counter! :p

10-21-2003, 06:38 PM
what about a really really useful IR transmitter so I can IM my buddies while playing. Oh wait, I think I heard of a way slower gun that already did that. An angel from above told me!

10-21-2003, 06:40 PM
Thanks for your helpful and usefull thoughts and contribution to this thread!!!! ;) :p :rolleyes: :D :p

10-21-2003, 07:12 PM
Thank you for making someone feel small and stupid for just trying to add some comic insight. Miscue knows I am serious about the software. Anyway...what about the elustrious full auto for demo purposes? With a disclaimer to use at own discretion or something to that effect? I guess AGD would not buy off on that at all.

10-21-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by purplemag
Thank you for making someone feel small and stupid for just trying to add some comic insight. .
i only said that for fun, and cuz i own an angel :D (although its getting traded this week for a guy, offerd me his trix wiht bolt kit, pbc, gun 20 chip, new desinz breech, high/ low rise, and 300 bux :eek: :D ;) :p :D )

10-21-2003, 07:33 PM
"Thank you for making someone feel small and stupid for just trying to add some comic insight. Miscue knows I am serious about the software. Anyway...what about the elustrious full auto for demo purposes? With a disclaimer to use at own discretion or something to that effect? I guess AGD would not buy off on that at all."

Eh, don't worry about it... I don't think anyone is being serious... :p

I'm not going to put in burst/FA modes... just semi. You can effortlessly shoot plenty fast with semi anyway. "Demo-purposes" only is like putting a don't pirate software disclaimer on Kazaa. :D

10-21-2003, 07:37 PM
I do 100% agree with the shooting fast enough in semi. Ok, Question... What parameters will be able to be changed by the user with use of the buttons? Anything way out of the ordinary...would you somehow let the user customize the startup screen using that back buttons?

10-21-2003, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

"Demo-purposes" only is like putting a don't pirate software disclaimer on Kazaa. :D well, have you ever looked at sites for digital cable box filters? many of them have the long disclaimer, and while sayin on their site basically the filter, when you order something, prevents your billing info from being sent to cable company, so u get it for free. then in disclaimer says "we do not promote the use of getting free cable service, and expect this filter will be used for testing/ demonstration purposes only." :D

10-21-2003, 07:44 PM
i actually think the meter would be really cool.

do this: have a pixel light up when you shoot, Next shot lights up the next pixel, Next shot lights the next pixel and shuts off the first, repeat all the way across the screen, then go back. Maybe use three pixels if two dont look cool enough.

visually representing your ROF would be cool. :-)

10-21-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by purplemag
I do 100% agree with the shooting fast enough in semi. Ok, Question... What parameters will be able to be changed by the user with use of the buttons? Anything way out of the ordinary...would you somehow let the user customize the startup screen using that back buttons?

Urm... if you mean the boot up text, you won't be able to change it from the gun because that stuff is hard coded into the flash memory. I might write a utility so people flashing the boards can change the boot text really easily w/o using a hex editor... but I dunno... will see. Doing it with a hex editor isn't that bad. Length of boot message is adjustable too, using null character as the last character in the string.

Settings you can change:

Display Mode 0-2
0 = none. 1 = BPS Meter. 2 = Knight Rider/Test Mode (planned) which replaces that simmode thing I had. BTW, the BPS meter is always on you just have to go to Mode 1 to see it.

ROF = 8-26 bps. Debounce (SHBF) = 1-20ms. ACE 0-? (not done yet)

Resettable total shot counter = I'm thinking about it.

Safe-Mode toggle: Both back buttons simultaneously.

That's about all I've done or have tentatively planned.

10-21-2003, 07:54 PM
yay my idea isnt totally stupid!

10-21-2003, 08:00 PM
say this is the current e-mag led in restmode(on but not fireing).
this could be 1 bps
this could be 2 bps

you get the point...
so when u are pulling 10 bps the lines could go half way to represent half the max bps. and there should be a setting where u can check your max bps dont have it listed the whole time to clutter up the pretty effects of the bps meter.

10-21-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

Settings you can change:

Display Mode 0-2
0 = none. 1 = BPS Meter. 2 = Knight Rider/Test Mode (planned) which replaces that simmode thing I had. BTW, the BPS meter is always on you just have to go to Mode 1 to see it.

ROF = 8-26 bps. Debounce (SHBF) = 1-20ms. ACE 0-? (not done yet)

Resettable total shot counter = I'm thinking about it.

Safe-Mode toggle: Both back buttons simultaneously.

That's about all I've done or have tentatively planned.
whats knight rider mode? i think like trixs'. you should make 2 counters, (also like the emag)
one counter thats resetable, and one that isnt. so if you wanna just track your shots for the day, you can, then reset later, but if u wanna just look at your total shot count for life of the gun, go look at that one.

why would u not want a shot counter anyways?

10-21-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

During normal operation, the solenoid is actuated at the same time that the warp is sent a pulse... as they share the same signal. The purpose of sending a pulse w/o firing it is to prime the warp when a ball is not present... attempting to get the warp to feed a ball in. You only need to do this for a fraction of a millisecond because the warp's circuit board should be able to detect pulses that only last some x number of nanoseconds... and the warp board will spin the wheel for whatever amount of time that its jumpers are set to. Also, a very short pulse will not move the solenoid at all... and draw no extra power worth mentioning. You consolidate your input/output lines, and nothing needs to be changed on the board itself... by using this method of pulsing. I do not 'distrust' this pulsing method, because I know it works w/o having to rely on faith.

Duh, I see what you mean, I was under the impression and what I want to do is:

I am using a warp board in my hopper, so its like an intellifeed richochet hopper.

Have the warp board (motor) ONLY spin when there is no paintball present, completely independent of the trigger pull. Say your hopper is empty, and you reload or something similar (start running and there is no ball in the breach). The warp board will spin the motor until a ball is loaded. This way my hopper is only spinning until a ball is loaded and no more. This way would be the most efficient way to load paintballs.

In the long and short of it, instead of having the revolutions eye in the feed neck of the marker put it where is should be, in the breach.


P.S. more or less your way or mine, its really just another way to skin a cat

P.S.S. I PMed you

10-21-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by sniper1rfa
i actually think the meter would be really cool.

do this: have a pixel light up when you shoot, Next shot lights up the next pixel, Next shot lights the next pixel and shuts off the first, repeat all the way across the screen, then go back. Maybe use three pixels if two dont look cool enough.

visually representing your ROF would be cool. :-)

That's kind of what function Knight Rider mode would have... except a whole character would be lit up, move all the way left, and then move all the way right... hence 'Knight Rider' or Cylon mode if that's your thing.

10-21-2003, 09:53 PM
I have had about a half-dozen requests for my source code, and this is my answer on that:

I am not going to release my source code in full or in snippets. However, I will discuss any part of it in detail. And, I don't have anything against bringing a printout with me to an event for people to look through if curious. I commented and documented the whole thing pretty well, so it's not too hard to follow what it's doing... well, I guess that depends on who is looking at it. :p

It's too easy to change things without understanding how it works, too easy to screw stuff up and the solenoid melts or something... or it behaves erratically and someone gets hurt. It's also not too hard to figure out how to change it to full auto and stuff - heck, just one instruction needs to be modified for permanent FA. So, not that I'm being stingy or something... I don't want to be responsible for opening Pandora's Box.

10-21-2003, 09:54 PM
Hey Miscue,

I was thinking about your Q1.0 board today, and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to code a battery charge meter. One that would show the amount of charge you had left in your battery. Since the emag battery only charges in your car(if you don't have a wall converter) I find myself often wondering how much life I have left in the battery. I know for a gun that can switch to manual mode this isn't a huge option but I still think it is one that would be somewhat beneficial and may be a decent selling point.

my 2 cents...

10-21-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
say this is the current e-mag led in restmode(on but not fireing).
this could be 1 bps
this could be 2 bps

you get the point...
so when u are pulling 10 bps the lines could go half way to represent half the max bps. and there should be a setting where u can check your max bps dont have it listed the whole time to clutter up the pretty effects of the bps meter.

not to steal ideas.....but you could use this type meter system to do it.

10-21-2003, 10:00 PM
Well... the hardware can detect low voltage versus normal voltage... one or the other. An appromixate meter that guesses what the battery life is based on usage... I suppose could be done... but would be inaccurate. I think a shot counter can kinda second as a form of battery meter, say like if you were getting near X thousand shots... your battery might be about done.

10-21-2003, 11:32 PM
i thought the NiMH battery was incapable of telling you it's current power status...only that it was getting low.

that has something to do with the charge life of the battery, correct? if it keeps track of the charge, then you would have to drain it completely to recharge it, right? and if you don't drain it completely, you lessen the storage capacity of it? atleast that's what i understood.

10-22-2003, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
I have had about a half-dozen requests for my source code, and this is my answer on that:

I am not going to release my source code in full or in snippets. However, I will discuss any part of it in detail. And, I don't have anything against bringing a printout with me to an event for people to look through if curious. I commented and documented the whole thing pretty well, so it's not too hard to follow what it's doing... well, I guess that depends on who is looking at it. :p

It's too easy to change things without understanding how it works, too easy to screw stuff up and the solenoid melts or something... or it behaves erratically and someone gets hurt. It's also not too hard to figure out how to change it to full auto and stuff - heck, just one instruction needs to be modified for permanent FA. So, not that I'm being stingy or something... I don't want to be responsible for opening Pandora's Box.

Miscue, even if people saw your code, only a very small fraction of 1% would know what the heck they were looking at. :p :D

10-22-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by nippinout

Miscue, even if people saw your code, only a very small fraction of 1% would know what the heck they were looking at. :p :D


I kept that in mind when people asked for my code...

ldi r18, 30 ; 30ms solenoid dwell time
rcall saveSolenoidDwell

"Programmer" Bob Edition:
ldi r18, 2 ; B0b !$ @ l33t 4aX0r!!! f33r m3h!
rcall saveSolenoidDwell

10-22-2003, 01:42 AM
Dude, Programmer Bob's edition kicks yours' square in the rear. His dwell is like a 15th of yours!

Bad joke on my part. Anyway, I got to play around with your code on BlackVCG's setup. I like it. Keep up the good work.

PS The "blah" menu should stay for release, the geek in me loves it.

*edited for stars*

10-22-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Wynken
Dude, Programmer Bob's edition kicks yours' square in the rear. His dwell is like a 15th of yours!

Bad joke on my part. Anyway, I got to play around with your code on BlackVCG's setup. I like it. Keep up the good work.

PS The "blah" menu should stay for release, the geek in me loves it.

*edited for stars*

Hehe, that's just a place holder I haven't removed. Maybe I'll keep it... "What's this 'BLAH 4' menu? Is it a feature?" "It's a secret. It will help you win. Trust me."

Glad you approve!

10-22-2003, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Miscue

Hehe, that's just a place holder I haven't removed. Maybe I'll keep it... "What's this 'BLAH 4' menu? Is it a feature?" "It's a secret. It will help you win. Trust me."

Glad you approve!

Yeah, just have an on/off setting underneath that does absolutely nothing, but can be toggled. That'd drive 'em crazy.

I've got a quick question: Are you doing it all in assembly? Is there a decent C compiler for the controller? That'd be cool if there was.

10-22-2003, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by Wynken

Yeah, just have an on/off setting underneath that does absolutely nothing, but can be toggled. That'd drive 'em crazy.

I've got a quick question: Are you doing it all in assembly? Is there a decent C compiler for the controller? That'd be cool if there was.

Yeah, all in assembly. They have various compilers, but I didn't look at them closely... so don't know much about them. There's a C one, and a BASIC one I think... but they will make your program unnecessarily large - could be drastic difference I'd imagine. The more power a high-level language instruction has... the more programming space you wipe out. If you write it in assembly, you can be clever with how you do things to make things small... whereas the compilers available won't be able to produce machine code that is as clever/small.

10-22-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Miscue

Yeah, all in assembly. They have various compilers, but I didn't look at them closely... so don't know much about them. There's a C one, and a BASIC one I think... but they will make your program unnecessarily large - could be drastic difference I'd imagine. The more power a high-level language instruction has... the more programming space you wipe out. If you write it in assembly, you can be clever with how you do things to make things small... whereas the compilers available won't be able to produce machine code that is as clever/small.

It would be pretty cool though, to write the gun software in BASIC.


And... the chip is full. *but the code is readable*

10-22-2003, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
I have had about a half-dozen requests for my source code...

Sorry about that. I didn't think there were that manu computer geeks here. ;)

I assume the emag board does not detect the voltage of the battery (that you have access to in the code anyway)? If it did, you could compare it to the voltage curve for a NiMH battery and estimate remaining charge.

10-22-2003, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by hitech

Sorry about that. I didn't think there were that manu computer geeks here. ;)

I assume the emag board does not detect the voltage of the battery (that you have access to in the code anyway)? If it did, you could compare it to the voltage curve for a NiMH battery and estimate remaining charge.

No worries! I just provided an answer to a FAQ is all.

No... all you get is low voltage detection. Can't tell anything else about the battery.

10-22-2003, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Wynken

It would be pretty cool though, to write the gun software in BASIC.


And... the chip is full. *but the code is readable*

Haha... that is code for full-auto, and not semi.

Semi =


Subtle difference. :)

10-22-2003, 05:41 PM
now we can reprogram our boards for FA :D

10-22-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Miscue


Wouldn't that make the gun fire when the trigger is released? ;)

10-22-2003, 07:45 PM
No... you have to detect when the trigger is let go. If it's been let go you set a flag to 1 or whatever. Otherwise, it's full auto. Like I hinted before... tampering of one instruction = FA... I wasn't kidding. :D

So... a 'new' trigger pull is when the trigger has been let go since last pulled... and the trigger is currently pulled again.

10-23-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Miscue
So... a 'new' trigger pull is when the trigger has been let go since last pulled... and the trigger is currently pulled again.

What about the first trigger pull?

BTW, I'm just messing with you. ;)

10-23-2003, 04:56 PM
personally i would like to see:

shot buffering

adjustable bps to wicked high numbers (like 20+ for no reason in particular lol)

now i know others wouldnt want this but id would think it would be cool if you could some how do it so when you switch the selector on the side (manual electronic etc) that when you flip it to e it turns it on then when you put it on manual it turns off some how. (i dont like hybrid so i dont care about that but if its possible to do the other 2 then you should be able to do that)
maybe some kinda switch it hits when you flip it one way or when you turn it it completes the connection powering the gun.

a game timer i accualy would use this in a tournament so i want it.

shot counters i dont care about so id rather save room or just have a record max bps you achieved.

the chrono mode idea also sounds like something i would definintly like.

i would also like a safety mode of some sort besides the manual one because the one in the frame locks up and is hard to undo most of the time.

just some basic things i would want lol

10-23-2003, 05:10 PM
A resetable shot counter is usefull when you are trying to keep track of how much paint you shoot per game or how many shots you get per fill. Just a thought.

Doing my part...

10-23-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by nippinout
KITT style trailing LED.


10-23-2003, 06:48 PM
you should use SOAP, so we can get weather, stock tickers, etc :p...jk

Top Secret
10-23-2003, 07:00 PM
Does it come with the Knight Rider theme music?

Jack & Coke
10-24-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by Miscue


Dude, that is classic! LOL!:)

10-24-2003, 10:16 AM
You guys got it all wrong. It's like the 'eye' of the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica. Knight Rider copied it for KITT!

Besides, Battlestar Galactica is cooler! :D


10-24-2003, 10:21 AM
Gunga, you are a true GEEK!

10-24-2003, 03:50 PM
Question: How would you feel if I made the board stop working when low battery is detected? Reason being... when there isn't enough power going to the CPU, it can result in odd, random behavior.

I figure... when the battery is getting at that point... it's getting close to where there's not enough to operate the solenoid correctly anyway.

10-24-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Question: How would you feel if I made the board stop working when low battery is detected?...it's getting close to where there's not enough to operate the solenoid correctly anyway.

If the voltage were so low that the board will not operate properly I would think the solenoid would be WAY past the point that the solenoid will operate. The one time the battery "ran out" in my emag the solenoid wouldn't fire long before the voltage was so low the board wouldn't operate. HOWEVER, when I attempted to fire the solenoid would drag the voltage so low the board would turn off. SO, if you could detect the low voltage before that occurs and do something to avoid it, that would be good. Just turning off doesn't sound good to me. I would like the warp intellifeed to still work. Right now if the battery "dies" in my emag and I switch to manual I will be manually operating the warp with the prime button. That's something I would like to avoid, even though I'm good at it. ;)

10-24-2003, 05:07 PM
Great, that's the kind of feedback I need. I've been experimenting to make sure that it is the case that the solenoid will stop working before the board goes wonky. I think that turning the board off is an unnecessary precaution, but I've been testing it anyway to make sure.

10-24-2003, 05:13 PM
I love it!

I would love my X-Mag to display my name when turned on! The rest of the features seem pretty tight!

Could you put a low battery warning into the software?

10-24-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Miscue



By your command....:p

10-24-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
I love it!

I would love my X-Mag to display my name when turned on! The rest of the features seem pretty tight!

Could you put a low battery warning into the software?

Glad you like it! If this software ever gets released, you can have whatever boot message you want. :p

Yeah, it'll have a low battery warning... I think I'll make it behave like the rest of the AGD software. That's the kind of stuff I'm working on right now... adding that... improving how it saves to EEPROM... background stuff.

BTW: I wanted to clarify the purpose of the "E-Safety" which I will relabel as a "TEST" mode. The intent was not for an additional safety, but rather a way to test your trigger without pulling the solenoid. So like, if you're fiddling with your trigger adjustments and then test it with KRider or whatever, you can do so without powering the solenoid. This mode is not intended to be used in substitute for the mechanical safety or turning the battery off.

10-24-2003, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
I've been experimenting to make sure that it is the case that the solenoid will stop working before the board goes wonky.

I'm not sure I was clear. The problem (as I see it) is that the solenoid will drag the voltage down very low when the battery is "low". What I'd like to see is that when the board detects a low voltage condition start a counter that will stop attempting to fire the solenoid after x shots (x shots being configurable is best). After this shot counter expires the software will pulse the solenoid long enough to trigger the warp. I would allow the user the option to turn this feature on or off. The reason I would like this is so I can switch to manual and still have enough battery power to trigger the warp. Got enough room left for that? ;) Personally, I think it's more important that the cosmetic features. I just wish I'd thought of it eariler.

Or a simpler version would be a menu option to only trigger the warp and not fire the solenoid. Makes completely switching to manual with warp intellifeed slower, but at least possible. :D

10-24-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by hitech

I'm not sure I was clear. The problem (as I see it) is that the solenoid will drag the voltage down very low when the battery is "low". What I'd like to see is that when the board detects a low voltage condition start a counter that will stop attempting to fire the solenoid after x shots (x shots being configurable is best). After this shot counter expires the software will pulse the solenoid long enough to trigger the warp. I would allow the user the option to turn this feature on or off. The reason I would like this is so I can switch to manual and still have enough battery power to trigger the warp. Got enough room left for that? ;) Personally, I think it's more important that the cosmetic features. I just wish I'd thought of it eariler.

Or a simpler version would be a menu option to only trigger the warp and not fire the solenoid. Makes completely switching to manual with warp intellifeed slower, but at least possible. :D

Urm, I could make it so test mode primes the warp but doesn't shoot... kinda like what the ACE code will do. How does that sound? Wouldn't be automatic, you have to disable the solenoid.

10-24-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Urm, I could make it so test mode primes the warp but doesn't shoot... kinda like what the ACE code will do. How does that sound? Wouldn't be automatic, you have to disable the solenoid.

That is functionaly the same as my "simpler option". It is easy to switch to while playing?

Persoanlly I'd like to see my "fancy" option. I'm probably the only one though... ;)

10-24-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by hitech

That is functionaly the same as my "simpler option". It is easy to switch to while playing?

Persoanlly I'd like to see my "fancy" option. I'm probably the only one though... ;)

Well, I have to be careful with what I put in or not with limited space... Priming it in test mode takes like 1 extra instruction... which is why I would prefer that way.

I think I might not even call it test mode now. I'll differentiate between "MECH" and "E MODE" perhaps... I dunno.

10-24-2003, 06:58 PM
Yeah, code space is an issue. How about dropping all the shot counter stuff and adding an option that would switch to "MECH" mode after detecting a low batter condition. As long as the user can turn it on or off I think that would work.

Or maybe, make me a special version with my "fancy" count down switch to "MECH" mode and drop the "night rider" leds to make room. ;) :eek:

10-24-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Yeah, code space is an issue. How about dropping all the shot counter stuff and adding an option that would switch to "MECH" mode after detecting a low batter condition. As long as the user can turn it on or off I think that would work.

Or maybe, make me a special version with my "fancy" count down switch to "MECH" mode and drop the "night rider" leds to make room. ;) :eek:

Well, the thing is that the KRider mode serves a purpose... it's an aid to help you tune your trigger, not just a novelty. I am hesitant to replace what I think to be fairly useful, for something that handles a rare situation in a way that not everyone may agree on. I think giving you the manual ability to do this is a good compromise. It's just a matter of pushing the back buttons at the same time is all.

One thing I just noticed though is... it's really hard to push both buttons with a glove on. Hurm...

10-24-2003, 07:04 PM
I don't really see the point of wasting space on a shot counter if it is just going to reset when the battery goes dead.

Is 3.0 going to have a shot counter that doesn't reset or has it been stricken?

10-24-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by pito189
I don't really see the point of wasting space on a shot counter if it is just going to reset when the battery goes dead.

Is 3.0 going to have a shot counter that doesn't reset or has it been stricken?

3.0 has one... mine does not.

10-24-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
Well, the thing is that the KRider mode serves a purpose... it's an aid to help you tune your trigger, not just a novelty...something that handles a rare situation in a way that not everyone may agree on.

"TEST/MECH" mode is very important. A great idea. I'm assuming that the novelty part (other than just flashing a led) takes up some room. However, I really didn't think you were going to code something for just me. Hence the ;) and :eek:. Thanks for considering it! ;) Having a "MECH/TEST" mode that triggers the warp is probably a good idea that someone else might actually want (someone other than me).

What hardware and software would I need to write my own? You've got me wanting to try (like I have time ;) ).


10-24-2003, 07:12 PM
Good, do you know if it resets all the time? HAHA

The KnightRider pixel is key by the way. :D

10-24-2003, 07:16 PM
I haven't read the entire thread so....

Just curious,
what's your long term intentions with this software,as in is it just for you to play with or are you going to offer it to out others? If the latter,how can we get it?If the former,you stink.;)


10-24-2003, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by pito189
Good, do you know if it resets all the time? HAHA

The KnightRider pixel is key by the way. :D

Well, there are things that can be done to reduce EEPROM corruption... but nothing 100% foolproof. I'll be putting in routines that save EEPROM values 3 times for added reliability. I believe AGD software does this as well.

Glad you like KR... I like it. :p

10-24-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
It's just a matter of pushing the back buttons at the same time is all.

That is MUCH easier than I was thinking it would be. That would be fine. Thanks.

10-24-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
I haven't read the entire thread so....

Just curious,
what's your long term intentions with this software,as in is it just for you to play with or are you going to offer it to out others? If the latter,how can we get it?If the former,you stink.;)


My intentions have been to tailor it to what I think people want, and what has been requested... hopefully I'll include something for everyone in there. Although I can't put in everything that everyone wants because of memory limitations, I've been trying to fit as much as I can. I really wish they went with a higher capacity chip... oh well.

The ideas for the BPS Meter (how it works particularly) and Knight Rider mode have come from AO... so I'd like to think that you guys have had a part in it. Those who have been providing feedback during testing have been invaluable.

AGD can have it and do what they want with it. I would be ecstatic if people use it, like it, and win games with it. That's been the goal.

If I had an EMag edition with no ACE support... it's dang near ready to go already. I'm doing some polishing. As for the XMag, I'm waiting for an ACE to test... supposedly sometime after WC I'll have one.

10-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Are you still at WC,this weekend for example? At Empire I believe?

10-24-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade
Are you still at WC,this weekend for example? At Empire I believe?

No... I couldn't make it to WC. Stuck at home.

10-24-2003, 08:11 PM
I never really saw a reason for ACE, seemed kinda superfluous with LVL10.

But, pulsing the warp when there's no ball? That's awesome. That makes so much sense, I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.

10-24-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Wynken
I never really saw a reason for ACE, seemed kinda superfluous with LVL10.

But, pulsing the warp when there's no ball? That's awesome. That makes so much sense, I'm surprised no one has thought of it before.

Well, I think 3.0 is supposed to do that... like mentioned before.

Here's a rather uninteresting vid, but you can see that the warp can be primed for less than 1/100 of a millisecond... and the solenoid even with a degassed gun has no reaction. Also decided to make the bottom button both prime the warp and reset max bps counter. I dunno, might be handy for someone. If nobody thinks so, I'll take it out. You can kinda see the warp spin, and the sound is from the warp.


11-04-2003, 06:58 PM
Hey Miscue, what's up with Q1.0? Are you coming to AO SC II? Just wondering how it's going. :D BTW, I like the idea of the bottom button priming the warp.

11-04-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Hey Miscue, what's up with Q1.0? Are you coming to AO SC II? Just wondering how it's going. :D BTW, I like the idea of the bottom button priming the warp.
why do u need to have the bottom button prime a warp when teh warp already has a primeing button?

11-04-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Hey Miscue, what's up with Q1.0? Are you coming to AO SC II? Just wondering how it's going. :D BTW, I like the idea of the bottom button priming the warp.

No... :( Finished college... ineligible for college job... and too broke to make it. I would love to go if I could.

Q1.0... last I heard from TK... AGD may be distributing it. Don't know anything beyond that. He has my latest version and source code now... and PotatoBoy was nice enough to make a boot text utility that edits the hex file. Maybe you guys can bug TK about it. :D

11-04-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by JT2002

why do u need to have the bottom button prime a warp when teh warp already has a primeing button?

Well, the initial thought was that the bottom button could do something extra. I figured why not prime the warp... somebody might like that. Depending on how their stuff is set up, maybe their priming button is hard to reach or something. I dunno, maybe convenient place for it. It's not something I may personally use, but I figure there might be someone who will.

11-04-2003, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

3.0 has one... mine does not.

Correction: It has resettable shot counter now, I forgot to mention. Also put in checksum routines for the EEPROM storage... and data is saved 3 times. That should substantially increase reliability, however it is not possible to make it completely corruption proof... but it should be pretty dang good.

11-04-2003, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

Well, the initial thought was that the bottom button could do something extra.

It should be to deploy the hologram decoy when your in a tight spot.

11-04-2003, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

It should be to deploy the hologram decoy when your in a tight spot.

Auto-Target Toggle switch! :p

11-04-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade

It should be to deploy the hologram decoy when your in a tight spot.

Someone wanna add that feature to my mag? lol.

Great thought RR :)

11-04-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by JT2002

why do u need to have the bottom button prime a warp when teh warp already has a primeing button?

You don't. It's just easier to get to.

11-04-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Miscue
No... :( Finished college... ineligible for college job... and too broke to make it. I would love to go if I could.

Well, if you want to drive to Long Beach Jet Blue has cheap flights to Atlanta. I can pick you up in Atlanta (since I'm flying into there) and bring you back. I'm sure I can either get the room switched to two queen beds or get a roll-away. What do you think?


Web Fare* $99.00 USD
Regular Fare $104.00 USD
Thu, 20 Nov 2003
Flight 268
9:45 pm Depart Long Beach, CA (LGB)
5:00 am Arrive Atlanta, GA (ATL) (next day)

Web Fare* $99.00 USD
Regular Fare $104.00 USD
Sun, 23 Nov 2003
Flight 280
7:15 am Depart Atlanta, GA (ATL)
9:15 am Arrive Long Beach, CA (LGB)