View Full Version : Viewloader/Brass Eagle rant!

10-13-2003, 11:37 AM
I've been playing paintball regularly since '97. The first hopper that I bought was a VL2000. I then bought a pre-Brass Eagle revvy after I upgraded from a mag to an RT. I have been playing happily with my revvy for about 4 years. I even upgraded it to an X-board earlier this year. So, I bought a couple new markers and needed new hoppers for them. Thinking back to the positive experiences that I've had with my revvy, I decided to buy two more revvy's. After using each of them two to three times each, the lids on both of them are broken. Now, I'm not rough on my equiptment so I'm leaning to the belief that there is a serious problem with the new parts that B.E. is turning out. I went to B.E.'s website to buy new lids and they don't sell them. I think that this has to do with the fact that the lids aren't the same size. I'm so pissed off that I'm having a difficult time organizing my thoughts, so I hope that this makes some sense.

I was wondering if any of you have had similar problems and if you were able to get them resolved? If you were able to get them resolved, how did you do it? I'm hoping that Brass Eagle stands behind their products and is willing to remedy the problems that I'm having. It really sucks have to practically new hoppers that can't be used.

10-13-2003, 11:47 AM
The materials used in the Revvy's have changed several times in the past few years.

The first gem series (colors) were very thick and made great hoppers.

The second version had some issues with shells cracking and feed necks breaking.

They fixed this with a new poly carbonate material that seems to be pretty good for not getting holes shot in it, but the feed necks still occasionally have issues.

V/L Has been making changes in the hoppers trying to make a better product. That is why the xboard got into the revvys before people knew about it, then later they actually started putting it on the side of the hopper for marketting.

They just made the board faster and put it in, they didn't call it a new product or anything initially cause they just wanted to have a better loader.

On my Angel Speed I was running a HALO and it was breaking paint. I went back to my Pre-Brass eagle 12V revvy and the gun screems.

I can't shoot as fast but I'll take 12bps w/o breaks over 15 with breaks any day.


10-13-2003, 12:16 PM
Here we go again!

I've never had a problem with Revvies, possibly because I look for older used ones. Sometimes I think there isn't really a problem with them at all. More people are likely to complain loudly when something is wrong and even more so when it involves paintball and Brass Eagle. I don't think I've ever seen a thread titled, "I love my Revy; It never breaks!"

Maybe I should start one. :)

10-13-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker
Here we go again!

I've never had a problem with Revvies, possibly because I look for older used ones. Sometimes I think there isn't really a problem with them at all. More people are likely to complain loudly when something is wrong and even more so when it involves paintball and Brass Eagle. I don't think I've ever seen a thread titled, "I love my Revy; It never breaks!"

Maybe I should start one. :)

Perhaps there isn't a thread because they break all the freaking time! Out of every one I know that plays PB not a single one has a newer revvy that doesn't have a replacement shell/lid/eye on it. I wouldn't mind so much if they actually replaced the broken part for free, but they don't. They didn't recall the defective products, they didn't offer a trade in program, and they didn't even bother to immediatly halt production of the defective parts when they found out they broke extremely easily, yet you wonder why people complain?

10-13-2003, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by Crighton

Perhaps there isn't a thread because they break all the freaking time! Out of every one I know that plays PB not a single one has a newer revvy that doesn't have a replacement shell/lid/eye on it. I wouldn't mind so much if they actually replaced the broken part for free, but they don't. They didn't recall the defective products, they didn't offer a trade in program, and they didn't even bother to immediatly halt production of the defective parts when they found out they broke extremely easily, yet you wonder why people complain?

O.K.. So, your friends have have found replacement lids. Could you please tell me where they were able to find them? As I mentioned I looked around and was unable to find them. Not to mention that the lids on the two new hoppers are different sizes. How did they go about getting the right size lids?

deathstalker, I respect your opinion. But, I bought two new hoppers and the lids on both of them broke after using them 2-3 times. I work with a guy who bought a newer revvy also and his lid broke. So, out of the three revvys that have been purchased, three of the lids broke. That's good for a 100% defect rate. I personally don't have a vendetta against B.E.. I just want for them to stand behind their products.

10-13-2003, 01:20 PM
Took them off of other non electro hoppers.

Some lids fit others don't. Try a new BE VL200 lid. Or if the hinge part broke you can ghetto rig it with a small strip of metal and some super glue.

If you order one from BE it will more than likely break again in <3 days of play.

10-13-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Crighton
Took them off of other non electro hoppers...

If you order one from BE it will more than likely break again in <3 days of play.

I'm sure you are right about breaking in three days. I've been meaning to try some of hte other lids that I have. Thanks for your input.


10-13-2003, 02:11 PM
I stopped using BE hoppers when my EVO's lid broke 1 week after I purchsed it. 1 week and no place to buy a replacement one , so if your friend found a place to buy sapre revy or evo parts, that'll be great. I swithced to HALO 'cause even if the lids and shells break too, at least you can order any spare part :rolleyes:

10-13-2003, 02:21 PM
You can get some of the parts at one of these links:

This site has the lids, but doesn't say what size they are:

Good Luck,

10-13-2003, 04:32 PM
Hey, thanks! :D

10-13-2003, 04:39 PM
Social D:

if your revvie is less than 90 days old (which playing 2-3 times, it should be), CALL BE/VL. They WILL replace hte lids FOR FREE. It is a known problem in a batch of around 10,000 revvies they'd already sold. If the neck breaks or the lid breaks, they will replace it for free.

They got a bad batch of plastic (too much O2 in the material) and it caused weak hoppers. They have fixed it, and a revvie out of the factory today is faster and stronger than one 5 years ago, however, there are some bad batches out there.

but basically, CALL BE and they will fix it

10-13-2003, 04:42 PM
I've e-mailed their support and I'm waiting to hear back from them. I'll call tomorrow if they done contact me. Thanks.

10-13-2003, 05:50 PM
ok here is my issue

i have had three revvies

1 pre BE non translucent blue old school

2 black BE revvies

I have had zero problems with the pre BE I had used it almost every game until i got my HALO

I bought the first black revvie before a tournament as a just in case type of thing, three games in I had a ball blow up in my blue one, we had back to back games so i just slapped on the new black one on , half way through the first game with it stopped spinning. ok no problem I called them and was pretty much told i was on my own..... I bought a new eye from a local pro shop it worked for a few weeks and the board fried.....

I bought the second black one at Skyball it worked for a short amount of time and then puked a board again no customer service.

I bought my HALO A great hopper, had it upgraded to a B at world cup and while I was upgrading it I "UPGRADED" my old blue PRE BE with the new "unbreakable shells",cracked the first top at the cup had it replaced,got three extras cracked all three in the next season , on top of that the "unbreakable" shell has cracked around almost all of the screws aND LOOKS LIKE A PILE OF JUNK.

my jt masks have served me well from 1990 until two years ago when I got my first BE owned JT mask we were playing indoor and I got long balled diag. across field the lense cracked in three places thrugh both the outer and the thermal layer this was the first shot these lenses ever took ... it was not just mine,4 masks that were sold at the same time through that field also failed in the first week of use all the lenses were marked 08-00 we called jt and they offered to replace them,but that is not the point
somone could have really been hurt and there was no mention of a possible problem that I have heard of (all 4 of us had reported it to jt)

so belive there is no problem with the brass eagle QC if you want but please check the date on your spectra lenses
if it is 0800 replace them

flame me if you want but i can't unsee these problems

10-13-2003, 07:06 PM
took the lid off a BE200, didnt fit too well but my x-acto knife fixed it...

10-13-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by SocialD
I've e-mailed their support and I'm waiting to hear back from them. I'll call tomorrow if they done contact me. Thanks.

sadly, they dont reply to emails :)

you have to call to get help. I dont know why the offer their web-help at all...they NEVER reply to it