View Full Version : Favorite thing about level 10 is not anti chop but...

10-13-2003, 04:38 PM
My favorite thing about the Level 10 bolt
is not so much that it prevents me from chopping paint. Neither the Minimag that I had or the RT that I use now ever chopped paint.

But its the fact that there is virtually no kickback in my gun anymore. That very slight kick that a mag produces causes inaccurate shot groupings during rapid fire. This is all but elminated now that I got a level 10 in my RT.

Also with a bid daddy barrel my gun now makes whooshing sounds when it shoots instead of that loud crack. Very silent. I played this weekend and I unloaded an entire hopper in one firing sequence during a game trying to get a ball to chop on purpose, and I felt the bolt pinch a ball and reset once. But still I like the fact that it reduced kickback more than anything else. But anyhoo my RT now sounds a lot like an autococker now!!!

10-13-2003, 04:43 PM
Once you put your old bolt back in your gun and start chopping paint, I'm betting your favorite thing about the level 10 will go back to being the anti-chop :p

10-13-2003, 05:45 PM
too bad he never had chopping problems with his old bolt ;)