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View Full Version : Does AGD not endorse Micro E-mag???

10-14-2003, 02:43 AM
Just curious... There is a big game coming up which Tom will be attending. An inside source told me not to go flashing my micro e-mag around Tom as he does really like them or something to that effect? Can someone tell me the relationship between AGD and Proteam, I know they customize the guns, and I thought it was with AGD's support???

10-14-2003, 05:35 AM
agd does not have the parts for micros at the factory. i needed a on off pin and i had to go through proteams. im pretty sure that they will flash it for you though.

10-14-2003, 08:56 AM
Your inside source is an idiot. ;)

Cuz if that was the case, he'd dislike the SFL mags that Shocktech did.

Originally posted by purplemag
Just curious... There is a big game coming up which Tom will be attending. An inside source told me not to go flashing my micro e-mag around Tom as he does really like them or something to that effect? Can someone tell me the relationship between AGD and Proteam, I know they customize the guns, and I thought it was with AGD's support???

10-14-2003, 09:06 AM
yeh, AGD doesnt have PTP specific parts at the factory and doesnt fix PTP problems that are not with the AGD valve-system. However, they should flash your board there

10-14-2003, 09:32 AM
I dont think he is talking about flashing the board. He said he shouldnt go flashing it aroung Tom, I think he means showing it off or displaying it aroung Tom.

I cant imagine him being upset, he allows PTP to make them. In fact, I would think that he would be happy to see you using it.

Load SM5
10-14-2003, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Your inside source is an idiot. ;)

Cuz if that was the case, he'd dislike the SFL mags that Shocktech did.

Actually at IAO, mine was pulled off of display because he wanted only pure AGD products on the wall. I can understand that, especially in the case of proteam since they have a habit of being a bit loose with AGD specs.

Tom won't be offended by a PTP mag, and I'm sure he'll flash the board if he's doing that there.

God knows, they've about stellar with supporting my SFL over the years.

adam shannon
10-14-2003, 10:24 AM
tom is so mean he once killed a man just for shooting a cocker...and snoring too loud.

yesterday at recess billy said that tammy said that kelly said that jim said that tom doesnt like you cuz hes going steady with bud.

come on folks. i saw tom handle the "spydarm" for a good minute checking it out...and he didnt smote the user dead from on high with lightning for showing it to him, but would he hold it for a picture for PGI? no. would he hang it on the wall of the agd booth at a trade show? no.

people bring cockers to AO meets...and nobody has bean burnt by toms laser vision or fiery breath yet. although he did once pull the spine out of a guy for changing the length of his sear rod.

10-14-2003, 10:48 AM
Actually there have been 2 separate occasions where cocker owners somehow "disappeared" at AO events. Both were last seen walking towards a choronograph in a secluded area in close proximity to Toms table. No remains have since been found, but there are several organizations offering a reward for information leading to the conviction of Mr. Kaye. For further information write to frametk@worr.com and communistlegaldepartment@smartparts.com.

10-14-2003, 10:49 AM
The thing with the Micro is... people expect AGD to fix problems they have with their gun. If its an actually problem with the VALVE, then AGD will repair/replace that part. But nearly all other problems fall in Pro-Teams court. I think some of the techs get frustrated as they take on a micro as a favor at an event, and it ends up bitting them in the butt as the problem isnt something simple.

I know Tom likes proteam and is good friends with Forest Hatcher, the owner (and all around great guy). If he had a problem with Proteam, he would stop licencing his products for thier guns.

So feel free to show it to Tom. He wont beat you too severely ;o)

Now he probably wont put it on the booths wall - just like WDP isnt putting adrenalines stuff on thier wall. They paid for the space and want to show off thier goods - not someone elses.

10-14-2003, 12:29 PM
isnt' agd one of the few manufacturers that fix other people's guns?

10-14-2003, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
although he did once pull the spine out of a guy for changing the length of his sear rod.

OH *POOP*! I like my spine, better go back and change my sear rod out.

10-14-2003, 01:17 PM

Depends on the tech. I know RobAGD fixed up Mango's EBlade at Shatnerball. As for the rest? No idea.

Originally posted by thei3ug
isnt' agd one of the few manufacturers that fix other people's guns?

10-14-2003, 01:56 PM
Officially...no - unofficially it depends on the tech and the event.

Ive seen many AGD techs work on a micromag. But if you read the warrenty - AGD warrents the valve - the rest is proteam.

I dont think you send you micromag to agd and have them fix it unless they feel its a valve problem.

10-14-2003, 02:02 PM
I kinda knew he wouldn't get upset that I had a micro from PTP. It was just the way this guy had put it I guess. I could always cover it up with a sheet, and just play with my retro mag! No I will play with the micro and really hope that they have the ability to flash to 3.0 there, that would be super sweet!

10-14-2003, 04:01 PM
Thats bull crap :p
I'm pretty sure TK complimented my micro at D-Day, but of corse today he would look at it and be all like EWW WHAT AN UGLY POS SNEAKYHACKER HAS NO TASTE IN COSMETICS

10-14-2003, 05:12 PM
when he said flash i think he meant showing it off...

i don't think he know what flashing is..

10-14-2003, 05:30 PM
I know what flashing the board(chip) whatever is. I guess it was confusing cause I did use the word flash in two different pretexts. I am hoping to get my gun flashed to 3.0.

10-14-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by thei3ug
isnt' agd one of the few manufacturers that fix other people's guns?

When other companies can't fix their own products, they've sent their people to us.

For example, at IAO 2K3, Smart Parts didn't have a soldering iron so they sent a kid over to our booth to get his solenoid wires resoldered.

We've had plenty of people come by with stripped screws, feed necks that need to be taken off, etc. and we'll do it for them if we can but we sure aren't going to make any guarantees on the work.

I'll work on anything, I just might not have the necessary parts to fix everything out there.

10-14-2003, 07:50 PM

Of course they will flash a micro :)

10-15-2003, 09:57 AM
As the thread title says:

Pro-Team Products works WITH AGD on a huge number of projects. We obviously produced the micromag that uses the AGD valve and, if you take a look at those valves, you'll see that they are laser engraved with 68MicroMag, GFX####### and 3 warranty stars. The laser engraving is done by one of Tom's companies. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that Tom knows where those valves are going to be shipped after they get engraved.....

We partnered with AGD on developing stuff for the Warp Feed, which led to the split of Warp Feeds for 'other guns' from Pro-Team and Warp Feeds for 'mags from AGD.

We provided a lot of support for the E-Mag project.

There is regular an on-going communication between the companies. One of my favorite people in the industry is JoAnn.

Tom says he likes me and I like him. One day I'll go dinosaur hunting with him.

But of course that's all beside the point.

Pro-Teams micromags are made TO SPEC - otherwise we wouldn't still be making them.

I can certainly understand the frustration of a tech who has to wade through all kinds of testing - only to discover that an issue lies with our body or grip frame - but we have the same kinds of frustrations over here when we get a valve in that someone has slapped all kinds of aftermarket, out-of-spec POSs onto.

So, heres the bottomline. We license the right to make our gun, put an AGD valve into it and sell it with a warranty card that goes back to AGD (for the valve); our two companies have been working together for well over ten years, we all like each other's product, support each others product and are very happy with each other.

10-15-2003, 10:22 AM
ok here is the real deal...
if any part breaks where is the line of who fixes it? the valve yes we know it would be AGD. But electronics, grip frame, wires, body, everything besides the valve would get sent into PTP? What is the valve causes something else to go bad possibly?

10-15-2003, 11:59 AM
If you own a MIcromag and it needs some work, here's the recommended procedure:

1. IF you can determine that the issue lies with the valve (for sure, like a cracked valve tube...) then, call up AGD and get an RMA #.

2. IF you are not sure where the issue lies, call up PTP and get an RMA number.

2A. Send us everything (as in, gun, valve, grip, barrel, etc.

2B. IF you have non-warranty parts on the gun, replace them with your warranty parts before sending it in. If you don't have the stock parts anymore, send it in as is (although we'll most likely find that the problem lies with your non-warranty part.....)

2C. IF we determine that the issue is with the valve, then we will call or email you and ask if you want us to send the valve to AGD or if you want to do it yourself.

2D. IF the issue is not with the valve, we will fix it and return it to you, usually within 48 hours of receiving it (not counting shipping time)