View Full Version : Battery Disconnect???

10-15-2003, 10:55 AM
Just a question as to what most of you with e-mags do with the battery disconnect pin when not in use? Lanyard, string, what???

10-15-2003, 10:56 AM
I put mine on my barrel sock. That way when I pull the barrel sock off the gun, it also turns on.

10-15-2003, 10:59 AM
I modified a leash like you would use for a tank fill nipple. Then passed my airline through it. And it just would slide down to the tank and dangel there when it was pulled out. Always there where I left it.

10-15-2003, 12:44 PM
I do pretty much the same thing Cphilip does but insted of putting the air line through it, I put the battery retaining screw through it. So it just kinda hangs there off to the side of the mag.