View Full Version : Weird/Cool Dream

10-15-2003, 04:59 PM
I fell asleep today, but my dream was wierd, I don't remember much bit it was kind of like I could change whatever I wanted. Sort of like, I don't like this dream, I want this one and change it. Like the matrix, change whatever I want :). The phone rang and woke me up, and I knew that it was the person from my dream calling, anyway by the time I got to my phone I realized that it couldn't be, went back to sleep and continued my dream, guess I never really woke up for the phone. It was cool. :cool:

10-15-2003, 05:17 PM
The best is when you realize you are dreaming during the dream. I've only managed to do this a few times but its quite interesting. If you manage to do it.....try flying. My biggest problem is staying asleep after I realize I'm dreaming, usually wake up shortly after that. It is kinda fun being god and being able to change and do whatever you want.

10-15-2003, 05:20 PM
If its a good dream, I hate being woken up, its like right before your about to score and then the alarm rings, you can never pick up where you left the next night. You have the go through the whole process again.

10-15-2003, 06:03 PM
last night I had a dream i got my first mag then it started to talk to me, saying i suck and i couldnt keep up with it. So then it grew legs and arms and starts chasin me. And those are what my dreams are like, ill try to think of others

10-15-2003, 07:48 PM
i ahd a dream abotu shatnerball/ splatterfactor commercial
i usually know how to wake myself up if its' scray
i dotn dream that much though
i amde a thread abotu that dream i had