View Full Version : How to improve incositent playing?

10-15-2003, 09:35 PM
Okay I go onto the field and I either take out most of the opposite team or I play like crap. I played at a tourney leauge tonight and 2 games I took out all but 1 of the other team. Out of the two others I only got 1 person. I see this happening a lot. It seems not to vary on the people I play either.

10-15-2003, 09:45 PM
Are you taking really risky moves off the break on all of them? Playing rec I sometimes just have fun and go for the 40 of Boston Paintball's airball field which is pretty short I guess, get there maybe 1 in 4 times get shot out within 10 seconds of play the next. If I play safe I take a good bunker to get angles on and always have a couple options lined up after that (secondaries, and whatever thirds are called). Maybe you need to get your gameplan mapped out more before you go, read the field. Running down the field just shooting sometimes does the trick, but not always. But playing back and trying to conservatively pick people off doesn't always work well either. Play a game and then think about why you go out and what you could have done to do better, that's the best way to improve.

10-15-2003, 10:16 PM
I am very prudent player. In 9 out of 10 times I can take a person out, if they are in my mirror and we are going 1 on 1 till the death. Though it seems like when I do move up I get many people out.

10-15-2003, 10:24 PM
If you want to be more conistent, stop playing well for that half of the time...

But seriously, there is a lot that affects consistency. First off, in the rounds that you are not eliminating the whole team by yourself, is it because you got out? If so, then youve found the problem and can go about addressing it. If not, then there are other factors to look in to. Teams adapt, and if your playing style doesnt change accordingly, the results will. Is it because the other team changed something that made your position ineffective, or did your team change something that made other teammates more effective than you? That isnt necessarily too bad of a thing because it is a team game, so long as the team wins. I mean, Randy Moss doesnt win every game for the Vikings if you catch my drift.

10-15-2003, 10:29 PM
One of the games I think I took advantage of some mistakes they made, got two of them from it. In an other game I was crawling into the snake with out checking if there was someone there b4 me. Learned my lesson pretty good and have a headake to prove it.