View Full Version : My weekend overshooting story

10-17-2003, 06:07 AM
I've been meaning to post this for a few days now.

So I was at the field on Saturday with my best friend and some other guys for my friend's bachelor party. A couple hours into the game my friend's nitro tank has a minor incident and goes down for the rest of the day. So, being the nice guy I am, I loan him the E-Mag and I set about taking pictures. I take of my Flex-7 and done my VForce Ref Goggles (all yellow) and head out with my pack off and my digital camera in hand.

Well, I start moving around from area to area trying to take picutres. I stay out of lines of fire and remain visible at all times so everyone can see I don't have a gun. Whenever I move I protect the camera with both arms so nothing happens to it. Every once in a while I take a few shots from someone that doesn't know I'm not playing, which is all fine and good, I don't mind. Then, when I'm kneeling in the wide open, behind nothing, with my camera up to take a picture it happens. Some kid about 30 feet away starts blasting me. I mean he just keeps shooting and shooting and shooting. I immediatly cover the camera so nothing happens to it and just sit there screaming "I'm out" "I'm hit" "Stop Shooting". The guy I was taking a picture of realizes what's happening and starts yelling at the kid to stop and waving his arms (I'm not waving mine because I'm protecting the camera). Because I'm not obstructed by anything this kid is just wailing on, hitting me with almost every shot he fires. Also because I'm unonstructed any idiot should be able to tell I've been hit a few dozen times. I was yelling so much that he managed to get a few shots (I guess) under the visor and hit me near the mouth, causing a fat lip and some pressure cuts. The ref finally notices what's happening and starts yelling at the kid to stop. At this point there are 6 people yelling at him (nobody moving, the guys playing the game are worried about being blasted and the ref looks like he got hit with a phaser set to stun).

Finally the kid stops shooting, when he runs out of rounds in his hopper.

I start yelling at him, now having been hit with over 100 paintballs from 30'. I'm no pansy but that's a lot of shots to take. Even if I was playing the game that's a lot of overshooting. Now, I didn't threaten him or anything like that, but I did use my fair share of profanity. The bulk of my screams were "WTF were you doing?" and stuff like that. The kids father looked at me coming out and looked like he wanted to say something but I gave him the good ole' 'Stare and shake the head' and he knew that accosting me at the moment was probably going to get him killed. So he left it at that and just shot looks my way every once in a while. Mean while, more surface area of my body has welts then doesn't. Man I was annoyed.

10-17-2003, 06:16 AM

10-17-2003, 06:17 AM
What can you really do? I mean there is no way for anyone to know that this kid has problems with over shooting. Personally, I would have gone up to his dad and told him. First I would have to calm down and let the giant letters that read "REDRUM" fade into the back ground. Then, when I have my wits about me, I would have brought the issue up. Then I would have put a voodoo curse on him. Then I would have kidnapped him and put him in a fur coat and dropped him off in the middle of a PETA rally. Then I would have to glue steaks to him and thrown him into a vegan straightedge concert. Next I would force him to ride the "It's A Small World" ride at disney for 48 straight hours so he'll have that stupid song stuck in his head for LIFE.
Ok, honestly I would just tell him that he sucks and let everyone in a postion of authority know that this kid was violating the rules and tell his father the same thing. And, also show his father the welts.

10-17-2003, 06:18 AM
Sorry about the rant, I'm really tired.
But, in all honesty, some people are just born stupid and then get worse with age.

10-17-2003, 06:37 AM
I would have told his father that his son doeisnt have the brains and responsibility to handle...let alone own a paintball gun

but damn bro you but the bullet :)

10-17-2003, 06:40 AM
jeesh man.

one week you get bunkered, next you get overshot 100 times.

maybe consider carrying a refs shield when you are doing pictures? not sure how big/bulky your camera is. my camera isint very big, so I would be able to take pictures with one hand, ref shield in the other.


just a thought :D

10-17-2003, 06:59 AM
i would have gotten my mag, played the next game, and bunkered his ***.

10-17-2003, 07:33 AM
Ouch. Dude you definately got the short end of the stick there. You should post some pics of the aftermath just to give ppl (correction idiots) an idea of what overshooting can do to someone. I've been guilty of overshooting once.
However I had stopped firing once I saw the first break. The string of 10 in the air still caught the kid though. ( I felt bad since it hit him on the side of the mask by the ears) Some advice for next time out on the field with a camera a ref jersey/vest. The local field around here would let you borrow a ref vest if you are taking pictures or videotaping.

10-17-2003, 09:18 AM
In all honesty the owner should've (if he wasn't) been informed by the refs and the kid should be banned for life. Paintball IS a dangerous game, and you could have easily been hit in the adams apple or temple a number of times and seriously been hurt.

If nothing was done to shake that kid up and make him realize what he did and how dangerous and painful it was to you he'll be likely to do it again.

10-17-2003, 10:42 AM
What do you expect from Collegeboy's cousin?:rolleyes:

He was hunting you Newt! It was no accident!;)

10-17-2003, 11:07 AM
ok so you had a camera... wheres the pics of your welts ;)

10-17-2003, 01:40 PM
ya I want PICS!!

anyway....I would have been tempted to beat the livin junk outta that kid....sorry..but...thats rather in excuseable...... unless he was mentally challenged.....and thought the camera was some super marker, or he was from one of them tribes that thinks takeing pictures steals there soul..... I could understand it then, but I would still have to beat the tar outta him for pulling that....

10-17-2003, 02:16 PM

what did the kid say?

Sorry? I didnt know u were out? what what?

I would DEMAND he explain his actions - and then ask him how he would feel if he got shot 100 times.

Theres newb moves and then theres being an idiot.

10-17-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Webmaster
Theres newb moves and then theres being an idiot.

And Steve would know!!! ;)

10-17-2003, 03:15 PM
At the field I work at, that kid would have been banned for life.

Now, on with the welt pictures!

10-17-2003, 03:18 PM
100 paintball hits!?!?!? I'm sorry, I would have gone beserk on that kid. It would almost be a certainty that I would have completely lost my cool and used some sort of physical violence against him. I've never heard of anyone ever being shot that much. 100 paintballs....thats like friggin' "assault with intent to kill" right there:):( I cant believe nobody on either team didnt rush him to knock his gun away. Thats terrible. I dont know what its like were you guys play but at my field 15+ hits with obvious breakage is called excessive. I feel for you man, I hope you at least had a jersey on. I play in a tshirt cause its always so hot in Georgia so I really would have gone beserk.

You have my respect for not hurting that kid. You must be some kind of purely logical paintball Yoda type under stress:)

10-17-2003, 03:21 PM
100 hits? Thats insane, I woudlnt be able to stand it after 10 or so and I would have run off somewhere else (behind a bunker or something) You really toughed it out :)

10-17-2003, 03:24 PM
one word for that kid= idiot!

thats like at my local field last weekend i wasnt there but my bro was reffing he said that some kid off the field they where getting ready to go out they put there goggle on and the kid shot his buddy(luckily he had goggles on) from point blank range with his barrel plug in the lens of the goggles. the barrel plug was a plug not a sock and hit the kid right in the goggles. that kid was banned for the reast of the day. and the owner was reffing(bob) he caught 4 guys walking off the field with there goggles off. i mean its not hard to uynderstand he has a meeting and mentions keeping your goggles on at all times while on the field at least 10 times. plus i mean think about it.... a hard little ball travling straight for your eye at 280 fps? thats gonna put your eye out.

10-17-2003, 03:42 PM
yeah ive been overshot like that a couple times too (not by just one person like groups of 30 newbie 12 year olds in giant packs) not fun

although i dont have a problem with getting shot that many times when its happened to me because i was playing and i should stop covering my entire team while they run away and i get surrounded by 40+ people.

what i find is people most likely to over shoot in a situation fit under the situation you described most likely young and new ive never been over shot by an old guy whos first time is playing(maybe because they relealize how much money paint costs or can understand how much it would hurt to get blasted like that)

in that situation if i wasnt playing i would be pissed too probably but i wouldnt spas out on the kid unless hes just some punk who did it on purpose (although id just have the owner whos a 300+ pound bouncer deal with it lol)

10-17-2003, 03:57 PM
WOW.....thats all I can say is WOW

10-17-2003, 04:53 PM
If i was the REF, there's no way i would let him continue playing. That kid should totally have been banninated.

NOW, if I was on the field, and someone did that to one of my teammates/friends, anyone, i would have bunkered him hardcore, maybe he needs to realize the gravity of being hit with 5-10 balls at once is like.

I woulda had your back ;-)

10-17-2003, 05:34 PM
you must have guts - i couldn't have that happen to me and then not kill that little b****** or atleast punch/shoot the crap out of him - then i'd have to threaten to sue his father and maybe the place if they let him play again...

10-17-2003, 06:57 PM
Wow, I have respect for the restraint you showed, that was definately more mature than what alot of people would have done. However in this case, this kid deserved either A) a good 30 shots in the groin or B) his throat slit, cuz 100 shots is just nuts.

I'm lucky that I can say I've never been shot more than 10 times, but some of the people I've played against just went absolutely insane being shot even a few times extra. Actually in a tournament last weekend I had a guy who I capped like 3 times going for the flag, then he decided to pull the flag with hits and run at me so I let him have it. But then he just screamed "Hey ******* what the ****" etc, and threatened me with violence, all because he didn't put up his hand. Making it even worse, he was probably a 30 year old guy threatening to beat up a 15 year old kid, thats just insane in my book.

I really respect that you didnt do something like the above story, especially considering if that that dude had come anywhere near me, there were enough badarse dudes I know around the field there to put him in traction for a few months. But this kid deserved a good caning for 100 shots, definately.

10-17-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError
But this kid deserved a good caning for 100 shots, definately.

Don't mention Caning to Newt!;)

10-17-2003, 09:44 PM
man, that must have hurt! looks like that kid must have some type of problem?

10-17-2003, 10:15 PM
Wow, I'd run up to him, steal his marker, and shoot him 50 times in the groin and called it a day. You, however, did the right thing and didn't use force. I like that. That kid must of ahd some sort of problem. NOBODY shoots a person 100 times without realizing he's shot someone, I think this guy did it on purpose, why, I have no idea.

RT pRo AuToMaG
10-17-2003, 10:23 PM
I could understand if he was new or something and shot you once or twice accidentally, but that's just insane. All I can say is that you handled yourself very well becaue i would have gone into a rage, gotten a paintball gun, and shot a case of paint at him, and punched his dad in the face if he even looked at me funny. The only time overshooting is ever justifiable is in a competative tourney, where the person you're shooting at has a marker, and you're not sure that you hit him or not, but if you had a yellow ref mask, and no marker, then there was no excuse for even one hit, but 100 is just crazy.

10-17-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Skoad
ok so you had a camera... wheres the pics of your welts ;)

Strangley enough, I didn't take one picture with me in it. They're all pictures of my friend is all his "still single paintball playing glory"

10-18-2003, 12:40 AM
That sucks. I had a similar situation in a walk-on woods game... teenager on my team, game was over, FA, dumped his hopper, I was stuck in a hole about to crawl out. Yelling, waiving hands, took my barrel off and threw at him... but I was gogged completely blind to aim. Welted top to bottom, front and back. Nobody saw. I was pissed as hell.

I bought a stainless barrel the next day.

10-18-2003, 09:18 AM
I ref quite often at a local field.I warn people on their first overshooting incident.After than , they sit out a game.Happens again and I will ban them for the day.
If the problem becomes really bad then then owner of the field will ban them for good.
I have been shot up quite a bit reffing and playing.The worst for me was during a woodsball game.One of the young guns had his marker go down and didn't know what to do.I went over and took his marker in hand to see what was wrong.I called him a neutral player and was wearing the bright yellow jersey.....Two guys jumped up out from behind their cover and both of them wailed on me for a good 15 seconds straight.Lucky for me they were using rentals with shaker hoppers , but I still got lit up good.I had to blow the horn to get them to stop shooting me.
All they saw was a target in the open.The yellow jersey didn't mean a thing.
I also find that tourney players will often shoot the hell out of you if you come out too soon....(after being eliminated)

A5 Capo
10-19-2003, 01:16 PM
woah, that kid was such a tool. even if you're a noob, who doesn't know that if someone's hit once they're out? if you don't know that, you shouldn't be playing. i probably would've beaten the kid after, or do wat 68Classic said--find a gun and kick his *** legally on the field. anyway, glad you're ok, newt, and i hope the pics came out well.

10-19-2003, 05:09 PM
i can deal with 3 shots, 4 max. ne thing after that i consider over shooting unless i run into a lane. but that sux tho. im surprised u didn't beat the kid. if i was out on the feild and i saw that happening to someone i would shoot the guy. but i respect u for keeping ur fists and paint to urself

10-19-2003, 05:22 PM
.....i'm in pain just thinking about that.........if they do not smart enough to understand the rules of the game(1 hit, your out), chooses to ignore the rules, or has no common sense, they should not be allowed to play. 100 is excessive to say in the extreme. if it happend to me i would not only be mad at the kid, but anyone who could have stop him and chose not to

10-19-2003, 05:45 PM
holy crap, did the kid get banned or anything?

10-19-2003, 07:52 PM
wow kids are idiots, that was an itneresting story

if that happened to me, id get up and drop kick him or smash my camera over his head

10-19-2003, 08:11 PM
What... the... hell...

10-19-2003, 11:20 PM
Well, maybe the kid follows the "always pull the trigger" philosophy. He probably felt his life was in danger.

10-19-2003, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx
wow kids are idiots, that was an itneresting story

if that happened to me, id get up and drop kick him or smash my camera over his head

Hmm, he took those hits to protect his camera...

10-20-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
Hmm, he took those hits to protect his camera...

Yeah, I don't think I'd be intentionally breaking the thing. If anything I'd beat him with my mask, like Trinity with her motorcycle helmet.

10-20-2003, 10:52 AM
he prolly didnt like your shoes.
i always overshoot someone when i dont like
what kind of shoes theyre wearing.

and why the hell did it take 100 shots before the
ref even noticed? i'd have ran and tackled the guy, or you,
whoever's closer. that's just too unsafe. he'd
have been gone for the day, thats all im sayin.

unless he had a really fast trigger finger. or on full auto.
what the hell... weird weird.

10-20-2003, 01:01 PM
Hey Albinonewt,
Did this take place at Paintball depot (i have a sneaking suspicion it did)? If it did pm me with the refs name and/or a description of him and i'll force him to spend this entire weekend licking the portajohns clean.