View Full Version : what hopper for emag?

10-18-2003, 01:04 AM
well, im in the market for an emag, and i was wondering what hopper you used with yours. i have a 12v right now. would i be outshooting this thing often, or would it be able to keep up?

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
10-18-2003, 01:07 AM
I use a Halo B on my X-Mag...wouldn't think of using anything else.

10-18-2003, 02:10 AM
Eh finally decided to join the emag club huh?
I've used the four most popular hoppers on mine
12v- ehh not fast enough
egg- ugly, crappily made, feed just fine
Rico AK- Feeds decent, faster then the 12v but just didnt fit in the ss body feedneck
Halo B- Awesome hopper. Its the only choice if you want a good emag, buy it now!

10-18-2003, 07:23 AM
I've found myself outrunning my X-board revvy so have just ordered a Halo B - tried an Egg and found it sat back too far and got in the way of my mask.

10-18-2003, 07:39 AM
i have a revy with an x board and a jmj vortex impellar and it keeps up to my surprise even when walking the trigger. the new impellar really makes the difference i think

10-18-2003, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by sps16
Eh finally decided to join the emag club huh?
I've used the four most popular hoppers on mine
12v- ehh not fast enough
egg- ugly, crappily made, feed just fine
Rico AK- Feeds decent, faster then the 12v but just didnt fit in the ss body feedneck
Halo B- Awesome hopper. Its the only choice if you want a good emag, buy it now!

the emag could happen soon.. if i get my act together. it looks like ill ahve to spring for the halo. come by work today and well talk.

10-18-2003, 01:39 PM
well i did run a xboard revvy, but i kept outshooting it a lot.
so i got the evo2, never out shot it, but recently the battery cover has been breaking, so i orderd new shells. now the lid wont latch right.

but i just today, i got a halob i bought from someone,(zcode with ripdrive, and extra shells for $95 :) ) i've yet to use it, but have put paint through it. big difference in where it sits.

if you play speedball, the evo2 will actually lower your profile as you lean around a bunker because it sits so far back.
but after switching from evo2, to halo, then to evo to see how they sit, i whacked my self in the face.

10-18-2003, 02:04 PM
I use a egg on my emag and it works perfectly fine. I've never outshot it and I like the way it sits so I think either a egg or halo would be perfect.

10-18-2003, 02:41 PM
I have both a Halo B with TE software, and an X-board revvy. It seems like every tourny i play in i start out with the halo, then something goes wrong with it. So i end up useing the revvy. The last tourny i played in i started with the halo, it blended some evil. I cleaned it out, and the next game the tab on the drive cone that sit's on the tension spring broke off. So i switched to an egg from a teammate for the next game, it broke somehow. So i just went to the revvy. I've never had a problem with it. I do tend to outshoot it so i just have to keep my strings down to 4 or 5 balls. I play front i can live with it.

A list of things that have broke on my halo:
1. First day i had it a chip fell off the board
2. On/off switch broke
3. It shudders when i'm not shooting
4. Shells are starting to crack
5. Drive cone screw came out while i was playing (which scratched the breech of my ule body)
6. Drive cone broke
7. A jewel fell off :(

A list of things that have broke on my revvy:

I have bad luck with hoppers.

10-18-2003, 04:04 PM
I tried both Egg and HALO B. Egg broke after the 1st week of use and the HALO B, despite being a battery eater, is IMHO best suited for the X-Mag.

Saludos! :)

10-18-2003, 04:19 PM
Heh, I love how no one has mentioned a Reloader yet. ;) I love mine(especially because I have pre-crappy BE shells) and it currently feeds fine on my ULE E-mag but I think I might have tp upgrade when I get Q1.0 or 3.0 software. :D