View Full Version : In case anybody cares, an update on that girl I went to homecoming with...

10-18-2003, 01:05 AM
Well, if you remember my thread about me going to homecoming with this girl, well ya. Just to get everyone updated(mostly I just felt like sharing).

Well first off I'm gonna say that we have pretty much been best friends scince we met(thats kinda rare). Ya, I told her I liked her, and then asked if there was a possability that we would ever be anything more than friends, she said, ya, and I said a little possability, and she said, not that little :) So ya, the other day, she kinda did something really jacked up. We go to a park by our local mall, and meet her "homeboy" there. We kick back in the park for a while, and she ends up making out with this guy right in front of me. She knew I was upset, and called me that night and there wasn't much to say to her and I didn't talk to her for about a day. Then we after school the next day I walk her home, then we walked about 2 miles and talked the whole way then rode a bus across pretty much half the city, and we worked everything out. I gave her a letter saying how I felt about what happened, and told her that I can now see what she meant when she said she wasn't mature enough for a relationship. And that it really bothered me when she kissed that guy, mostly because she said that she didn't even like him, but she supposedly likes me but dosen't want to get with me, yet she makes out with a guy she dosen't like, so ya. The next day, she wrote me a letter back saying that she knows what she did was ****ed up and she feels bad and stupid for doing it. She said that when she met me I swept her off her feet, and that I bring sunshine into her life, she said that she likes me as much as I like her, and she said, "As soon as I feel mature enough for a serious relationship with you, you're all mine." So pretty much she says that she just dosen't want to ruin what we have because she does something stupid again. But ya, she says its highly likely that stuff will happen between us. I know nobody probably cares, but I'm bored and felt like sharing.

10-18-2003, 01:12 AM
Oh ya, if your wondering why the hell this is important, I have never had a girlfriend before. And this is the closest I've ever gotten. So ya, this is why this is an acheivment for me.

10-18-2003, 01:50 AM
She wants you to teach her some discipline. Get out your belt and show her whos the bigger man! Better yet, a 2x4 with nails in it:eek:

Really thats pretty cool. But normally I dont trust girls who act like that

10-18-2003, 01:57 AM
You sound like a good guy, not like half the aholes i'm meeting in college, hope everything works out for you.

10-18-2003, 05:50 AM
dude shes trouble, she makes out with some guy "she doesnt like", she wants to keep you waiting around as a back up man,man if i were you id look for someone else while your waiting,it cant hurt...much, or better yet go to her house and make out with her mom infront of her, then say "how do you like them apples!"

10-18-2003, 07:02 AM
Where are the pics?

10-18-2003, 08:04 AM
very cool, but what was your story about homecoming?

10-18-2003, 08:18 AM
Awsome man, good for you in a farked up sort of way. She does sound like trouble as dansim said, but hey if she says that it wouldn't happen agian then trust her. Good luck bro.

10-18-2003, 08:53 AM
You guys will learn to NEVER trust any female:p

10-18-2003, 08:55 AM
Hopefully he won't have to learn that :)

10-18-2003, 09:06 AM
Give her the benefit of the doubt for now, because in highschool. It's not like she can get you to sign a prenup or something.

but moral of the story: Girls are insane.

10-18-2003, 09:23 AM
back to my usually advice, forget about her and move on. She obviously a typical girl, has making out and leading you on on the mind and that's about the extent of her selfish existance. When they do that you drop em like a hot coal and go chasing another one, until she does something stupid etc etc.

10-18-2003, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
We go to a park by our local mall, and meet her "homeboy" there. We kick back in the park for a while, and she ends up making out with this guy right in front of me.


Don't ever try to figure them out. Move on to the next one. If she really liked you but wasn't ready to "date" you, she would have made out with one of her GIRLFRIENDS for your pleasure!;)

10-18-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Where are the pics?

I'll second that:D

10-18-2003, 10:26 AM
Well thanks for all the advice, I'm just going to go along for the ride with this one and see what happens. And if another girl comes my way(pretty unlikely) I'll go for it. But again, me and this girl are best friends. So I don't just wonna blow her off becuase its never fun to lose a good friend.

10-18-2003, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by dansim
dude shes trouble, she makes out with some guy "she doesnt like", she wants to keep you waiting around as a back up man,man if i were you id look for someone else while your waiting,it cant hurt...much, or better yet go to her house and make out with her mom infront of her, then say "how do you like them apples!"

I agree, except for the last part (I assume that was a joke anyway).

Dude, she's playing you like a well tuned fiddle. First, she knows you, so she knows you don't have a girlfriend and that (I assume) you want one. Two, she knows you like her alot. This whole thing about apologizing and saying that you swept her off her feet and all that, that's really fishy.

I think she's almost got you totally pussy-whipped without you two ever having dated.

I'm not saying to give her the "it's been fun, but see ya later" toss off. What I AM saying is don't be a fool. Don't stay hung onto this girl. Remain her friend and be supportive, but keep your eyes open. The girl that will be right for you may sometimes not be the easiest to see, but she'll be in your life none-the-less, and she'll ALSO be the girl who likes you for who you are and who cares about you. This girl who you're talking about . . . well, she sounds like she's looking out for herself and wants to keep you as a backup and knows she can manipulate poor little gullible you.

Sorry if these words sting, man, but they come from a guy who's been burned badly by girls. I love women, I think they are God's masterpieces of creation, but some (especially the ones who are very HOT and know it as well) can be very manipulative and scheming and underhanded. There are girls out there who are not like that and are some of the best people in this world. Look for them, man, b/c I bet that in one of them, you'll find the girl meant for you. :)

Good luck, and God Bless.

10-18-2003, 12:27 PM
...thats messed up...why bother with her...no futher comment...

10-18-2003, 01:08 PM
since it sounds like shes using you as a backup man, play hard to get. start hanging out with other girls, just try and make her as jealous as possible...shell come running back to you once she knows you arent as into her anymore.

10-18-2003, 01:46 PM
or she'll just drop you. she's being lazy: she wants a man that's wrapped around her little finger. show you that you're your own man and she'll drop you faster than you can say "petty".

10-18-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Where are the pics?

10-18-2003, 04:36 PM
No pics, sorry. And although it may sound like it, I'm not wrapped around her little finger. We hang out alot and stuff, and do stuff, just like any friends do. I already thought about her using me as a backup, and all that kinda stuff, but even if she is, whats so bad about that? I'm somebody's backup. If we never get together its not gonna kill me, only thing is we will just be good friends, nothing wrong with that. And what she did was jacked up because she knew i liked her, but its not like she was "cheating" on me or whatever, because we weren't together in the first place.

10-18-2003, 04:48 PM
If you're a good looking guy get rid of her, but if you aren't, and she's good looking, stick with it.

10-18-2003, 04:51 PM

What if you're average, she's good looking, but she is crazy-go-nuts?

10-18-2003, 05:02 PM
If you're average and funny, or have some other good trait then get rid of her.

10-18-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Miscue

What if you're average, she's good looking, but she is crazy-go-nuts?
then go-nuts!

10-18-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-
Where are the pics?

10-18-2003, 06:41 PM
You find the right girl, they are the best thing in life. You find the wrong girl she will rip out your heart and stomp on it. (I am a lucky one who found the right one)They can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

10-18-2003, 07:15 PM
I'm 5'7 and weigh just under 300 pounds, sure im not quazimoto or anything, but I'm not exactly anything special to look at. And honestly, I have no idea why she would like me. She says im adorable and that I always bring a smile to her face, and we are always laughing and stuff. I don't drive, I don't have much money, and theres pretty-much nothing that she would like me for, other than me. She is a chubby(bout 5'3 and 135-140 pounds) half phillipeno (That's spelled Filipino - the 1/2 Filipino Gunga)half irish girl, sure she isn't the hottest thing in the world, but she is to me. We get along really easy and I feel that she is really easy to talk to.

Also, you guys act like I'm hung up over her and stuff, sure I like talking to her and it would be great if we're together, and actualy we do hang out alot, but its always her that calls me, its her that comes and says hi to me and asks if I'll go places with her, and I just usualy agree to go is all. I told her I liked her once, its not like I'm constantly telling her I love her and can't wait for her to be with me. But still, I don't see how anything buy good could come from this situation.

Oh ya, I am a little scared becuase today she IMed me quotes of true love that she found on http://lovingyou.com . And compared a couple of the examples to us. I have no idea why she would be doing all this if she didn't really like me.

10-18-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by -Carnifex-

No pics damnit lol. I'll ask her if she has a pic of herself on her comp next time she's online :p

10-18-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
I'm 5'7 and weigh just under 300 pounds, sure im not quazimoto or anything, but I'm not exactly anything special to look at. And honestly, I have no idea why she would like me. She says im adorable and that I always bring a smile to her face, and we are always laughing and stuff. I don't drive, I don't have much money, and theres pretty-much nothing that she would like me for, other than me. She is a chubby(bout 5'3 and 135-140 pounds) half phillipeno half irish girl, sure she isn't the hottest thing in the world, but she is to me. We get along really easy and I feel that she is really easy to talk to.

Also, you guys act like I'm hung up over her and stuff, sure I like talking to her and it would be great if we're together, and actualy we do hang out alot, but its always her that calls me, its her that comes and says hi to me and asks if I'll go places with her, and I just usualy agree to go is all. I told her I liked her once, its not like I'm constantly telling her I love her and can't wait for her to be with me. But still, I don't see how anything buy good could come from this situation.

Oh ya, I am a little scared becuase today she IMed me quotes of true love that she found on http://lovingyou.com . And compared a couple of the examples to us. I have no idea why she would be doing all this if she didn't really like me.

ok, now that you give us the details, yeah, I can see that she likes you. Still, guard your heart. This should be standard for any relationship other than marriage (where opening up to each other totally is required. but NOT BEFORE!). Anyway, I think she likes you because you do bring a smile to your face. She also knows you'll be loyal. It's all about feelings. You care about her, and that's what's important to her.

Still, take it slow. Guard your heart and hers. Remember, true love is VERY much based in friendship. Dating is like haveing a best friend, but with a few perks. Keep the friendship strong and the dating relationship will have a solid foundation.

Now, I also believe in keeping God in the center of the relationship, but as you may not be religious, I'm not insisting on this. HOWEVER, if you and she are Christians, then keep God in the center of the relationship and let Him guide you. Afterall, He is the best one to follow as an example for anything, especially relationships.

Good luck man, I hope she is the girl for you. But be careful none the less.

10-19-2003, 12:31 AM
Thanks brass, after hearing that, do you guys still think im getting played?

10-19-2003, 07:28 PM
no, actualy i started the second page :rolleyes:

10-19-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
no, actualy i started the second page :rolleyes: .

No, he post whored one whole page of the Friendly Corner!

Yay for him!:rolleyes:

10-19-2003, 08:38 PM
Nevermind, if she's chubby I don't want to see any. Good luck though.

10-19-2003, 08:50 PM
Like I always say, I like meat on their bones, but not my meat on their bones;)

10-19-2003, 08:54 PM
And btw, you guys made me really paranoid, I'm gonna have to talk to her bout stuff now, because you guys made me think:(

10-19-2003, 09:02 PM
My opinion:

girls that do that never stop.

10-20-2003, 12:54 AM
Ok, she called me and said(before I told her anything) that she isn't going to have sex with anyone for a year at least, and when she does it will be with someone that she really cares about, she said that I inspired her to better herself because she dosen't want to be known as some skanky ho. Only thing that sucks is that I'm gonna almost be 18 in a year. So thats not too good...

10-20-2003, 01:10 AM
Don't think that all women are like that. Just most of the ones I dated are a little off in left field.

Eric Cartman
10-20-2003, 09:48 AM
Dude, either get something going with her or get away from her. I was in a somewhat similar situation for years. When I cam across this page http://www.intellectualwhores.com a little while ago, I realized what I had been. It sounds to me like you're heading in the same direction and you don't want to waste your life with that. She's playing you, even if she's doing it subconsciously. If you're hanging out with her a lot and another girl was interested in you, she might not bother trying to hook up with you because she'd figure that you were with this girl, or that you were hung up on her. Most women / girls will respond to self confidence regardless of your appearance. I know some pretty hefty guys who get more *** than a toilet seat because they give off an air of confidence. I don't think that your relationship with this girl is going to do anything from your self confidence.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

10-20-2003, 09:21 PM
Ok, well today we went to target(as stupid as it sounds we made a really fun time out of it) And ya, she was taking my dirty jokes about her a little better than usual( saying thinkgs like "Only with you.") And ya, after a while she asked me "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" All cute and stuff, and I said ya, and all is well. My first girlfriend, this day will be marked down in my calender.

10-21-2003, 12:40 AM
want me to kill her?


haah im playin but for real homi F^ that girl who needs a ho whos gunna act like that n e way. I say hit it n quit it.

10-21-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by magking1971
You guys will learn to NEVER trust any female:p

Truer words have not been spoken on this forum. Everyone's gotta learn the hard way, unfortunatley.

10-21-2003, 01:31 AM
Don't waste your time on her. They say things then forget anything ever happened.

10-21-2003, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
Ok, she called me and said(before I told her anything) that she isn't going to have sex with anyone for a year at least, and when she does it will be with someone that she really cares about, she said that I inspired her to better herself because she dosen't want to be known as some skanky ho. Only thing that sucks is that I'm gonna almost be 18 in a year. So thats not too good...

Well, here's a tip: inspire her to hold off on sex till she gets married. I can't rattle off all the reasons why this is a better idea, but the number 1 is that statistically (and she better not say she's an exception), the VAST majority of people who did not have premarital sex had a MUCH happier marriage and a vastly more enjoyable sex life than with those who lost their virginity before marriage.

just a thought ;)

10-21-2003, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Flamebo

Truer words have not been spoken on this forum. Everyone's gotta learn the hard way, unfortunatley.

not exactly. don't trust them immediately. NEVER do that with ANYONE. However, if you've grown to know her, then if you know that you can trust her, then trust her.

Don't let a bunch of us ego-inflated guys tell YOU about how to deal with YOUR friend. YOU are the one who knows her, NOT us. We can say that you shouldn't trust her and that she's being shallow, but that's the cynical attitude in many of us who were betrayed by less-than-moral women. However, there are women out there who are virtuous and who you can trust. One of those women is the woman meant for you to be your wife someday.

Oh, and here's another tip: never date someone you could never see yourself possibly marrying. this'll help you determine the kind of girl you DO want to marry.

10-21-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass

Well, here's a tip: inspire her to hold off on sex till she gets married. I can't rattle off all the reasons why this is a better idea, but the number 1 is that statistically (and she better not say she's an exception), the VAST majority of people who did not have premarital sex had a MUCH happier marriage and a vastly more enjoyable sex life than with those who lost their virginity before marriage.

just a thought ;)

We have this little joke going, I said "What the hell would you do if you found out you were supposed to be the new virgin mary?" and she says, "Oh ****, I ****ed up... alot." So ya, too late, sorry:p But I did inspire her to "stop being a ho" She realized that she shouldn't just be putting out for any guy that walks along, she wants to only do it with guys who she really cares about. And we are pretty much as close as friends can get(mabe we will get even closer now that we are together), its weird, we've only known eachother scince like the beggining of the school year, but I'm closer to her than I've ever been with anyone else, and the great thing is she feels the same way about me. So ya, if I stay with her, looks like I'm gonna be a virgin for another year, but its all good. Gives me something to look forward to. :D

10-21-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass

Well, here's a tip: inspire her to hold off on sex till she gets married. I can't rattle off all the reasons why this is a better idea, but the number 1 is that statistically (and she better not say she's an exception), the VAST majority of people who did not have premarital sex had a MUCH happier marriage and a vastly more enjoyable sex life than with those who lost their virginity before marriage.

just a thought ;)

There are so many variables it would be intensely ignorant to say people are less happy because they didn't wait.

10-21-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Sir_Brass
statistically (and she better not say she's an exception), the VAST majority of people who did not have premarital sex had a MUCH happier marriage and a vastly more enjoyable sex life than with those who lost their virginity before marriage.
Yes, I have a reallyhard time believing that too. I would think having variety would be quite pleasureable.;)

I have read that those who wait till marriage have a lower divorce rate than those who do not. However, its most likely that those who do wait are more religious than those who don't, and are less open to divorce than others.

10-21-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
So ya, if I stay with her, looks like I'm gonna be a virgin for another year, but its all good. Gives me something to look forward to. :D

And yet your user name is "Large Throbbing Member"? :confused: LOL Maybe it should be Blue- nevermind...:p

10-21-2003, 11:24 PM
Lol, don't tell anyone but im cheating on her... with palmela haderson