View Full Version : Time to step up (new gun)

10-18-2003, 05:34 PM
Alright. I've played paintball for quite some time now. Over 3 years. but I bought my tippmann 98 Custom about a year and a half ago.
Throughout that time i bought a few upgrades
RT kit, Teardrop, Stickies, Drop Forward. Nothin Special.
And my friends started buyin impulses. I'm takin it a little more serious.

I learned how my blowback works and how to take it apart and put it back togather. Clean everything without any problems.

I think its time for a new gun. I'm not a big fan of my tippmann any more. its just not consistant enough. And the bolt sticks quite a bit, Although thats mostly user error.
And there just too big. I started playing speedball and I can't stay tight in a bunker.

Can someone please give me a suggestion as to what gun to buy. I know that it is personal preference mostly. But I'm just looking for a better gun. Smaller, Faster, More upgrades, nicer. Just please give me a few ideas of which guns to look into. And dont just say a Mag cuz its automags.org. I want some good suggestions.

I have up to around the 500 area. but i wouldn't really want to spend that much or much over. Under 500 is good.

I need some ideas before i make my decision.


10-18-2003, 05:35 PM
I didn't mean anything bad about mags.
I just said not to say Mag right away because its an automag site.

I'm sure they are pretty good guns.

10-18-2003, 05:49 PM
Maybe a cocker... bushy... some used electro in your price range.

10-18-2003, 06:14 PM
If you want to go new, I'd go with the Bushy, decent electric...

If you go used, I'd find maybe a 2k1 Timmy, maybe a used Impulse or an Angel LED...

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10-18-2003, 06:19 PM
with keeping under the 500 area, im sure you could find a bushy and get a nitro tank at the same time

10-18-2003, 08:11 PM
www.iisports.com has a pretty good deal on a bushy with nitro,pods,and some other cool thingymajigs and dodads pretty good tourney gun or speedball or rec or woodsball...

10-18-2003, 08:34 PM
The M98 was my first gun back in 99 I used it for about 2 years...and I had a ton of upgrades on it....about 500$ worth(including my nitro tank)

you need yo change your O-rings on your hammer...if its sticking a lot..oil..oil..oil

well anyway...I was on a team where everone had a mag of somekind....I left that team a long time ago...but I always loved on how relaible the mag was....They where as sturdy as my M98.

So when i decided i realy needed a new gun...i ended up geting a killer deal on Ebay for a minimag...I bought it for 330$ with a ton of upgrades and a very nice drop forward....and I gota say....I love my minimag to death...is extreamly reliable...and extreamly easy to maintain...

Pluse with the LVL10 and Xvalve...man thats a killer combonation...the lvl10 is one of the best things to come to paintball...

With a mag you have a problem free gun...as well as endless room for upgrades and style...I think electro is overrated....unless you get a realy high end gun($1000+) or a hybrid system....cuz if your batt dies or your board malfuntions your screwed...

but after all it all comes down to presonal prefrance.

10-19-2003, 07:14 AM
i aecond that skyboy. i say go for a mag. or step it up and get an emag( i know you only have 500. but u might be able to find a used one for that ammount.) if u get a mag, u get an electro and a mechanical. so its ur main gun and backup.