View Full Version : **skirts of AGD Pride and the Bling Bling Allstars win again - Splat-U-Later 5-man**

10-19-2003, 07:33 PM
Thats right AOers... chalk up another win for Airgun Designs...

the team:
Nate Parsell
Andy Hills (ah137)
John Gauss
Aly Klugow (flip-queen)
and myself... skirts

great day of playing... nice JT airball field...
the weather was great... my emag was shooting great all day long.

got a chance to see some other AOers there...

the reffing crew was great... the games were fun...

highlights and pics should be up tonight


10-19-2003, 07:40 PM
My personal favorite highlight...

I'm in the back spool, skirts is in the dorito in front of me.

Skirts asks me, "Aly, what's going on down the tapeline?"

I proceed to shoot him in the hopper, he gets pulled by the ref, and I move up into his position. Oops. I then shoot the guy in my new mirror (opposite dorito), and start walking-in up the tapeline.

Little did I know that the landmine in the back right spool moved up into the dorito to replace his fallen comrade. I'm 3 steps in front of my bunker, he puts a string towards me...I leap back 3 steps, trip over my feet and fall on my can behind my bunker. Didn't get hit...and gave Hills a chance to shoot the guy in the foot.

End case...Bling Bling wins the game w/ 4 players left, and our fifth (skirts) shot out by friendly fire...thanks to yours truly.

10-19-2003, 08:02 PM
Yeah this was a fun tournament! See you guys soon! There a ton of fun stories, I could tell a few but I guess you just had to be there.


P.S. Tom ace sucks! with black/yellow paint

edit pics not working

10-19-2003, 08:31 PM
hills, can you and gauss email me any pics you have?
at dsholms@mtu.edu

10-19-2003, 08:55 PM
So who exactly is Bling Bling Allstars!? I guess I have been out of the loop or something :confused:

10-19-2003, 08:58 PM
Congrats on the win! Looks like it was another great weekend for Michigan Tech Paintball.


10-19-2003, 09:12 PM
the bling bling allstars is a throw together team from michigan tech university... i have decided to make the most of my time while i am finishing up my last term of college so i have recruited some of my school mates to play some random paintball tournaments in the u.p. of michigan.

weve been having fun and it lets me keep up on playing when i cant make it all the way to chicago for practice with Pride.

the team is not a set group of people but it does consist of some of the best talent at michigan tech and in the upper penninsula...

shout out to flip-queen... who backed me well today (except when she was shooting me in the back)

10-19-2003, 10:03 PM
Good Job and Congrats Bling Bling.
The other guy,shoot the other guy Flip Queen.lol{been there done that} Patience Skirts she will learn.....

10-19-2003, 11:32 PM
Congrats Bling Bling Allstars, way to keep up the good name of AGD.

10-19-2003, 11:50 PM
Rock on guys (and gal). Keep it up.

10-20-2003, 07:24 AM
lots of pics to post as soon as the attachment problem is fixed..


10-20-2003, 09:40 AM
flip-queen's List of Really Lame Excuses For Shooting Skirts in the Back:

#1 - I was a lefty attempting to shoot rt-handed around the outside of the bunker.

#2 - I'm used to my classic RT w/ warp set-up, and had to use a buddy's cocker due to gun problems.

#3 - I wanted to steal Skirts' kills.

#4 - C'mon, what'dya expect to happen when you put a loaded weapon into a chic's hands.

#5 - It was vigilante justice...Skirts owes me money and I was taking it out of his a$$ instead. ;)

10-20-2003, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by flip-queen
flip-queen's List of Really Lame Excuses For Shooting Skirts in the Back:

#1 - I was a lefty attempting to shoot rt-handed around the outside of the bunker.

#2 - I'm used to my classic RT w/ warp set-up, and had to use a buddy's cocker due to gun problems.

#3 - I wanted to steal Skirts' kills.

#4 - C'mon, what'dya expect to happen when you put a loaded weapon into a chic's hands.

#5 - It was vigilante justice...Skirts owes me money and I was taking it out of his a$$ instead. ;)

LOL! Sweet! :p

Great job guys! Keep in going. Cya in 3 days. ;)

10-20-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by flip-queen
flip-queen's List of Really Lame Excuses For Shooting Skirts in the Back:
#1 - I was a lefty attempting to shoot rt-handed around the outside of the bunker.
#2 - I'm used to my classic RT w/ warp set-up, and had to use a buddy's cocker due to gun problems.
#3 - I wanted to steal Skirts' kills.
#4 - C'mon, what'dya expect to happen when you put a loaded weapon into a chic's hands.
#5 - It was vigilante justice...Skirts owes me money and I was taking it out of his a$$ instead. ;)

Or how about this.... its the only way ally can ligitly says she got six kills in one game in a 5 man tournament!!


10-20-2003, 12:37 PM
Well you only hit him once. When skirts shot me with friendly fire in a toury I had 7 hits on me.

10-20-2003, 12:57 PM
Congratz to you guys... I just wish we could have grabbed some more flag pulls... That killed us all day... And I have to say that Flip Queen was my only assignment I didnt take out all day... Shes a very good paintballer... And also your front man that was pulling flags all day(I think it was Gauss) was playing great... I am just glad my team beat Bling Bling even though we took 2nd by 35 points... lol its like my team is bound to second place... And my Emag was working great all day... Thanks to the nice nelson paint... lol I hate premium...

10-20-2003, 05:27 PM
So Bling Bling where are all of the pics already? J/K I know. Patience. Anyhow I emailed Spat-U-Later and they will let me know about the video that the kid was shooting. They pay him to tape the tourneys so whatever he charges is what it will cost us. Just thought I should let you guys know. Anyhow it was a pleasure to share the field with you eventhough you guys shoved me in the back all day. HaHaHa no I had a great time and good job guys and Aly

10-20-2003, 06:07 PM
lol ... "And I have to say that Flip Queen was my only assignment I didnt take out all day" ..well maybe he was the one giving himself assignments and that was the only one he assigned .. not trying to say you aren't good lordwhoopass but you really had a lot of good players on your team .. and i want to give props u and them ... tyler, marty, brian,taylor and me zach of team insolence
it was a fun tourney and the bling bilng crew did what they had to and played an awesome tourney ... and if ya get pics please e-mail em to bongbabyo2@yahoo.com .. thanx holla

10-20-2003, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the props Lord_Whoopass...although I'm not sure I deserve them since I did end up getting gogged, not once but twice on what ended up being a 2-on-1 with you guys. ;) Talk about leaning out into a string! Playing Rage in a Cage was one of the more fun, and definitely the most competitive, game of the tournament though. Nice job guys.

10-21-2003, 09:23 PM
"GET HIM OUT-A THERE" "YOU KNOW IT" lmfao. Congrats on the win bling bling. Maybe we'll get to play u guys(and gals) again. ;) Heres a pic of Rage getting ready for the break on bling bling http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/rageinacage/images/break.JPG

10-21-2003, 09:32 PM
damn i look like an outkast in the pic the only one with noone matching me .. but it happens .. and you better believe i got to say "get him out-a there" .. i hope to see the bling bling crew some other time with team insolence ..

10-21-2003, 10:51 PM
Hey skirts if you still cant attach the pics let me know cuz I can host them and link them in that way if you want me too... And I have to agree w/ flip queen that the game with us and bling bling was the most intense one all day... and actually was the only time I got out all day besides when I did a one for one bunker against a different team... And I have to give props to Zach (shockerfreak) for taking skirts out...

10-22-2003, 07:14 AM
Wow lord-whoopass that is almost as good as me. The only time I got shot out that day was when we played you guys. Only I didnt get out from bunkering. Somehow I took a shot to the hopper about midway through the game. That was the only time I was eliminated. Man I love hiding in the back.

10-22-2003, 11:16 PM
Hey! Pics of the Splat-U-Later 5-man Tourney are now up! Go to:


Enjoy! ;)