View Full Version : Questions for Paintballers who have Seasons

10-19-2003, 09:40 PM
Living on the coast of California, I don't really see much in the way of cold beyond 40? or heat beyond 80?. For the bulk of you who do have real seasons with that white stuff that is said to fall from the sky and heat that can soften asphalt (fairy tales if you ask me..) I have some questions:

1). How does do the seasons affect your overall play time? Do you play 3-4 times a month in the summer and 1-2 times in the winter? Beyond the obvious “when its pouring or a blizzard is in progress” do you play year round when you can or do you put the stuff away for the winter and hibernate till spring? Do you migrate to warmer climates?

2). Are paintball fields in general open during the snow/rain seasons or do they close up and become dormant/something else?

3). Does some other something change that I am oblivious to that affects your play habits?

Hey guys AO is always a great source of info and your comments are appreciated!

adam shannon
10-19-2003, 09:57 PM
we have indoor fields..most suck, but it beats not playing. some of the outdoor fields stay open also if your not afraid of snow and cold...i personally love playing in snow storms.

10-19-2003, 09:59 PM
Oh yeah and do you buy the special "cold weather" paint or when it comes down to it, regular paint stays ok as long as you don't leave it out too long?


Nick O time
10-19-2003, 10:04 PM
i have gone a couple times in the middle of Wisconsin winters and regular paint was just fine. the only time i had a problem was when all i had left were marbs. so i had to use those and i think everyone knows how fragile marbs already are. well lets just say more balls broke in my pods and hopper than on my opponents or in my gun(i love my LvL 10).

10-19-2003, 10:14 PM
All the fields here close for the winter :(

10-20-2003, 02:28 AM
All the fields close here to but i dont care i go snowboarding in the winter. But if i get the itch to paintball i olny have to drive 45min away :)

adam shannon
10-20-2003, 02:51 AM
the only outdoor field by me that ive played in winter is FPO, in the late fall till late spring they only sell polar ice. its thick shell...lots of bounces, but still breaks 50/50 especially since everybody is well bundled up also.

10-20-2003, 07:57 AM
Bah, we don't stop playing in Jersey. Its fun to play with snow on the ground. I dunno about all the fields, but I know Top Gun is open year-round.

You wear more clothes, and shoot Polar Ice, so you get a lot more bounces. People using Co2 tend to swear more. Thats about it.

Playing in ridiculous heat is way worse. 95 and up with extremely high humidity, those are the rough days. When you pull your mask off, and about a pint of hot sweat pours out down your jersey. Oh yeah. When your paint melts in your pods and hoppers, so the point where its like jello.

I'd take the cold anyday over playing in weather like that :)

Mr Pink
10-20-2003, 08:07 AM
Easy - in Summer, I get hot!
In Winter I get Cold:D

If it's raining, I get wet (and usually cold too;) )

In short - only a letter from my Bank Manager stops me playing!:D :D :D

10-20-2003, 08:57 AM
Most paint now uses decent fill so you don't have to have winter fill.

So far as playing here in vegas during the summer... we play nights and indoor...cool thing is though that most of the indoor feilds are open during the week which means I can play whenever I get the itch. :)