View Full Version : Help me find the right gun.

10-20-2003, 04:26 PM
Here's my situation: I dont have easy access to nitrogen and this is my biggest set back in picking out a new gun. I want a nice mid end gun. I'm gonna spend about $400-$500 on it. I have narrowed it down to two choices: building a mag, or a stock vision impulse.

If I build the mag, I will probaly use a ule body, intelliframe and a few other extras. I probably wont be able to afford a level 10 or any other major extras. I'm not that concerned with chopping anyways. I dont play in many tournies.

I could also get the vision imp.

I am haveing trouble deciding. If I get the imp, I will have speed and antichop. They also run very well off of co2. However I dont like the hieght of imps, and I dont know too much about them.

If I get the mag, it will probably cost just as much, if not more than the imp, since I want a ule body and intelliframe. It also doesnt run well on co2. I almost want to build the mag though, because I like the feel of a mag, and I know a lot about them (they'res not much to know though).

What do you guys think I should get? Any other setups that will run good off of an antisyphon co2? I have nitrogen but can't use it much. I dont want another cocker either. Too tempting to tinker with them, and I end up having problems doing it the morning before I play.

10-20-2003, 04:43 PM
Go with the impulse. Runs far better on Co2 than nitrogen, and on top of that its fast. With the mag, you wont ever be able to get the Xvalve if you plan on keeping co2. Definetily the impulse.

10-20-2003, 04:46 PM
I'd scrap the mag idea all together, and decide between an imp and a cocker. It's not worth building a 500 dollar mag that's gonna be handicapped by the fact that it has to run on co2. Mags are great, but if it aint got a retro valve I wont shoot it with a smile.

Personally i'd choose a cocker, just because I hate impulses with a passion. I despise the triggers, cheapness, and overall feel, and would take a nice cocker over one any day.

10-20-2003, 05:21 PM
I dont want another cocker. I just dont like having to mess with them. Mine always seems to be going down, and then I have to time it with a large margin of error. But when it's like that, I dont even want to shoot it.

So basically, I'm down to an imp or a mag. Unless anyone else can think of something that will run well off of co2.

I really dont like the feel of imps, but it does run better on co2. I can use nitrogen sometimes, like at tourneys or fields, but that's only once every couple or three months.

I'll look into how much my mag would cost to build and then see how much I could get a vision imp for. That might help. But go ahead and post your opinions. Thanks.

Mr. T!
10-20-2003, 05:25 PM
Get the imp.

if your worried about the height, get a low rise.

Imp= less problems on CO2 and no chopping

10-20-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Grayso
I dont want another cocker. I just dont like having to mess with them. Mine always seems to be going down, and then I have to time it with a large margin of error. But when it's like that, I dont even want to shoot it.

So basically, I'm down to an imp or a mag. Unless anyone else can think of something that will run well off of co2.

I really dont like the feel of imps, but it does run better on co2. I can use nitrogen sometimes, like at tourneys or fields, but that's only once every couple or three months.

I'll look into how much my mag would cost to build and then see how much I could get a vision imp for. That might help. But go ahead and post your opinions. Thanks. Moss is right, the mag isnt a good idea at all. I didnt give much thought to it, but im not on the side of a cocker. It would be your best bet, especially for rec ball. you say you dont like to mess with them, but thats just it, if you dont mess with it you wont have to later. I dont see why people always say cockers are a tinkerers gun, they dont have any more problems than most other guns.

10-20-2003, 05:43 PM
Yea, when I was a noobie I had a 99 RF cocker with all palmer pneumatics for over a year, timing next slipped at all. THing shot flawlessly for over a year, zero adjustments.

If you get it timed nice, or time it yourself once, tighten the 3 way collar, you won't have a problem. Imps are the worst, i hate em, dont get em. It's simply not cost effective to make a mag shoot nice on co2, with so many nice guns out there in the 300 range.

Get a cocker :) lol.

10-20-2003, 06:06 PM
I know how to time my cocker. I just dont like the feel of it now. When I time it the way I like it, it sucks and it slips too easily. I just cant get the pull the way I want it and still keep it shooting reliably.

I just dont want another cocker. I guess all that's left is that mag or the imp.

I hate the looks and feel of an imp. But I also dont want to handicap a nice mag by running it mostly on co2. Those are the only two guns I think I have left. Unless anyone can think of any other options I have.

10-20-2003, 07:13 PM
why cant you get nitro, to expensive to buy it or no where to fill it?

10-20-2003, 08:37 PM
I have a nitrogen tank, but the nearest place to get it filled is at least 45 minutes away. And I dont want to buy a scuba tank because that would make me have to settle for a lower end gun. I'd rather get a mid end gun that would run well on co2. So I'm trying to choose between and imp or a mag.

How well do the imps run without vision? Easy to chop? I'm not too worried about chopping every now and then. Just as long as my gun's not a blender.

10-20-2003, 08:51 PM
I'd go for a Palmer's Blazer if C02 is your dominant option.

10-20-2003, 08:54 PM
Hmmm... I've actually considered Blazers in the past. I've overlooked them though the last few days. I may need to look into one.