View Full Version : What kind of grip frame should I get

10-21-2003, 10:29 PM
I want to get a knew grip frame for my x-valved mag. I have a dye 2x trigger right now, but want something else. What do you guys think I should get and why.

Nick O time
10-21-2003, 11:21 PM
i would get a Y or a Z if you like to shoot in the position its made for people to shoot in. if you dont like that i would suggest an intelli. those are only if you want to stay mech. i personally love my hypermag. so i am gonna suggest a Hyperframe over all of them. the trigger pull on them cans be set so light and they have just enough return. they are beautiful i fall in love with it again after every time i play with it.:D kinda sad too, because i can never bring myself to sell the thing.

10-21-2003, 11:30 PM
how much would you sell the hyperframe for???:D lol. Yeah I was thinking about all that you have listed above. The hyperframe just look kind of cheaply made and is it really worth getting if you have an x-valve?

Nick O time
10-21-2003, 11:40 PM
i love my hyperframe to death the only problem is my safety kept falling out. but other than that it has never broken once. i have had it for about a year now and it hasnt broken once. mine has the old software but it can still keep up really easily. i would say its worth it to use it with an x valve because i have heard there is drop off if you use the hyperframe with a classic valve. if you use a ult trigger with the hyperframe you will save a ton of your battery life too i have heard (haven't tried it out yet though that is next on my list). you really have to use a hyperframe to appreciate it, as i said before i have thought about selling my hypermag and when i go to pick it up to remember what is all on it i fall in love with it again and can't bring myself to let it go. i actually like the trigger more than my brothers speed, but i only got to use my bros speed once before it got broken.

10-21-2003, 11:48 PM
just get an intelliframe

10-22-2003, 02:32 PM
intelli or Y ... my intelli made the biggest difference in my mag... never shot a y grip but have held a y gripped rt and it felt very comfortable...

10-24-2003, 04:33 PM
y grips now have intelli built into them so a y grip is just like an intelliframe exept its a 'Y' once of my freinds has a Y grip and once u get used to it ull love it. its also only 5 bux more at airgun.com

10-24-2003, 08:02 PM
i would go witht the Y, i really like the Z but i cant find one really anywhere, plus the intelli and Y are really the same except the Y is more comfy :D

10-24-2003, 09:04 PM
off topic but ive seen it alot... why all the hate on benchmark frames?

10-24-2003, 10:25 PM
the benchy frames have a very sloppy pull, and the pull is about two times longer than intelli, but they are easier to pull. anyways, i would buy a y frame, because they are soooooooo comfy, and then get a ult kit, for an extra soft pull.

10-25-2003, 01:19 AM
I had Benchmark frames for both my regular mag, and RT. I loved those frames. They felt great. You just have to learn to use the trigger. Dont let it take up any of the extra slack thats possible. Just hold the trigger right to the point of firing everytime, and it will shoot great.