View Full Version : What color to anno my mag (not powdercoat)?

10-22-2003, 01:26 PM
Im thinkin about annoing some parts on one of my Mags (a ReTromag, PF HL Chrome body). Im thinkin about doing the rail, gas-thru, 2x benchy, and sight rail. Its not selling like I want it to and I would like to try annoing it to see if it will sell better. Oh and I know this sounds like an advertisement for my gun with all the PF HL's and all but Im just tryin to get a good image of what its got now. May or may not include the sight rail, depending on what looks better. You probly dont need a pic, i mean just think about it for a while. Its comin with a SS back silver front Freak, and I dont really wanna anno any of the barrel for fear of messing up tolerances or something. Oh and I know the front is all I can anno, and if its already got big enough tolerances that annoing wouldnt hurt it then LMK.

Anyways, after my rambling,...

What color(s) should I color it?
Post pics of similar setups if you think they would look good, or you could just describe them.


PS- Im gonna be doing this on a home setup and havent done this before, so if you have any tips (other than "Dont!") please tell me. Its only my backup so if I screw the colors up so what. Ill definately practice some on scrap before I try. Thanks again, and post away!

10-22-2003, 04:06 PM
I didnt think you could.

10-22-2003, 04:14 PM
You can't anno the pf body.

Major Ho
10-22-2003, 04:19 PM
You cant anno stainless steel which is what the body is made of. If you get the ULE body, then anno away.

But I also wonder, the valves are made of steel and it is "hard annoed" to a dark or blackish color. But Im going to assume that process is a pain hence not hearing about it much

10-22-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by bertmcmahan
Im thinkin about annoing some parts on one of my Mags (a ReTromag, PF HL Chrome body). Im thinkin about doing the rail, gas-thru, 2x benchy, and sight rail.

He never said he was going to anno the stainless steel body, and also mentioned he knows he can't anno the ss freak back... Read the post thoroughly before you put your foot in your mouth. LOL...

Bert: do a search and specifically in the Dealers Forum. They had some good threads in there. Lots of chemicals and mess, so just be ready. Of course the recommendation would be to let a pro do it. Your freak front should be okay to anno, and would make the whole gun match better.

10-22-2003, 04:55 PM
Well since the body isn't anodizable and fade is out of the question, you could try two colors with barrel, foregrip and gripframe one color and the rail a different color, maybe the PF plug matching the rail and rubber grips matching the rail.
purple and gold (Hehe MN native here)
red and purple
green and blue

10-22-2003, 05:04 PM

Always green, everything green!

Happy happy green.

Green is good.

How about green?

I suggest green.

*Hexis goes off and fondles his Green Mags

Don't listen to MicroMiniMe, he likes Blue and Green. Blasphemy!

Oh BTW, about the Hard Anno on the valves. That's on ReTros, and only on the back half. That's alum, not SS. The front half is SS. Classic valves are all SS, and can not be annoed. The XVavles are mostly alum and can be annoed. Tho doing so on your own would void the warranty. At some point AGD will have colored XValves, and they will rule. Trust me, I know. :)

Creative Mayhem
10-22-2003, 05:30 PM

Purple everything!

I say purple.:D





10-22-2003, 06:32 PM
i saw this dudes pimped out yellow mag. oh man it was blingin

10-22-2003, 07:24 PM
Crap brown :D

10-22-2003, 08:20 PM
its doo doo brown get it right

10-22-2003, 09:02 PM
I actually love ugly colors...not sure why...

10-22-2003, 09:09 PM
I say you do a part red/part yellow anno theme. Like:


-Sight Rail

If you get a pic up, I can try to photochop it to look like that.

10-27-2003, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by GtB188
I say you do a part red/part yellow anno theme. Like:


-Sight Rail

like that although switch the yellow with black