View Full Version : Still needing some help with upgrade decisions

10-22-2003, 01:57 PM
I posted bfore bout my o-rings and fittings freezing up and was told to get HPA or an expansion chamber, reg., remote, and/or antisyphon. I dont have the money for the HPA right now, im gonna get an expansion chamber and would like to get a remote as well and pass on the antisyphon, my question is what is the best way to go as far as quality and price for expansion chamber and remote.

10-22-2003, 03:48 PM
Well way back when I used CO2 I ran with an ANS expansion chamber (Phase II) that worked very well. I don't know if ANS is still decent quality but its a thought.

As far as remotes are concerned, a coiled remote is superior to a steel braided one largely because of the increased surface area (i.e. there is more tubing that the gas goes through). This better allows for any liquid to vaporize and makes it easier on the expansion chamber. You *could* get away with a gas through fore grip if you ran a remote but an expansion chamber is still superior if you are running CO2. Of course, if and when you do go HPA you will have no use for the expansion chamber.

Remeber that CO2 is not inhernetly bad for the Mag, but the liquid that expands and freezes the o-rings is the problem, and that is really what you are trying to avoid.

10-22-2003, 03:56 PM
what is the cheapest website for paintball parts, or at least for most?

10-22-2003, 04:03 PM
I probably don't know where the best deals are but, PaintballWisard has come good prices vs. Action Village



I am sure there are others but $30-40 is not too bad for a remote.

10-22-2003, 04:11 PM
What kind of valve are you using? The classic is the only one capable of handling CO2. If you have an RT, its HPA only.

With the money you are thinking of investing on your CO2 system, I would recommend getting a cheap or used HPA tank. That would simplify the whole process. Also, all those CO2 parts are going to be useless once you go to HPA.

10-22-2003, 04:15 PM
very true... (should have thought of that Steel ;)

Youc an get a new cheap HPA tank for under $100 (around $60) and then you are set. No freezing and no extra stuff needed.

10-22-2003, 06:55 PM
yeah, ive just got the classic valve, and i think 80 or 90 is the most id want to spend. bout every place has a crossfire 47/3000 HPA for around 70, but i cant remember what all the prices were on ebay. Also, what do u mean by makin sure the hydro is good? I know a few of em said they had been hydrotested and were good to go or one i know said good for three years, but i dont know what that means. Like i said i never got into this stuff as much as id like to, cuz i love the game but never found the time or money. but if im gonna do this i wanna do it right. Also, as i have two co2 tanks already, thats why i was leaning toward that direction as oppose to the HPA, even though i know nitro is much better.

10-22-2003, 06:57 PM
one more thing, as a newbie to the nitro, should i go preset or adjustable, is there a large difference?

10-22-2003, 07:05 PM
Hydrotesting is a testing process that all high pressure cyclinders (like the ones on paintball guns). have to go through. Basically the tanks are sent off to a testing facility and pressurized up beyond what their typical opreation pressues to ensure that the tanks are in safe working condition and will not explode when in normal use. Most if not all HPA tanks these days are 5 year tanks, meanin that every 5 years, you need to have the tank sent off to be checked over. Some older tanks requered you to send them in every 3 years.

The same it true for CO2 tanks. You probably noticed that there is a date stamped onto your CO2 tanks and after 5 years you cannot get them filled anymore. Most people throw away old CO2 tanks and get new ones because they are so cheap but HPA tanks are more expensive and so most people have them checked out.

So if you go on eBay and think you have found a deal, you might confirm when the hydro date is and how long the tank has. Hydros cost arond $40 and that is a big difference in an eBay tank. Does not do you much good if you cannot use it.

10-22-2003, 07:25 PM
Preset is fine, although if you plan on getting a retro or x-valve an ajustable will allow you to ajust the reactivity.

10-23-2003, 09:50 AM
i ran remote w/ CO2 on my tippmann 98 back when i first started
the remote acts as a expansion chamber
but i'd definitely get a nitro tank
they have steel ones for cheap