View Full Version : the "credit card kids" story thread!

10-22-2003, 05:47 PM
ok...i know that theres a thread with one story in it already, but becuase we all hate this little ankle biters i figure we should have a big thread for horror stories! yay! so if you got'em post'em and please keep the non-story posting to a minimum.

10-22-2003, 05:52 PM
heres what albinonewt posted:
"I know this discussion has gone on a million times and I've never really minded the kids that play paintball with mommy's credit card until the other day. I was in the paintball store (out of stock on your cocker conversion Deadeye, I'm checking back this week) and there were a hoard of 12 year olds and their mom looking to buy paintball guns.

They all got their eyes fixed a yellow milled cocker with the oracle parts (at IAO the Worr guys were calling it the Custom Cocker, I don't know what they're calling it now). It was on sale for $1,300 and all the kids were begging their mom for it because they wanted the "yellow" one. One kid was allowed to get that so the other ones had to split up an 03' shocker, a Matrix, and one kid got a Spyder (shutter I think) because he liked the green. Then he got an E-mag too so he spent as much as the other kids (the E-Mag now being the only high end gun left on the rack).

They were racing around the store just grabbing this and that and when all was said and done their mom must have charged 7 or 8 grand on her credit card before heading out in her Lexus SUV.

The kids didn't even know what the guns were called. They had no idea what they were buying, they just knew to buy the expensive ones. I'm all for the sport growing and including all ages and all kinds of people, but they didn't know the name of their guns!"

10-22-2003, 05:54 PM
I dont really have a problem with 'credit card kids' and I wish everyone would just get over it. I mean, sure it stirrs alot of jealousy up, but honestly, its the parents money, if they want to spoil the hell out of their kids, let em do it. It's only hurting them in the long run (IE expecting everything to be handed over to them on a silver platter, and that just doesnt happen in the 'real' world)

10-22-2003, 06:00 PM
If I had an unlimited supply of money I would buy my kid everything I ever wanted! Notice I said "I ever wanted"?

10-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by personman
It's only hurting them in the long run (IE expecting everything to be handed over to them on a silver platter, and that just doesnt happen in the 'real' world)

Although I can't stand to see this happen, the sad part is that if these parents can afford to shell out 7K for "toys" for thier kids to get bored with, chances are that this will continue to happen for the rest of the children's lives. Think about it, if the parents have that much money, they will always treat their kids like that, and they will probably leave their money to their children to squandor when they pass away.

It still makes me mad and jealous. I have been working 55+ hours every week lately to be able to afford my setup.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
10-22-2003, 09:48 PM
with these "credit card kids" their attitude starts to change also. they start acting like spoiled brats and MUST get the best or else they start crying or get a tantrum.

and once they get what they want they want more of it.

on the field i see this small lil 10 or 11 year old with an angel speed and he just told me that x-mags suck. i asked him why. he said they chopped too much. i'm thinking in my head...i never chopped a ball in my x-mag ever in the months that i have had it.

i don't care if they got high end guns. i just hate it when these kids start acting up and think that they are superior than us because they have it all.

10-22-2003, 11:29 PM
omg thats sick man... thats just not right... not right at all

and these kids were all 12...? and didnt even know what they hell the guns were called? thats just dirty and pathetic :eek:

i may have 6 guns, but i work my arse off and paid for every single one of them, and every part that ever existed in my hands... thank god i have a job... otherwise i would be stuck with a spyder TL+ right now... :(

yeh, i am 14 too! i work at my local grocery store making $6 an hour... not bad for a freshman :cool:

but you should see the looks on kids faces when i go to woodsball courses of paintball daves here in milwaukee

q: whats that?
a: a micro e-mag
q: is it kinda like a spyder?
a: no
q: but where do you cock it?
a: you don't have to

when we're about to start the game and i test fire

q: is that full auto!?
a: no, here, tap the trigger
q: OMG thats amazing
a: yeh...

lmfao... i was a noob once... but now i could become an AGD certified tech... if they taught the courses anywhere near milwaukee :o

10-22-2003, 11:34 PM
yeah sneaky u shuld...then u'd be making the big bucks and wouldn't hafta trade guns away for other gun parts ;) :D

10-22-2003, 11:37 PM
lol, ask Potatoboy about this TWIB that is always coming into the shop with his mom in tow whining about how he NEEDS all this stuff for his next tournament that she's paying for...

then he talks back and yells at her, and she still buys him everything...


i wanted to smack the kid... i've seen it happen with my own eyes twice, and apparantly its a regular thing...


10-23-2003, 12:52 AM
I wish my parents did that for me. Lets see a viking here, X-mag there, Timmy in the corner with a Trix on top. Aaaaahhhh to dream once again :)

10-23-2003, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by personman
It's only hurting them in the long run (IE expecting everything to be handed over to them on a silver platter, and that just doesnt happen in the 'real' world)

totaly agree with you. they will always want everything handed to them and never know the power of earning anything.

Seems like the parents of today are letting their kids run their households and finances. they are too weak minded to show their kids they are the ruling authority. Of course everything has its limits Parents have to give out rewards as much as they give out punishments.

My parents never gave me anything i had to earn it all with chores and helping my dad when he worked on his truck. And IM 100% grateful for that. i can say "This MY house"(well actually appartment). "This my car" "this my gun" I Paid them with blood sweat and tears.

10-23-2003, 01:14 AM
As proud as I am of the stuff I bought, if my parents were to call me up and tell me they were buying me an X-mag, I wouldnt have a single problem with that.

10-23-2003, 01:23 AM
ugh... i hate those cocky, spoiled, credit card kids... I can't think of any stories from the top of my head though...

Anyway... I hate them... I hate them because MY PARENTS ARE FULLY OPPOSED TO PAINTBALL! I have to buy all my own gear, I have to find all my own rides. I've only gotten entry fee money once. I got lucky and got a ride to and from a field... ONCE. They argued against me buying a paintball gun... WITH MY OWN MONEY for nearly 2 years! TUNAMAN HAD TO GIVE ME A GUN. They still hate paintball but they gave up on stoping me. I'd spend half an hour arguments on being allowed to paintball.

I wish one of those credit card kids were in my shoes. Then they'd shut up fast. Yeah, I'm jealous of their position... It's just so unfair to me to see other kids younger than me getting whatever they want from their parents when I have to argue to get what I want.

10-23-2003, 03:43 AM
This weekend I worked the counter at the local field. I head a lot of kids talkig it up of wha they wer gonna buy in the winter season. One kid had his hart set on a LPR mod for his gun.

"Why do you need low pressure?" I asked him.

"Umm... It's cool?" and "I don't know." were the two main answers I got.

Ya know, I'm a fan of the "Bortex" mod to moderation, but come on. If yo don't knwo what good the bit you're buying can do, you shouln't have it!!! It's that simple!!!

Then again, I'm a fan of "Substance over Style", which puts me upstram swimming in this sport...

-Tyger (Sorry for typos, until futher notice I've got a splint on my lef wrist, I'm missing letters.... Don't ask, I may have broken myslef again...)

10-23-2003, 06:59 AM
Squid ahoy!

10-23-2003, 07:01 AM
It bothers me to see that, because the kids don't know about the guns at all, they just want them because they look good. Secondly it pisses me off to no end when a kid talks back to his/her parents.

I suppose it makes me a little jealous too, because as I type I'm sitting here at work making my own money to spend on stuff while I'm here in college. If those kids never work for anything, they will be worthless when it comes time for them to get a real job.

More parents need to subscribe to this philosophy (http://maddox.xmission.com/beat.html). Note it's just funny don't get all mad when you read it.

GA Devil
10-23-2003, 07:33 AM
Yeah we have a kid who plays where we do that we call gun of the week. Im at the store alot during the week talking with the manager, and this kid comes in every time with him mom in tow and credit card in hand. 4 or 5 weeks ago I started watching his purchases. Started this time with a speed angel, the following week he got a 2k3 shocker, traded that for 2 eblade cockers, got a vision impulse and now is waiting on another angel to come in. Yes all that in 4-5 weeks. But he is the same kid every sunday on the field mouching paint off people. Go figure.

10-23-2003, 02:31 PM
Quit hating!!! This is something I've noticed in the last few years, and I guess it's a cardinal sin nowadays to be wealthy. I just don't get why everyone disses on them, then turns around and uses government services that rich peoples taxes(around 40% of their income, kids) pay for. So next time see some kid getting a $1300 gun, thank his mom for supporting the industry which is in danger of collapsing. In a way, you're all buying into this nice gun thing as much as the little kids are, who the WARNING - NO CUSSING cares, as long as you can play better than them? Want nice gear? Shaddup and get a good education, that's what I'm doing, and I won't be able to play for a couple years because of it. Don't even start with the "these kids don't know the value of money" schpiel, they're not your kids, so mind your own business. SHUT UP AND PLAY.

10-23-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by GA Devil
Yeah we have a kid who plays where we do that we call gun of the week. Im at the store alot during the week talking with the manager, and this kid comes in every time with him mom in tow and credit card in hand. 4 or 5 weeks ago I started watching his purchases. Started this time with a speed angel, the following week he got a 2k3 shocker, traded that for 2 eblade cockers, got a vision impulse and now is waiting on another angel to come in. Yes all that in 4-5 weeks. But he is the same kid every sunday on the field mouching paint off people. Go figure.
Is that guy at GA PB 2.0?
I saw a kid with a black 2k3 shocker a week or two ago, could that have been him? He had black hair..
Anyway, whoever he is, I would like him to meet my ULEXY mag :D

10-23-2003, 05:39 PM
Dont hate the player hate the game. :cool:

10-23-2003, 06:47 PM
I really hate kids like that, I happen to go to The George Washington University if youve every heard te term "Jap" (not refering to asian kids) you prettymuch described the school. There was a kid my freshamn year who drove a BMW Z4, he even had his own parking space next to his dorm.

but anyways no matter how much you hate those kids think of this way. They buy alot of gear right? They have no idea what theyve bought, how to use or maintain it, right? Just cosy up to the rich guy and you can trade him stuff that looks pretty. I managed to trade a mostly stock cocker with an airbrushed design on it I did, for an eclipse impulse. And you can charge them for fixing their guns too. Dont think of them as spoiled kids, think of them as cash cows.

other than that I agree wit crashmaster, I wake up screaming when that dream ends.

10-23-2003, 06:53 PM

10-23-2003, 06:57 PM
thoes kids make me sick,,i had to work for everything i have ever had!

10-23-2003, 06:59 PM
what i hate most is that those kids always come in and get thee cocker..

everyone at the stores near me gets the flashy cockers just cause they flash you..


10-23-2003, 07:34 PM
Too bad you can't buy skill, right? Or can you? :op

GA Devil
10-23-2003, 08:40 PM
Yeah he was at 2.0 and yeah sounds like same kid...lol. And for the guy saying for me to get an education...been there done that.

10-23-2003, 08:52 PM
I HATE credit card kids. But, even worse are the ones who are not only rich spoiled brats that dont know the meaning of the word "earn", but are also stupid idiots that don't even want to learn what gun they should buy. I mean, c'mon now.

EDIT: And btw, for all those credit card kids out there who went for the flashy cocker, jokes on them, because they won't know how to fix it on the field, and better yet eventually their timing will slip and they won't know what happened, so theyll probably try to sell it on ebay for really cheap, at which point someone with little cash but who is in need ot a new tourny level gun can snatch it up and give it the care it needs :D

10-23-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
...40% of their income

I agree with you, but that 40% figure is the MARGINAL tax rate those people would pay. Rarely anyone pays a 40% average tax rate; big difference.

10-24-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by rdb123

Rarely anyone pays a 40% average tax rate; big difference.

Rarely anyone drives into the local paintball store and drops $6-7k on guns for kids that have no idea what they are. At least I hope its rare... I'm guessing anyone with that kind of disposable income is paying a high average tax rate. You seem to know the tax laws pretty well, how high of an income hits the 40% average?

No sKiLLz
10-24-2003, 01:47 PM
Single,Married filing jointly, or head of household: $307,051
Married filing separately: $153,526

No one is telling stories.

So a couple of years ago I'm walking along the edge of the fields at the SC arena's (lego field) and I see a kid, maybe 8-10 with a shiny red annoed Dark Angel. He's set up to go one on one with a kid packing a mech spyder. I see grandpa behind the nets cheering him on.

Game starts, kid with the angel takes back center stand up and doesn't move. Just peeks on both sides of the bunker. The kid with the spyder sees the kid not shooting, runs bunker to bunker, and just as he gets past the graveyard pops the angel kid in his gun arm. Angel kid drops the shiny new Dark Angel in the dirt and falls down crying. I looked at the grandpa without a mask, helpless to rush out to the field and rescue the Angel from the dirt. Couldn't stop laughing to myself.

For me, it's all about the attitude. Like Gibby's daughter Tati. She is a tough trooper who has a genuine interest for playing paintball. I have no problems seeing a little girl like her with a nice marker because she is out on the field taking hits with the big boys and she really wants to make a go of it.

What I have a problem with are the kids who lack any hint of character. Kids who have mommy and daddy whip out the credit card rather than figure out why their gun doesn't shoot as well as it should. We've all seen these kids. They are the trash talkers and punk-(explative deleted word rhymes with "bass") who swallow hype like it's a donkey show. Paintball is an expensive sport, so I don't fault kids for bringing a little financial muscle to the shop, but like anything out there, it's the ones who half- (explative deleted word rhymes with "bass") things that deserve no respect.

10-24-2003, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by 845
Dont hate the player hate the game.


Hate the playa AND the game

10-24-2003, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by schiesz

Rarely anyone drives into the local paintball store and drops $6-7k on guns for kids that have no idea what they are. At least I hope its rare... I'm guessing anyone with that kind of disposable income is paying a high average tax rate. You seem to know the tax laws pretty well, how high of an income hits the 40% average?

I don't know the exact statistics, but I must say that most people you hear running around saying "I'm being taxed 38%" isn't necessarily true.

Since the US Government operates on a progressive tax scale, you are taxed more for TAXABLE income. A few things that would be untaxable are stuff such as reimbursed moving expenses, child support payments, workers' compensation, etc. However, stuff like a company car must be converted to cash value and added onto taxable income for that year.

The progressive tax system that we have in place has a Marginal Tax Rate. A marginal tax rate is (change in tax rate)/(change in income). The confusion comes about when people in the 38.6% marginal tax rate bracket think they are paying 38.6% of their income. Average tax rate is defined as being (total income taken by IRS)/(year's total income).

In order to illustrate the difference between the average and marginal tax rates, we can look at this for an example: Social Security.

Most of us know that when we are presented with a paycheck, social security taxes are already taken from the paycheck. Now, Social Security tax is around 6.79% up to 86,000 dollars (might be 80,000, not fully sure).

Now, what if you have a yearly income of $150,000? Well, since only the first 86,000 dollars of it is social security taxable, you lose $5,834.40 to Social Security. But wait, you made an extra $64,000 dollars that was NOT taxable by social security. In reality, only 3.89% of your total income was taken by social security.

However, supposing you only make 70,000 dollars per year, 6.79% of that goes to IRS, or $4,753. In total, 6.79% is lost to Social Security.

In the end, Social Security is what is known as a Regressive tax--the marginal tax rate CAN be lower than the average tax rate. Social Security taxes take less of a burden on the higher-income workers. However, federal income tax is a progressive tax which means the marginal tax rate is usually higher than the average tax rate--placing a larger burden on the higher earning people.

Sorry for the long winded response to your question, but in short, almost no one is paying 38.6% of their total income to the IRS.

The only taxes that would come close to making a person pay this much would be corporate taxes. The only way someone would be taxed 38.6% is if they make their own one-man business a corporation; but that's beside the point.

I hope you were able to follow me, I was in a bit of a hurry to type this.


No sKiLLz
10-24-2003, 04:57 PM
Heaven forbid we get off the subject...

10-24-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz
Heaven forbid we get off the subject...

Haha, well he asked for it. ;)

I don't really mind those kinds of kids--they are just having their fun. Who are we to dictate that they are not allowed to have fun at all?

10-24-2003, 05:02 PM
Pointing at something shiney and whining and crying untill I get it isn't exactly my idea of fun. Although I hate to see that happen, I take more pride and have more fun with my things because I work hard to pay for them and am proud of them.

10-24-2003, 06:16 PM
I don't mind if a kid has a really nice gun and even if he sucks at playing as well. if he/she's having fun and loving the game, then I'm glad that that kid is playing. I can teach that kid a thing or two even if I have a whole lot more to learn myself. The kids who play to play, who enjoy the game because it's fun, I like those kids.

The kids I CAN'T stand are the ones who, sadly, happen to have mommy & daddy pay for everything, but I've seen kids just as bad or worse who aren't like that. It's the spoiled whiny attitude that I hate.

Last spring I had my (then) excellently working and shooting near-stock JT Excellerator 3.5 (till it started screwing up for no good reason when I got home for the summer, it was a surprisingly UBER excellent blowback gun. I really loved it) when one of the little kids who played with us asked me about my gun.

q: "So, what's that gun?"
a: "JT Excellerator three five"

q: "Oh, that sucks then. It's brass eagle, right?"
a: "Um, no. It doesn't suck. And this is JT. They make near midrange guns for BE now. And this gun is actually quite good for a blow back."
q: "oh, ic. I've got an autococker."

This is a kid who comes in every week and acts like he's the king of the world. Now, I wouldn't have a problem with him since he's young and has every right to act like he's cool, b/c he's a kid, he's naive by nature. let him have those few years till life smacks him around some. HOWEVER, this is the kid who would have on a fleece cammo sweater when we'd go play. I remember my flank man saw him in the brush during a game and lit him up. it went like this

"I see him, man. Watch my sides, I'll take this guy out."



*autococker chatter*


*autococker chatter*


"I hit you. You are OUT! *pop*pop*pop* You are OUT!"

It took him about 15 paintballs that all broke on this little joker for the kid to stop shooting back. The guy shooting him called himself out right after that, b/c he had taken hits by the little cheat, and had only stayed on to get the kid off the field. He shouldn't have been out, since the kid was out before he lit up my flank man. But my flankman was a good guy.

It's the kids with attitudes (they are also the ones who have no concept of sportsmanship and cheat when they can get away with it. this kid that I speak of only paused to wipe off the paint, then shot back) who tick me off. They are also the ones who often seem to spend mommy's & daddy's money. Whereas I worked 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in the hot HOT weather doing blue collar maintenance work for the County Water department to get my used PPS blazer (which is a WONDERFUL GUN) and some new gear.

If you EARN the right to get a new expensive gun (for kids who can't get jobs with enough bank, or can't be hired yet) or earn the money, then that new marker will mean MORE to you than it normally would and you will treat it like it is a treasure b/c you worked hard for it.

I LOVE my marker, because I worked hard for the money I used to buy it. Many hard 40 hour weeks went into buying my marker. And now that summer is over and I'm back at school, I have only the money I saved from work this summer to afford all I get now, that includes food, supplies, hair cuts, toiletries, etc. not to mention paint and air. Earning money like this would be a GREAT way for a kid to learn the value of the things you buy, and just how far a dollar won't get you.

Now, like I said, if the kid has a nice marker that mommy & daddy bought him, but he enjoys the game and is eager to learn from others how he can get better and truly enjoys playing, then mom and dad deserve thanks for raising their kid well (they probably told their kid that they'd get him the Angel, but that that would be the only marker he'd have until he saved up enough money on his own to buy another) and for getting him into our great sport.

hope I made sense here.

10-24-2003, 08:41 PM
man i wish i were those kids...

10-24-2003, 08:46 PM
i'll admit my parents bought my first gun($150) and my 2nd gun($500), but i payed them back within 2 months (during summer when i work at my dads shop, 10am-10pm every weekday). And when it comes to paint i'm out at my local field almost every weekend(year round, rain and snow) reffing, even the week before last on my B-day i was out there taking the welts and the common "ref abuse".

so do u think i earned my mag?

by the way i'm 15.

10-24-2003, 11:39 PM
hey...less chat more stories! i dont care if you disagree with what somebody says or if you payed for your stuff, this is a credit card kid STORY thread, so lest chit chat more stories.

10-24-2003, 11:44 PM
i know a certain someone :( who actually attempted credit card fraud many times.

he almost did it too. but those darn internet sites were too smart for him, yet had everything went through he would have been paintball rich [lots of skateboards too], but best of all he was 100% untraceable.

but trust me, he knows better now that he knows what the legalities of cc fraud are....

10-24-2003, 11:59 PM
When I'm a parent, my kids aren't getting jack squat from me, except food, shelter, and love. And I'm gonna whoop their arshe every time they talk back!

10-25-2003, 12:17 AM
id recommend one of these ;)

ehehehe www.mattswhippage.com for more info lol

and to make this post suitable for this thread, i find it ironic how my mom just activated her new credit card, and within the first week there was about 700$ of paintball stuff ordered on it :D


10-25-2003, 02:23 PM
I like the credit card kids. First I get to blow them off the field. Secondly they trade their guns for a fraction of what they are worth, so I get a good deal. God bless 'em.

10-25-2003, 07:13 PM
credit card kids are so funny tho because they have no clue what kind of gun they have

all they no is it cost alot of money so they well be realy good at pb

the greatest reward is when u play aganst tehm and you destroy them:D

10-25-2003, 07:16 PM
i know a certain someone who actually attempted credit card fraud many times.

thats not even what they are talking about :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and doesnt that someone kinda ring a bell :D

10-25-2003, 08:13 PM
GEEZ CANT YOU PEOPLE FOLLOW A FREAKING THREAD TOPIC!?!?! the thread is for STORIES not random comments or stupid crap, STORIES. if you dont have a story dont freaking post. geez.

50 cal
10-25-2003, 08:18 PM
Saw this little dweeb at a field in Mid Tenn, his Mom shows up with cc in hand, buys the little jerk a Dark Angel, all the add ons, all the crud he needs to walk on the field and play.
He plays about 2 games and becomes the most foul mouthed little butthead ever. Whenever he thinks he might have gotteen close to hitting someone he starts this little whiny scream about "I know you're out you SOB." When the person he thinks he hit doesn't leave, the words get a bit stronger.
The field owner calls the little tikes Mom to come get him. When she shows up, she starts ranting about how much she spent there and little Junior can do what he wants.
It was funny to watch the owner call the Sheriffs Dept to have her removed for trespassing.

Credit Card kids! Bah humbug!

10-25-2003, 08:36 PM
yea i do agree that these types of kids make me sick. however i think its alrite if ur parent buys your stuff if you earned it or something and if u take care of it and really do like it. my parents bought me my mag and i was so happy. i take care of it and treat it with much care. i maintain it and dont neglect it. i think its great if a parent wants to buy their kid a gun and their kid really does value it unlike the spoiled credit card kids.

10-25-2003, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by spyxtra

thats not even what they are talking about :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

and doesnt that someone kinda ring a bell :D

lol i realized what this thread was actually about AFTER i posted and had actually READ the thread lol

hey... i was close a few times during that little scheme ;)

EDIT: and for yeathatsme's sake, i think that 50 cal has the best story so far. id SO go up to that kid and tell him off, and maybe put a ball up his butt. :mad:

i think my cousin is a cck... he had 900$ for a moped, but then after playing pb with my and my brother, his mom let him spend 100% of it on paintball. so now his tippmann 98 has the edge kit, all sorts of goodies and stuff, and he just continues buying gear and crap...

10-25-2003, 10:55 PM
lol great thread some nice stories... i gues i am a credit card kid in a way but not fully... sometimes i get wat i want but i cnt get a job... im 13.. if i had a job my parents wuld tell me to f. off

10-25-2003, 10:56 PM
i still question why morons buy a $120 gun and spend $500+ on upgrades for the gun... :confused:

10-26-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
i still question why morons buy a $120 gun and spend $500+ on upgrades for the gun... :confused:

ignorance man...ignorance...or when you see a $120 gun with a $100 barrel (usually a boomstick or UL)..

10-26-2003, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
i still question why morons buy a $120 gun and spend $500+ on upgrades for the gun... :confused:

Hey I take that personally... it was all about doing that to spyders like 6 years ago :) haha

10-26-2003, 02:30 AM

10-26-2003, 06:16 AM
There was this kid at my field today who had been there before once or twice. He had a stock rebel before, and came up to the field today sporting a new Halo B, Stiffi, and Angel air. I am sure he made the $600 to pay for upgrades by raking leaves last week or something. :rolleyes:

Now for the best part, He bawled when his mom refused to buy him more than 3 cases of evil paint before she left.

Even better yet was the fact that he shot less than 1/2 case because he was usually the first or second one out.

10-26-2003, 07:34 AM
Those kids are lucky, but if they never work for somethings that won't be good for them in the future.

My friend always complains about how bad his stuff is and everything. So his mom gets tired of it and says she is going to order him whatever he wants and make sure its all top of the line stuff.

So he buys the Speed, eggy, Redz stuff, System x drop, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Spent 1500$ of stuff. Wasn't even a birthday or anything. Just a lucky day I guess.

10-26-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
GEEZ CANT YOU PEOPLE FOLLOW A FREAKING THREAD TOPIC!?!?! the thread is for STORIES not random comments or stupid crap, STORIES. if you dont have a story dont freaking post. geez.

You didnt have a story:rolleyes:

10-26-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme

There was a story about this 14 year old kid that couldn't calm down. He would post in a thead of stories to post just stories and not stupid crap but... that is all he posted... I dont want to read your comments either, I like this thread (not really). I think he was up after bedtime guys :) maybe he will be better after a little naptime.

10-26-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by mcdkid
i'll admit my parents bought my first gun($150) and my 2nd gun($500), but i payed them back within 2 months (during summer when i work at my dads shop, 10am-10pm every weekday). And when it comes to paint i'm out at my local field almost every weekend(year round, rain and snow) reffing, even the week before last on my B-day i was out there taking the welts and the common "ref abuse".

so do u think i earned my mag?

by the way i'm 15.

You more than earned that mag, man. :)

10-26-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by BuNkErEd89
yea i do agree that these types of kids make me sick. however i think its alrite if ur parent buys your stuff if you earned it or something and if u take care of it and really do like it. my parents bought me my mag and i was so happy. i take care of it and treat it with much care. i maintain it and dont neglect it. i think its great if a parent wants to buy their kid a gun and their kid really does value it unlike the spoiled credit card kids.

I couldn't agree more. B/c if the kid takes care of it and all that stuff you just said, then it's money well spent and the kid is learning responsibility as well as sportsmanship, all the while having the time of his life.

I know that whenever I have kids, that I'll buy them their first paintball guns, but I sure as heck won't buy them friggin expensive rigs. I'll let them play with me using MY guns to see if they like playing. Then I'll probably buy them something like RT Mags (after showing them how to shoot a mag without short stroking) or slightly upgraded tippmans. They won't get crummy gear, but they'll get gear that they need to play at their level and doesn't bankrupt me as well. Me, well, by then I expect I'll have already gotten a center feed blazer (my blazer is right feed) and maybe an emag or xmag. I'll run with those, naturally :D.

But if my kids ever start acting spoiled and badly behaved on the paintball field, and I have to come to pick them up, then I'll THANK the owner for calling me, grab my kids by the ears and ground them till they're 80 :p. Plus, they won't get to play paintball till they learn the meaning of sportsmanship ;). That's IF they misbehave (hopefully I can put the fear of God in them so that they'll be more afraid of NOT being good sportsmen than being afraid of losing. The best deterent is to let them know what'll happen if they do misbehave ;)).